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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Gift, Theo [i.e. Boulger, Dorothy Henrietta]: Cape Town Dicky; or Colonel Jack's boy. Illustrated by Alice Havers. Monotints by Ernest Wilson.

Gift, Theo [i.e. Boulger, Dorothy Henrietta]: Cape Town Dicky; or Colonel Jack's boy. Illustrated..

55,00 €
Gere, Charlotte (Bearb.): Architect-designers. Pugin to Mackintosh. (Mit einer Einführung von Clive Wainwright). (Ausstellungskatalog). Hrsg. von The Fine Art Society Ltd. u. Haslam & Whiteway Ltd.

Gere, Charlotte (Bearb.): Architect designers. Pugin to Mackintosh. (Mit einer Einführung von..

11,00 €
Geddes, Elisabeth: Animal Antics.

Geddes, Elisabeth: Animal Antics.

50,00 €
Gavin, Antoine: Le passe-par-tout de l'eglise Romaine, ou Histoire des tromperies des prêtres et des moines en Espagne. Bde. 1 u. 2 (von 3) apart. Traduit de l'Anglois par Mr. (F. M.) Janicon.

Gavin, Antoine: Le passe par tout de l'eglise Romaine, ou Histoire des tromperies des prêtres et..

180,00 €
Fuller, Alfred J.: Nister's Holiday Annual for 1901. With Stories by G. Manville Fenn, L. T. Meade, and other well-known authors. Edited and arranged by Alfred J. Fuller.

Fuller, Alfred J.: Nister's Holiday Annual for 1901. With Stories by G. Manville Fenn, L. T. Meade..

100,00 €
Fletcher, Edward: Collecting pot lids.

Fletcher, Edward: Collecting pot lids.

20,00 €
Feininger, Andreas: Nature in miniature.

Feininger, Andreas: Nature in miniature.

22,00 €
Fallon, John P: Marks of London Goldsmiths and Silversmiths 1837-1914.

Fallon, John P: Marks of London Goldsmiths and Silversmiths 1837-1914.

100,00 €
Erskine, John: Peter kills the bear.

Erskine, John: Peter kills the bear.

30,00 €
Edwards, Lionel: The Fox.

Edwards, Lionel: The Fox.

15,00 €
Durrell, Lawrence: Nunquam. A novel.

Durrell, Lawrence: Nunquam. A novel.

20,00 €
Dickens, Charles: The Personal History of David Copperfield. Illustrated in colour by Frank Reynolds.

Dickens, Charles: The Personal History of David Copperfield. Illustrated in colour by Frank..

85,00 €
Denniston, J. [John] D. (Bearb.): Greek literary criticism. (Edited by Ernest Barker. REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1924).

Denniston, J. [John] D. (Bearb.): Greek literary criticism. (Edited by Ernest Barker. REPRINT der..

18,00 €
Davison, J. A. [John Armstrong]: From Archilochus to Pindar. Papers on Greek literature of the archaic period. With a foreword by W. B. [William Bedell] Stanford.

Davison, J. A. [John Armstrong]: From Archilochus to Pindar. Papers on Greek literature of the..

35,00 €
Darwin, Bernard / Darwin, Elinor [Mary]: Oboli, Boboli, and Little Joboli.

Darwin, Bernard / Darwin, Elinor [Mary]: Oboli, Boboli, and Little Joboli.

55,00 €
Crowquill, Alfred: Jack the Giant Killer.

Crowquill, Alfred: Jack the Giant Killer.

245,00 €
Cripps, Wilfred Joseph: College and corporation plate:. A handbook to the reproductions of silver plate in the South Kensington Museum, from celebrated English collections. Published for the Committee of Council of Education.

Cripps, Wilfred Joseph: College and corporation plate:. A handbook to the reproductions of silver..

20,00 €
Crick, B. R. / Miriam Alman / H. L. Beales (Hrsg.): A guide to manuscripts relating to America in Great Britain and Ireland. Supervised by H. L. Beales. Published for the British Association for American Studies.

Crick, B. R. / Miriam Alman / H. L. Beales (Hrsg.): A guide to manuscripts relating to America in..

25,00 €
Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest masters. Engraved & printed in colours by Edmund Evans.

Crane, Walter: The baby's opera. A book of old rhymes with new dresses. The music by the earliest..

110,00 €
Cicero, Marcus Tullius.: Cicero in twenty-eight volumes. VOL. 12 (apart): Pro Sestio and In Vatinium. With an English translation by R. [Robert] Gardner. (REPRINT of the edition London, William Heinemann, 1958).

Cicero, Marcus Tullius.: Cicero in twenty eight volumes. VOL. 12 (apart): Pro Sestio and In..

15,00 €
Churchill, C. [Charles]: The works in four volumes. VOL. 2 (von 4) apart. 5th ed.

Churchill, C. [Charles]: The works in four volumes. VOL. 2 (von 4) apart. 5th ed.

25,00 €
Chevin, Abbé: Dictionnaire latin-français des noms propres de lieux. Ayant une certaine notoriété principalement au point de vue ecclésiastque et monastique. (REPRINT der Ausgabe Paris 1897).

Chevin, Abbé: Dictionnaire latin français des noms propres de lieux. Ayant une certaine..

45,00 €
Charles Morell.: The tales of the Genii; or the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar. Faithfully translated from the Persian manuscript; and compared with the French and Spanish editions, published at Paris and Madrid. By Sir Charles Morell... Em

Charles Morell.: The tales of the Genii; or the delightful lessons of Horam, the son of Asmar..

40,00 €
Chamot, Mary: Goncharova. Stage designs and paintings.

Chamot, Mary: Goncharova. Stage designs and paintings.

30,00 €
Carlyle, Thomas: The French revolution. A History. (Introduction by H. D. [Henry Duff] Traill). In 2 volumes.

