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5.299 Artikel gefunden


Costello, Louisa Stuart: Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut, and His Times.

Costello, Louisa Stuart: Jacques Coeur, the French Argonaut, and His Times.

140,00 €
Costello, Louisa Stuart: Jacques Coeur, The French Argonaut , and His Times.

Costello, Louisa Stuart: Jacques Coeur, The French Argonaut , and His Times.

140,00 €
Burl, Aubrey: The Stone Circles of The British Isles.

Burl, Aubrey: The Stone Circles of The British Isles.

30,00 €
Brayley, Edw. Wedlake: A Topographical History of Surrey. Assisted by John Britton et al. The geological section by Gideon Mantell. The Illustrative Departement under the superintendence of Thomas Allom.

Brayley, Edw. Wedlake: A Topographical History of Surrey. Assisted by John Britton et al. The..

600,00 €
Beattie, William: La Suisse Pittoresque, ornées de vues dessinées spécialement pour cet ouvrage par W. H. Bartlett. Accompagnées d`un texte par William Beattie. Traduit de l`anglais par L. de Bauclas.

Beattie, William: La Suisse Pittoresque, ornées de vues dessinées spécialement pour cet ouvrage..

220,00 €
Adorno, Theodor W. und Max Horkheimer: Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by   Translated by John Cumming. Third impression.

Adorno, Theodor W. und Max Horkheimer: Dialectic of Enlightenment. Translated by Translated by..

28,00 €
Thomas, D. B: The First Negatives. An account of the discovery and early use of the negative-positive photographic process. (Science Museum Monographs).

Thomas, D. B: The First Negatives. An account of the discovery and early use of the negative..

30,00 €
Syring, Marie Luise (Hrsg.): Andreas Gursky. Fotografien 1984 bis heute. Mit Texten von Lynne Cooke, Rupert Pfab und Marie Luise Syring.

Syring, Marie Luise (Hrsg.): Andreas Gursky. Fotografien 1984 bis heute. Mit Texten von Lynne..

190,00 €
Schadeberg, Jurgen: The Kalahari Bushmen Dance.

Schadeberg, Jurgen: The Kalahari Bushmen Dance.

30,00 €
Pegler, Martin M: Store Windows No. 8.

Pegler, Martin M: Store Windows No. 8.

30,00 €
Hopkinson, Tom: Jurgen Schadeberg. Photographs. With an introduction by Sir Tom Hopkinson.

Hopkinson, Tom: Jurgen Schadeberg. Photographs. With an introduction by Sir Tom Hopkinson.

30,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Nineteenth-Century Italy.. Guest Editor Maria Antonella Pelizzari.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Nineteenth Century Italy.. Guest Editor Maria Antonella..

25,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Photo Narrative. Guest Editor Mireille Ribière.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Photo Narrative. Guest Editor Mireille Ribière.

45,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Photography in Israel. Guest Editor Yeshayahu Nir.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Photography in Israel. Guest Editor Yeshayahu Nir.

30,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Alfred Stieglitz.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Alfred Stieglitz.

35,00 €
Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Edward Steichen.

Weaver, Mike and Anne Hammond (Ed.): Edward Steichen.

60,00 €
Weaver, Mike (Ed.): The Getty Museum Collection.

Weaver, Mike (Ed.): The Getty Museum Collection.

50,00 €
The Kinsey Institute and Erotic Photography.

The Kinsey Institute and Erotic Photography.

50,00 €
Henisch, Heinz K. (Ed.): History of Photography. Volume 3, Number 3, July 1979.

Henisch, Heinz K. (Ed.): History of Photography. Volume 3, Number 3, July 1979.

30,00 €
Elfer, Arpad and Zoltan Glass: Two Ways of Shooting Politicians. Second Salvo. 12 Tafeln in: Lilliput. The Pocket Magazine for Everyone. Issue no. 137.

Elfer, Arpad and Zoltan Glass: Two Ways of Shooting Politicians. Second Salvo. 12 Tafeln in:..

25,00 €
Brandt, Bill: The Beauty and Sadness of Connemara. 12 Tafeln in: Lilliput. The Pocket Magazine for Everyone. Issue no. 117.

Brandt, Bill: The Beauty and Sadness of Connemara. 12 Tafeln in: Lilliput. The Pocket Magazine for..

25,00 €
Brandt, Bill: English Composers of our Time. 8 Tafeln in: Lilliput. The Pocket Magazine for Everyone. Issue no. 111.

Brandt, Bill: English Composers of our Time. 8 Tafeln in: Lilliput. The Pocket Magazine for..

25,00 €
Beaton, Cecil: Far East.

Beaton, Cecil: Far East.

120,00 €
Wynn Jones, Michael: George Cruikshank. His Life and London.

Wynn Jones, Michael: George Cruikshank. His Life and London.

