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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Rash, Felicity J: French and Italian lexical influences in German-speaking Switzerland (1550-1650).

Rash, Felicity J: French and Italian lexical influences in German-speaking Switzerland (1550-1650).

13,00 €
The Rhetoric of Fiction. Second Edition.

The Rhetoric of Fiction. Second Edition.

4,50 €
The Hotel New Hampshire.

The Hotel New Hampshire.

4,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 36,  Old World Primates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 36, Old World Primates.

41,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 32,  Ungulates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 32, Ungulates.

22,00 €
Adburgham, Alison (Introduction) - A.W. Gamage Ltd of Holborn: Gamage´s Christmas Bazaar 1913 - being a facsimile reprint of the 1913 Christmas catalogue of A.W. Gamage Ltd of Holborn, London with some pages from the 1911 General Catalogue.

Adburgham, Alison (Introduction) A.W. Gamage Ltd of Holborn: Gamage´s Christmas Bazaar 1913..

47,00 €
Herrmann-Neisse, Max Exil-Literatur - Letzte Gedichte 1941 Belletristik

Herrmann-Neisse, Max Exil-Literatur - Letzte Gedichte 1941 Belletristik

160,00 €
Rogers Italy. A Poem. 1830 Einbandkunst Handeinband Erstausgabe Gedichte sf

Rogers Italy. A Poem. 1830 Einbandkunst Handeinband Erstausgabe Gedichte sf

355,00 €
Clinebell, Howard: Ecotherapy - Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth.

Clinebell, Howard: Ecotherapy - Healing Ourselves, Healing the Earth.

19,00 €
Rosenbaum, Robert A: Introduction to projective geometry and modern algebra
 Reading (Massachusetts) - Palo Alto - London, Addison-Wesley Publishing, (1963).

Rosenbaum, Robert A: Introduction to projective geometry and modern algebra Reading..

27,00 €
Nikulin, Viacheslav V.; Shafarevich, Igor R: Geometries and Groups. Translated from the Russian by M. Reid. With 159 Figures. [= Universitext]
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris - Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, (1987).

Nikulin, Viacheslav V.; Shafarevich, Igor R: Geometries and Groups. Translated from the Russian by..

24,00 €
Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

17,00 €
Pride and Prejudice. Simplified by Evely Attwood.

Pride and Prejudice. Simplified by Evely Attwood.

6,00 €
Fremdenführer durch London. Herausgegeben von London Transport [mit separatem Stadtplan und abgedrucktem U-Bahn-Plan].

Fremdenführer durch London. Herausgegeben von London Transport [mit separatem Stadtplan und..

15,00 €
The Teaching of Oral English.

The Teaching of Oral English.

9,50 €
Bunzl, Matti: Symptoms of Modernity. Jews and Queers in late-twentieth-century Vienna. [1st printing]
 Berkeley - Los Angeles - London, University of California Press, 2004.

Bunzl, Matti: Symptoms of Modernity. Jews and Queers in late twentieth century Vienna. [1st..

13,00 €
Dyer, Richard: The Culture of Queers. First published
 London - New York, Routledge, 2002.

Dyer, Richard: The Culture of Queers. First published London - New York, Routledge, 2002.

16,00 €
Emerson Essays.

Emerson Essays.

4,00 €
Anonym [ J. Eliz ?]: The Arms of the Bishopricks, Citys and Deanries with a short account of Bishopricks and Deanries, & the number of Parishes in each. With an alphabetical Table of all the Cities and Market Towns in England and Wales.

Anonym [ J. Eliz ?]: The Arms of the Bishopricks, Citys and Deanries with a short account of..

490,00 €
Lane, Edward William: Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians.

Lane, Edward William: Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians.

8,00 €
Popper, Karl R: The logic of scientific discovery.

Popper, Karl R: The logic of scientific discovery.

8,00 €
Broughton, Simon / Ellingham, Mark / Trillo, Richard: World Music. Volume 1: Africa, Europe and the Middle East + Volume 2: Latin and North America, Caribbean, India, Asia and Pacific. An A-Z of the Music, Musicians and Discs (Broughton, Ellingham with Ja

Broughton, Simon / Ellingham, Mark / Trillo, Richard: World Music. Volume 1: Africa, Europe and the..

