Morris, William: The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood by William Morris. [ One of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant
Ein Angebot in Bücher & ZeitschriftenBibliophilie: Pressendrucke - 200 weitere Angebote in dieser Kategorie
London and Cambridge, Clover Hill Editions, 1974, 2 vols. Volume 1: Introduction; Volume 2: The poem with the engravings. 2 leaves, XIV, 37 pp., 26 numbered plates, 2 leaves; 4 leaves, 92 pp., 2 leaves, including a double leaf publisher`s prospect. Folio, quarter blue cloth with Morris-patterned paper over boards, leather spine labels, blue cloth slipcase.
N°. 123 of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant Lions Press for Clover Hill. The text with the engravings was designed and printed by Will and Sebastian Carter at the Rampant Lions Press, Cambridge, in the Kelscott Troy types cast at the foundry of the Oxford University Press from the original matrices in the possession of the Cambridge University Press, on paper made by J. Barcham Green. Bound by John P. Gray, Cambride. - Introduction by A. R. Duftly. - Edges of binding and slipcase slightly rubbed, else a very fine copy.
Titel:The Story of Cupid and Psyche, with illustrations designed by Edward Burne-Jones, mostly engraved on the wood by William Morris. [ One of 270 copies (total 500) of the eighth publication of the Clover Hill Editions, printed on the Rampant Lions Press for Clover Hill
Verlagsort:London and Cambridge, Clover Hill Editions, 1974
Seitenanzahl:2 vols. Volume 1: Introduction; Volume 2: The poem with the engravings. 2 leaves, XIV, 37 pp., 26 numbered plates, 2 leaves; 4 leaves, 92 pp., 2 leaves, including a double leaf publisher`s prospect. Folio, quarter blue cloth with Morris-patterned paper ov