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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Dalzell, W. Ronald: London and its Museums. With 52 Colour Illustrations. Photographs by Ursula Pfistermeister. [= The Little Art Book. In English, French, German, Spanish, Dutch and Italian editions. Edited by Berthold Fricke]
 Ahrbeck - Hannover, Knorr

Dalzell, W. Ronald: London and its Museums. With 52 Colour Illustrations. Photographs by Ursula..

12,00 €
Miyamoto, Sadaaki: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis
 Dordrecht - Boston - London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990.

Miyamoto, Sadaaki: Fuzzy Sets in Information Retrieval and Cluster Analysis Dordrecht Boston..

13,00 €
Coates, W. P. & Zelda: World Affairs and the U.S.S.R. First published
 London, Lawrence & Wishart, 1939.

Coates, W. P. & Zelda: World Affairs and the U.S.S.R. First published London, Lawrence & Wishart..

15,00 €
The Marx Brothers 2005 Calendar. Groucho - Chico - Harpo
 London, Slow Dazzle Worldwide, (2004).

The Marx Brothers 2005 Calendar. Groucho - Chico - Harpo London, Slow Dazzle Worldwide, (2004).

14,00 €
Costume Capers Laurel & Hardy. The official 2007 Calendar
 London, Slow Dazzle, (2006).

Costume Capers Laurel & Hardy. The official 2007 Calendar London, Slow Dazzle, (2006).

14,00 €
Hutton, Clarke: A picture history of Canada. First published. Drawn direct to the plate by Clarke Hutton and lithographed
 London, Oxford University Press, 1956.

Hutton, Clarke: A picture history of Canada. First published. Drawn direct to the plate by Clarke..

17,00 €
Scott, Quinta; Croce Kelly, Susan: Route 66. The highway and its people. Photographic essay by Quinta Scott. Text by Susan Croce Kelly. Fourth printing
 Norman - London, University of Oklahoma Press, 1991.

Scott, Quinta; Croce Kelly, Susan: Route 66. The highway and its people. Photographic essay by..

24,00 €
germinations 1983 1984. Exposition d'etudiants des Beaux Arts venant de France, de Grand Bretagne et d'Allemagne / exhibition of art students from France, Great Britain..

germinations 1983 1984. Exposition d'etudiants des Beaux Arts venant de France, de Grand Bretagne..

4,50 €
Talbot Rice,  Tamara: Russische Ikonen.

Talbot Rice, Tamara: Russische Ikonen.

10,00 €
Talbot Rice,  Tamara: Russische Ikonen.

Talbot Rice, Tamara: Russische Ikonen.

12,00 €
Mackenzie, Finlay (Hg.): Chinesische Kunst.

Mackenzie, Finlay (Hg.): Chinesische Kunst.

15,00 €
Mackenzie, Finlay (Hg.): Chinesische Kunst.

Mackenzie, Finlay (Hg.): Chinesische Kunst.

12,00 €
Knight, Lorna: Handbuch Nähtechniken. Topp Kompakt.

Knight, Lorna: Handbuch Nähtechniken. Topp Kompakt.

23,00 €
Lambton, Lucinda: Chambers of delight.

Lambton, Lucinda: Chambers of delight.

15,00 €
Knutsen, Roald M: Japanese polearms. Illustr. by the author.

Knutsen, Roald M: Japanese polearms. Illustr. by the author.

145,00 €
Joyce, T. Athol / Thom8as, N. W. Northcote Whitridge9: Women of all nations. A record of their characteristics, habits, manners, customs and influence. VOL.1 (of 2) apart.

Joyce, T. Athol / Thom8as, N. W. Northcote Whitridge9: Women of all nations. A record of their..

90,00 €
Isaacs, Ralph / T. Richard Blurton: Visions from the golden land. Burma and the art of lacquer.

Isaacs, Ralph / T. Richard Blurton: Visions from the golden land. Burma and the art of lacquer.

15,00 €
Wilton, Andrew: Turner abroad. France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland.

Wilton, Andrew: Turner abroad. France, Italy, Germany, Switzerland.

10,00 €
Zucker Gems and Jewels 1984 Schmuck Handwerk Kunst Juwelen Edelsteine js

Zucker Gems and Jewels 1984 Schmuck Handwerk Kunst Juwelen Edelsteine js

38,50 €
Tischbierek, Raj: Sternstunden des Schachs. 30 x Olympia. London 1927 - Manila 1992.

Tischbierek, Raj: Sternstunden des Schachs. 30 x Olympia. London 1927 - Manila 1992.

