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5.296 Artikel gefunden


Okninski, Jan: Semigroups of Matrices. [= Series in Algebra Volume 6]
 Singapore - New Jersey - London - Hong Kong, World Scientific, (1998).

Okninski, Jan: Semigroups of Matrices. [= Series in Algebra Volume 6] Singapore New Jersey..

74,00 €
Payne, S. E.; Thas, J. A: Finite generalized quadrangles. [= Research Notes in Mathematics 110]
 Boston - London - Melbourne, Pitman Advanced Publishing Program, 1984.

Payne, S. E.; Thas, J. A: Finite generalized quadrangles. [= Research Notes in Mathematics 110]..

28,00 €
Moody, John Atwell: Groups for Undergraduates
 Singapore - New Jersey - London - Hong Kong, World Scientific, (1994).

Moody, John Atwell: Groups for Undergraduates Singapore New Jersey London Hong Kong, World..

24,00 €
Der Gimmick - Gesprochenes Deutsch - German as the Germans speak it!

Der Gimmick - Gesprochenes Deutsch - German as the Germans speak it!

10,00 €


10,00 €
300 Lieblingsplätze - zwischen New York, London, Tokio

300 Lieblingsplätze - zwischen New York, London, Tokio

10,00 €
Foreign & Commonwealth Office. - Text: Michael Farr: Die Briten in Berlin - Besatzungsmacht, Schutzmacht, Freunde.

Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Text: Michael Farr: Die Briten in Berlin Besatzungsmacht..

23,00 €
Trigg, George L: Crucial Experiments in Modern Physics. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Reinhold Momentum Book #23]
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, (1971).

Trigg, George L: Crucial Experiments in Modern Physics. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Hidy, George M: The Waves. The Nature of Sea Motion. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Reinhold Momentum Book #21]
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, van Nostrand Reinhold Company, (1971).

Hidy, George M: The Waves. The Nature of Sea Motion. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Little, Noel C: Magnetohydrodynamics. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #18]
 Princeton - Toronto - London, D. van Nostrand Company, (1967).

Little, Noel C: Magnetohydrodynamics. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van..

10,00 €
McKeehan, L. W: Magnets. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #16]
 Princeton - Toronto - London, D. van Nostrand Company, (1967).

McKeehan, L. W: Magnets. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum..

10,00 €
Smith, Alex G: Radio Exploration ot the Sun. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #15]
 Princeton - Toronto - London, D. van Nostrand Company, (1967).

Smith, Alex G: Radio Exploration ot the Sun. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [=..

10,00 €
Knight, Charles A: The Freezing of Supercooled Liquids. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #14]
 Princeton - Toronto - London, D. van Nostrand Company, (1967).

Knight, Charles A: The Freezing of Supercooled Liquids. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Mann, Wilfrid B.; Garfinkel, S. B: Radioactivity and Ist Measurement. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #10]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1966).

Mann, Wilfrid B.; Garfinkel, S. B: Radioactivity and Ist Measurement. Published for the Commission..

10,00 €
Katz, Robert: An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #9]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Katz, Robert: An Introduction to the Special Theory of Relativity. Published for the Commission on..

10,00 €
Shurcliff, William A.; Ballard, Stanley S: Polarized Light. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #7]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Shurcliff, William A.; Ballard, Stanley S: Polarized Light. Published for the Commission on College..

10,00 €
Waldron, R. A: Waves and Oscillations. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #4]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Waldron, R. A: Waves and Oscillations. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van..

10,00 €
Smith, Alex G.; Carr, Thomas D: Radio Exploration of the Planetary System. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #2]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (1964).

Smith, Alex G.; Carr, Thomas D: Radio Exploration of the Planetary System. Published for the..

10,00 €
Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of Electricity. Published for the Commission on College Physics. [= Van Nostrand Momentum Book #3]
 Princeton - Toronto - London - New York, D. van Nostrand Company, (

Anderson, David L: The Discovery of the Electron. The Development of the Atomic Concept of..

14,00 €
Phillips, W. W. A: Manual of the Mammals of Ceylon.

Phillips, W. W. A: Manual of the Mammals of Ceylon.

100,00 €
Rowlatt, P. A: Group Theory and Elementary Particles. First published. [= Mathematical Physics Series]
 London, Longmans Green and Co, 1966.

Rowlatt, P. A: Group Theory and Elementary Particles. First published. [= Mathematical Physics..

28,00 €
Cameron, P. J.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Hughes, D. R: Finite Geometries and Designs. Proceedings of the Second Isle of Thorns Conference 1980. First published. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 49]
 Cambridge u. a., Cambridge University Pre

Cameron, P. J.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P.; Hughes, D. R: Finite Geometries and Designs. Proceedings of..

