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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Jennifer Harris, Sarah Hyde and Greg Smith: 1966 and all that. Design and the consumer in Britain 1960-1969 ; Whitworth Art Gallery (Manchester).

Jennifer Harris, Sarah Hyde and Greg Smith: 1966 and all that. Design and the consumer in Britain..

9,00 €
Buch: Oper mit Herz, Heinemann, Michael, 2010, Verlag Dohr, gebraucht, sehr gut

Buch: Oper mit Herz, Heinemann, Michael, 2010, Verlag Dohr, gebraucht, sehr gut

11,56 €
Ausblick.   mit Beiträgen von Friedrich Schiller / Hermann Hesse / J. B. Priestley / Julian Huxley / C. G. Jung / Erich Kästner..

Ausblick. mit Beiträgen von Friedrich Schiller / Hermann Hesse / J. B. Priestley / Julian Huxley..

27,00 €
Beckmann, Max. - introduction: Lothar-Günther Buchheim: Max Beckmann: A small loan retrospective of paintings, centred around his visit to London in 1938. Nov. 1974 - March 1975.

Beckmann, Max. introduction: Lothar Günther Buchheim: Max Beckmann: A small loan retrospective..

25,00 €
Scott, Walter. - with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang. - illustrated by E. Millais and others: The heart of Mid-Lothian ( = Waverly novels, vol. VI / Macmillans illustrated pocket ).

Scott, Walter. with introductory essay and notes by Andrew Lang. illustrated by E. Millais and..

23,00 €
Goetz, Ruth. - photographs by Elizabeth Wilson: Women ! Your guide to physical perfection.

Goetz, Ruth. - photographs by Elizabeth Wilson: Women ! Your guide to physical perfection.

23,00 €
Morin, E. - J. Swift: Voyages de Gulliver. Illustrations de E. Morin.

Morin, E. - J. Swift: Voyages de Gulliver. Illustrations de E. Morin.

127,00 €
Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West.

Zoo: A History of Zoological Gardens in the West.

46,00 €
Napoleon Bonaparte. - (Abbe) Humblet: Le quousque tandem, ou l' invasion de l' Angleterre. Par Dom Quichotte II. Empereur des Regions-Imaginaires et de l' Illiput, sous le nom de Napoleon Buonaparte, corse et corsaire d' origine ! Poeme Ex abrupto. Dedie

Napoleon Bonaparte. (Abbe) Humblet: Le quousque tandem, ou l' invasion de l' Angleterre. Par Dom..

107,00 €
Buch: Ernste Spiele, Vitali, Christoph, Timothy Clifford u.a. 1995

Buch: Ernste Spiele, Vitali, Christoph, Timothy Clifford u.a. 1995

28,99 €
Buch The Portfolio, Monographs on artistic Subjects with many Illustrations 1897

Buch The Portfolio, Monographs on artistic Subjects with many Illustrations 1897

43,51 €
Buch: John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character, Bradbury, Agnew & Co.

Buch: John Leech's Pictures of Life and Character, Bradbury, Agnew & Co.

38,67 €
J.M.W. Turner: The ``Ideas of Folkstone` Sketchbook, 1845.

J.M.W. Turner: The ``Ideas of Folkstone` Sketchbook, 1845.

18,00 €
Fleming-Williams, Ian: Constable: Landscape Watercolours and Drawings.

Fleming-Williams, Ian: Constable: Landscape Watercolours and Drawings.

20,00 €
The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery. An illustrated guide.

The Turner Collection in the Clore Gallery. An illustrated guide.

7,50 €
Monet in the 20th Century: An Introduction.

Monet in the 20th Century: An Introduction.

7,00 €
Buch: The Practical Guide to Childrens Handwriting, Sassoon, Rosemary. 1983

Buch: The Practical Guide to Childrens Handwriting, Sassoon, Rosemary. 1983

13,50 €
Buch: The Moor's Last Sigh, Rushdie, Salman. 1995, Verlag Jonathan Cape Ltd

Buch: The Moor's Last Sigh, Rushdie, Salman. 1995, Verlag Jonathan Cape Ltd

9,08 €
Ausstellungskatalog: The Evill / Frost Collection, 2011, Sothebys

Ausstellungskatalog: The Evill / Frost Collection, 2011, Sothebys

14,47 €
Insel-Bücherei 926, Das Haus des Stolzes, London, Jack. 1971, Insel-Verlag

Insel-Bücherei 926, Das Haus des Stolzes, London, Jack. 1971, Insel-Verlag

8,68 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 17, Breeding endangered Species in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 17, Breeding endangered Species in Captivity.

