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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Philosophy - Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. Vol. XXVIII. No. 105. April 1953.

Philosophy Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of..

9,00 €
Mayhew, Christopher: Coexistence plus. A positive approach to world peace.

Mayhew, Christopher: Coexistence plus. A positive approach to world peace.

9,00 €
Kästner, Gottfried: Das Kursdreieck Berlin-London-New York 1924-1930.

Kästner, Gottfried: Das Kursdreieck Berlin-London-New York 1924-1930.

12,00 €
Haueter, Max W: Ronald Duncan - The Metaphysical Content of his Plays. Diss.phil., Univ. Bern 1968.

Haueter, Max W: Ronald Duncan - The Metaphysical Content of his Plays. Diss.phil., Univ. Bern 1968.

9,00 €
Griffiths, Sir Percival: The road to freedom. An ampersand book.

Griffiths, Sir Percival: The road to freedom. An ampersand book.

13,00 €
Hawtrey, R.G: Cross purposes in wage policy. Preface.

Hawtrey, R.G: Cross purposes in wage policy. Preface.

9,00 €
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. - Trench, Richard: An Essay on the life and genius of Calderon with translations from his 'Life´s a dream' and 'Great theatr of the world'. With preface.

Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. Trench, Richard: An Essay on the life and genius of Calderon..

16,00 €
Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. - Hasell, E.J: Calderon. With introduction. (= Foreign Classics for English Readers.

Calderon de la Barca, Don Pedro. Hasell, E.J: Calderon. With introduction. (= Foreign Classics..

9,00 €
Delucchi, Vittorio: Pullus Impexus (Muls.) (Coleoptera Coccinellidae). A predator of Adelges Piceae (Ratz.) (Hemiptera Adelgidae). With notes on its parasites.   Thesis [Diss.] nat., FIT Zurich 1954.

Delucchi, Vittorio: Pullus Impexus (Muls.) (Coleoptera Coccinellidae). A predator of Adelges Piceae..

10,00 €
British Gazette, The: The British Gazette. Published by His Majesty´s Stationery Office. No. 5, London, Monday , May 10, 1926.

British Gazette, The: The British Gazette. Published by His Majesty´s Stationery Office. No. 5..

13,00 €
Bossert, H. Th: The Art of ancient Crete from the earliest times to the Iron Age.

Bossert, H. Th: The Art of ancient Crete from the earliest times to the Iron Age.

15,00 €
London. - Victoria-Chambers in London. - C. Dammann: ( Holzstich nach Originalzeichnung von C. Dammann. Aus:) Illustrirte Zeitung, No. 1176 vom 13. Jan. 1866.

London. Victoria Chambers in London. C. Dammann: ( Holzstich nach Originalzeichnung von C..

11,00 €
Bowle, John: World order or catastrophe? Preface.

Bowle, John: World order or catastrophe? Preface.

11,00 €
Bühne, Die - Knudsen, Hans (Schriftleitung): Die Bühne. Zeitschrift für die Gestaltung des deutschen Theaters mit den amtlichen Mitteilungen der Reichstheaterkammer. 8. Heft. 5. August 1938.

Bühne, Die Knudsen, Hans (Schriftleitung): Die Bühne. Zeitschrift für die Gestaltung des..

17,00 €
Angell, James W: Financial Foreign Policy of the United States. A Report to the Second International Studies Conference on The State and Economic Life, London, May 29 to June 2, 1933. Prepared for the American Comittee appointed by The Council on Foreign

Angell, James W: Financial Foreign Policy of the United States. A Report to the Second..

12,00 €
Belder, Robert de ; Quaritch, Bernard: A magnificant collection of botanical books. Being the finest colour-plate books from the celebrated library formed by Robert de Belder. Consigned for sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd.

Belder, Robert de ; Quaritch, Bernard: A magnificant collection of botanical books. Being the..

32,00 €
Avtorkhanov, A. / Clark, Joseph / Salter, Ernest J. / Savarius, Vincent and Hyde, Douglas: The challenge of coexistence.

Avtorkhanov, A. / Clark, Joseph / Salter, Ernest J. / Savarius, Vincent and Hyde, Douglas: The..

9,00 €
Blum, R., K. Herloßsohn und H. Marggraff (Herausgeber): Allgemeines Theater   Lexikon oder Encyklopädie alles Wissenswerthen für Bühnenkünstler, Dilettanten und Theaterfreunde unter Mitwirkung der..

Blum, R., K. Herloßsohn und H. Marggraff (Herausgeber): Allgemeines Theater Lexikon oder..

57,00 €
Selden, John, Pieter Van Der Aa and James , Archbishop Of Armagh Ussher: Joh. Seldenus de Anno Civili Veterum Judaeorum & Jac. Usserius de Macedonum et asianorum anno solari. - Dissertatio 1648. (beigebunden).

