Bücher von "maps" gebraucht und antiquarisch kaufen

120 Artikel gefunden


Klemp Egon America in Maps Dating from 1500 to 1856 Großfolio 1976 j

Klemp Egon America in Maps Dating from 1500 to 1856 Großfolio 1976 j

375,00 €
Harvey, G.E: History of Burma: from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the English Conquest.

Harvey, G.E: History of Burma: from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the..

37,00 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas - Jubiläumsausgabe. in 139 Haupt- und 161 Nebenkarten nebst vollständigem alphabetischem Namensverzeichnis. - Jubiläumsausgabe.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Jubiläumsausgabe. in 139 Haupt und 161..

165,00 €
Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

Muirhead, Findlay: England. (The Blue Guides). With 81 maps and plans.

17,00 €
Hong, Gi-Bum - National Geographic Information Institute (NGII): The National Atlas of Korea.

Hong, Gi-Bum - National Geographic Information Institute (NGII): The National Atlas of Korea.

27,00 €
Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. - Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava, sent by the Governor-General of India, in the year 1795. Complete in 3 volumes and Collection of Engravings.

Myanmar. Birma. Burma. Königreich Ava. Symes, Michael: An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom..

1.507,00 €
Lybien. - Daniels, Charles: The Garamantes of Southern Libya.

Lybien. - Daniels, Charles: The Garamantes of Southern Libya.

26,00 €
Berlin Town plan: Town plan of Berlin. Sheet 3 and 4 (of 5 ), South-West and South-East. Scale: 1 : 20.000. Key to numbered buildings on reverse.

Berlin Town plan: Town plan of Berlin. Sheet 3 and 4 (of 5 ), South West and South East. Scale: 1 :..

67,00 €
London.- Illustrated Guide Books: Pictorail and Descriptive Guide to London and the Franco-British Exhibition 1908.

London. Illustrated Guide Books: Pictorail and Descriptive Guide to London and the Franco British..

27,00 €
Buch: Asien auf Karten / Asia in Maps, Klemp, Egon. 1989, Edition Leipzig

Buch: Asien auf Karten / Asia in Maps, Klemp, Egon. 1989, Edition Leipzig

210,00 €
OTTO  KAISER  -  his story.

OTTO KAISER - his story.

40,00 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas in 228 Haupt- und 211 Nebenkarten nebst vollständigem alphabetischem Namensverzeichnis in separatem Band.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas in 228 Haupt und 211 Nebenkarten nebst..

65,00 €
Kilroe, J.R. - Department of Architecture und Technical Instruction for Ireland (Ed.): A Description of the Soil-Geology of Ireland, based upon geological survey maps and records.

Kilroe, J.R. Department of Architecture und Technical Instruction for Ireland (Ed.): A..

23,00 €
Franceschi, Michel Général / Ben Weider: The Wars against Napoleon. Debunking the Myth of the Napoleonic Wars.

Franceschi, Michel Général / Ben Weider: The Wars against Napoleon. Debunking the Myth of the..

23,00 €
Kenya. - edited by W. H. Whiteley: Language in Kenya. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

Kenya. - edited by W. H. Whiteley: Language in Kenya. Ethiopia, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia.

30,00 €
Buch: Africa on Maps Dating from the Twelgth to the Eighteenth Century. 1976

Buch: Africa on Maps Dating from the Twelgth to the Eighteenth Century. 1976

153,86 €
Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Ausgewählte, völlig neue bearbeitete Ausgabe in einem Bande von Dr. Konrad Frenzel.

Scobel, A. Prof. (Hrg.): Andrees Allgemeiner Handatlas Ausgewählte, völlig neue bearbeitete..

98,00 €
Leith, C.K. - J. W. Furness, Cleona Lewis: World Minerals and World Peace.

Leith, C.K. - J. W. Furness, Cleona Lewis: World Minerals and World Peace.

23,00 €
Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries ( The Civilisation of the american Indian Series no. 196 ).

Rountree, Helen C: Pocahonta' s People. The Powhatan Indians of Virginia through four Centuries (..

