Schapelhouman, Marijn and Peter Schatborn: Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth Century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Artists born between 1580 and 1600.
Ein Angebot in Bücher & ZeitschriftenKunst: Malerei - 334 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie
Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum / London, Merrell Holberton 1998, 2 Bde. Mit sehr zahlr. tlw. farb. Abbildungen. VII, 248; 256 S. 4to. OPp. mit OU. in Pp.-Schuber.
Text- und Tafelband. - "This highly informative and scholarly catalogue in two volumes provides a valuable contribution to the study of Dutch art of the period. Every drawing catalogued in the first volume is illustrated in the second volume. There are also X-ray photographs of watermarks" (Klappentext). - Sehr guter Zustand.
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Details zum Artikel
Autor:Schapelhouman, Marijn and Peter Schatborn
Titel:Dutch Drawings of the Seventeenth Century in the Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam. Artists born between 1580 and 1600