Le marché oldthing propose un large choix dans la catégorie Cartes postales étrangères Australie & Océanie

2.682 Article trouvé


Künstler-AK Südsee, Landschaft in Neumecklenburg

Künstler-AK Südsee, Landschaft in Neumecklenburg

7,00 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical pastoral scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical pastoral scene

2,15 €
Australien - Sydney - Australien - northern suburbs

Australien - Sydney - Australien - northern suburbs

1,20 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Droving sheep

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Droving sheep

2,85 €
Cookinseln - Rarotonga - Cook Island - Strand

Cookinseln - Rarotonga - Cook Island - Strand

0,85 €
Neuseeland - Bay of Islands - Neuseeland - Wohnschiff Tui

Neuseeland - Bay of Islands - Neuseeland - Wohnschiff Tui

0,85 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Prince of Wales and Pohutu

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Prince of Wales and Pohutu

2,15 €
Neuseeland - Wanganui River - Neuseeland - Lower Towhenua Rapids

Neuseeland - Wanganui River - Neuseeland - Lower Towhenua Rapids

3,35 €
Australien - Australien (Sonstiges) - Australien - Koalas, Story Card

Australien - Australien (Sonstiges) - Australien - Koalas, Story Card

1,20 €
Australien - Australien (Sonstiges) - Australien - Känguru, Story Card

Australien - Australien (Sonstiges) - Australien - Känguru, Story Card

1,20 €
Australien - Ballarat - Australien - Sovereign Hill

Australien - Ballarat - Australien - Sovereign Hill

0,85 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - sheep droving scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - sheep droving scene

2,15 €
Fidschi - Fiji - Fidschi - Sinking Sun

Fidschi - Fiji - Fidschi - Sinking Sun

0,65 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Nouvelle Caledonie New Caledonia Neukaledonien Un Banian a l'Anse Vain

AK / Ansichtskarte Nouvelle Caledonie New Caledonia Neukaledonien Un Banian a l'Anse Vain

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Nouvelle Caledonie New Caledonia Neukaledonien Paletuviers a Magenta

AK / Ansichtskarte Nouvelle Caledonie New Caledonia Neukaledonien Paletuviers a Magenta

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte Coffs Harbour Australia Fliegeraufnahme

AK / Ansichtskarte Coffs Harbour Australia Fliegeraufnahme

4,90 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Rotorua - Maori Church, Pulpit - ca. 1955

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Rotorua - Maori Church, Pulpit - ca. 1955

1,00 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Droving sheep

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Droving sheep

1,60 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical pastoral scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical pastoral scene

1,90 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Sheep droving scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Sheep droving scene

2,85 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - picturesquq pasturelands

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - picturesquq pasturelands

2,35 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical scene

1,30 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Trail to Lava Tube

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Trail to Lava Tube

1,20 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Waiau River

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Waiau River

2,15 €
Neuseeland - Pancake Rocks - Neuseeland - Punakaiki

Neuseeland - Pancake Rocks - Neuseeland - Punakaiki

4,00 €
Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical scene

Neuseeland - Neuseeland - Neuseeland - typical scene

1,30 €
Künstler-AK Adelaide, Strasse im Zentrum

Künstler-AK Adelaide, Strasse im Zentrum

7,00 €
AK Sydney, Botanical Gardens

AK Sydney, Botanical Gardens

5,00 €
Postcard Dunedin Neuseeland New Zealand Native Gabbage Trees Kinder 1919  New Zealand

Postcard Dunedin Neuseeland New Zealand Native Gabbage Trees Kinder 1919 New Zealand

