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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Tuttle, Richard: Two chairs, two benches and a table.

Tuttle, Richard: Two chairs, two benches and a table.

40,00 €
The Artist Publisher. A Survey by Coracle Press.

The Artist Publisher. A Survey by Coracle Press.

50,00 €
Strelow, Hans (Red.): Prospect 68. Katalog-Zeitung zur Internationalen Vorschau auf die Kunst in den Galerien der Avantgarde.

Strelow, Hans (Red.): Prospect 68. Katalog Zeitung zur Internationalen Vorschau auf die Kunst in..

290,00 €
Rebeyrolle. La pluie et le beau temps.

Rebeyrolle. La pluie et le beau temps.

35,00 €
Piero Dorazio. Paintings and Collages 1971-1972.

Piero Dorazio. Paintings and Collages 1971-1972.

10,00 €
Paul Klee 1879-1940.

Paul Klee 1879-1940.

20,00 €
Jasper Johns. Drawings.

Jasper Johns. Drawings.

30,00 €
Hammergreen. New Paintings by Georg Baselitz.

Hammergreen. New Paintings by Georg Baselitz.

20,00 €
Dieter Hacker. Paintings and Works on Paper. First London Exhibition.

Dieter Hacker. Paintings and Works on Paper. First London Exhibition.

20,00 €
Clark, Kenneth: Henry Moore. Drawings.

Clark, Kenneth: Henry Moore. Drawings.

35,00 €
Lynn Chadwick: Recent sculpture. January 1974. Catalogue N°. 334.

Lynn Chadwick: Recent sculpture. January 1974. Catalogue N°. 334.

14,00 €
Wilde, Johannes: Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum. Michelangelo and his Studio.

Wilde, Johannes: Italian Drawings in the Department of Prints and Drawings in the British Museum..

70,00 €
Schapelhouman, Marijn and Peter Schatborn: Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth Century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Artists born between 1580 and 1600.

Schapelhouman, Marijn and Peter Schatborn: Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth Century in the..

110,00 €
Popham, A. E. and Johannes Wilde: The Italian Drawings of the XV and XVI Centuries in the Collection of His Majesty the King at Windsor Castle.

Popham, A. E. and Johannes Wilde: The Italian Drawings of the XV and XVI Centuries in the..

60,00 €
Mayhew, Edgar de N: Sketches by Thornhill in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

Mayhew, Edgar de N: Sketches by Thornhill in the Victoria and Albert Museum.

25,00 €
Browse, Lillian (Hrsg.): Augustus John. Drawings.

Browse, Lillian (Hrsg.): Augustus John. Drawings.

25,00 €
Morris, William: Ein paar Winke über das Musterzeichnen.

Morris, William: Ein paar Winke über das Musterzeichnen.

50,00 €
Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood by William Morris. [ One of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant

Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne Jones..

1.200,00 €
Lynch, Bohun: A History of Caricature.

Lynch, Bohun: A History of Caricature.

40,00 €
Kirke, Henry: The first english Conquest of Canada. With some account of, The Earliest Settlements in Nova Scotia and Newfondland.

Kirke, Henry: The first english Conquest of Canada. With some account of, The Earliest Settlements..

180,00 €
Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300 nummerierten und vom Autor signierten Exemplaren.

Crane, Walter: The First of May. A Fairy Masque. Presented in a Series of 52 Designs. Eines von 300..

300,00 €
Biggs, John R: Illustration and Reproduction.

Biggs, John R: Illustration and Reproduction.

40,00 €
Strong, Roy: The Renaissance Garden in England.

Strong, Roy: The Renaissance Garden in England.

25,00 €
Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History from the Renaissance to the Present Day.

Mosser, Monique and Georges Teyssot (Ed.): The Architecture of Western Gardens. A Design History..

60,00 €
Leyland, John and H. Avray Tipping (Ed.): Gardens Old and New. The country house & its garden enviremont. (The Country Life Library). 3 volumes.

Leyland, John and H. Avray Tipping (Ed.): Gardens Old and New. The country house & its garden..

750,00 €
Jekyll, Gertrude and Christopher Hussey: Garden Ornament.

Jekyll, Gertrude and Christopher Hussey: Garden Ornament.