9,90 €
GEO Epoche Nr. 74/2015: Das Britische Empire, 2015, Michael Schaper, G + J

GEO Epoche Nr. 74/2015: Das Britische Empire, 2015, Michael Schaper, G + J

9,67 €
Buch: Bente Stokke - Project 1982-2012, Kerber Verlag, 2012, gebraucht, sehr gut

Buch: Bente Stokke - Project 1982-2012, Kerber Verlag, 2012, gebraucht, sehr gut

80,24 €
The Wind in the Willows

The Wind in the Willows

18,00 €
The Water Babies

The Water Babies

15,00 €
The together cookbook

The together cookbook

7,00 €


49,00 €
Meiklejohn - A Short History of England 2000 BC to AD 1957

Meiklejohn - A Short History of England 2000 BC to AD 1957

10,00 €
Eine durchsichtige Schildkröte steigt zu den Sternen auf - Hypnose, Reinkarnationstherapie, Biodynamische Psychologie I

Eine durchsichtige Schildkröte steigt zu den Sternen auf Hypnose, Reinkarnationstherapie..

48,00 €
Diary of the Sinai Campain 1956 Major-General Moshe Dayan

Diary of the Sinai Campain 1956 Major-General Moshe Dayan

25,00 €
Salvator Satire di Salvator Rosa 1787 lateinisch Belletristik Unterhaltung sf

Salvator Satire di Salvator Rosa 1787 lateinisch Belletristik Unterhaltung sf

80,00 €
Wright, G. N. 1829 Ireland Illustrated. am

Wright, G. N. 1829 Ireland Illustrated. am

200,00 €
22 Zeichnungen von Phiz zu The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer by Lever 1839 js

22 Zeichnungen von Phiz zu The Confessions of Harry Lorrequer by Lever 1839 js

32,50 €
Harrison The Tongue of Time or The Language of a Church Clock 1844 3.Aufl.  js

Harrison The Tongue of Time or The Language of a Church Clock 1844 3.Aufl. js

60,00 €
Elliot Views in the East India,Canton and The Shores of the red Sea Vol.I 1833 j

Elliot Views in the East India,Canton and The Shores of the red Sea Vol.I 1833 j

240,00 €
Stüssi, Rudolf: Cafe Savarin, Berlin 1992.

Stüssi, Rudolf: Cafe Savarin, Berlin 1992.

207,00 €
Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. - Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. Complete in 3 volumes and Collection of Engravings.

Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom..

1.507,00 €
Yoruba. - Abraham, R. C: Dictionary of Modern Yoruba.

Yoruba. - Abraham, R. C: Dictionary of Modern Yoruba.

167,00 €
Litteris.   New Society of Letters at Lund (Publ.).   S. B. Liljegren / Jöran Sahlgren / Lauritz Weibull / Hans Hecht /..

Litteris. New Society of Letters at Lund (Publ.). S. B. Liljegren / Jöran Sahlgren / Lauritz..

23,00 €
Buch: Jim Morrison, Lisciandro, Frank, 1994, Schirmer-Mosel, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Jim Morrison, Lisciandro, Frank, 1994, Schirmer-Mosel, gebraucht, gut

12,53 €
Buch: Justin Time 1-5 (komplett), Peter Schwindt, Loewe Verlag, 5 Bände

Buch: Justin Time 1-5 (komplett), Peter Schwindt, Loewe Verlag, 5 Bände

35,81 €
Buch: Art Nouveau, Battersby,  Martin, 1984, Hamlyn Publishing, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Art Nouveau, Battersby, Martin, 1984, Hamlyn Publishing, gebraucht, gut

8,68 €
David Burliuk - paintings 1907 - 1966. First London Exhibition 15 March - 7 April 1966
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

David Burliuk paintings 1907 1966. First London Exhibition 15 March 7 April 1966 London..

12,00 €
Morley, John: Death, Heaven and the Victorians
 London, Studio Vista, (1971).

Morley, John: Death, Heaven and the Victorians London, Studio Vista, (1971).

14,00 €
R. B. Kitaj. Pictures from an exhibition held at the Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hannover and the Boymans Museum, Rotterdam 1970. April - May 1970
 London, Marlborough Fine Art, 1970.

R. B. Kitaj. Pictures from an exhibition held at the Kestner Gesellschaft, Hannover and the Boymans..

17,00 €
Richard Hamilton. Prints 1939 - 83. A complete catalogue of graphic works
 Stuttgart - London, edition hansjörg mayer, 1984.

Richard Hamilton. Prints 1939 83. A complete catalogue of graphic works Stuttgart London..

11,00 €
Hubert Schmalix. Thirteen Paintings 1983 - Gouaches on Paper 1982
 London, Fischer Fine Art, [1983].

Hubert Schmalix. Thirteen Paintings 1983 Gouaches on Paper 1982 London, Fischer Fine Art..

15,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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