15,00 €
AK Arthurs Point, Shotover Bridge

AK Arthurs Point, Shotover Bridge

5,00 €
AK Fiordland, Hall`s Arm

AK Fiordland, Hall`s Arm

5,00 €
AK Wellington, Harbour and Oriental Bay from Kelburn

AK Wellington, Harbour and Oriental Bay from Kelburn

5,00 €
AK Wellington, Looking towards Courtenay Place

AK Wellington, Looking towards Courtenay Place

5,00 €
AK Auckland, General View from Albert Park

AK Auckland, General View from Albert Park

5,00 €
AK Lyttelton, Governor`s Bay and Harbour

AK Lyttelton, Governor`s Bay and Harbour

5,00 €
AK Auckland, Albert Park overlooking the City

AK Auckland, Albert Park overlooking the City

7,00 €
AK New Plymouth, Breakwater Harbour

AK New Plymouth, Breakwater Harbour

7,00 €
AK Christchurch, General View from Cathedral Tower

AK Christchurch, General View from Cathedral Tower

7,00 €
AK Wellington, Queen`s Wharf

AK Wellington, Queen`s Wharf

7,00 €
AK Wellington, General View

AK Wellington, General View

7,00 €
AK Dunedin, Ocean Beach

AK Dunedin, Ocean Beach

7,00 €
AK Auckland, Queen Street showing Victoria Arcade

AK Auckland, Queen Street showing Victoria Arcade

7,00 €
AK Napier, General View, Kiwi under a palm tree

AK Napier, General View, Kiwi under a palm tree

7,00 €
AK Mangaweka /N. I., The Viaduct, Main Trunk Railway

AK Mangaweka /N. I., The Viaduct, Main Trunk Railway

7,00 €
AK Wellington, General view of the harbour from Tinakori Hill

AK Wellington, General view of the harbour from Tinakori Hill

7,00 €
AK Wellington, General View

AK Wellington, General View

7,00 €
AK Wellington, General View

AK Wellington, General View

7,00 €
AK Nelson, The Reservoir

AK Nelson, The Reservoir

7,00 €
AK Napier, Port Ahuriri

AK Napier, Port Ahuriri

7,00 €
AK Wellington, Government Printing Office

AK Wellington, Government Printing Office

10,00 €
AK Christchurch, Victoria Square from Colombo Street Bridge

AK Christchurch, Victoria Square from Colombo Street Bridge

10,00 €
AK Mornington, General View

AK Mornington, General View

10,00 €
AK Christchurch, J. H. Parker & Co. Tailors and Outfitters, Castel Street

AK Christchurch, J. H. Parker & Co. Tailors and Outfitters, Castel Street

10,00 €
59468 - Ozeanien - Papua Neuguinea , Himerata - gelaufen 1975

59468 - Ozeanien - Papua Neuguinea , Himerata - gelaufen 1975

4,90 €
AK Suva /Fiji, Sweet Meat Vendors under a Tree

AK Suva /Fiji, Sweet Meat Vendors under a Tree

7,00 €
AK Port Moresby, Port Road, Post Office, Highland Chied

AK Port Moresby, Port Road, Post Office, Highland Chied

7,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte SYDNEY  NSW Australia Stadtpanorama Harbour Bridge Opera House Luftaufnahme

AK / Ansichtskarte SYDNEY NSW Australia Stadtpanorama Harbour Bridge Opera House Luftaufnahme

4,90 €
AK Fiji, Fijian and Jackfruit tree

AK Fiji, Fijian and Jackfruit tree

17,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Rotorua New Zealand The Sheraton Rotorua Hotel Panorama Pool Camplex

AK / Ansichtskarte Rotorua New Zealand The Sheraton Rotorua Hotel Panorama Pool Camplex

5,00 €
Postcard Christchurch Priory Church 1912  New Zealand

Postcard Christchurch Priory Church 1912 New Zealand

13,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Wanaka Queenstown Otaga NZ Lake Wanaka View of township

