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5.296 Artikel gefunden


London, Jack: Alaska-Kid.

London, Jack: Alaska-Kid.

4,00 €
Domenici, L. A. Cellerino & L, Maffei: Monocular deprivation effects in the rat visual cortex and lateral geniculatenucleus re prevented by nerve growrh factor (MGF)., II. lateral geniculate nucleus.

Domenici, L. A. Cellerino & L, Maffei: Monocular deprivation effects in the rat visual cortex and..

4,00 €
Dickinson, A: Actions an habits. The developmet of behavioural autoomy.

Dickinson, A: Actions an habits. The developmet of behavioural autoomy.

4,00 €
Taylor, John Russell (Text): Liz Taylor - Photographien.

Taylor, John Russell (Text): Liz Taylor - Photographien.

18,00 €
Warhol 1928-1987

Warhol 1928-1987

6,00 €
Ambler, Eric: The mask of Dimitrios, Journey into fear, Judgment on Deltchev, The Schirmer inheritance, Passage of arms, The light of Day.

Ambler, Eric: The mask of Dimitrios, Journey into fear, Judgment on Deltchev, The Schirmer..

80,00 €
Treffz, Hermann: Winston Churchill; Das Leben des Generalverbrechers der Weltgeschichte.

Treffz, Hermann: Winston Churchill; Das Leben des Generalverbrechers der Weltgeschichte.

50,00 €
Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Himmler, Kleinbürger und Massenmörder.

Fraenkel, Heinrich + Manvell, Roger: Himmler, Kleinbürger und Massenmörder.

20,00 €
Ebertin, Elsbeth: Der größte Hellseher Europas Emanuel Swedenborg. Deckeltitel: Emanuel Swedenborg der größte Hellseher Europas; Gedenkschrift zu seinem 150. Todestag.

Ebertin, Elsbeth: Der größte Hellseher Europas Emanuel Swedenborg. Deckeltitel: Emanuel..

30,00 €
Steen, Knut: Floating Gravity.

Steen, Knut: Floating Gravity.

12,00 €
Salinger, J[erome] D[avid]: The Catcher in the Rye.

Salinger, J[erome] D[avid]: The Catcher in the Rye.

7,00 €
Kramer, Stephanie: Literarisches London. Mit Stadtplan - 100 Dichter, Schriftsteller und Publizisten, Wohnorte, Wirken und Werke - aus der Reihe: Der Dichter und Denker Stadtplan.

Kramer, Stephanie: Literarisches London. Mit Stadtplan 100 Dichter, Schriftsteller und..

8,90 €
Alsanea, Rajaa: The Girls of Riyadh.

Alsanea, Rajaa: The Girls of Riyadh.

8,00 €
Neff, Terry A. (Ed.): Gerhard Richter. Paintings.

Neff, Terry A. (Ed.): Gerhard Richter. Paintings.

24,00 €
Meisler, Frank: An der Weichsel gegen Osten - mein Leben zwischen Danzig, London und Jaffa.

Meisler, Frank: An der Weichsel gegen Osten - mein Leben zwischen Danzig, London und Jaffa.

20,00 €
Tilsley, Frank: Heaven and Herbert Common.

Tilsley, Frank: Heaven and Herbert Common.

10,00 €
Bowness, Alan (Hrsg.): Henry Moore. Complete Sculpture. Komplett 6 Bände.

Bowness, Alan (Hrsg.): Henry Moore. Complete Sculpture. Komplett 6 Bände.

900,00 €
Compton, Susan: Henry Moore.

Compton, Susan: Henry Moore.

18,00 €
The Clash: The Clash - Das offizielle Bandbuch - [The Clash] ; The Clash : Das offizielle Bandbuch / The Clash - Originaltitel: The Clash.

The Clash: The Clash Das offizielle Bandbuch [The Clash] ; The Clash : Das offizielle Bandbuch..

18,00 €
Leo Baeck Institute London. Annual Report Of Activities 2002

Leo Baeck Institute London. Annual Report Of Activities 2002

8,00 €
Loose, Stefan / Ramb, Renate: England Handbuch. London, Cornwall, Yorkshire, Lake District. Ein ungewöhnlicher Reisebegleiter.

Loose, Stefan / Ramb, Renate: England Handbuch. London, Cornwall, Yorkshire, Lake District. Ein..

5,00 €
Friedel, Helmut (Hrsg.): Kandinsky. Absolut Abstrakt.

Friedel, Helmut (Hrsg.): Kandinsky. Absolut Abstrakt.

28,00 €
Markus Lüpertz.

Markus Lüpertz.

12,00 €
Homage to Kokoschka.

Homage to Kokoschka.

8,00 €
Oskar Kokoschka. 'Saul and David' 1969. (A New Portfoloio of Lithographs) and other Graphics including Le Bal Masque 1967, The Frogs 1968, with a selection of Oils, Watercolours and Drawings 1907-1969.

Oskar Kokoschka. 'Saul and David' 1969. (A New Portfoloio of Lithographs) and other Graphics..

5,00 €
Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980). The late work 1953-1980.

Oskar Kokoschka (1886-1980). The late work 1953-1980.

