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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Exhibition of Sculpture Antoine-Louis Barye 1796-1875.

Exhibition of Sculpture Antoine-Louis Barye 1796-1875.

60,00 €
Etchings and Drypoints by Sir D. Y. Cameron.

Etchings and Drypoints by Sir D. Y. Cameron.

20,00 €
Crane, Walter: The work of Walter Crane. With notes by the artist.

Crane, Walter: The work of Walter Crane. With notes by the artist.

180,00 €
Clark, Kenneth, Colin MacInnes and Bryan Robertson: Sidney Nolan.

Clark, Kenneth, Colin MacInnes and Bryan Robertson: Sidney Nolan.

70,00 €
Steegman, John: Consort of Taste. 1830-1870.

Steegman, John: Consort of Taste. 1830-1870.

80,00 €
Wind, Edgar: Michelangelo`s Prophets and Sibyls. [Lecture on Aspects of Art. Henriette Hertz Trust of the British Academy 1960. From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volume LI].

Wind, Edgar: Michelangelo`s Prophets and Sibyls. [Lecture on Aspects of Art. Henriette Hertz Trust..

50,00 €
Holme, Charles: English Water-Colour. With Reproductions of Drawings by Eminent Painters.

Holme, Charles: English Water-Colour. With Reproductions of Drawings by Eminent Painters.

80,00 €
Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

60,00 €
Borenius, Tancred: The Painters of Vicenza 1480-1550.

Borenius, Tancred: The Painters of Vicenza 1480-1550.

70,00 €
Baynes, Ken and Kate: Art and Society Three Worship.

Baynes, Ken and Kate: Art and Society Three Worship.

25,00 €
The Paper Makers` Directory of All Nations. Annuaire de la Papeterie de toutes les Nations. Internationales Adressbuch sämtlicher Papierfabrikanten der Welt. Containing The principal paper, pulp and board mills of the world.1928.

The Paper Makers` Directory of All Nations. Annuaire de la Papeterie de toutes les Nations..

350,00 €
Gamble, William: Penrose`s Annual. The Process Year Book & Review of the Graphic Arts.

Gamble, William: Penrose`s Annual. The Process Year Book & Review of the Graphic Arts.

50,00 €
Bostock, James: Roman Lettering for Students.

Bostock, James: Roman Lettering for Students.

30,00 €
Wiebenson, Dora: Sources of Greek Revival Architecture.

Wiebenson, Dora: Sources of Greek Revival Architecture.

50,00 €
Werner, Frank R. (Hrsg.): Hans Dieter Schaal - In-Between. Exhibition Architecture / Ausstellungsarchitektur.

Werner, Frank R. (Hrsg.): Hans Dieter Schaal In Between. Exhibition Architecture /..

50,00 €
Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original designs. In which are interspersed some designs of Inigo Jones, never before published.

Ware, Isaac: A Complete Body of Architecture. Adorned with plans and elevations from original..

3.800,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period IV - Vol. I: Late Stuart. 1649-1714.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period IV - Vol. I: Late Stuart. 1649-1714.

70,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period III - Vol. I (and II): Late Tudor and Early Stuart. 1558-1649.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period III Vol. I (and II): Late Tudor and Early Stuart. 1558..

450,00 €
Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period II - Vol. I: Early Tudor, 1485-1558.

Tipping, H. Avray: English Homes. Period II - Vol. I: Early Tudor, 1485-1558.

280,00 €
Thompson, P: William Butterfield.

Thompson, P: William Butterfield.

75,00 €
The Architectural Review Congress Number. In Connection with the International Congress of Architects in London. July 1906.

The Architectural Review Congress Number. In Connection with the International Congress of..

50,00 €
Stroud, Dorothy: Henry Holland. His Life and Architecture.

Stroud, Dorothy: Henry Holland. His Life and Architecture.

35,00 €
Shepherd, C. W: A Thousand Years of London Bridge.

Shepherd, C. W: A Thousand Years of London Bridge.

40,00 €
Sharp, Dennis: Sources of Modern Architecture.

Sharp, Dennis: Sources of Modern Architecture.

30,00 €
Searles Wood, H. D. and H. Adams: Modern Building. Vol. VI. Concrete Block Buildings, Foundations: Estimating, Town Planning, Grarages and Stables, Heating/Ventilation/Cooking, Sanitary Decoration.

