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99 Artikel gefunden


Klemp Egon Asien auf Karten 1989 Großfolio Asia in Maps Antike-19.Jhrt. j

Klemp Egon Asien auf Karten 1989 Großfolio Asia in Maps Antike-19.Jhrt. j

375,00 €
Heer Guide to Lucerne, The Lake, and its Environs 1898 Guide Illustrations js

Heer Guide to Lucerne, The Lake, and its Environs 1898 Guide Illustrations js

29,00 €
Bartholomew, J. G. 1903 The Survey Atlas of England & Wales Geographie am

Bartholomew, J. G. 1903 The Survey Atlas of England & Wales Geographie am

350,00 €
Klemp Egon America in Maps Dating from 1500 to 1856 Großfolio 1976 j

Klemp Egon America in Maps Dating from 1500 to 1856 Großfolio 1976 j

375,00 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas - Jubiläumsausgabe. in 139 Haupt- und 161 Nebenkarten nebst vollständigem alphabetischem Namensverzeichnis. - Jubiläumsausgabe.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Jubiläumsausgabe. in 139 Haupt und 161..

165,00 €
Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

17,00 €
Hong, Gi-Bum - National Geographic Information Institute (NGII): The National Atlas of Korea.

Hong, Gi-Bum - National Geographic Information Institute (NGII): The National Atlas of Korea.

27,00 €
Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. - Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. Complete in 3 volumes and Collection of Engravings.

Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom..

1.507,00 €
Lybien. - Daniels, Charles: The Garamantes of Southern Libya.

Lybien. - Daniels, Charles: The Garamantes of Southern Libya.

26,00 €
Berlin Town plan: Town plan of Berlin. Sheet 3 and 4 (of 5 ), South-West and South-East. Scale: 1 : 20.000. Key to numbered buildings on reverse.

Berlin Town plan: Town plan of Berlin. Sheet 3 and 4 (of 5 ), South West and South East. Scale: 1 :..

67,00 €
London.- Illustrated Guide Books: Pictorail and Descriptive Guide to London and the Franco-British Exhibition 1908.

London. Illustrated Guide Books: Pictorail and Descriptive Guide to London and the Franco British..

27,00 €
OTTO  KAISER  -  his story.

OTTO KAISER - his story.

40,00 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas in 228 Haupt- und 211 Nebenkarten nebst vollständigem alphabetischem Namensverzeichnis in separatem Band.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas in 228 Haupt und 211 Nebenkarten nebst..

65,00 €
Kilroe, J.R. - Department of Architecture und Technical Instruction for Ireland (Ed.): A Description of the Soil-Geology of Ireland, based upon geological survey maps and records.

Kilroe, J.R. Department of Architecture und Technical Instruction for Ireland (Ed.): A..

23,00 €
Franceschi, Michel Général / Ben Weider: The Wars against Napoleon. Debunking the Myth of the Napoleonic Wars.

Franceschi, Michel Général / Ben Weider: The Wars against Napoleon. Debunking the Myth of the..

23,00 €
Kenya. - edited by W. H. Whiteley: Language in Kenya. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

Kenya. - edited by W. H. Whiteley: Language in Kenya. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

30,00 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Ausgewählte, völlig neue bearbeitete Ausgabe in einem Bande von Dr. Konrad Frenzel.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Ausgewählte, völlig neue bearbeitete..

98,00 €
Leith, C.K. - J. W. Furness, Cleona Lewis: World Minerals and World Peace.

Leith, C.K. - J. W. Furness, Cleona Lewis: World Minerals and World Peace.

23,00 €
Holford, William and Myles Wright: Cambridge. Planning Proposals. A Report to the Cambridgeshire County Council. 2 volumes [Text / Maps and Plans].

Holford, William and Myles Wright: Cambridge. Planning Proposals. A Report to the Cambridgeshire..

80,00 €
India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City Maps: Delhi/Agra/Srinagar.

India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City..

4,00 €
California. - Cadwalader Ringgold, Commander, U.S. Navy: A series of charts, with sailing directions, embracing surveys of  the Farallones, entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo [...] the Sacramento river (with the midd

California. Cadwalader Ringgold, Commander, U.S. Navy: A series of charts, with sailing..

1.007,00 €
JPCL. - Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. - Manfredi, Stefano / Mauro Tosco (eds.): Arabic-based Pidgins and Creoles. Special issue ( Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages ( JPCL ), Volume 29, Number 2 - 2014. Editor Donald Winford ). - From the co

JPCL. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Manfredi, Stefano / Mauro Tosco (eds.): Arabic..

57,00 €
Vokotopoulou, Ioulia: Vitsa. Ta nekrotafeia mias molossikes komes. (Vitsa. The cemeteries of a Molossian Town). (Tomos A: Keimeno, B: Pinakes-Sxedia, C [maps/plans]).

Vokotopoulou, Ioulia: Vitsa. Ta nekrotafeia mias molossikes komes. (Vitsa. The cemeteries of a..

170,00 €
Turner, Katharine C: Red Men Calling on the Great White Father.

Turner, Katharine C: Red Men Calling on the Great White Father.

23,00 €
Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt: The military history of civil war land battles.

Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt: The military history of civil war land battles.

27,00 €
Numizmatikai Közlöny.   Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag  Tagjai  Fitz Jenö / Gedai Istvan    D.W.MacDowall / Melinda..

Numizmatikai Közlöny. Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag Tagjai Fitz..

31,00 €
Numizmatikai Közlöny.   Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag  Tagjai  Fitz Jenö / Gedai Istvan    Miklos Bakos /..

Numizmatikai Közlöny. Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag Tagjai Fitz..

