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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Shakespeare, William: Richard II. Faksimile-REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1597. (Edited by Walter Greg and Charlton Hinman).

Shakespeare, William: Richard II. Faksimile REPRINT der Ausgabe London 1597. (Edited by Walter Greg..

39,00 €
Sellon, Gertrude: Short stories about animals. Illustrated in coulour and black and white by W. Weekes.

Sellon, Gertrude: Short stories about animals. Illustrated in coulour and black and white by W..

65,00 €
Schwezoff, Igor: Borzoi. (3rd printing).

Schwezoff, Igor: Borzoi. (3rd printing).

18,00 €
Schwerdt, Charles Francis George Richard.: Hunting, hawking, shooting. Illustrated in a catalogue of books, manuscripts, prints and drawings, collected by C. F. G. R. Schwerdt. (Verkleinerter REPRINT [der Ausgabe London, Waterlow 1928-1937]). 4 vols. in 2

Schwerdt, Charles Francis George Richard.: Hunting, hawking, shooting. Illustrated in a catalogue..

130,00 €
Ruding, Walt: An evil motherhood. An impressionist novel. Frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley.

Ruding, Walt: An evil motherhood. An impressionist novel. Frontispiece by Aubrey Beardsley.

120,00 €
Reid, Forrest: Illustrators of the sixties.

Reid, Forrest: Illustrators of the sixties.

85,00 €
Pushkin, A. S. [Aleksandr Sergeevic Puskin]: The tale of the golden cockerel. (Translated from the Russian of Alexander Sergeyevitch Pushkin by Hannah Waller with a note on Pushkin and the tale by Raissa Lomonossova).

Pushkin, A. S. [Aleksandr Sergeevic Puskin]: The tale of the golden cockerel. (Translated from the..

39,00 €
Purdy, James: Children is all.

Purdy, James: Children is all.

20,00 €
Pindar [Pindarus, Pindaros].: The Nemean odes of Pindar / Pindarou epinikoi nemeonikais. Edited, with introductions and commentary, by J. B. Bury. (REPRINT of the edition London 1890).

Pindar [Pindarus, Pindaros].: The Nemean odes of Pindar / Pindarou epinikoi nemeonikais. Edited..

49,00 €
Parnell, Winifred: Rag, tag, and bobtail. By Edith Farmiloe. With verses by Winifred Parnell.

Parnell, Winifred: Rag, tag, and bobtail. By Edith Farmiloe. With verses by Winifred Parnell.

75,00 €
Palgrave, Francis: The history of Normandy and of England. 4 vols. (= komplett). Mischauflage.

Palgrave, Francis: The history of Normandy and of England. 4 vols. (= komplett). Mischauflage.

220,00 €
Moorat, Joseph S: Thirty Old-Time Nursery Songs. Arranged by Joseph Moorat & pictured by P. Woodroffe.

Moorat, Joseph S: Thirty Old Time Nursery Songs. Arranged by Joseph Moorat & pictured by P..

200,00 €
Molesworth, Mary Louisa.: The adventures of Herr Baby. By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter Crane.

Molesworth, Mary Louisa.: The adventures of Herr Baby. By Mrs. Molesworth. Illustrated by Walter..

75,00 €
Moholy-Nagy, László.: Portrait of Eton. Photographs by L. Moholy-Nagy. With an introduction by Bernard Fergusson.

Moholy Nagy, László.: Portrait of Eton. Photographs by L. Moholy Nagy. With an introduction by..

30,00 €
Mills, John W. [William]: Head and figure modelling.

Mills, John W. [William]: Head and figure modelling.

30,00 €
Menandros.: New fragments of the "Misoumenos" of Menander. Edited by Eric G. [Gardner] Turner. (Publ. by Institute of Classical Studies, London).

Menandros.: New fragments of the "Misoumenos" of Menander. Edited by Eric G. [Gardner] Turner..

