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5.299 Artikel gefunden


[Bowen, Vernon / Berkeley, Stanley]: What is this? What is that ?.

[Bowen, Vernon / Berkeley, Stanley]: What is this? What is that ?.

95,00 €
(Surtees, Robert Smith): Handley Cross; or Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt. By the author of "Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour", "Ask Mamma", "Plain or Ringlets?" et., etc.

(Surtees, Robert Smith): Handley Cross; or Mr. Jorrocks's Hunt. By the author of "Mr. Sponge's..

200,00 €
(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Don't be too sure. [Deckeltitel].

(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Don't be too sure..

18,00 €
(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Ten pounds reward. [Deckeltitel].

(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Ten pounds reward..

18,00 €
(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Tom leaves school. [Deckeltitel].

(Strang, Herbert [Pseud. Ely, George Herbert & L'Estrange, Charles James]): Tom leaves school..

18,00 €
(Stowell, Thora): The little sea horse. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

(Stowell, Thora): The little sea horse. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

20,00 €
(St. John, John) (Ed.): The young cricketer. Compiled with the assistance of the Cricket Enquiry and approved by the M.C.C. With a foreword by  H.R.H. the Duke of Edinburgh.

(St. John, John) (Ed.): The young cricketer. Compiled with the assistance of the Cricket Enquiry..

29,00 €
(Lane, Margaret Stuart [i.e. Margaret Ashworth]): The birthday present. [Deckeltitel]. (Edited by Herbert Strang).

(Lane, Margaret Stuart [i.e. Margaret Ashworth]): The birthday present. [Deckeltitel]. (Edited by..

18,00 €
(Holme, C. Geoffrey): The Children's Art Book.

(Holme, C. Geoffrey): The Children's Art Book.

55,00 €
(Baker, Margaret): The red candle. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

(Baker, Margaret): The red candle. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

18,00 €
(Baker, Margaret): The seven sons. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

(Baker, Margaret): The seven sons. [Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

20,00 €
(B. O. A.): Cock Robin.

(B. O. A.): Cock Robin.

50,00 €
Catalogue of fine historical steam engine models and ship models, railway relics, locomotive name plates, etc. and the superb twin-screw steam yacht "Hiniesta". The property of John North, ..., the Dundee, Perth & London Shipping Company and others, which

Catalogue of fine historical steam engine models and ship models, railway relics, locomotive name..

25,00 €
John Bellany. (Ausstellungskatalog). Hrsg. v. Fischer Fine Art Limited, London.

John Bellany. (Ausstellungskatalog). Hrsg. v. Fischer Fine Art Limited, London.

15,00 €
Langlands & Bell. (Mit einer Einführung von Ashley Hicks). Hrsg. v. Interim Art Gallery, London, und Luis Campana Galerie.

Langlands & Bell. (Mit einer Einführung von Ashley Hicks). Hrsg. v. Interim Art Gallery, London..

15,00 €
Catalogue of English Furniture & Woodwork. Hrsg. v.  Victoria and Albert Museum. Department of Woodwork. Printed under the authority of the Board of Education. 4 Vols.

Catalogue of English Furniture & Woodwork. Hrsg. v. Victoria and Albert Museum. Department of..

45,00 €
Comical characters. [Deckel-Titel].

Comical characters. [Deckel-Titel].

75,00 €
The puff -puff.

The puff -puff.

145,00 €
English ceramics including pot lids and Staffordshire figures,. which will be sold by auction on Thursday, 20th September [1973] ... by Sotheby's Belgravia.

English ceramics including pot lids and Staffordshire figures,. which will be sold by auction on..

15,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 142, Vol. 11, May 8, 1917: The Rumanian campaign of 1916: (II.) To fall of Bukarest.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 142, Vol. 11, May 8, 1917: The Rumanian..

15,00 €
My nursery A-B-C.

My nursery A-B-C.

30,00 €
Biblija. Knigi svjascennogo pisanija vetchogo i novogo zaveta. Kanoniceskie. V russkom perevode. S parallel'nymi mestami. (Perepecatano s Sinodal'nogo izdanija).

Biblija. Knigi svjascennogo pisanija vetchogo i novogo zaveta. Kanoniceskie. V russkom perevode. S..

39,00 €
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 87.

The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 87.

35,00 €
The Girls' All-Round Book of Stories, Sports, and Hobbies. Edited by Mrs. Walter Wood (Edith Wood).