45,00 €
Will Alsop at the Soane. Beauty, Joy & The Real. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Soane Gallery 28 March to 8 June 2002.  oy & The Real.

Will Alsop at the Soane. Beauty, Joy & The Real. Catalogue of an exhibition in the Soane Gallery 28..

35,00 €
Faille, J.-B. de la: Vincent van Gogh. Translated from the French by Prudence Montagu-Pollock.

Faille, J.-B. de la: Vincent van Gogh. Translated from the French by Prudence Montagu-Pollock.

90,00 €
Morassi, Antonio: A complete catalogue of the paintings of G. B. Tiepolo. Including pictures by his pupils and followers wrongly attributed to him.

Morassi, Antonio: A complete catalogue of the paintings of G. B. Tiepolo. Including pictures by his..

200,00 €
MacColl, D. S: Life and Setting of Philip Wilson Steer. With a full catalogue of paintings and list of watercolours in public collections by Alfred Yockney.

MacColl, D. S: Life and Setting of Philip Wilson Steer. With a full catalogue of paintings and list..

50,00 €
Russell, John: Francis Bacon.

Russell, John: Francis Bacon.

55,00 €
Shearman, John: Raphael`s Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen and the Tapestries for the Sistine Chapel.

Shearman, John: Raphael`s Cartoons in the Collection of Her Majesty the Queen and the Tapestries..

180,00 €
Quevedo-Villegas, Francisco de: Pablo de Segovia. The Spanish Sharper Translated from the Original.

Quevedo-Villegas, Francisco de: Pablo de Segovia. The Spanish Sharper Translated from the Original.

150,00 €
Prout, Samuel: Hints on Light and Shadow, Compositions, etc., as Applicable to Landscape Painting. Illustrated by Examples.

Prout, Samuel: Hints on Light and Shadow, Compositions, etc., as Applicable to Landscape Painting..

240,00 €
Nathanson, Richard: Georges Rouault 1871-1958. Paintings and The Fourteen Aquatints for Les Fleurs du Mal.

Nathanson, Richard: Georges Rouault 1871 1958. Paintings and The Fourteen Aquatints for Les Fleurs..

20,00 €
Mucha, Jiri: Alphonse Maria Mucha. His life and his art.

Mucha, Jiri: Alphonse Maria Mucha. His life and his art.

75,00 €
Liebert, Robert S: Michelangelo. A Psychoanalytic Study of His Life and Images.

Liebert, Robert S: Michelangelo. A Psychoanalytic Study of His Life and Images.

80,00 €
Manning, Elfrida: Marble & Bronze. The Art and Life of Hamo Thornycroft.

Manning, Elfrida: Marble & Bronze. The Art and Life of Hamo Thornycroft.

50,00 €
Maltzahn, Imre von: Arthur Boyd. Etchings and Lithographs.

Maltzahn, Imre von: Arthur Boyd. Etchings and Lithographs.

45,00 €
L.S.Lowry RA 1887-1976.

L.S.Lowry RA 1887-1976.

29,00 €
Lambirth, Andrew: Nigel Hall. Sculpture and works on Paper. Dedication Copy.

Lambirth, Andrew: Nigel Hall. Sculpture and works on Paper. Dedication Copy.

50,00 €
Kitaj, R. B: Sandra Two. [Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition of new work by R. B. Kitaj at FIAC / Paris, 2-7 October 1996].

Kitaj, R. B: Sandra Two. [Catalogue, published on the occasion of the exhibition of new work by R..

45,00 €
Jouffroy, Alain (Introduction): Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper. Inaugural Exhibition. 4 Nov. 1988 - II Feb. 1989.

Jouffroy, Alain (Introduction): Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper. Inaugural..

30,00 €
Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd: The Art of Augustus John.

Easton, Malcolm and Michael Holroyd: The Art of Augustus John.

35,00 €
Ivan Mestrovic. A Monograph.

Ivan Mestrovic. A Monograph.

90,00 €
Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

Important Design - the life of Piero Fornasetti. Auction Satrday, 16 May 1998.

120,00 €
Sir Francis Seymour Haden. Exhibition: 24 May to 25 June 1982. Catalogue.

Sir Francis Seymour Haden. Exhibition: 24 May to 25 June 1982. Catalogue.

35,00 €
Greig, James: Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. His Life and Works. With a Catalogue of his Pictures.

Greig, James: Sir Henry Raeburn, R. A. His Life and Works. With a Catalogue of his Pictures.

40,00 €
Flanagan, Barry: Barry Flanagan.

Flanagan, Barry: Barry Flanagan.

25,00 €
Fischer, Wolfgang (Einleitung): Hommage to Kokoschka. Catalogue N° 83.

Fischer, Wolfgang (Einleitung): Hommage to Kokoschka. Catalogue N° 83.

35,00 €


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