35,00 €
Mayo, Eileen / Payne, Wyndham: The children's circus book with pictures by Eileen Mayo & Wyndham Payne.

Mayo, Eileen / Payne, Wyndham: The children's circus book with pictures by Eileen Mayo & Wyndham..

50,00 €
Mann, Charles V. (ed.): Contributions from St. Mark's Hospital, London. Sesquicentenary volume, 1935-1985. Edited (and with foreword) by Charles V. Mann.

Mann, Charles V. (ed.): Contributions from St. Mark's Hospital, London. Sesquicentenary volume..

45,00 €
Macgregor, Angusine: The mysterious disappearance of What and Why.

Macgregor, Angusine: The mysterious disappearance of What and Why.

60,00 €
MacGlynn, Patrick (Hrsg.): Lexicon Terentianum. Conscripsit Patricius McGlynn. 2 vols.

MacGlynn, Patrick (Hrsg.): Lexicon Terentianum. Conscripsit Patricius McGlynn. 2 vols.

200,00 €
Lorentz, H. A. [Hans Achim]: A view of Chinese rugs from the seventeenth to the twentieth century. (Foreword by Ignaz Schlosser).

Lorentz, H. A. [Hans Achim]: A view of Chinese rugs from the seventeenth to the twentieth century..

40,00 €
Leibniz. - Sleigh, R. C. (Hrsg.): Lettres de Leibniz à Arnauld. D'après un manuscrit inédit. Avec une introduction historique et des notes critiques par / With an introd. and notes by] Geneviève Lewis. REPRINT of the first ed. Paris, 1952).

Leibniz. Sleigh, R. C. (Hrsg.): Lettres de Leibniz à Arnauld. D'après un manuscrit inédit..

39,00 €
Le Sage, [Alain-]Rene: The devil on two sticks. A new ed. With an introduction by Arthur Symons. With illustr. and decorations by Philip Hagreen. Privately printed for The Navarre Society Limited.

Le Sage, [Alain ]Rene: The devil on two sticks. A new ed. With an introduction by Arthur Symons..

40,00 €
Kobal, John / Wilson, V. A.  Kobal, John: Foyer pleasure. The golden age of cinema lobby cards. Foreword by Benny Green.

Kobal, John / Wilson, V. A. Kobal, John: Foyer pleasure. The golden age of cinema lobby cards..

35,00 €
Klessmann, Rüdiger / Maek-Gerard, Michael (Hrsgg.): Im Detail die Welt entdecken: Adam Elsheimer 1578-1610. Mit Beiträgen von Emilie E. S. Gordenker und Christian Tico Seifert. Katalog d. Ausstellungen Frankfurt, Edinburgh u. London 2006.

Klessmann, Rüdiger / Maek Gerard, Michael (Hrsgg.): Im Detail die Welt entdecken: Adam Elsheimer..

16,00 €
Klemm, David / Frank, Hartmut: Alexis de Chateauneuf 1799-1853. Architekt in Hamburg, London und Oslo. (Mit einem Vorwort von Wilhelm Hornbostel).

Klemm, David / Frank, Hartmut: Alexis de Chateauneuf 1799 1853. Architekt in Hamburg, London und..

25,00 €
King, Ronald: Turn over darling. (Designed and drawn in wire by Ronald King, and printed on various papers by Jessica and Jonah).

King, Ronald: Turn over darling. (Designed and drawn in wire by Ronald King, and printed on various..

95,00 €
Kidd, William: The book of British song-birds, and aviary-companion:. including interesting notes on the "warblers" and our other summer visitors. Illustrated by wood-engravings.

Kidd, William: The book of British song birds, and aviary companion:. including interesting notes..

120,00 €
Inglis, Robert: Gleanings from the English poets, Chaucer to Tennyson, with biographical notices ot the authors.

Inglis, Robert: Gleanings from the English poets, Chaucer to Tennyson, with biographical notices ot..

45,00 €
Honey, W. B. [William Bowyer]: German porcelain.

