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5.303 Artikel gefunden


Birds of Africa.

Birds of Africa.

5,50 €
The Marsh Lions - The Stoy of an African Pride.

The Marsh Lions - The Stoy of an African Pride.

11,00 €


17,00 €
The complete guide to the birdlife of Britain and Europe. An all-new edition of the classic guide.

The complete guide to the birdlife of Britain and Europe. An all-new edition of the classic guide.

30,00 €
The Dark Romance of Dian Fossey.

The Dark Romance of Dian Fossey.

23,00 €
Zoo Tails, Hilarious and touching stories from London Zoo's fist resident vet.

Zoo Tails, Hilarious and touching stories from London Zoo's fist resident vet.

15,00 €
Rickie and Henri. A True Story.

Rickie and Henri. A True Story.

11,00 €
More Zoo Ways.

More Zoo Ways.

40,00 €
Gorillas & Chimpanzees.

Gorillas & Chimpanzees.

72,00 €
Great Medieval Castles of Britain.

Great Medieval Castles of Britain.

4,00 €
Lame Deer. Sioux medicine man.

Lame Deer. Sioux medicine man.

8,00 €
Apes-an Account of Personal Experiences in a Zoological Garden.

Apes-an Account of Personal Experiences in a Zoological Garden.

18,00 €
Birds of Prey.

Birds of Prey.

13,10 €


9,00 €
Animals At Work and Play. Their Activities and Emotions.

Animals At Work and Play. Their Activities and Emotions.

15,00 €
Primate Ecology. Studies of feeding and ranging behaviour in lemurs, monkeys and apes.

Primate Ecology. Studies of feeding and ranging behaviour in lemurs, monkeys and apes.

150,00 €
My Wild Life.

My Wild Life.

34,25 €
The WWF Environment Handbook.

The WWF Environment Handbook.

4,00 €
Zoo Babies.

Zoo Babies.

17,00 €
The High Mountains of Britain and Ireland. A Guide for Mountain Walkers.

The High Mountains of Britain and Ireland. A Guide for Mountain Walkers.

16,20 €
Count de Buffon: Natural History - General and Particular, Second Edition, 9 Bände (komplett).

Count de Buffon: Natural History - General and Particular, Second Edition, 9 Bände (komplett).

450,00 €
Doctor in the Zoo.

Doctor in the Zoo.

17,50 €
Museum Passport.

Museum Passport.

4,00 €
Museumsführer, Text:  Peter Whitehead, Photographs: Colin Keates.

Museumsführer, Text: Peter Whitehead, Photographs: Colin Keates.

4,00 €
British Museum (Natural History) - Guide.

British Museum (Natural History) - Guide.

5,00 €
The Natural History Museum.

The Natural History Museum.

8,00 €
Origin of species.

Origin of species.

8,00 €
Zoo Day.

Zoo Day.

4,00 €
The Making of the Highlands.

The Making of the Highlands.

8,00 €
Primate Behaviour and Social Ecology.

Primate Behaviour and Social Ecology.

15,00 €
Zoo Animals.

Zoo Animals.

15,00 €
Invertebrate Zoology (2nd Ed.).

Invertebrate Zoology (2nd Ed.).

11,00 €
The Natural History of Britain and Ireland.

The Natural History of Britain and Ireland.

5,00 €
The birds of Travancore & Cochin. With 101 species illustrated in colour and 32 in black-and-white by D. V. Cowen.

The birds of Travancore & Cochin. With 101 species illustrated in colour and 32 in black and white..

50,00 €
Turtles & Tortoises of the World.

Turtles & Tortoises of the World.

15,00 €
The Polar Bear.

The Polar Bear.

5,00 €
Metropole London. Macht und Glanz einer Weltstadt.

Metropole London. Macht und Glanz einer Weltstadt.

5,00 €
Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings.

Intelligence of Apes and Other Rational Beings.

8,00 €
Der Symbolismus.

Der Symbolismus.

7,50 €
A natural history of owls.

A natural history of owls.

8,00 €
Eine Odyssee des Nordens

Eine Odyssee des Nordens

3,00 €
Milosz, Czwéslaw: The usurpers. Translated from the Polish by Celina Wieniewska.

Milosz, Czwéslaw: The usurpers. Translated from the Polish by Celina Wieniewska.

27,00 €
Hall, Dick Wick; Spencer II, Guilford L: Elementary Topology. Second printing
 New York - London, John Wiley & Sons - Chapman & Hall, June 1957.

Hall, Dick Wick; Spencer II, Guilford L: Elementary Topology. Second printing New York London..

24,00 €
Hilton, Harold: Plane Algebraic Curves. Second edition
 Oxford - London, Oxford University Press - Humphrey Milford, 1932.

Hilton, Harold: Plane Algebraic Curves. Second edition Oxford London, Oxford University Press..

15,00 €
Der Mexikaner Felipe Rivera./Der Schrei des Pferdes. Zwei Erzählungen

Der Mexikaner Felipe Rivera./Der Schrei des Pferdes. Zwei Erzählungen

3,00 €
Sheila Sullivan [Ed.]: Critics on Chaucer. [Unwin University Books; Readings in Literary Criticism, VI].

Sheila Sullivan [Ed.]: Critics on Chaucer. [Unwin University Books; Readings in Literary Criticism..

9,00 €
Coghill, Nevill: Langland: Piers Plowman. [Writers and their work ; no. 174.].

Coghill, Nevill: Langland: Piers Plowman. [Writers and their work ; no. 174.].

9,00 €
Béla Bartók  [Komponist]: Five Songs/ Fünf Lieder; op. 16  (1916) voice and piano/Gesang und Piano.

Béla Bartók [Komponist]: Five Songs/ Fünf Lieder; op. 16 (1916) voice and piano/Gesang und..

25,00 €


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