23,00 €
Holford, William and Myles Wright: Cambridge. Planning Proposals. A Report to the Cambridgeshire County Council. 2 volumes [Text / Maps and Plans].

Holford, William and Myles Wright: Cambridge. Planning Proposals. A Report to the Cambridgeshire..

80,00 €
India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City Maps: Delhi/Agra/Srinagar.

India 1, Northern India. Landkarte 1:650.000 / 1:1.500.000. Special Maps: Ladakh/Zanskar. City..

4,00 €
California. - Cadwalader Ringgold, Commander, U.S. Navy: A series of charts, with sailing directions, embracing surveys of  the Farallones, entrance to the Bay of San Francisco, Bays of San Francisco and San Pablo [...] the Sacramento river (with the midd

California. Cadwalader Ringgold, Commander, U.S. Navy: A series of charts, with sailing..

1.007,00 €
Dülmen, Moritz van / Tom Sello (Hrsg.): 25 Jahre Mauerfall 2014 - Mauergeschichten-Wall Stories. Erinnerungen und Botschaften zum 25. Jahrestag des Mauerfalls - Memories and Messages on the 25th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

Dülmen, Moritz van / Tom Sello (Hrsg.): 25 Jahre Mauerfall 2014 Mauergeschichten Wall Stories..

27,00 €
JPCL. - Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. - Manfredi, Stefano / Mauro Tosco (eds.): Arabic-based Pidgins and Creoles. Special issue ( Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages ( JPCL ), Volume 29, Number 2 - 2014. Editor Donald Winford ). - From the co

JPCL. Journal of Pidgin and Creole Languages. Manfredi, Stefano / Mauro Tosco (eds.): Arabic..

57,00 €
Vokotopoulou, Ioulia: Vitsa. Ta nekrotafeia mias molossikes komes. (Vitsa. The cemeteries of a Molossian Town). (Tomos A: Keimeno, B: Pinakes-Sxedia, C [maps/plans]).

Vokotopoulou, Ioulia: Vitsa. Ta nekrotafeia mias molossikes komes. (Vitsa. The cemeteries of a..

170,00 €
Grouard, Frank (1850 - 1905) - Joe DeBarthe - Edgar I: Stewart (Ed.): Life and Adventures of Frank Grouard.

Grouard, Frank (1850 1905) Joe DeBarthe Edgar I: Stewart (Ed.): Life and Adventures of Frank..

21,00 €
Motte, Jacob Rhett - James F. Sunderman (Ed.): Journey into Wilderness. An Army Surgeon´s Account of Life in Camp and Field during the Creek and Seminole Wars 1836 - 1838 by Jacob Rhett Motte.

Motte, Jacob Rhett James F. Sunderman (Ed.): Journey into Wilderness. An Army Surgeon´s Account..

57,00 €
Turner, Katharine C: Red Men Calling on the Great White Father.

Turner, Katharine C: Red Men Calling on the Great White Father.

23,00 €
Custer, George Armstrong. - Burkey, Blaine: Custer, come at Once ! The Fort Hays Years of George and Elizabeth Custer (1867- 1870), the Custer Years of Fort Hays.

Custer, George Armstrong. Burkey, Blaine: Custer, come at Once ! The Fort Hays Years of George..

23,00 €
Warren, William W: History of The Ojibway Nation.

Warren, William W: History of The Ojibway Nation.

37,00 €
Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt: The military history of civil war land battles.

Dupuy, Trevor Nevitt: The military history of civil war land battles.

27,00 €
Schmid, Emil: Erläuterungen zur Vegetationskarte der Schweiz ( Resumes francais / english summaries ).   ( = Pflanzengeographische Kommission der schweizerischen Naturforschenden Gesellschaft, Beiträge..

Schmid, Emil: Erläuterungen zur Vegetationskarte der Schweiz ( Resumes francais / english..

21,00 €
Hedren, Paul L. - Introduction by Don Russell: First Scalp for Custer: The Skirmish at Warbonnet Creek, Nebraska, July 17, 1876. With a short history of the Warbonnet battlefield.

