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2.141 Artikel gefunden


Bartlett American Scenery: or Land, Lake, and River 2 Bde. Illustrations 1852 js

Bartlett American Scenery: or Land, Lake, and River 2 Bde. Illustrations 1852 js

600,00 €
Geheime Geschichte des Hofes und Cabinets zu St. Cloud 1816 Zeitgeschichte xy

Geheime Geschichte des Hofes und Cabinets zu St. Cloud 1816 Zeitgeschichte xy

50,00 €
Buch: Im Schatten des Kaufmanns, Elsmann, Thomas, 2012, Schünemann, sehr gut

Buch: Im Schatten des Kaufmanns, Elsmann, Thomas, 2012, Schünemann, sehr gut

9,87 €
Rash, Felicity J: French and Italian lexical influences in German-speaking Switzerland (1550-1650).

Rash, Felicity J: French and Italian lexical influences in German-speaking Switzerland (1550-1650).

13,00 €
Buch: English Country Churches, Brabbs, Derry. 1985, gebraucht, gut

Buch: English Country Churches, Brabbs, Derry. 1985, gebraucht, gut

9,84 €
Buch: Wessex, Talbot, Rob / Whiteman, Robin. Country Series, 1994

Buch: Wessex, Talbot, Rob / Whiteman, Robin. Country Series, 1994

9,38 €
Buch: The Making of the Indian Nation, Gokhale, B.G. 1960, Asia Publishing House

Buch: The Making of the Indian Nation, Gokhale, B.G. 1960, Asia Publishing House

9,56 €
Buch: Prolog für ein neues Spanien, London, Arthur Gerard. 1966, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Prolog für ein neues Spanien, London, Arthur Gerard. 1966, gebraucht, gut

14,24 €
Ross, Robrt De Profundis by Oscar Wilde um 1907 Literatur Belletristik js

Ross, Robrt De Profundis by Oscar Wilde um 1907 Literatur Belletristik js

28,20 €
Rousseau: Pensees, Dialogues, Considerations sur le Gouvernement ..., 1782/1786

Rousseau: Pensees, Dialogues, Considerations sur le Gouvernement ..., 1782/1786

504,84 €
Payne Miniatur-Almanach 1846 Mit 6 brillanten Stahlstichen Geschichte mb

Payne Miniatur-Almanach 1846 Mit 6 brillanten Stahlstichen Geschichte mb

30,55 €
Buch: The Search for Ancient China, Debaine-Francfort, Corinne. 2010

Buch: The Search for Ancient China, Debaine-Francfort, Corinne. 2010

9,84 €
Kinsey, Alfred C: Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male.

Kinsey, Alfred C: Sexual Behaviour in the Human Male.

54,00 €
Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1910, Henry Frowde, Second Infant Reader

Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1910, Henry Frowde, Second Infant Reader

54,94 €
Buch: Ein Bericht vom Pestjahr, Defoe, Daniel, 1965, Carl Schünemann Verlag

Buch: Ein Bericht vom Pestjahr, Defoe, Daniel, 1965, Carl Schünemann Verlag

23,04 €
Herald ' s commentorative exhibition: Herald ' s commentorative exhibition 1484 - 1934, held at the college of arms. Enlarged and illustrated catalogue.

Herald ' s commentorative exhibition: Herald ' s commentorative exhibition 1484 1934, held at the..

27,00 €
Buch: The Album of London Views. Ca. 1890, Charles, Reynolds and Co

Buch: The Album of London Views. Ca. 1890, Charles, Reynolds and Co

26,34 €
Hardy, Phyllis (Hrsg.): St. Paul`s Girls` School Book. 1904-1925.

Hardy, Phyllis (Hrsg.): St. Paul`s Girls` School Book. 1904-1925.

20,00 €
Buch: The Sayings of Winston Churchill, Sutcliffe, J.A. 1992, gebraucht, gut

Buch: The Sayings of Winston Churchill, Sutcliffe, J.A. 1992, gebraucht, gut

9,86 €
Cowper, William Poems 2 Bände komplett 1819 Belletristik Literatur js

Cowper, William Poems 2 Bände komplett 1819 Belletristik Literatur js

60,00 €
Salvator Satire di Salvator Rosa 1787 lateinisch Belletristik Unterhaltung sf

Salvator Satire di Salvator Rosa 1787 lateinisch Belletristik Unterhaltung sf

75,20 €
Beusichem, M. L. van (ed.): Plant Nutrition - Physiology and Applications : Proceedings of the Eleventh International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 30 July - 4 August 1989, Wageningen, The Netherlands. (=Developmentes in Plant and Soil Sciences ; Volume 41)

Beusichem, M. L. van (ed.): Plant Nutrition Physiology and Applications : Proceedings of the..

35,00 €
Buch: The Great Exhibition - London 1851, 1970, gebraucht, akzeptabel

Buch: The Great Exhibition - London 1851, 1970, gebraucht, akzeptabel

19,74 €
Irving, T.B: Islam and Social Responsibility (= Perspectives of Islam - 6).

Irving, T.B: Islam and Social Responsibility (= Perspectives of Islam - 6).

25,00 €
Moffat Our old Nursey Rhymes 1911 The original tunes harmonized illustriert js

Moffat Our old Nursey Rhymes 1911 The original tunes harmonized illustriert js

95,00 €
Thirty Views and Scenery of Hastings & St. Leonards on Sea  1840 sehr selten js

Thirty Views and Scenery of Hastings & St. Leonards on Sea 1840 sehr selten js

70,50 €
Schjöth, Fr: The currency of the far east. The Schjöth collection at the numismatic cabinet of the University of Oslo, Norway - 'What the Chinese say about their coins' ( = Publications of the Numismatic Cabinet of the University of Oslo, No. 1 ).