600,00 €
Brown, Jane: The Art and Architecture of English Gardens. Designs for the garden from the collection of The Royal Institute of British Architects 1609 to the present day.

Brown, Jane: The Art and Architecture of English Gardens. Designs for the garden from the..

35,00 €
Missingham, Hal: A Student`s Guide in Commercial Art.

Missingham, Hal: A Student`s Guide in Commercial Art.

30,00 €
The Best of European Advertising and Design produced in 1992. Honoured by the Jury of Eurobest 92.

The Best of European Advertising and Design produced in 1992. Honoured by the Jury of Eurobest 92.

32,50 €
D&AD 31.

D&AD 31.

50,00 €
Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

Cohen, Stephen: The Unappreciated Dhurrie. A Study of the Traditional Flatwoven Carpets of India.

25,00 €
Black, David and Clive Loveless: Rugs of the Wandering Baluchi.

Black, David and Clive Loveless: Rugs of the Wandering Baluchi.

65,00 €
Hinckley, F. Lewis: The More Significant Georgian Furniture.

Hinckley, F. Lewis: The More Significant Georgian Furniture.

25,00 €
Towner, Donald: Creamware.

Towner, Donald: Creamware.

30,00 €
Medley, Margaret: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London. (The World`s Great Collections Oriental Ceramics, Vol. 6). Introduction and Selection and Notes by Margret Medley.

Medley, Margaret: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art, London. (The World`s Great Collections..

300,00 €
Mankowitz, Wolf: Wedgwood.

Mankowitz, Wolf: Wedgwood.

30,00 €
Kakiemon Porcelain from the Collection of Mrs. Cornelia Wingfield Digby and the late George Wingfield Digby.

Kakiemon Porcelain from the Collection of Mrs. Cornelia Wingfield Digby and the late George..

20,00 €
Jenyns, Soame: Later Chinese Porcelain. The Ch`ing Dynasty (1644-1912).

Jenyns, Soame: Later Chinese Porcelain. The Ch`ing Dynasty (1644-1912).

40,00 €
Dixon, J. L: English Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century.

Dixon, J. L: English Porcelain of the Eighteenth Century.

16,00 €
Oman, Charles: The Golden Age of Hispanic Silver 1400-1665.

Oman, Charles: The Golden Age of Hispanic Silver 1400-1665.

90,00 €
Burt, Ben: Aborigines. Museum of Mankind. Discovering other Cultures.

Burt, Ben: Aborigines. Museum of Mankind. Discovering other Cultures.

29,00 €
The Hamilton Palace Collection. Illustrated priced Catalogue.

The Hamilton Palace Collection. Illustrated priced Catalogue.

160,00 €
The Trial of German Major War Criminals. Proceedings of the international Military Tribunal sitting at Nuremberg Germany. Part I. 20th November, 1945 to 1st December, 1945. Taken from the official Transcript.

The Trial of German Major War Criminals. Proceedings of the international Military Tribunal sitting..

50,00 €
The Beauties of the British Senate: Taken from the Debates of the Lords and Commons, from the Beginning of the Administration of Sir Robert Walpole, to the End of the Second Session of the Administration of the Right Hon. William Pitt: Being an impartial

The Beauties of the British Senate: Taken from the Debates of the Lords and Commons, from the..

400,00 €
Neumann, Sigmund: Die deutschen Parteien. Wesen und Wandel nach dem Kriege.

Neumann, Sigmund: Die deutschen Parteien. Wesen und Wandel nach dem Kriege.

180,00 €
Marryat, [Frederick]: The Pirate, and The Three Cutters. By Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with twenty splendid engraves from drawings by Clarkson Stanfield.

Marryat, [Frederick]: The Pirate, and The Three Cutters. By Captain Marryat, R.N. Illustrated with..

220,00 €
Karp, Ivan, Christine Mullen Kreamer and Steven D. Lavine (Ed.): Museums and Communities. The Politics of Public Culture.

Karp, Ivan, Christine Mullen Kreamer and Steven D. Lavine (Ed.): Museums and Communities. The..

30,00 €
Hodder, Ian: Theory and Practice in Archeology. (Material Cultures).

Hodder, Ian: Theory and Practice in Archeology. (Material Cultures).

25,00 €


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