Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Nigeria

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AK Lagos, Marina and Post Office

AK Lagos, Marina and Post Office

13,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Kano Nigeria Emir of Kano

AK / Ansichtskarte Kano Nigeria Emir of Kano

16,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Ganvie Benin Village lacustre

AK / Ansichtskarte Ganvie Benin Village lacustre

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Ile-Ife Western State

AK / Ansichtskarte Ile-Ife Western State

4,00 €
AK Nigeria, Tin Mining

AK Nigeria, Tin Mining

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina

AK Lagos, Marina

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina and Coastline

AK Lagos, Marina and Coastline

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina and coastline

AK Lagos, Marina and coastline

7,00 €
AK Kassa, Arbeiter des Zinn-Bergwerkes

AK Kassa, Arbeiter des Zinn-Bergwerkes

20,00 €
AK Kassa, Dress-Gravel Pump

AK Kassa, Dress-Gravel Pump

20,00 €
AK Kassam, Arbeiter im Zinn-Bergwerk

AK Kassam, Arbeiter im Zinn-Bergwerk

20,00 €
AK Kassa, Dress Gravel Pump, Paddock

AK Kassa, Dress Gravel Pump, Paddock

20,00 €
AK Kassa, Dress, Cambell Engine, Erection

AK Kassa, Dress, Cambell Engine, Erection

20,00 €
AK Lagos, The Marina, Strassenpartie am Hafen

AK Lagos, The Marina, Strassenpartie am Hafen

13,00 €
AK Lagos, The Supreme Court

AK Lagos, The Supreme Court

13,00 €
AK Abyssinie, Tribu de Bambaras battant le Blé

AK Abyssinie, Tribu de Bambaras battant le Blé

7,00 €
AK Lagos, The Marina & Lagoon

AK Lagos, The Marina & Lagoon

7,00 €
AK Kano, Street scene, Taken during the Visit of the Prince of Wales

AK Kano, Street scene, Taken during the Visit of the Prince of Wales

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Five Cowrie Creek & Bridge

AK Lagos, Five Cowrie Creek & Bridge

7,00 €
AK Nigeria, Climbing Oil Palms to gather the fruit

AK Nigeria, Climbing Oil Palms to gather the fruit

5,00 €
AK Kano, Police on Point Duty

AK Kano, Police on Point Duty

7,00 €
AK Ibieh, Native village, Catholic mission in Imiakebu

AK Ibieh, Native village, Catholic mission in Imiakebu

10,00 €
AK Kano, Ground Nuts ready for shipment

AK Kano, Ground Nuts ready for shipment

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Central Portion, Secretariat Building

AK Lagos, Central Portion, Secretariat Building

10,00 €
AK Kano, Pot Market

AK Kano, Pot Market

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Beach Road

AK Lagos, Beach Road

5,00 €
AK Lagos, Customs

AK Lagos, Customs

7,00 €
AK Nigeria, Scaring Birds from Rice

AK Nigeria, Scaring Birds from Rice

7,00 €
AK Zaria, Firewood Sellers on the Market

AK Zaria, Firewood Sellers on the Market

7,00 €
AK Nigeria, Indigenous men on white camels

AK Nigeria, Indigenous men on white camels

7,00 €
AK Oshogbo, All Saints` Church

AK Oshogbo, All Saints` Church

7,00 €
AK Nigeria, Awaiting Cargo

AK Nigeria, Awaiting Cargo

7,00 €
AK Zagan, Leopard Hunt

AK Zagan, Leopard Hunt

7,00 €
AK Lokoja, Bridge of Sighs

AK Lokoja, Bridge of Sighs

7,00 €
AK Lokoja, River side scene

AK Lokoja, River side scene

7,00 €
AK Lagos, The View of Marina No. 5

AK Lagos, The View of Marina No. 5

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Bird`s-Eye View from Roman Catholic Street to Force Road

AK Lagos, Bird`s-Eye View from Roman Catholic Street to Force Road

7,00 €
AK Zaria, Market

AK Zaria, Market

7,00 €
AK Sokoto, Beautiful Garden under Dr. Moisar

AK Sokoto, Beautiful Garden under Dr. Moisar

7,00 €
AK Lagos, House of Representatives, floodlit for the Queen

AK Lagos, House of Representatives, floodlit for the Queen

7,00 €
AK Nigeria, A Footbridge in the Forest

AK Nigeria, A Footbridge in the Forest

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Government House Wharf, Marina

AK Lagos, Government House Wharf, Marina

7,00 €
AK Lokoja, Bridge of Sighs

AK Lokoja, Bridge of Sighs

7,00 €
AK Zaria, West African Light Battery, bearers carry guns on their heads

AK Zaria, West African Light Battery, bearers carry guns on their heads

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Ojo Market Day, Marina

AK Lagos, Ojo Market Day, Marina

10,00 €
AK Lagos, The Five Cowries Creek Bridge showing thoroughfare to the Magazine

AK Lagos, The Five Cowries Creek Bridge showing thoroughfare to the Magazine

10,00 €
AK Lagos, View of Government House

AK Lagos, View of Government House

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Bird`s Eye View from Oil Mill Street