The Girls' All-Round Book of Stories, Sports, and Hobbies. Edited by Mrs. Walter Wood (Edith Wood).

50,00 €
Goldjunker Sung und andere Novellen aus dem Kin ku ki kwan.

Goldjunker Sung und andere Novellen aus dem Kin ku ki kwan.

10,00 €
The ladies' companion and monthly magazine.

The ladies' companion and monthly magazine.

25,00 €
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 86.

The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 86.

35,00 €
The drawings of L. S. Lowry. Public and private. With an introd. and notes by M. Levy.

The drawings of L. S. Lowry. Public and private. With an introd. and notes by M. Levy.

30,00 €
The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 65, Part 1.

The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 65, Part 1.

35,00 €
Cassel's encyclopaedia. A storehouse of general information. Special edition. 8 Bde.

Cassel's encyclopaedia. A storehouse of general information. Special edition. 8 Bde.

150,00 €
The Studio. (An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art). SUMMER NUMBER 1899: Beauty's Awakening, A Masque of Winter and Spring.

The Studio. (An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art). SUMMER NUMBER 1899: Beauty's..

40,00 €
Internationales Jahrbuch der Fotografie 1958. Hrsg. von Norman Hall und Basil Burton. (Aus dem Engl. von H.-G. van Allsom u. Irene Frey).

Internationales Jahrbuch der Fotografie 1958. Hrsg. von Norman Hall und Basil Burton. (Aus dem..

18,00 €
The golden picture book of the jungle. With four colour plates and fifty illustrations.

The golden picture book of the jungle. With four colour plates and fifty illustrations.

20,00 €
The yellow book of coloured pictures. (Illustrated by Beatrice M. Gower, Harry Woolley, Marjorie Slade and others).

The yellow book of coloured pictures. (Illustrated by Beatrice M. Gower, Harry Woolley, Marjorie..

39,00 €
Furious fun. Illustrated.

Furious fun. Illustrated.

30,00 €
Schoolboys' Bumper Book.

Schoolboys' Bumper Book.

30,00 €
Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au  XIXe siècle. Préface de Paul Gavault. (NACHDRUCK der Ausgabe 1930).

Les livres de l'enfance du XVe au XIXe siècle. Préface de Paul Gavault. (NACHDRUCK der Ausgabe..

35,00 €
The Child's own annual. Ninety-third [93.] annual volume.

The Child's own annual. Ninety-third [93.] annual volume.

20,00 €
Blackie’s Children’s Annual. Artists: Lawson Wood, H. M. Brock, Frank Hart, Alice B. Woodward, L. R. Brightwell & others. Authors: Mrs. Geo. Wemyss, Angela Brazil, Mrs. Carey Morris, Ada Leonora Harris, Alice Talwin Morris, Jessie Pope & others.

Blackie’s Children’s Annual. Artists: Lawson Wood, H. M. Brock, Frank Hart, Alice B. Woodward, L..

30,00 €
Schnick Schnack. Trifles for the Little Ones.

Schnick Schnack. Trifles for the Little Ones.

80,00 €
The looking-glass annual.

The looking-glass annual.

100,00 €
Apologie de la véritable theologie Chrétienne, ainsi Qu'elle est soutenue, & Prêchée, par le Peuple, appellé par Mépris, les Trembleurs. Qui est Une Ample Explication..

Apologie de la véritable theologie Chrétienne, ainsi Qu'elle est soutenue, & Prêchée, par le..

120,00 €
The Royal King Infant Reader. NO. 3. Introductory to the Royal Prince or Royal Princess Readers.

The Royal King Infant Reader. NO. 3. Introductory to the Royal Prince or Royal Princess Readers.

45,00 €
[The London Stage). A collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo-dramas, farces, and interludes. Accurately printed from acting copies, as performed at the Theatres Royal, and carefully collated and revised] OFF PRINT.

[The London Stage). A collection of the most reputed tragedies, comedies, operas, melo dramas..

39,00 €
The child's companion and juvenile instructor. 1863.

The child's companion and juvenile instructor. 1863.

30,00 €
Das Savoy London.

Das Savoy London.

75,00 €
Boys and boys. A missionary book. (Preface by Eugene Stock). (3rd. ed.).

Boys and boys. A missionary book. (Preface by Eugene Stock). (3rd. ed.).

20,00 €
Trocmé, Suzanne: Fabric.

Trocmé, Suzanne: Fabric.

15,00 €


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