Carlyle, Thomas: The French revolution. A History. (Introduction by H. D. [Henry Duff] Traill). In..

25,00 €
Campbell, Lewis: Paralipomena Sophoclea. Supplementary notes on the text and interpretation of Sophocles. (Reprograf. REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1907).

Campbell, Lewis: Paralipomena Sophoclea. Supplementary notes on the text and interpretation of..

42,00 €
Caldecott, Randolph: The hey diddle diddle picture book. All exhibited in beautiful engravings, many of which are printed in colours. Drawn by R. C. Engraved and printed by E. [Edmund] Evans.

Caldecott, Randolph: The hey diddle diddle picture book. All exhibited in beautiful engravings..

60,00 €
Byron, Lord [George Gordon Noel]: Werner, a tragedy.

Byron, Lord [George Gordon Noel]: Werner, a tragedy.

80,00 €
Byron, George Gordon Noel.: Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts. With notes. /   The Prophecy of Dante. A poem. By Lord Byron.

Byron, George Gordon Noel.: Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice. An historical tragedy, in five acts..

200,00 €
Browne, Gordon: Proverbial sayings. Being some old friends in new dresses. Printed by Edmund Evans.

Browne, Gordon: Proverbial sayings. Being some old friends in new dresses. Printed by Edmund Evans.

50,00 €
Bonner, S. [Stanley] F: The literary treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus. A study in the development of critical method. (Unchanged REPRINTof the edition London 1939).

Bonner, S. [Stanley] F: The literary treatises of Dionysius of Halicarnassus. A study in the..

49,00 €
Blyton, Enid: The animal book. Illustrated in black and white by Kathleen Nixon, with four fine colour plates.

Blyton, Enid: The animal book. Illustrated in black and white by Kathleen Nixon, with four fine..

40,00 €
Bloomfield, Robert: The horkey. A (provincial) ballad. With illustrations by George Cruikshank. (Foreword by F. C. [Francis Cowley] Burnand).

Bloomfield, Robert: The horkey. A (provincial) ballad. With illustrations by George Cruikshank..

100,00 €
Belloc, Hilaire Joseph Peter: Cautionary verses. The collected humorous poems of H. Belloc. (5th impr.).

Belloc, Hilaire Joseph Peter: Cautionary verses. The collected humorous poems of H. Belloc. (5th..

15,00 €
Beard, Dan [i.e. Beard, Daniel Carter]: American boys' book of wild animals. Illustrated by the author.

Beard, Dan [i.e. Beard, Daniel Carter]: American boys' book of wild animals. Illustrated by the..

45,00 €
Barlow, Shirley A: The Imagery of Euripides. A study in the dramatic use of pictorial language.

Barlow, Shirley A: The Imagery of Euripides. A study in the dramatic use of pictorial language.

16,00 €
Baker, Margaret: Three boys at the fair. (Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

Baker, Margaret: Three boys at the fair. (Deckeltitel]. [Edited by Herbert Strang].

20,00 €
Attwell, Mabel Lucie: All about school.

Attwell, Mabel Lucie: All about school.

65,00 €
Aristophanes.: The Acharnians of Aristophanes. With introduction, English prose translation, critical notes and commentary by W. [William] J. M. Starkie. (REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1909).

Aristophanes.: The Acharnians of Aristophanes. With introduction, English prose translation..

55,00 €
Alison, Filippo: Charles Rennie Mackintosh as a designer of chairs. (Introduction by Andrew McLaren Young). (3. English edition).

Alison, Filippo: Charles Rennie Mackintosh as a designer of chairs. (Introduction by Andrew McLaren..

28,00 €
Aischylos [Aeschylos; Aeschylus].: The complete plays of Aeschylus. Translated into English rhyming verse with commentaries and notes by Gilbert Murray.

Aischylos [Aeschylos; Aeschylus].: The complete plays of Aeschylus. Translated into English rhyming..

30,00 €
[Wandle, Jennie Taylor]: Masquerade and carnival, their customs and costumes. Revised and enlarged.

[Wandle, Jennie Taylor]: Masquerade and carnival, their customs and costumes. Revised and enlarged.

120,00 €
[Valentine, Laura]: Childhoods' [sic!] happy hours.

[Valentine, Laura]: Childhoods' [sic!] happy hours.

50,00 €
[Farquhar, George]: Sir Harry Wildair. Being the sequel of The trip to the jubilee. A comedy. As it is acted at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by Her Majesty's servants.

[Farquhar, George]: Sir Harry Wildair. Being the sequel of The trip to the jubilee. A comedy. As it..

30,00 €
[Clarke, William]: The boy's own book. A complete encyclopedia, of all the diversions, athletic, scientific, and recreative, of boyhood and youth.

[Clarke, William]: The boy's own book. A complete encyclopedia, of all the diversions, athletic..

85,00 €
[Caldecott, Randolph]: R. Caldecott's picture book, containing The diverting history of John Gilpin, The house that Jack built,The babes in the wood, and An elegy on the death of a mad dog. All exhibited in beautiful engravings, many of which are printed

[Caldecott, Randolph]: R. Caldecott's picture book, containing The diverting history of John..

55,00 €
[Byron, George Gordon Noel / Rogers, Samuel, anonym].: Lara, a tale. [By Lord Byron.] / Jacqueline, a tale.  [By Samuel Rogers.]. Poems.

[Byron, George Gordon Noel / Rogers, Samuel, anonym].: Lara, a tale. [By Lord Byron.] / Jacqueline..

110,00 €
[Browne, Gordon Frederick]: Dr Jollyboy's ABC. With drawings by Gordon Browne.

[Browne, Gordon Frederick]: Dr Jollyboy's ABC. With drawings by Gordon Browne.

40,00 €


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