Selden, John, Pieter Van Der Aa and James , Archbishop Of Armagh Ussher: Joh. Seldenus de Anno..

190,00 €
100 Pfund auf Jack London

100 Pfund auf Jack London

5,00 €
Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen an seine Freunde im fernen Osten

Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen an seine Freunde im..

6,00 €
A New Map of Antient (!) Germany, Rhaetia, Vindelicia, and Noricum. Shewing their Principal People, Tribes, Cities, Towns, Rivers, Mountains, &c. Altkolorierter Orig.-Kupferstich.

A New Map of Antient (!) Germany, Rhaetia, Vindelicia, and Noricum. Shewing their Principal People..

295,00 €
Ava Gardner Daniell, John

Ava Gardner Daniell, John

10,00 €
Hollywood in the Forties. Higham, Charles und Joel Greenberg

Hollywood in the Forties. Higham, Charles und Joel Greenberg

10,00 €
Hollywood in the Thirties. Baxter, John

Hollywood in the Thirties. Baxter, John

10,00 €
Hollywood in the Sixties. Baxter, John

Hollywood in the Sixties. Baxter, John

10,00 €
Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen an seine Freunde im fernen Osten. Goldsmith, Oliver

Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen an seine Freunde im..

7,00 €
Doubletake. Collective memory & current art.

Doubletake. Collective memory & current art.

30,00 €
The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary. Text edited by J. Coulson, C. T. Carr, L. Hutchinson, D. Eagle.

The Oxford Illustrated Dictionary. Text edited by J. Coulson, C. T. Carr, L. Hutchinson, D. Eagle.

10,00 €
An illustrated History of England. New edition. Burke, John

An illustrated History of England. New edition. Burke, John

12,00 €
The treasure houses of Britain. Five hundred years of private patronage and art collecting. Herausgegeben von Gervase Jackson-Stops.

The treasure houses of Britain. Five hundred years of private patronage and art collecting..

28,00 €
The romance of lace. Jones, Mary Eirwen

The romance of lace. Jones, Mary Eirwen

38,00 €
English domestic needleworks 1660 - 1860. Hughes, Therle

English domestic needleworks 1660 - 1860. Hughes, Therle

24,00 €
Bob Dylan. Watching the river flow. Observations on his Art-in-Progress, 1966 - 1995. Willams, Paul

Bob Dylan. Watching the river flow. Observations on his Art-in-Progress, 1966 - 1995. Willams, Paul

12,00 €
Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs. Stevens

Stevens' Elements of mercantile law. Ninth edition. By Herbert Jacobs. Stevens

12,00 €
Grand Design. The earth from above. Gerster, Georg

Grand Design. The earth from above. Gerster, Georg

32,00 €
Oriental Cookery Course. Powling, Suzy

Oriental Cookery Course. Powling, Suzy

12,00 €
AStar, is a Star, is a Star!: Lives and Loves of Susan Hayward. Andersen, Christopher

AStar, is a Star, is a Star!: Lives and Loves of Susan Hayward. Andersen, Christopher

12,00 €
The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. Geras, Norman

The Legacy of Rosa Luxemburg. Geras, Norman

18,00 €
Yisroel. The jewish omnibus. 723 pages of the best short and longer jewish stories. 9th printing. Herausgegeben von Joseph Leftwich.

Yisroel. The jewish omnibus. 723 pages of the best short and longer jewish stories. 9th printing..

18,00 €
English Humanist Books. Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and Print, 1475 - 1525. Carlson, David R

English Humanist Books. Writers and Patrons, Manuscript and Print, 1475 - 1525. Carlson, David R

12,00 €
Die permanente Krise. Der Kommunismus in der Weltpoltik. London, Kurt

Die permanente Krise. Der Kommunismus in der Weltpoltik. London, Kurt

6,00 €
The art of Bertolt Brecht. Weideli, Walter

The art of Bertolt Brecht. Weideli, Walter

10,00 €
Hollywood in the Twenties. Robinson, David

Hollywood in the Twenties. Robinson, David

10,00 €
With Chatwin. Portrait of a writer. Clapp, Susannah

With Chatwin. Portrait of a writer. Clapp, Susannah

7,00 €
The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland. Herausgegeben von Christopher Haigh.

The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Great Britain and Ireland. Herausgegeben von Christopher Haigh.

12,00 €
Hollywood in the Fifties. Gow, Gordon

Hollywood in the Fifties. Gow, Gordon

10,00 €
Trades and Crafts in Medieval Manuscripts. Basing, Patricia

Trades and Crafts in Medieval Manuscripts. Basing, Patricia

18,00 €


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