Der oldthing Marktplatz bietet eine große Auswahl in der Rubrik USA UNSORTIERT

3.412 Artikel gefunden


Subway Entrances on Boston Common gl1901 204.420

Subway Entrances on Boston Common gl1901 204.420

6,99 €
Chicago The Chicago Temple gl1929 204.222

Chicago The Chicago Temple gl1929 204.222

5,99 €
York, Maine Old Jail gl1902 204.450

York, Maine Old Jail gl1902 204.450

5,99 €
St. Louis Palace of Transportation gl1905 204.110

St. Louis Palace of Transportation gl1905 204.110

17,99 €
Clinton Mass. Veterans Memorial C.Park gl1936 25.098

Clinton Mass. Veterans Memorial C.Park gl1936 25.098

6,99 €
New York Broad Street and Stock Exchange ngl 204.591

New York Broad Street and Stock Exchange ngl 204.591

6,99 €
Niagara N.Y. Bridge to Goat Island ngl 204.374

Niagara N.Y. Bridge to Goat Island ngl 204.374

5,99 €
Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins Hospital gl1907 204.144

Baltimore, Md. Johns Hopkins Hospital gl1907 204.144

7,99 €
New York Manhattan+Brooklyn Bridge Skyline ngl 204.373

New York Manhattan+Brooklyn Bridge Skyline ngl 204.373

5,99 €
Greetings from Beach Haven, N.J. gl2002 C0451

Greetings from Beach Haven, N.J. gl2002 C0451

5,99 €
Chicago Masonic Temple gl1914 204.122

Chicago Masonic Temple gl1914 204.122

7,99 €
The Santa Barbara Mission and Grounds gl1923 204.090

The Santa Barbara Mission and Grounds gl1923 204.090

5,99 €
New York N.J. New Municipal Building gl1925 B9905

New York N.J. New Municipal Building gl1925 B9905

5,99 €
Greetings from Beach Haven, N.J. gl1997 C0452

Greetings from Beach Haven, N.J. gl1997 C0452

5,99 €
South Bend, Ind. J.M.S. Building gl1914 204.086

South Bend, Ind. J.M.S. Building gl1914 204.086

6,99 €
Greetings from New Mexico gl1952 B9903

Greetings from New Mexico gl1952 B9903

5,99 €
Syracuse, N.Y. First Baptist Church ngl 204.142

Syracuse, N.Y. First Baptist Church ngl 204.142

7,99 €
New York City Manhattan Skyline gl1989 28.149

New York City Manhattan Skyline gl1989 28.149

5,99 €
Crystal Beach Lake Bomoseen VT. gl1936 25.099

Crystal Beach Lake Bomoseen VT. gl1936 25.099

6,99 €
Boston King's Chapel gl1902 204.367

Boston King's Chapel gl1902 204.367

5,99 €
Providence/R.I. Mall Biltmore Hotel gl1932 204.091

Providence/R.I. Mall Biltmore Hotel gl1932 204.091

5,99 €
Boston, North or Union Station gl1902 204.376

Boston, North or Union Station gl1902 204.376

5,99 €
Lawrence, Mass. Panorama gl1914 204.111

Lawrence, Mass. Panorama gl1914 204.111

7,99 €
St. Louis, Mo. High School gl1909 204.411

St. Louis, Mo. High School gl1909 204.411

5,99 €
Philadelphia, Pa. Broad Street Station Bldg ngl 204.505

Philadelphia, Pa. Broad Street Station Bldg ngl 204.505

6,99 €
Chicago Auditorium + Annex, Michigan Ave gl1903 204.117

Chicago Auditorium + Annex, Michigan Ave gl1903 204.117

5,99 €
San Diego Beach from point Loma gl1992 C0598

San Diego Beach from point Loma gl1992 C0598

5,99 €
Florida Waterways ngl C2530

Florida Waterways ngl C2530

5,99 €
Sacramento, California Capitol Building gl1919 204.502

Sacramento, California Capitol Building gl1919 204.502

5,99 €
State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA. ngl 25.096

State Capitol, Harrisburg, PA. ngl 25.096

6,99 €
Allentown, Pa. Mulhenburg College gl1944 204.293

Allentown, Pa. Mulhenburg College gl1944 204.293

5,99 €
St. Louis Anheuser-Busch Brew House ngl 204.530

St. Louis Anheuser-Busch Brew House ngl 204.530

12,99 €
Clinton, Mass. Town Hall gl1936 204.513

Clinton, Mass. Town Hall gl1936 204.513

6,99 €
New York Flat Iron Building ngl 204.301

New York Flat Iron Building ngl 204.301

6,99 €
New York City Hall Park and Buildings ngl 204.302

New York City Hall Park and Buildings ngl 204.302

6,99 €
Am.Falls Terrafin Point from Coat Isle gl1936 25.101

Am.Falls Terrafin Point from Coat Isle gl1936 25.101

6,99 €
Philadelphia Penns. Franklin Institute gl1976 C0600

Philadelphia Penns. Franklin Institute gl1976 C0600

5,99 €
New Jersey Blair Hall gl1921 204.372

New Jersey Blair Hall gl1921 204.372

5,99 €
Highway 99 The Grapevine ngl 204.475

Highway 99 The Grapevine ngl 204.475

5,99 €
New York City Chrysler Building ngl 204.303

New York City Chrysler Building ngl 204.303

5,99 €
St. Louis, Mo. Eads Bridge gl1937 204.428

St. Louis, Mo. Eads Bridge gl1937 204.428

6,99 €
San Diego, Ca. Shelter Island gl1968 204.489

San Diego, Ca. Shelter Island gl1968 204.489

5,99 €
South Bend St. Mary's Academy gl1913 204.092

South Bend St. Mary's Academy gl1913 204.092

7,99 €
Minneapolis, Minn. West Hotel gl1913 204.105

Minneapolis, Minn. West Hotel gl1913 204.105

7,99 €
Syracuse, N.Y. Water Street gl1915 204.104

Syracuse, N.Y. Water Street gl1915 204.104

7,99 €
Delaware Reservoir Flood Control Dam gl1977 C0602

Delaware Reservoir Flood Control Dam gl1977 C0602

5,99 €
Chikago Harbor and Skyline gl1970 C0603

Chikago Harbor and Skyline gl1970 C0603

5,99 €
Minneapolis City Hall and Court House gl1912 204.479

Minneapolis City Hall and Court House gl1912 204.479

7,99 €