AK / Ansichtskarte Wanaka Queenstown Otaga NZ Lake Wanaka View of township

9,80 €
AK Melbourne, General Post Office

AK Melbourne, General Post Office

7,00 €
AK Wentworth /N. S. W., Queen Victoria Sanatorium

AK Wentworth /N. S. W., Queen Victoria Sanatorium

13,00 €
AK Corowa, Sanger Street

AK Corowa, Sanger Street

13,00 €
AK Walhalla /Vict., A Mining Township

AK Walhalla /Vict., A Mining Township

13,00 €
AK Melbourne /Vic., Swanston Street and Town Hall

AK Melbourne /Vic., Swanston Street and Town Hall

7,00 €
AK Adelaide /S. A., New Outer Harbour

AK Adelaide /S. A., New Outer Harbour

7,00 €
AK Mornington /Vic., Baths

AK Mornington /Vic., Baths

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Collins Street

AK Melbourne, Collins Street

7,00 €
AK River Tamar /Tasmania, The Old Mill, Supply Creek

AK River Tamar /Tasmania, The Old Mill, Supply Creek

7,00 €
AK Port Melbourne, Pier and Steamships

AK Port Melbourne, Pier and Steamships

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Bourke Street

AK Melbourne, Bourke Street

7,00 €
AK North Adelaide, Brougham Place, Flag

AK North Adelaide, Brougham Place, Flag

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Bourke Street

AK Melbourne, Bourke Street

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Elizabeth Street

AK Melbourne, Elizabeth Street

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Town Hall

AK Melbourne, Town Hall

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, Post Office

AK Melbourne, Post Office

7,00 €
AK Melbourne, View from the Air

AK Melbourne, View from the Air

5,00 €
AK Sydney /N. S. W., Martin Place

AK Sydney /N. S. W., Martin Place

5,00 €
AK Melbourne /Vic., A Panorama from I. C. I. Building

AK Melbourne /Vic., A Panorama from I. C. I. Building

5,00 €
AK Mornington /Victoria, The Harbour

AK Mornington /Victoria, The Harbour

5,00 €
AK Sydney, Martin Place, Strassenpartie

AK Sydney, Martin Place, Strassenpartie

5,00 €
AK Hobart, View from Huon Road

AK Hobart, View from Huon Road

5,00 €
AK Sydney, South Head, The Lighthouse

AK Sydney, South Head, The Lighthouse

7,00 €
AK Auckland, Queen Street, Strassenbahn

AK Auckland, Queen Street, Strassenbahn

13,00 €
AK Auckland, Rangitoto from Grafton Bridge

AK Auckland, Rangitoto from Grafton Bridge

7,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Geelong Victoria Australia Geringhap Street

AK / Ansichtskarte Geelong Victoria Australia Geringhap Street

16,00 €
AK Melbourne, Port Melbourne Railway Pier

AK Melbourne, Port Melbourne Railway Pier

7,00 €
Postcard Palmerston North Square 1911 Passepartout  New Zealand

Postcard Palmerston North Square 1911 Passepartout New Zealand

42,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Adelaide Australia Fliegeraufnahme

AK / Ansichtskarte Adelaide Australia Fliegeraufnahme

9,80 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Mildura Victoria Australia The Bar Working Mans Club

AK / Ansichtskarte Mildura Victoria Australia The Bar Working Mans Club

9,80 €
56201 - Australien - Sydney , New South Wales , Panorama - gelaufen 1979

56201 - Australien - Sydney , New South Wales , Panorama - gelaufen 1979

4,90 €
56199 - Neukaledonien - Nouvelle Caledonie , Paysage de la Cote Est , East Coast landscape - gelaufen 1977

56199 Neukaledonien Nouvelle Caledonie , Paysage de la Cote Est , East Coast landscape..

4,90 €
55986 - Australien - Perth , at Sunrise - gelaufen

55986 - Australien - Perth , at Sunrise - gelaufen

4,90 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Nouvelle Caledonie Le Cricket Kuenstlerkarte

AK / Ansichtskarte Nouvelle Caledonie Le Cricket Kuenstlerkarte

4,00 €
AK / Ansichtskarte  Noumea Nouvelle Caledonie Panorama

AK / Ansichtskarte Noumea Nouvelle Caledonie Panorama

9,80 €
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