22,00 €
Sebastian Horsley - The Flowers of Evil. [Ausstellungskatalog] 25 March - 23 April 1999
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1999.

Sebastian Horsley The Flowers of Evil. [Ausstellungskatalog] 25 March 23 April 1999 London..

18,00 €
Rice, Louise (Hrsg.): Picasso und die alten Meister.

Rice, Louise (Hrsg.): Picasso und die alten Meister.

17,00 €
[Hérissant, Louis Théodore]: Mon petit porte-feuille. BAND 1 und 2 (von 3) in einem Band.

[Hérissant, Louis Théodore]: Mon petit porte-feuille. BAND 1 und 2 (von 3) in einem Band.

45,00 €
Baldwin, James: The Amen Corner.

Baldwin, James: The Amen Corner.

18,00 €
Johnston, Harry Hamilton (G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D. Se.): Die Rassen Afrikas; Vortrag, gehalten am 2. November 1910 im Württembergischen Verein für Handelsgeographie E.V., Stuttgart.

Johnston, Harry Hamilton (G.C.M.G., K.C.B., D. Se.): Die Rassen Afrikas; Vortrag, gehalten am 2..

200,00 €
RO’MA – Rosemarie Trockel und Markus Lüpertz.

RO’MA – Rosemarie Trockel und Markus Lüpertz.

15,00 €
Shaw, Paul: Helvetica and the New York City Subway System: The True (Maybe) Story.

Shaw, Paul: Helvetica and the New York City Subway System: The True (Maybe) Story.

65,00 €
German Art in the 20th Century. Painting and Sculpture 1905-1985.

German Art in the 20th Century. Painting and Sculpture 1905-1985.

25,00 €
MacNulty, W. Kirk: Freemasonry. A Journey through Ritual and Symbol.

MacNulty, W. Kirk: Freemasonry. A Journey through Ritual and Symbol.

14,00 €
German Expressionism.

German Expressionism.

10,00 €
Dangerous Man

Dangerous Man

10,00 €
Jünger, Ernst: Atlantische Fahrt.

Jünger, Ernst: Atlantische Fahrt.

19,00 €
VANGI bedford house gallery

VANGI bedford house gallery

20,00 €
Contemporary Spanish Realists / Realistes Espanoles Contemporaneos - Amalia Avia - Antonio Lopez Garcia - Francisco López - Julio Lopez Hernandez - Jose Maria Mezquita - Maria Moreno - Isabel Quintanilla - Daniel Quintero

Contemporary Spanish Realists / Realistes Espanoles Contemporaneos Amalia Avia Antonio Lopez..

25,00 €
Woodhouse, Martin: Blue Bone.

Woodhouse, Martin: Blue Bone.

10,00 €
Browning, Simon, Michael Mack and Sean Perkins (editors): Surface. Contemporary Photographic Practice.

Browning, Simon, Michael Mack and Sean Perkins (editors): Surface. Contemporary Photographic..

45,00 €
Vermes, Pamela: Jewish thinkers., Buber.

Vermes, Pamela: Jewish thinkers., Buber.

9,00 €
Trotsky, Leon: Lessons of October. (1924).

Trotsky, Leon: Lessons of October. (1924).

9,00 €
Trotsky, Leon: Martyrs of the Third International., Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg.

Trotsky, Leon: Martyrs of the Third International., Karl Liebknecht, Rosa Luxemburg.

9,00 €
Raleigh, Walter: A  new history of England ecclesiastical and civil from the establishment of King Egbert , the first monarch of England to the end of the rebellion in the year 1746., I & II.

Raleigh, Walter: A new history of England ecclesiastical and civil from the establishment of King..

282,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes complete. VII. Sermons Nr.  XV – XXIX.

Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes complete. VII. Sermons Nr. XV –..

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The life & opinions of Tristram Shandy gent.  II.

Sterne, Laurence: The life & opinions of Tristram Shandy gent. II.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: A  sentimental journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick.  A  new edition., I & II.

Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick. A new edition..

222,00 €
Ross, John: International, Vol., 1, Nr. 6 , September-October 1971.

Ross, John: International, Vol., 1, Nr. 6 , September-October 1971.

9,00 €
Robertson, Ritchie: Jewish thinkers., Heine.

Robertson, Ritchie: Jewish thinkers., Heine.

9,00 €
Pearl, Chaim: Jewish thinkers., Rashi..

Pearl, Chaim: Jewish thinkers., Rashi..

16,00 €


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