Honey, W. B. [William Bowyer]: German porcelain.

20,00 €
Honey, W. B. [William Bowyer]: French porcelain of the 18th century.

Honey, W. B. [William Bowyer]: French porcelain of the 18th century.

20,00 €
Holme, [Charles] Geoffrey: The children's art book. [5. ed.].

Holme, [Charles] Geoffrey: The children's art book. [5. ed.].

30,00 €
Hockney, David: Hockney on photography. Conversations with Paul Joyce.

Hockney, David: Hockney on photography. Conversations with Paul Joyce.

65,00 €
The renowned history of Dame Trot and her cat. UND: Nursery poems from the ancient and modern poets. UND: The history of Dick Whittington, Lord Mayor of London; with the adventures of his cat. (REPRINT der englischen Ausgaben von ca. 1820. Hrsg. von Paul

The renowned history of Dame Trot and her cat. UND: Nursery poems from the ancient and modern..

20,00 €
Hazlewood, Rex (ed.): The Scout annual 1965. Published by arrangement with the Boy Scouts Association.

Hazlewood, Rex (ed.): The Scout annual 1965. Published by arrangement with the Boy Scouts..

20,00 €
Hardingham, B. G. [Benjamin George]: Round the globe. With ten coloured cut-outs.

Hardingham, B. G. [Benjamin George]: Round the globe. With ten coloured cut-outs.

29,00 €
Harada, Jiro: Japanese art at the Panama-Pacific Exposition. In: The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 66, Part 1. S. 164-176.

Harada, Jiro: Japanese art at the Panama Pacific Exposition. In: The Studio. An illustrated..

35,00 €
Harada, Jiro: The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 64, Part 1.

Harada, Jiro: The Studio. An illustrated magazine of fine and applied art. VOL. 64, Part 1.

45,00 €
Greenaway, Kate.: A day in a child's life. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Music by Myles B. [Birket] Foster. Engraved and printed by Edmund Evans.

Greenaway, Kate.: A day in a child's life. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway. Music by Myles B..

200,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Almanack for 1884. Printed by Edmund Evans.

Greenaway, Kate: Almanack for 1884. Printed by Edmund Evans.

100,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Almanack for 1884. Printed by Edmund Evans.

Greenaway, Kate: Almanack for 1884. Printed by Edmund Evans.

85,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway.

Greenaway, Kate: Mother Goose, or, The old nursery rhymes. Illustrated by Kate Greenaway.

85,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Under the window. Pictures & rhymes for children by Kate Greenaway. Engraved & printed by Edmund Evans. REPRINT (der Ausgabe London, 1878).

Greenaway, Kate: Under the window. Pictures & rhymes for children by Kate Greenaway. Engraved &..

20,00 €
Greenaway, Kate: Marigold garden. Pictures and rhymes by Kate Greenaway.

Greenaway, Kate: Marigold garden. Pictures and rhymes by Kate Greenaway.

90,00 €
Grahame, Kenneth: The Golden Age. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish.

Grahame, Kenneth: The Golden Age. Illustrated by Maxfield Parrish.

40,00 €
Golding, Harry: Our animal friends. With 24 colour plates by Margaret W. Tarrant.

Golding, Harry: Our animal friends. With 24 colour plates by Margaret W. Tarrant.

35,00 €
Gilson, Charles.: The book of adventure and sport. Including "The Prince of Wales as Scout" by Lord Baden-Powell. Stories etc. by Major Gilson, Natalie Joan, Cecil Bernard Rutley, and others. Illustrated by C. E. Brock, Bernard Gribble, and others.

Gilson, Charles.: The book of adventure and sport. Including "The Prince of Wales as Scout" by Lord..

45,00 €
Gilmour, Margaret: The seven little Spillikins. Told in words by Margaret Gilmour. Told in pictures by Lilian A. [Amy] Govey.

Gilmour, Margaret: The seven little Spillikins. Told in words by Margaret Gilmour. Told in pictures..

45,00 €


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