20,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 21,  Zoo Display and Information Techniques.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 21, Zoo Display and Information Techniques.

25,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 9, Amphibians and Reptiles in Captivity.

34,70 €
Horner, Tom: All about the Bull Terrier.  SIGNED !.

Horner, Tom: All about the Bull Terrier. SIGNED !.

45,00 €
Bridle, James: New Dark Age. Technology and the End of the Future.

Bridle, James: New Dark Age. Technology and the End of the Future.

12,00 €
Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

22,00 €
Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

Major, Norma: Chequers. The Prime Minister`s Country House and its History.

25,00 €
Farjeon, Eleanor: The Starry Floor. Drawings by Isobel & John Morton Sale.

Farjeon, Eleanor: The Starry Floor. Drawings by Isobel & John Morton Sale.

8,00 €
Kendrick, T. E: Anglo-Saxon Art to A.D. 900.

Kendrick, T. E: Anglo-Saxon Art to A.D. 900.

7,50 €
Adler, Ann: German Family.

Adler, Ann: German Family.

6,00 €
Gottschalk, Louis and Margaret Maddox: Lafayette in the French Revolution. From the October Days through the Federation.

Gottschalk, Louis and Margaret Maddox: Lafayette in the French Revolution. From the October Days..

15,00 €
Bloch, Marc: French Rural History. An Essay on its Basic Characteristics.

Bloch, Marc: French Rural History. An Essay on its Basic Characteristics.

25,00 €
Sanderson, Michael (Hrsg.): The Universities in the Nineteenth Century. [= Birth of Modern Britain Series].

Sanderson, Michael (Hrsg.): The Universities in the Nineteenth Century. [= Birth of Modern Britain..

12,00 €
Duker, William F: A Constitutional History of Habeas Corpus. [= Contributions in Legal Studies, 13].

Duker, William F: A Constitutional History of Habeas Corpus. [= Contributions in Legal Studies..

35,00 €
Hall, Martin: The Blue Plaque Guide to London Homes.

Hall, Martin: The Blue Plaque Guide to London Homes.

7,50 €
Payne, Peter L. (Hrsg.): Studies in Scottish Business History.

Payne, Peter L. (Hrsg.): Studies in Scottish Business History.

30,00 €
Mayer, Jane: Dark Money. How a Secretive Group of Billionaires is Trying to Buy Political Control in the US.

Mayer, Jane: Dark Money. How a Secretive Group of Billionaires is Trying to Buy Political Control..

8,00 €
Harding, Luke: Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win the White House.

Harding, Luke: Collusion: How Russia Helped Trump Win the White House.

6,00 €
Chester, Lewis, Stephen Fay and Hugo Young: The Zinoviev Letter. A Political Intrigue.

Chester, Lewis, Stephen Fay and Hugo Young: The Zinoviev Letter. A Political Intrigue.

9,00 €
Partridge, Frances: Everything to Lose. Diaries 1945-1960.

Partridge, Frances: Everything to Lose. Diaries 1945-1960.

15,00 €
Oman, Charles: English Silver in the Kremlin, 1557-1663.

Oman, Charles: English Silver in the Kremlin, 1557-1663.

7,00 €
Betjeman, John and J. S. Gray: Victorian and Edwardian Brighton from old photographs.

Betjeman, John and J. S. Gray: Victorian and Edwardian Brighton from old photographs.

8,50 €
Lodge, Edmund: The Peerage ad Baronetage of the British Empire, as at Present Existing.

Lodge, Edmund: The Peerage ad Baronetage of the British Empire, as at Present Existing.

39,00 €
De Maré, Eric: The Bridges of Britain.

De Maré, Eric: The Bridges of Britain.

6,00 €
Chamberlin, Russell and Charlie (Fot.) Waite: The English Country Town. The National Trust.

Chamberlin, Russell and Charlie (Fot.) Waite: The English Country Town. The National Trust.

7,50 €
Rose, J. Holland: William Pitt and The Great War.

Rose, J. Holland: William Pitt and The Great War.

25,00 €
Ransome, Cyril: An Advanced History of England. Period II - To Victoria, 1895.

Ransome, Cyril: An Advanced History of England. Period II - To Victoria, 1895.

6,00 €
Ransome, Cyril: An Advanced History of England. Period I - To Elizabeth, 1603.

Ransome, Cyril: An Advanced History of England. Period I - To Elizabeth, 1603.

8,00 €
Artikel pro Seite 48 | 96


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