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5.292 Artikel gefunden


London Observed - Stories and Sketches

London Observed - Stories and Sketches

7,00 €
O'Toole, Fintan: Tom Murphy - the politics of magic.

O'Toole, Fintan: Tom Murphy - the politics of magic.

42,00 €
Parker, Stewart: Northern Star, Heavenly Bodies, Pentecost - Three plays fpr Ireland.

Parker, Stewart: Northern Star, Heavenly Bodies, Pentecost - Three plays fpr Ireland.

37,00 €
Baines, Anthony: Woodwind Instruments and their History.

Baines, Anthony: Woodwind Instruments and their History.

10,60 €
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880-1938. Oils, Watercolours, Drawings and Graphics.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880-1938. Oils, Watercolours, Drawings and Graphics.

10,00 €
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880-1938. Oils, Watercolours, Drawings and Graphics.

Ernst Ludwig Kirchner 1880-1938. Oils, Watercolours, Drawings and Graphics.

15,00 €
Bois, Yve-Alain: Spencertown. Recent Paintings by Ellsworth Kelly.

Bois, Yve-Alain: Spencertown. Recent Paintings by Ellsworth Kelly.

50,00 €
Dean, Richard: Gawthorpe Hall. Lancashire.

Dean, Richard: Gawthorpe Hall. Lancashire.

10,00 €
Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von 30 Bauten.   Beispiele aus dem Inhalt: Fußballstadion, Bari..

Brookes, Alan J. / Grech, Chris: Konstruktive Lösungen in der High Tech Architektur. Analyse von..

31,00 €
Mario Sironi 1885 - 1961, a retrospective exhibition, paintings watercolours drawings. 30 January to 29 February 1964
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

Mario Sironi 1885 1961, a retrospective exhibition, paintings watercolours drawings. 30 January..

15,00 €
Sansom, C. J: Heartstone.

Sansom, C. J: Heartstone.

11,00 €
The Beautiful Game. Women's Football Goes Global by Richard Williams ; Will Self Quizzes Margaret Beckett ; Barbara Taylor Bradford and Richar Whiteley: How we met. [= The Sunday Times Review. The Independent on Sunday 25 July 1999]
 London, The Independe

The Beautiful Game. Women's Football Goes Global by Richard Williams ; Will Self Quizzes Margaret..

18,00 €
First London Exhibition of Paintings by the American Artist Martin Lubner. 29 January - 23 February 1963
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1963.

First London Exhibition of Paintings by the American Artist Martin Lubner. 29 January 23 February..

12,00 €
Brütting, Georg: Das waren die deutschen Stuka-Asse 1939 - 1945.

Brütting, Georg: Das waren die deutschen Stuka-Asse 1939 - 1945.

22,00 €
Clemens, Gottfried (Hrsg.): Des Ordinarii Fratrum auf dem Synodo der Brüder zu Zeyst vom II Mai bis 21 Juni 1746. geäusserte Haupt Ideen und bey..

Clemens, Gottfried (Hrsg.): Des Ordinarii Fratrum auf dem Synodo der Brüder zu Zeyst vom II Mai..

100,00 €
Bertuch, Friedrich Justin: London und Paris. [Eine Zeitschrift mit Kupfern]. BAND 21, STÜCKE 1-4 (Januar - April 1808) in einem Bd.

Bertuch, Friedrich Justin: London und Paris. [Eine Zeitschrift mit Kupfern]. BAND 21, STÜCKE 1 4..

130,00 €
Bertuch, Friedrich Justin: London und Paris. [Eine Zeitschrift mit Kupfern]. BAND 19, STÜCKE 1-4 (= Januar bis April 1807) in 1 Band.

Bertuch, Friedrich Justin: London und Paris. [Eine Zeitschrift mit Kupfern]. BAND 19, STÜCKE 1 4..

190,00 €
Angela de la Cruz - Larger than Life. [published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the Royal Festival Hall 1998]
 London, Royal Festival Hall, 1998.

Angela de la Cruz Larger than Life. [published on the occasion of the exhibition held at the..

15,00 €
Sculpture. 21 October - 21 November 1969
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

Sculpture. 21 October - 21 November 1969 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

12,00 €
Henrey, Blanche: British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800 (3 volumes complete set in slipcase) - Comprising a History and Bibliography of Botanical and Horticultural Book Printed in England, Scotland and Ireland from the Earliest Times U

Henrey, Blanche: British Botanical and Horticultural Literature Before 1800 (3 volumes complete set..

174,00 €
Robinson, William W: Bruegel to Rembrandt - Dutch and Flemish drawings from the Maida and George Abrams collection.

Robinson, William W: Bruegel to Rembrandt Dutch and Flemish drawings from the Maida and George..

53,00 €
Rogers, Malcolm: William Dobson 1611-46.

Rogers, Malcolm: William Dobson 1611-46.

75,00 €
Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

Nijhof, Wim J. (Ed.) and Jittie Brandsma (Ed.): Bridging the Skills Gap between Work and Education.

54,00 €
Horst Janssen. Drawings
 London, Marlborough Fine Art, November 1970.

Horst Janssen. Drawings London, Marlborough Fine Art, November 1970.