AK Lagos, Bird`s Eye View from Oil Mill Street

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Government House

AK Lagos, Government House

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Government House

AK Lagos, Government House

10,00 €
AK Lokoja, Officers Mess

AK Lokoja, Officers Mess

10,00 €
AK Kano, Calabash designer & seller

AK Kano, Calabash designer & seller

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Government House

AK Lagos, Government House

10,00 €
AK Lagos, The Tennis Club & Southern Secretariat

AK Lagos, The Tennis Club & Southern Secretariat

10,00 €
AK Nigeria, Yoruba Musicians and Dancer

AK Nigeria, Yoruba Musicians and Dancer

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina

AK Lagos, Marina

10,00 €
AK Oshogbo, Church Missionary Society

AK Oshogbo, Church Missionary Society

10,00 €
AK Lagos, The Tinubu Square showing the Central Law Court of Nigeria

AK Lagos, The Tinubu Square showing the Central Law Court of Nigeria

13,00 €
AK Lagos, The View from Barrister Taylor to Barrister Abayomi premises, Victoria Road

AK Lagos, The View from Barrister Taylor to Barrister Abayomi premises, Victoria Road

13,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina and Post Office

AK Lagos, Marina and Post Office

13,00 €
AK Lagos, CMS Bookshop

AK Lagos, CMS Bookshop

13,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Nigeria A Leather Worker

AK / Ansichtskarte Nigeria A Leather Worker

4,00 €
AK Ekiti, Route pour automobiles

AK Ekiti, Route pour automobiles

7,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Lagos__Nigeria University Jaja Hall

AK / Ansichtskarte Lagos__Nigeria University Jaja Hall

4,00 €
AK Nigeria, Pavilion and Craftsmen`s Workshops

AK Nigeria, Pavilion and Craftsmen`s Workshops

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Ebute Ero Church, Auto

AK Lagos, Ebute Ero Church, Auto

10,00 €
AK Lagos, Ebute Ero Church

AK Lagos, Ebute Ero Church

10,00 €
AK Ibouzo, Katecheten, Erste Wohnung, Basse-cour

AK Ibouzo, Katecheten, Erste Wohnung, Basse-cour

13,00 €
AK Lagos, Marina, Amalgamation Day

AK Lagos, Marina, Amalgamation Day

13,00 €
AK Lagos, Nigerian Broadcasting House

AK Lagos, Nigerian Broadcasting House

7,00 €
AK Oyo, A Street Scene

AK Oyo, A Street Scene

7,00 €
AK Lagos, Brook Field

AK Lagos, Brook Field

10,00 €
Nigeria - Zaria -98816

Nigeria - Zaria -98816

8,00 €
Nigeria - White Camels -98416

Nigeria - White Camels -98416

6,00 €
Nigeria - Jebba - North Channel -98834

Nigeria - Jebba - North Channel -98834

8,00 €
Nigeria -98594

Nigeria -98594

6,00 €
Lokoja Town - Tucks - Nigeria -98434

Lokoja Town - Tucks - Nigeria -98434

6,00 €
Nigeria - Lagos Tennis club -98820

Nigeria - Lagos Tennis club -98820

8,00 €
Nigeria - Loading Palm Oil from Dugout Canoes -98520

Nigeria - Loading Palm Oil from Dugout Canoes -98520

6,00 €
Nigeria - Lagos The Law Court -98824

Nigeria - Lagos The Law Court -98824

8,00 €
Nigeria - The Talking Drums of Ashanti -98830

Nigeria - The Talking Drums of Ashanti -98830

8,00 €
Nigeria - Lokoja Market -98846

Nigeria - Lokoja Market -98846

8,00 €
Nigeria - Aburi - Avenue of Royal Palma -98826

Nigeria - Aburi - Avenue of Royal Palma -98826

8,00 €
Nigeria - Lagos Police Court -98822

Nigeria - Lagos Police Court -98822

8,00 €
Zaria City - Station Gatees -98522

Zaria City - Station Gatees -98522

8,00 €
Nigeria - Ebute Metta -98838

Nigeria - Ebute Metta -98838

8,00 €
Nigeria - Hausa Pedlars -98818

Nigeria - Hausa Pedlars -98818

8,00 €
Nigeria - Kano City Gate -98848

Nigeria - Kano City Gate -98848

8,00 €
Nigeria - Zaria Market -98832

Nigeria - Zaria Market -98832

8,00 €
Nigeria - Climbing Oil Palms -101144

Nigeria - Climbing Oil Palms -101144

6,00 €
Nigeria - Fulani cattle Lagos Market -96944

Nigeria - Fulani cattle Lagos Market -96944

15,00 €
Nigeria - A Motor Road through the Forest -101146

Nigeria - A Motor Road through the Forest -101146

6,00 €
Lagos - Magazine Point -441352

Lagos - Magazine Point -441352

6,00 €
Lagos Fish Market -441354

Lagos Fish Market -441354

8,00 €
Lagos - Souvenir du Sacre de Mgr Lang -30112

Lagos - Souvenir du Sacre de Mgr Lang -30112

8,90 €
Kaduma - Nigeria -51166

Kaduma - Nigeria -51166

6,00 €
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