Searles Wood, H. D. and H. Adams: Modern Building. Vol. VI. Concrete Block Buildings, Foundations:..

65,00 €
Searles Wood, H. D. and H. Adams: Modern Building. Vol. V. Factories, Shops, Hospitals, Gas, Electric Lightning, Reinforced Concrete.

Searles Wood, H. D. and H. Adams: Modern Building. Vol. V. Factories, Shops, Hospitals, Gas..

45,00 €
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: English Chimney Pieces. Their design and development from the earliest times to the nineteenth century.

Rothery, Guy Cadogan: English Chimney Pieces. Their design and development from the earliest times..

260,00 €
Roosevelt, Priscilla: Life on the Russian Country Estate. A social and cultural history. With photographs by William Brumfield.

Roosevelt, Priscilla: Life on the Russian Country Estate. A social and cultural history. With..

45,00 €
Powell, Kenneth: New London Architecture.

Powell, Kenneth: New London Architecture.

20,00 €
Pevsner, Nikolaus: High Victorian Design. A Study of the Exhibits of 1851.

Pevsner, Nikolaus: High Victorian Design. A Study of the Exhibits of 1851.

160,00 €
Papadakis, Andreas (Hrsg.): Abstract Representation.

Papadakis, Andreas (Hrsg.): Abstract Representation.

20,00 €
Muthesius, Stefan: The English Terraced House. Third Printing.

Muthesius, Stefan: The English Terraced House. Third Printing.

40,00 €
Merrifield, Andy: Metromarxism. A Marxist Tale of the City.

Merrifield, Andy: Metromarxism. A Marxist Tale of the City.

48,00 €
Latham, Charles: In English Homes. The International character, furniture and adornments of some of the most notable houses of England historically depicted from photographs. The letterpress edited and an introduction written by H. Avray Tipping. (Vol. II

Latham, Charles: In English Homes. The International character, furniture and adornments of some of..

420,00 €
Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1911/I und 1911/II. Vol. 39 und 40.

Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1911/I und 1911/II. Vol. 39 und 40.

58,00 €
Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1910/I. Vol. 37.

Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1910/I. Vol. 37.

25,00 €
Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1907/II. Vol. 32.

Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1907/II. Vol. 32.

25,00 €
Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1906/II. Vol. 30.

Koch, Alex. (Hrsg.): Academy Architecture 1906/II. Vol. 30.

25,00 €
Summerson, John: Inigo Jones. Lecture on a Master Mind. British Academy 1964.

Summerson, John: Inigo Jones. Lecture on a Master Mind. British Academy 1964.

25,00 €
Hussey, Christopher: English Country Houses. Earley Georgian. 1715-1760.

Hussey, Christopher: English Country Houses. Earley Georgian. 1715-1760.

50,00 €
Hiort, E: Housing in Denmark since 1930.

Hiort, E: Housing in Denmark since 1930.

20,00 €
Hichcock, Henry-Russell: Early Victorian Architecture in Britain. Vlume 1: Text; Volume II: Illustrations. (Yale Historical Publications. History of Art: 9).

Hichcock, Henry Russell: Early Victorian Architecture in Britain. Vlume 1: Text; Volume II:..

60,00 €
Gray, A. S., J. Sambrook and T. Birks-Hay: Fanlights. A visual architectural history.

Gray, A. S., J. Sambrook and T. Birks-Hay: Fanlights. A visual architectural history.

19,00 €
Fabri, Charles: An Introduction to Indian Architecture. (Aligarh Muslim University General Education Reading Material Series).

Fabri, Charles: An Introduction to Indian Architecture. (Aligarh Muslim University General..

35,00 €
El-Khoury, Fouard: Domestic Architecture in the Lebanon. In: aarp. Art and Archaeology Research Papers, June 1975.

El Khoury, Fouard: Domestic Architecture in the Lebanon. In: aarp. Art and Archaeology Research..

30,00 €
Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects, theory, practice and criticism.

Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects..

30,00 €
Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects, theory, practice and criticism. Frank Gehry - O Mathias Ungers - Alvar Aalto.

Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects..

30,00 €
Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects, theory, practice and criticism. Michael Graves - Agrest & Gandelsonas - Foster Associates.

Beck, Haig (Hrsg.): International Architect. An international review of architectural projects..

30,00 €


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