20,00 €
Richard Smith. Paintings 1960 - 1963
 London, Knoedler Gallery, April 1990.

Richard Smith. Paintings 1960 - 1963 London, Knoedler Gallery, April 1990.

14,00 €
Phantastische Erzählungen

Phantastische Erzählungen

5,00 €
Rasmussen, Lauge (Ed.) and Felix Rauner (Ed.): Industrial Cultures and Production. Understanding Competitiveness.

Rasmussen, Lauge (Ed.) and Felix Rauner (Ed.): Industrial Cultures and Production. Understanding..

24,00 €
Henri Matisse 1869 - 1954. Drawings. 21 April to 27 May 1967
 London, Victor Waddington, 1967.

Henri Matisse 1869 - 1954. Drawings. 21 April to 27 May 1967 London, Victor Waddington, 1967.

12,00 €
Madge Gill. The Guided Hand. Ink and Wash Drawings. 29th May - 29th June 1968
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1968.

Madge Gill. The Guided Hand. Ink and Wash Drawings. 29th May 29th June 1968 London, Grosvenor..

12,00 €
London. - H. v. Wedderkop. - Zeichnungen: Paul Bloomfield: Das Buch von London ( Was nicht im Baedeker steht, Band X ).

London. H. v. Wedderkop. Zeichnungen: Paul Bloomfield: Das Buch von London ( Was nicht im..

62,00 €
London. - Otto Neubert: Jeder einmal in London. Nordsee, London, Umgebung. - Schiffs - Reiseführer. - OHNE Stadtplan.

London. Otto Neubert: Jeder einmal in London. Nordsee, London, Umgebung. Schiffs..

23,00 €
Art in the Film. Paintings used in the Jeanne Moreau-Eli Wallach scenes of Carl Foreman's 'The Victors'
 London, Arthur Jeffress Gallery, ohne Jahr.

Art in the Film. Paintings used in the Jeanne Moreau Eli Wallach scenes of Carl Foreman's 'The..

10,00 €
Magritte. 27 September - 24 October 1961
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1961.

Magritte. 27 September - 24 October 1961 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1961.

12,00 €
Aspects of Russian Experimental Art 1900 - 1925. 24 October - 18 November 1967
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1967.

Aspects of Russian Experimental Art 1900 1925. 24 October 18 November 1967 London, Grosvenor..

15,00 €
Feliciano Bejar. Magiscopes. 24 February - 20 March 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

Feliciano Bejar. Magiscopes. 24 February - 20 March 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1970.

15,00 €
First image - painting and sculpture by artists of the gallery. 22 November to 4 January 1964
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

First image painting and sculpture by artists of the gallery. 22 November to 4 January 1964..

18,00 €
Cubism and its Influence. 26 October - 12 November 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

Cubism and its Influence. 26 October - 12 November 1965 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

12,00 €
Giardelli - relief constructions. 9 February - 11 March 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

Giardelli - relief constructions. 9 February - 11 March 1965 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

30,00 €
Miro graphics - Calder mobiles - Ch'i Pai-shih paintings. 28 October - 20 November 1964
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

Miro graphics Calder mobiles Ch'i Pai shih paintings. 28 October 20 November 1964 London..

10,00 €
Important 20th Century Artists. 31 May - 8 July 1967
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1967.

Important 20th Century Artists. 31 May - 8 July 1967 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1967.

15,00 €
Art in the Executive Suite and in the working environment. 2 November 1964 - 23 January 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

Art in the Executive Suite and in the working environment. 2 November 1964 23 January 1965..

10,00 €
Lydia Silvestri. Sculpture. 29 September - 24 October 1964
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

Lydia Silvestri. Sculpture. 29 September - 24 October 1964 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

15,00 €
an introduction to El Lissitzky. 27 September - 29 October 1966
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

an introduction to El Lissitzky. 27 September - 29 October 1966 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

15,00 €
Baddeley, Alan (Ed.), Niels Ole Bernsen (Ed.) and Helmut Schnelle (Ed.): 2 Bücher: Cognitive Psychology und Logic and Linguistics. [Research Directions in Cognitive Science: European Perspectives Vol. 1 und Vol. 2].

Baddeley, Alan (Ed.), Niels Ole Bernsen (Ed.) and Helmut Schnelle (Ed.): 2 Bücher: Cognitive..

25,00 €
20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. Part I 2 July - 27 July. Part II 28 August - 21 September 1968
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1968.

20th Century Paintings and Sculpture. Part I 2 July 27 July. Part II 28 August 21 September..

15,00 €
Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper.

Max Ernst. Paintings, Sculptures, Works on Paper.

15,00 €
Boyle, Mark: Boyle Family. Dockland Series - London.

Boyle, Mark: Boyle Family. Dockland Series - London.

15,00 €
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Mozart: 2 Notenbücher: 1) Die Zauberflöte. Oper in zwei Aufzügen. Nach dem Autograph herausgegeben von Kurt Soldan. Klavierauszug; 2) Die Entführung aus..

Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Mozart: 2 Notenbücher: 1) Die Zauberflöte. Oper in zwei Aufzügen. Nach..

21,00 €


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