11,00 €
Straumann, Heinrich: Newpaper Headlines. A Study in Linguistic Method.

Straumann, Heinrich: Newpaper Headlines. A Study in Linguistic Method.

18,00 €
Malory, Thomas und John Rhys: Le Morte d`Arthur. In two volumes. (Bd. 1/Vol. I only) [= Everyman`s Library].

Malory, Thomas und John Rhys: Le Morte d`Arthur. In two volumes. (Bd. 1/Vol. I only) [= Everyman`s..

10,00 €
Ehrenpreis, Anne Henry (Hrsg.): The Literary Ballad. [= Arnold`s English Texts].

Ehrenpreis, Anne Henry (Hrsg.): The Literary Ballad. [= Arnold`s English Texts].

10,00 €
Heilmeyer, Marina: Language of Flowers. (Prestel Postcard Book).

Heilmeyer, Marina: Language of Flowers. (Prestel Postcard Book).

8,00 €
Alan Davie - paintings 1973 - a series of small oils. [Ausstellungskatalog:] London March 5 - 30 1974 ; New York April 2 - 27 1974 ; Zürich May 31 - July 6 1974
 London - New York - Zürich, Gimpel Fils - Gimpel & Weitzenhoffer - Gimpel & Hanover, 1974.

Alan Davie paintings 1973 a series of small oils. [Ausstellungskatalog:] London March 5 30..

12,00 €
Lucian Freud. Recent Etchings 1995 - 1999. [= Catalogue no 42]
 London, Marlborough Graphics, ohne Jahr.

Lucian Freud. Recent Etchings 1995 1999. [= Catalogue no 42] London, Marlborough Graphics, ohne..

15,00 €
Francis Bacon - Selected Prints (1980 - 1991)
 New York - London, Marlborough Graphics, ohne Jahr.

Francis Bacon - Selected Prints (1980 - 1991) New York - London, Marlborough Graphics, ohne Jahr.

18,00 €
Report from South Africa. A monthly review
 London, South African Ambessy, September 1965.

Report from South Africa. A monthly review London, South African Ambessy, September 1965.

15,00 €
Muller, Robert: Cinderella Nightingale.

Muller, Robert: Cinderella Nightingale.

12,00 €
Edgar Allen Poe, Wilkie Collins Edgar Wallace, Agatha Christie  Arthur Conan Doyle, Roald Dahl a. o: The Best Crime Stories. Including stories by Somerset Maugham, Edgar Wallace, Roald Dahl, Dick Francis, Agatha Christie, Dashiell Hammett, Christianna Bra

Edgar Allen Poe, Wilkie Collins Edgar Wallace, Agatha Christie Arthur Conan Doyle, Roald Dahl a..

12,00 €
Idiomatic English of the Present Day - In practical Dialogue Form for the Use of Foreign Students

Idiomatic English of the Present Day - In practical Dialogue Form for the Use of Foreign Students

19,00 €
Drawings, Studies & Paintings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones 1853-1898

Drawings, Studies & Paintings by Sir Edward Burne-Jones 1853-1898

12,00 €
Arthur Giardelli. [Ausstellungskatalog:] March 9th - 30th 1994
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

Arthur Giardelli. [Ausstellungskatalog:] March 9th - 30th 1994 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

18,00 €
Arthur Giardelli. [Ausstellungskatalog:] March 95h - 30th 1994
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

Arthur Giardelli. [Ausstellungskatalog:] March 95h - 30th 1994 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

18,00 €
Nettleship, Edward: The Diseases of the Eye. Fifth [revised and corrected] edition. [Student`s Guide Series].

Nettleship, Edward: The Diseases of the Eye. Fifth [revised and corrected] edition. [Student`s..

200,00 €
Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design. Dedication copy.

Pevsner, Nikolaus: The Sources of Modern Architecture and Design. Dedication copy.

60,00 €
Cornelius Cardew [1936 - 81] Memorial Concert. 16th May 1982
 London, Greater London Council Queen Elizabeth Hall, 1982.

Cornelius Cardew [1936 81] Memorial Concert. 16th May 1982 London, Greater London Council Queen..

24,00 €
Rowling, J. K: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

Rowling, J. K: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows.

7,00 €
Otto Gutfreund (1889 - 1927). Czech Cubist. Sculpture and drawings. First One-Man Exhibition outside Czechoslovakia. 1 - 24 June 1966
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1966.

Otto Gutfreund (1889 1927). Czech Cubist. Sculpture and drawings. First One Man Exhibition..

14,00 €
Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of silver pennies of Henry III from the Colchester Hoard ( 1969 ) and other hammered and ancient coins.

Sotheby & Co: Catalogue of silver pennies of Henry III from the Colchester Hoard ( 1969 ) and other..

27,00 €
Guido Biasi. Paintings - Assemblages - Watercolours - Drawings. 27 September - 27 October 1962
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1962.

Guido Biasi. Paintings Assemblages Watercolours Drawings. 27 September 27 October 1962..

12,00 €
Michael Ayrton - bronzes, paintings, collages and drawings 1962 - 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 29 April - 30 May 1964
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1964.

Michael Ayrton bronzes, paintings, collages and drawings 1962 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog:] 29..

24,00 €


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