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5.298 Artikel gefunden


Potts, Jean: Home is the prisoner.

Potts, Jean: Home is the prisoner.

7,00 €
Potter, Simeon: Our Language.

Potter, Simeon: Our Language.

4,00 €
POTTEN, C. S: Stem cells in  gastrointestinal epitheium. Numbers, characteristics and death.

POTTEN, C. S: Stem cells in gastrointestinal epitheium. Numbers, characteristics and death.

4,00 €
Postgate, John: Microbes and Man.

Postgate, John: Microbes and Man.

8,00 €
Adhemar, Jean: Graphic art of the 18th century.

Adhemar, Jean: Graphic art of the 18th century.

6,00 €
Popper, Karl R: Quantum theory and the schism in physics.

Popper, Karl R: Quantum theory and the schism in physics.

39,00 €
Polski, Jozef: Dzieje obozu narodowego do 1914 riku.

Polski, Jozef: Dzieje obozu narodowego do 1914 riku.

10,00 €
Politik: Labour Party Young Socialists, Fight the Poll-Tax.

Politik: Labour Party Young Socialists, Fight the Poll-Tax.

4,00 €
Polen: Stronnicttwo narodowe w walce o Polske.

Polen: Stronnicttwo narodowe w walce o Polske.

9,00 €
Poe, Edgar Allan: The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

Poe, Edgar Allan: The Murders in the Rue Morgue.

4,00 €
Pocock, Guy N. (Ed.): David Copperfield as a Boy.

Pocock, Guy N. (Ed.): David Copperfield as a Boy.

4,00 €
Plutarch: Plutarch’s lives in eight volumes translated from the greek , with notes, explanatory  and critical from Dacier and others, To which is prefixed the Life of Plutarch written by Dryden.  VIII.

Plutarch: Plutarch’s lives in eight volumes translated from the greek , with notes, explanatory..

36,00 €
Blyton, Enid: Sleepytime tales.

Blyton, Enid: Sleepytime tales.

4,00 €
Plath, Sylvia: Letters home. Correspondence 1950-1963.

Plath, Sylvia: Letters home. Correspondence 1950-1963.

29,00 €
Pitkin: Windsor Castle.

Pitkin: Windsor Castle.

6,00 €
Pitkin: The six wives of Henry VIII.

Pitkin: The six wives of Henry VIII.

8,00 €
Pitkin: The royal line of succession.

Pitkin: The royal line of succession.

8,00 €
Pitkin: The Houses of Parliament. The Palace of Westminster.

Pitkin: The Houses of Parliament. The Palace of Westminster.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Sir Walter Ralegh.

Pitkin: Sir Walter Ralegh.

6,00 €
Pitkin: Scottish Tartans.

Pitkin: Scottish Tartans.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Scottish Cland.

Pitkin: Scottish Cland.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Scotland’s Kings & Queens.

Pitkin: Scotland’s Kings & Queens.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Saint Thomas Becket.

Pitkin: Saint Thomas Becket.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Royal Maundy.

Pitkin: Royal Maundy.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Robert the Bruce.

Pitkin: Robert the Bruce.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Richard III.

Pitkin: Richard III.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Her Majesty’s tower of London.

Pitkin: Her Majesty’s tower of London.

8,00 €
Pitkin: Britain’s Kings & Qeens.

Pitkin: Britain’s Kings & Qeens.

8,00 €
Pickham, Roger (Ed.): Oliver Messel. An exhibition held at the theatre museum Victoria and Albert Museum 22 June – 30 October 1983.

Pickham, Roger (Ed.): Oliver Messel. An exhibition held at the theatre museum Victoria and Albert..

24,00 €
Phillips, Roger: Wild Flowers of Britain.

Phillips, Roger: Wild Flowers of Britain.

13,00 €
Phillips, Roger: Trees in Britain, Europa and North America.

Phillips, Roger: Trees in Britain, Europa and North America.

14,00 €
Philby, Eleanor: Kim Philby. The Spy I loved.

Philby, Eleanor: Kim Philby. The Spy I loved.

9,00 €
Pfeiffer, Ernst (Ed.): Sigmund Freund und Lou Andreas-Salomé. Letters.

Pfeiffer, Ernst (Ed.): Sigmund Freund und Lou Andreas-Salomé. Letters.

14,00 €
PETTIGREW, A. G., Anson, M., Chung, S. H: Hearing in the frog.  A neurophysiological study of the auditory response in the midbrain.

PETTIGREW, A. G., Anson, M., Chung, S. H: Hearing in the frog. A neurophysiological study of the..

4,00 €
Peters, Ellis: The Piper on the Mountain.

Peters, Ellis: The Piper on the Mountain.

4,00 €
Perris, G. H: A short history of war and peace,.

Perris, G. H: A short history of war and peace,.

22,00 €
Pepys, Samuel: Tagebuch aus dem London des 17. Jahrhunderts.

Pepys, Samuel: Tagebuch aus dem London des 17. Jahrhunderts.

8,00 €
Pennant, Thomas: Beschreibung von London vorzueglich in Ruecksicht auf aeltere Geschichte, Sitten und Kunstmerkwuerdigkeiten dieser Stadt. uebersetzt von Johann Heinrich Wiedemann.

Pennant, Thomas: Beschreibung von London vorzueglich in Ruecksicht auf aeltere Geschichte, Sitten..

320,00 €
Pease, Barbara & Allan Pease: Why men don t listen & women can t read maps.

Pease, Barbara & Allan Pease: Why men don t listen & women can t read maps.

4,00 €
Peacocke, D: The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace.

Peacocke, D: The Pictorial History of Buckingham Palace.

4,00 €
PAYNE, B. R: PAYNE, B. R., Pearson, H. E., Cornwell, P. Transneuronal degeneration of beta retinal ganglion cells in the cat. Proc. R. Soc. London B 222, 15-32 (1984), , Obr, Unterstr. [SD22]. / PAYNE, B. R., Pearson, H. E., Cornwell, P.  Neocortical conn

PAYNE, B. R: PAYNE, B. R., Pearson, H. E., Cornwell, P. Transneuronal degeneration of beta retinal..

7,00 €
Pattinson, James: Dangerous Enchantment.

Pattinson, James: Dangerous Enchantment.

4,00 €
Patterson, W. R: Colloquial French.

Patterson, W. R: Colloquial French.

4,00 €
Paton, Alan: The beloved country. A story of comfort in desolation.

Paton, Alan: The beloved country. A story of comfort in desolation.

4,00 €
Pasternak, Boris: An Essay in Autobigraphy.

Pasternak, Boris: An Essay in Autobigraphy.

9,00 €
PASSINGHAM, R. E: Cortical mechanisms and cues for action.

PASSINGHAM, R. E: Cortical mechanisms and cues for action.

4,00 €
Eigen, Michael: The psychotic core.

Eigen, Michael: The psychotic core.

39,00 €
Parsons, Iain (Ed.): The encyclopedia of sea warefare from the first ironclads to the present day.

Parsons, Iain (Ed.): The encyclopedia of sea warefare from the first ironclads to the present day.

8,00 €


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