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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Hornby, A.S, E.V.Gatenby & H. Wakefield: The advanced learner s dictionary of current englisch.

Hornby, A.S, E.V.Gatenby & H. Wakefield: The advanced learner s dictionary of current englisch.

6,00 €
Grimes, Martha: The lamorna wink.

Grimes, Martha: The lamorna wink.

4,00 €
Greeves, Lydia: Houses of the National Trust.

Greeves, Lydia: Houses of the National Trust.

22,00 €
Gibbons , Stella (Ed.): My new story book. Stories, verses and pictures for the little ones. , Illustrated by Edith A. Cubitt, T., B. Stoner, S. Sheltin, H. P. Neilson and others.

Gibbons , Stella (Ed.): My new story book. Stories, verses and pictures for the little ones..

39,00 €
Fyfield, Frances: A clear conscience.

Fyfield, Frances: A clear conscience.

4,00 €
Fuchs, Horst: London kennen und lieben., Ein Bummel durch Pubs, Parks und Palaeste.

Fuchs, Horst: London kennen und lieben., Ein Bummel durch Pubs, Parks und Palaeste.

4,00 €
Francis, Dick: Knock down.

Francis, Dick: Knock down.

4,00 €
Francis, Dick: Twice shy.

Francis, Dick: Twice shy.

4,00 €
Francis, Dick: Risk.

Francis, Dick: Risk.

4,00 €
Francis, Dick: Flying finish.

Francis, Dick: Flying finish.

4,00 €
Francis, Dick: Dead cert.

Francis, Dick: Dead cert.

4,00 €
Clavell, James: Tai-Pan.

Clavell, James: Tai-Pan.

4,00 €
Marsh, Ngaio: Singing in the shrouds.

Marsh, Ngaio: Singing in the shrouds.

4,00 €
Marsh, Ngaio: Swing, brother   swing.

Marsh, Ngaio: Swing, brother swing.

6,00 €
Eckersley, C.E. & W.Kaufmann: A commercial course for Foreign Students .I.

Eckersley, C.E. & W.Kaufmann: A commercial course for Foreign Students .I.

6,00 €
Dummett, Michael: FREGE. Philosophy of language.

Dummett, Michael: FREGE. Philosophy of language.

62,00 €
Dean, William F: General Dean s story as told to William L. Worden.

Dean, William F: General Dean s story as told to William L. Worden.

16,00 €
Anonymus: der Tower zu London.

Anonymus: der Tower zu London.

4,00 €
Cook, Harold P., & Hugh Tredennick: Aristotle., The categories on interpretation. Prior analytics.

Cook, Harold P., & Hugh Tredennick: Aristotle., The categories on interpretation. Prior analytics.

16,00 €
Clarke, J. Erskine: Chatterbox.

Clarke, J. Erskine: Chatterbox.

22,00 €
Cinque, Guglielmo: Types of A-Dependencies.

Cinque, Guglielmo: Types of A-Dependencies.

16,00 €
Christie, Agatha: Taken at the flood.

Christie, Agatha: Taken at the flood.

4,00 €
Christie, Agatha: Passenger to Frankfurt.

Christie, Agatha: Passenger to Frankfurt.

4,00 €
Castleman, Riva: Prints of the twentieth century.

Castleman, Riva: Prints of the twentieth century.

6,00 €
Carroll, Lewis: Alice’s adventures in wonderland., With 42 illustrations by John Tenniel.

Carroll, Lewis: Alice’s adventures in wonderland., With 42 illustrations by John Tenniel.

142,00 €
Breul, Karl: Cassell’s German and Englisch dictionary.

Breul, Karl: Cassell’s German and Englisch dictionary.

6,00 €
Breul, Karl: Cassell s German and English dictionary., I. German – English.

Breul, Karl: Cassell s German and English dictionary., I. German – English.

6,00 €
Braine, John: Room at the top.

Braine, John: Room at the top.

4,00 €
Anonymus: Britain. On official handbook.

Anonymus: Britain. On official handbook.

4,00 €
Ballance, Denis: Practice together. Grammar.