Schjöth, Fr: The currency of the far east. The Schjöth collection at the numismatic cabinet of..

47,00 €
Kennedy, John O. S: Dynamic Programming Applications to Agriculture  and National Resources.

Kennedy, John O. S: Dynamic Programming Applications to Agriculture and National Resources.

23,00 €
Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume XI (11), complete with 12 numbers, May 1932 - April 1933. Official Monthly Journal of the Labour Movement. - From the contents: The Tory budget / So much lost in every lump of coal / An epic struggle - Wom

Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume XI (11), complete with 12 numbers, May 1932..

40,00 €
Sozialdemokrat, Der. - herausgegeben von Paul Singer. - F(riedrich) Engels, (August) Bebel, Karl Liebknecht u. a: Der Sozialdemokrat. Konvolut mit 25 Nummern der Jahre 1889 und 1890. - Enthalten: 1889, No. 28, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 49, 5

Sozialdemokrat, Der. herausgegeben von Paul Singer. F(riedrich) Engels, (August) Bebel, Karl..

227,00 €
Homer. - Pope, Alexander: The works of Homer. Translated from the greek, into english verse, by Pope. Vol. I - VII in 4 books (Iliad. Odyssey). (With:) Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Translated by Mr. Parnell. Corrected by Mr. Pope. (And:) Notes an

Homer. Pope, Alexander: The works of Homer. Translated from the greek, into english verse, by..

607,00 €
Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 5, complete with 12 numbers: May 1926 - April 1927. Official Monthly Journal of the Labour Movement. - From the contents: The development of the mining crisis / Can the Bolshevists 'consolidate' ? / The or

Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 5, complete with 12 numbers: May 1926 April..

47,00 €
Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 2, complete with 12 numbers, May 1923 - April 1924. Official Monthly Journal of the Labour Movement. - From the contents: The capitalist' s budget / makers of the Labour movement / Re-birth of the internat

Labour Magazine, The: The Labour Magazine. Volume 2, complete with 12 numbers, May 1923 April..

47,00 €
Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of silver pennies of King Stephen ( 1135 - 1154 ) from the Prestwich ( Duchy of Lancaster ) Hoard ( 1971 ). Together with hammered silver coins of England, Scotland an Ireland including some rare saxon and norman pennies, the prope

Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of silver pennies of King Stephen ( 1135 1154 ) from the Prestwich (..

39,00 €
Gruber Fame Famous Portraits of Famous People by Famous Photographers 1960 js

Gruber Fame Famous Portraits of Famous People by Famous Photographers 1960 js

90,00 €
Decorative Art in Modern Interiors 1964/5 selten 1964 Or.SU und hs. Widmung  js

Decorative Art in Modern Interiors 1964/5 selten 1964 Or.SU und hs. Widmung js

90,00 €
Buch: Society, Government and the Englightenment, Behrens, C.B.A. 1985

Buch: Society, Government and the Englightenment, Behrens, C.B.A. 1985

9,84 €
7 sechstägige London- Reisen "Monte Rosa" Aug.-Sept. 1926 Hamburg-Süd

7 sechstägige London- Reisen "Monte Rosa" Aug.-Sept. 1926 Hamburg-Süd

23,50 €
Kolumbien Kaffee Plantage Ernte Transport 15 Original Ansichten Foto Mappe 1910

Kolumbien Kaffee Plantage Ernte Transport 15 Original Ansichten Foto Mappe 1910

50,00 €
Szwed-Cousins, Michel: The Libyan Revolution : Theory and Practice.

Szwed-Cousins, Michel: The Libyan Revolution : Theory and Practice.

26,00 €
Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1930, Plaisted, Laura, Infant Reader 1, Milford

Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1930, Plaisted, Laura, Infant Reader 1, Milford

32,99 €
Buch: Oxford Reading Primer, ca. 1930, First Book, Humphrey Milford

Buch: Oxford Reading Primer, ca. 1930, First Book, Humphrey Milford

55,29 €
Miss Power The Keepsake Jahrgang 1857 Geschichte Andenken Kunst Kultur sf

Miss Power The Keepsake Jahrgang 1857 Geschichte Andenken Kunst Kultur sf

85,00 €
Buch: Die Londoner Untergrundbahnen, Troske, Ludwig, 1986, gebraucht, sehr gut

Buch: Die Londoner Untergrundbahnen, Troske, Ludwig, 1986, gebraucht, sehr gut

19,74 €
The Comic Almanack For 1848 An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest by Cruikshank js

The Comic Almanack For 1848 An Ephemeris in Jest and Earnest by Cruikshank js

50,00 €
Grant James, Sketches in London 2.Edition, second Edition 1840 By Phiz illus. js

Grant James, Sketches in London 2.Edition, second Edition 1840 By Phiz illus. js

38,50 €
Napoleon Bonaparte. - (Abbe) Humblet: Le quousque tandem, ou l' invasion de l' Angleterre. Par Dom Quichotte II. Empereur des Regions-Imaginaires et de l' Illiput, sous le nom de Napoleon Buonaparte, corse et corsaire d' origine ! Poeme Ex abrupto. Dedie

Napoleon Bonaparte. (Abbe) Humblet: Le quousque tandem, ou l' invasion de l' Angleterre. Par Dom..

107,00 €
Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

22,00 €
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