12,00 €
Marot, Marc: U2 Portfolio. [The official U2 Song Book].

Marot, Marc: U2 Portfolio. [The official U2 Song Book].

8,00 €
Scott, G. C: Whip Hand.

Scott, G. C: Whip Hand.

6,00 €
London, Jack: Michael der Bruder Jerrys. Roman.

London, Jack: Michael der Bruder Jerrys. Roman.

5,00 €
Heller, Joseph: Catch-22.

Heller, Joseph: Catch-22.

7,50 €
Clark, Ronald W: Einstein. The Life and Times.

Clark, Ronald W: Einstein. The Life and Times.

15,00 €
Noakes, Vivien: Edward Lear 1812-1888. With an introduction by Sir Steven Runciman and an essay by Jeremy Maas.

Noakes, Vivien: Edward Lear 1812 1888. With an introduction by Sir Steven Runciman and an essay by..

15,00 €
Ewing, Juliana Horatia - C.E.Brock (Illustr.): Mrs. Overtheway´s Remembrances (= The Children´s Bookcase VII).

Ewing, Juliana Horatia C.E.Brock (Illustr.): Mrs. Overtheway´s Remembrances (= The Children´s..

23,00 €
Geschichten von der Fischereipatrouille./ Die Kreuzfahrt der "Dazzler"

Geschichten von der Fischereipatrouille./ Die Kreuzfahrt der "Dazzler"

5,00 €
Jerry der Insulaner

Jerry der Insulaner

23,00 €
Die Insel Berande

Die Insel Berande

23,00 €
Ein Sohn der Sonne

Ein Sohn der Sonne

23,00 €
Abenteurer des Schienenstranges

Abenteurer des Schienenstranges

23,00 €
London. Reisen mit Insider Tipps. Mit Cityatlas

London. Reisen mit Insider Tipps. Mit Cityatlas

3,00 €
London. Reisen mit Insider Tipps. Mit Cityatlas

London. Reisen mit Insider Tipps. Mit Cityatlas

3,00 €
Kühn, Dieter: Mit dem Zauberpferd nach London. Kinderroman.

Kühn, Dieter: Mit dem Zauberpferd nach London. Kinderroman.

9,00 €
Pikes, James: Madwomen. [Translate from French].

Pikes, James: Madwomen. [Translate from French].

24,00 €
Beatty, Lilian: Motel for Sin. [Translate from French].

Beatty, Lilian: Motel for Sin. [Translate from French].

28,00 €
New (Neues) Testament. - Gospels: The four gospels of the new testament scriptures, according to the authorised version. Bagster´s narrow edition.

New (Neues) Testament. Gospels: The four gospels of the new testament scriptures, according to..

14,00 €
Martin Eden. Roman

Martin Eden. Roman

8,00 €
[Brontë Sisters]: Wuthering Heights. Jane Eyre.

[Brontë Sisters]: Wuthering Heights. Jane Eyre.

6,00 €
Liepmann, Heinz: Poison in the air. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul.

Liepmann, Heinz: Poison in the air. Translated from the German by Eden and Cedar Paul.

20,00 €
Kipling, Rudyard: Collected dog stories. Illustrated by G. L. [George Loraine] Stampa.

Kipling, Rudyard: Collected dog stories. Illustrated by G. L. [George Loraine] Stampa.

25,00 €
Gray, Thomas / West, Richard: The poetical works. With the life of the author. - Angebunden: The poetical works of Richard West. = 2 Bde. in 1 Bd.

Gray, Thomas / West, Richard: The poetical works. With the life of the author. Angebunden: The..

75,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 209, Vol. 17, Aug. 20, 1918: The Arab uprising. The conquest of Rumania.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 209, Vol. 17, Aug. 20, 1918: The Arab..

15,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 140, Vol. 11, Apr. 24, 1917: The end of American neutrality. The intervention of the United States.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 140, Vol. 11, Apr. 24, 1917: The end of..

15,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 113, Vol. 9, Oct. 17, 1916: The intervention of Portugal. Why Portugal joined the allies.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 113, Vol. 9, Oct. 17, 1916: The intervention..

15,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 214, Vol. 17, Sept. 24, 1918: The Allied command in 1918: Marshal Foch. The life of Marshal Foch.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 214, Vol. 17, Sept. 24, 1918: The Allied..

15,00 €
The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 127, Vol. 10, Jan. 23, 1917: Decline and fall of the coalition government: June, 1915, to December, 1916.

The Times History and Encyclopaedia of the War. PART 127, Vol. 10, Jan. 23, 1917: Decline and fall..

15,00 €


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