Ballance, Denis: Practice together. Grammar.

4,00 €
Bagnold, Enid: Alice and Thomas and Jane.

Bagnold, Enid: Alice and Thomas and Jane.

36,00 €
Acworth, Bernard: The cuckoo and other bird mysteries.

Acworth, Bernard: The cuckoo and other bird mysteries.

6,00 €


5,00 €
Walker, J: Exercises for improvement in elocution, being select extracts from the best authors, for the use of those who study the art of reading and speaking in public.

Walker, J: Exercises for improvement in elocution, being select extracts from the best authors, for..

28,00 €
Howard, Keble / Frank Reynolds (illustrations): The Smiths of Surbiton. A comedy without a plot. With Illustrations by Frank Reynolds.

Howard, Keble / Frank Reynolds (illustrations): The Smiths of Surbiton. A comedy without a plot..

47,00 €
Pepusch, John Christopher: A Treatise on Harmony Containing The Chief Rules for Composing in Two,Three, and Four Parts.

Pepusch, John Christopher: A Treatise on Harmony Containing The Chief Rules for Composing in..

37,00 €
Grafton, Sue: Konvolut aus 4 Titeln. 1) T is for Trespass. 2)F is for Fugitive. 3) U is for Undertow. 4) E is for Evidence.

Grafton, Sue: Konvolut aus 4 Titeln. 1) T is for Trespass. 2)F is for Fugitive. 3) U is for..

18,00 €
Hood, Thomas (1799-1845): Poems. With Illustrations.

Hood, Thomas (1799-1845): Poems. With Illustrations.

18,00 €
Fielding, Henry: The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Vol. 1 und 2 in 1.

Fielding, Henry: The history of Tom Jones, a foundling. Vol. 1 und 2 in 1.

47,00 €
Karl V. - Robertson, William / Prescott, William Hickling [1796-1859]: History of the reign of Charles the fifth, by William Robertson. With an account of the emperor´s life after his addication, by William H. Prescott. Complete in two volumes.

Karl V. Robertson, William / Prescott, William Hickling [1796 1859]: History of the reign of..

77,00 €
Marshall, Emma: The dawn of life; or little Mildred´s story, written by herself.

Marshall, Emma: The dawn of life; or little Mildred´s story, written by herself.

15,00 €
Castel a mare Golf von Neapel.- Original-Stahlstich Harding, J. D. (drawn) und Henshall, J. (engraved): Castel - a - mare. Bay of Naples. Nach einer Zeichnung von J. D. Harding gestochen von J. Henshall.

Castel a mare Golf von Neapel. Original Stahlstich Harding, J. D. (drawn) und Henshall, J..

15,00 €
Church of England: The book of common prayer, and administrations of the holy communion, according to the use of the Church of England… (= The finger prayer book).

Church of England: The book of common prayer, and administrations of the holy communion, according..

37,00 €
Massinger, Philip / David Garrick / George Colman: English theatre - Comedies. Volume 1: Philip Massinger 'A new way to pay old debts'. A comedy, in five acts / David Garrick 'The guardin'. A comedy, in two acts. / George Colman 'The jealous wife'. A come

Massinger, Philip / David Garrick / George Colman: English theatre Comedies. Volume 1: Philip..

37,00 €
Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831): The man of the world. In two parts.

Mackenzie, Henry (1745-1831): The man of the world. In two parts.

67,00 €
Wheeler Wilcox, Ella (1850-1919): Poems . (= The 'Minerva' Booklets).

Wheeler Wilcox, Ella (1850-1919): Poems . (= The 'Minerva' Booklets).

23,00 €
Rodgers, John H: The Theology of P.T.Forsyth-The Cross of Christ and the Revelation of God. Diss. theol., Univ. of Basle 1963.

Rodgers, John H: The Theology of P.T.Forsyth The Cross of Christ and the Revelation of God. Diss..

9,00 €
Rheinland-Pfalz: Ehrenbreitstein. Stahlstich nach Tombleson von Price.

Rheinland-Pfalz: Ehrenbreitstein. Stahlstich nach Tombleson von Price.

10,00 €


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