31,00 €
Hostert, Walter Dr: Lüdenscheider Knopfbuch - I. Teil: Band 2: Im Frieden wie im Krieg: Militärische Uniformknöpfe in Preußen - Deutschland seit Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts.

Hostert, Walter Dr: Lüdenscheider Knopfbuch I. Teil: Band 2: Im Frieden wie im Krieg:..

38,00 €
Watts, R. L: New Federations Experiments in the Commonwealth.

Watts, R. L: New Federations Experiments in the Commonwealth.

26,00 €
Jong-cheol Kim: Kaya tombs of Jisandong, Koryung County. An archaeological report of tombs nos. 32-35. (Archaeological report of the Keimyung Univ. Museum, v. 1).

Jong cheol Kim: Kaya tombs of Jisandong, Koryung County. An archaeological report of tombs nos. 32..

120,00 €
Davidsson, Ake: Handritade Kartor Rörande Sveriges Krig. (Manuscript Maps concerning the wars of Sweden in the Uppsala Universitiy Library. A List bay Ake Davidsson).

Davidsson, Ake: Handritade Kartor Rörande Sveriges Krig. (Manuscript Maps concerning the wars of..

9,00 €
Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With engravings on wood by Jackson, and illustrated maps and plans on steel.

Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With..

240,00 €
Collier, Arthur J.: - Department of the Interior, Ray Lyman Wilbur / U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith: The Kevin-Sunburst oil field and other possibilities of oil and gas in the Sweetgrass Arch, Montana. Bulletin 812-B (= Contributions to economi

Collier, Arthur J.: Department of the Interior, Ray Lyman Wilbur / U.S. Geological Survey, George..

25,00 €
Rorie, David: A Medico ' s Luck in the War. Reminiscences of R. A. M. C. Work with the 51st ( Highland ) Division.

Rorie, David: A Medico ' s Luck in the War. Reminiscences of R. A. M. C. Work with the 51st (..

27,00 €
Lindenstead, Arthur: Sketches from Commercial Life in England. Preceded by an introductory sketch on the historical development of the City of London. With 25 illustrations and 2 maps
 Leipzig, Rengersche Buchhandlung Gebhardt & Wilisch, 1905.

Lindenstead, Arthur: Sketches from Commercial Life in England. Preceded by an introductory sketch..

20,00 €
Ratelband, Johannes: Geographisch-Toneel, of uitgezochte Kaarten, tot genak der Officieren, Reisigers en Liefhebbers. Text und lose Tafeln.

Ratelband, Johannes: Geographisch Toneel, of uitgezochte Kaarten, tot genak der Officieren..

957,00 €
Barron, Roderick: Decorative maps - With forty full colour plates.

Barron, Roderick: Decorative maps - With forty full colour plates.

12,90 €
Hureau, Jean: Tunisia today.

Hureau, Jean: Tunisia today.

7,90 €
McConnell, W. R: Geography around the world - aus der Reihe: McNally Social Studies Series.

McConnell, W. R: Geography around the world - aus der Reihe: McNally Social Studies Series.

7,90 €
Klemp, Egon (Hrsg.): Africa on Maps dating from the Twelth to the Eighteenth Century. ( Afrika ) auf Karten des 12. - 18. Jahrhunderts.

Klemp, Egon (Hrsg.): Africa on Maps dating from the Twelth to the Eighteenth Century. ( Afrika )..

157,00 €
Laurla, Kari K: Itä - Karjalan Tunnuksia. (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum).

Laurla, Kari K: Itä - Karjalan Tunnuksia. (Collegium Heraldicum Fennicum).

47,00 €
Bergroth, Tom C. (Ed.) - The Finnish National Committee for Genealogy and Heraldry (Publ.): Genealogica & Heraldica. Report of the 16th International Congress of Genealogical and Heraldic Sciences in Helsinki; 16 - 21 August 1984.

Bergroth, Tom C. (Ed.) The Finnish National Committee for Genealogy and Heraldry (Publ.):..

47,00 €
Eladio M Vazquez, Leoncio Gianello, Carlos M. Correa Avila u.a: Historia de las Instituciones de la Provincia de Santa Fe (Tomo) III. Edicion Oficial..

Eladio M Vazquez, Leoncio Gianello, Carlos M. Correa Avila u.a: Historia de las Instituciones de la..

57,00 €
Hansson, Olafur: Söguslódir - Afmaelisrit helgao Ólafi Hanssyni sjötugum 18.september 1979.

Hansson, Olafur: Söguslódir - Afmaelisrit helgao Ólafi Hanssyni sjötugum 18.september 1979.

47,00 €
Hurtado Maqueda, Jorge: Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Volume I & II Y / UND / AND Banderas de la Provincia de Cuenca, (tablas de colores).

Hurtado Maqueda, Jorge: Banderas y Escudos de la Comunidad de Madrid. Volume I & II Y / UND / AND..

87,00 €
Panizo Gómez, Eduardo: Banderas y Escudos de la Región de Murcia (= Colección Vexilla Hispanica).

Panizo Gómez, Eduardo: Banderas y Escudos de la Región de Murcia (= Colección Vexilla..

67,00 €
Panizo Gómez, Eduardo: Banderas y Escudos de la Provincia de Ciudad Real. (= Colección Vexilla Hispanica).

Panizo Gómez, Eduardo: Banderas y Escudos de la Provincia de Ciudad Real. (= Colección Vexilla..

87,00 €
Oriens.   Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü/ H. Ringgren/ H. Ritter (Hrsg.).   Anthony D. Alderson..

Oriens. Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü/ H. Ringgren/ H. Ritter..

47,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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