Hedren, Paul L. Introduction by Don Russell: First Scalp for Custer: The Skirmish at Warbonnet..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Kidnapped in the Red River War. The search for Sophia and Catherine German forced the victory in the Red  River war. - Production Art Work and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Kidnapped in the Red River War. The search for Sophia and Catherine German forced the..

23,00 €
Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas. Production and Maps by Bill Izzard.

Izzard, Bob: Adobe Walls War. A Fascinating Yet True Story of the Last Indian War in Texas..

25,00 €
Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma series, volume X ).

Jordan, H. Glenn / Thomas M. Holm: Indian Leaders: Oklahoma' s First Statesmen ( = The Oklahoma..

23,00 €
Skarsten, M. O. - illustrated by Alex Adamson: Those Remarkable People - The Dakotas and Lakotas.

Skarsten, M. O. - illustrated by Alex Adamson: Those Remarkable People - The Dakotas and Lakotas.

27,00 €
Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

Hall, Philip S: To Have This Land. The Nature of Indian / White Relations South Dakota 1888 - 1891.

37,00 €
Numizmatikai Közlöny.   Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag  Tagjai  Fitz Jenö / Gedai Istvan    D.W.MacDowall / Melinda..

Numizmatikai Közlöny. Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag Tagjai Fitz..

31,00 €
Numizmatikai Közlöny.   Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag  Tagjai  Fitz Jenö / Gedai Istvan    Miklos Bakos /..

Numizmatikai Közlöny. Szerkeszti Birone Sey Katalin. A Szerkesztö Bizottsag Tagjai Fitz..

31,00 €
Hostert, Walter Dr: Lüdenscheider Knopfbuch - I. Teil: Band 2: Im Frieden wie im Krieg: Militärische Uniformknöpfe in Preußen - Deutschland seit Beginn des 18. Jahrhunderts.

Hostert, Walter Dr: Lüdenscheider Knopfbuch I. Teil: Band 2: Im Frieden wie im Krieg:..

38,00 €
Watts, R. L: New Federations Experiments in the Commonwealth.

Watts, R. L: New Federations Experiments in the Commonwealth.

26,00 €
Jong-cheol Kim: Kaya tombs of Jisandong, Koryung County. An archaeological report of tombs nos. 32-35. (Archaeological report of the Keimyung Univ. Museum, v. 1).

Jong cheol Kim: Kaya tombs of Jisandong, Koryung County. An archaeological report of tombs nos. 32..

120,00 €
Davidsson, Ake: Handritade Kartor Rörande Sveriges Krig. (Manuscript Maps concerning the wars of Sweden in the Uppsala Universitiy Library. A List bay Ake Davidsson).

Davidsson, Ake: Handritade Kartor Rörande Sveriges Krig. (Manuscript Maps concerning the wars of..

9,00 €
Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With engravings on wood by Jackson, and illustrated maps and plans on steel.

Spalding, William: Italy and the Italian Islands. From the earliest ages to the present time. With..

240,00 €
Collier, Arthur J.: - Department of the Interior, Ray Lyman Wilbur / U.S. Geological Survey, George Otis Smith: The Kevin-Sunburst oil field and other possibilities of oil and gas in the Sweetgrass Arch, Montana. Bulletin 812-B (= Contributions to economi

Collier, Arthur J.: Department of the Interior, Ray Lyman Wilbur / U.S. Geological Survey, George..

25,00 €
Rorie, David: A Medico ' s Luck in the War. Reminiscences of R. A. M. C. Work with the 51st ( Highland ) Division.

Rorie, David: A Medico ' s Luck in the War. Reminiscences of R. A. M. C. Work with the 51st (..

27,00 €
A New Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Malvern and District, including Worcester, Droitwich, Gloucester, Cheltenham, Tewkesbury, Evesham, Hereford, etc. With Two Large Maps of the District, Street Plan of Malvern, and Plans of Worcester and Gloucester C

A New Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to Malvern and District, including Worcester, Droitwich..

54,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96

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