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15 Artikel gefunden


Harvey, G.E: History of Burma: from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the English Conquest.

Harvey, G.E: History of Burma: from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the..

37,00 €
Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries ( The Civilisation of the american Indian Series no. 196 ).

Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries (..

23,00 €
Grouard, Frank (1850 - 1905) - Joe DeBarthe - Edgar I: Stewart (Ed.): Life and Adventures of Frank Grouard.

Grouard, Frank (1850 1905) Joe DeBarthe Edgar I: Stewart (Ed.): Life and Adventures of Frank..

21,00 €
Motte, Jacob Rhett - James F. Sunderman (Ed.): Journey into Wilderness. An Army Surgeon´s Account of Life in Camp and Field during the Creek and Seminole Wars 1836 - 1838 by Jacob Rhett Motte.

Motte, Jacob Rhett James F. Sunderman (Ed.): Journey into Wilderness. An Army Surgeon´s Account..

57,00 €
Custer, George Armstrong. - Burkey, Blaine: Custer, come at Once ! The Fort Hays Years of George and Elizabeth Custer (1867- 1870), the Custer Years of Fort Hays.

Custer, George Armstrong. Burkey, Blaine: Custer, come at Once ! The Fort Hays Years of George..

23,00 €
Warren, William W: History of The Ojibway Nation.

Warren, William W: History of The Ojibway Nation.

37,00 €
Schmid, Emil: Erläuterungen zur Vegetationskarte der Schweiz ( Resumes francais / english summaries ).   ( = Pflanzengeographische Kommission der schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Beiträge..

Schmid, Emil: Erläuterungen zur Vegetationskarte der Schweiz ( Resumes francais / english..

21,00 €
Hedren, Paul L. - Introduction by Don Russell: First Scalp for Custer: The Skirmish at Warbonnet Creek, Nebraska, July 17, 1876. With a short history of the Warbonnet battlefield.

Hedren, Paul L. Introduction by Don Russell: First Scalp for Custer: The Skirmish at Warbonnet..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Kidnapped in the Red River War. The search for Sophia and Catherine German forced the victory in the Red  River war. - Production Art Work and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Kidnapped in the Red River War. The search for Sophia and Catherine German forced the..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas. Production and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas..

25,00 €
Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma series, volume X ).

Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma..

23,00 €
Skarsten, M. O. - illustrated by Alex Adamson: Those Remarkable People - The Dakotas and Lakotas.

Skarsten, M. O. - illustrated by Alex Adamson: Those Remarkable People - The Dakotas and Lakotas.

27,00 €
Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

37,00 €
Yanagita, Kunio - Ronald A. Morse (Übers.): The Legends of Tono.

Yanagita, Kunio - Ronald A. Morse (Übers.): The Legends of Tono.

47,00 €
Gabriel, Ralph Henry (Ed.) / Clark Wissler, Constance Lindsay Skinner, William Wood et. al: 3 volumes: The Pageant of America. Volumes I, II and VI.: Vol. I: Adventures in the Wilderness / Vol. II: The Lure of the Frontier - a story of race conflict / Vol

Gabriel, Ralph Henry (Ed.) / Clark Wissler, Constance Lindsay Skinner, William Wood et. al: 3..

31,00 €
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