Seitenaufrufe: 4
oldthing-Nummer: 48769742
| Lagernummer: 1940365365

MiNo.3658C 4er EOR RDG Thailand
Opr.; (4x5); A = perf. K 14:14 1/2; C = perf. 13 1/4; D = perf. K 14 1/2:14; E = perf. K 14 1/2:14 1/4
Stamp, date of issue: 15.12.2017
Picture descriptions:
ewl) Traditional open pavilion (Sala)
3658 C9 B yellow / blackish reddish yellow ewl
Quantity: 500,000 pieces
Designer: Mr. Thaneth Ponchaiwong (Thailand Post)
Printing: Chan Wanich Security Printing, Bangkok
Conservation status:
Here as a "MINT NEVER HINGED (MNH)" single stamp or as in the title, the article picture and / or article number described as a pair, Block of 4 with and / or without edge, as Block of 4 with imprintonedge and / or perforated or not perforated. Decisive for the delivery is the article title, the article picture or the article number!
Issue Notice:

The 1st print issue was made by Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the pictogram of the printertop leftand 1 x SALAon the left edge of the sheetmargin.
The 2nd print issue was made by Chan Wanich Security Printing and can be recognized by the pictogram of the printeron the top left and 2 x SALAon the left edge of the sheet margin.
The 3rd print issue was made by Australia Post, Sprintpak and has a color pointinstead of the pictogram of the printer upper left and 3 xSALAon the left edge of the sheet margin.
The 4th print issue was made by Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the pictogram of the printertop leftand 4 x SALAon the left edge of the sheetmargin.
The 5th print issue was made by Thai British Security Printing and can be recognized by the pictogram of the printertop leftand 5 x SALAon the left edge of the sheetmargin.
In addition, all print´s differ due to the perforation "A","C", "D"and "E", slight color differences in colorand the type of font in the Sheet Digit Numbers.
The stamp sheets are also to be recognized by the impression of the printer below the stamps´s 17 and 18.
Unlike the last series of definitive stamps, no abnormalities in counting numbers, etc. are currently known.


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