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5.303 Artikel gefunden


A magnificent collection of botanical books. Being the finest colour-plate books from the celebrated library formed by Robert de Belder. Consigned for sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd. Dates of aale Monday 27th April and Tuesday 28th April 1987.

A magnificent collection of botanical books. Being the finest colour plate books from the..

35,00 €
The library of H. Bradley Martin. [PART 1, Auction Sale 5870]: John James Audubon, magnificent books and manuscripts. New York, Tuesday, June 6, 1989.

The library of H. Bradley Martin. [PART 1, Auction Sale 5870]: John James Audubon, magnificent..

30,00 €
The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success

9,00 €
Richard Clayderman - Songs of Love

Richard Clayderman - Songs of Love

15,00 €
Klessmann, Rüdiger: Adam Elsheimer 1578-1610.

Klessmann, Rüdiger: Adam Elsheimer 1578-1610.

18,00 €
Stark, Freya: The Lycian shore.

Stark, Freya: The Lycian shore.

18,00 €
London, Jack: Die Zwangsjacke. Einzig berechtigte Übersetzung von Erwin Magnus. [Erste deutsche Ausgabe.].

London, Jack: Die Zwangsjacke. Einzig berechtigte Übersetzung von Erwin Magnus. [Erste deutsche..

25,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 4, December 1965
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1965.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 4, December 1965 New York London..

24,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 3, September 1965
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1965.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 3, September 1965 New York London..

24,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 2, June 1965
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1965.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 2, June 1965 New York London..

24,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 1, March 1965
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1965.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 2, Number 1, March 1965 New York London..

28,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 1, Number 3, September 1964
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1964.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 1, Number 3, September 1964 New York London..

24,00 €
Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 1, 1964. [4 Numbers in one Volume]
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1964.

Higman, Graham (Hg.): Journal of Algebra. Volume 1, 1964. [4 Numbers in one Volume] New York..

34,00 €
Chow, Yutze: Modern Abstract Algebra. [1] Volume One. Monoids, Groups and Rings. [2] Volume Two. Modules, Linear Endormorphisms and Algebras
 New York - London - Paris, Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, 1976.

Chow, Yutze: Modern Abstract Algebra. [1] Volume One. Monoids, Groups and Rings. [2] Volume Two..

44,00 €
The best of Annie Lennox - Twelve great songs arranged for piano, voice and guitar

The best of Annie Lennox - Twelve great songs arranged for piano, voice and guitar

35,00 €
Schenkman, Eugene: Group Theory. [= The University Series in Higher Mathematics]
 Princeton - Toronto - New York - London, D. van Nostrand Company, (1965).

Schenkman, Eugene: Group Theory. [= The University Series in Higher Mathematics] Princeton..

12,00 €
Dixon, John D: Problems in Group Theory. [= A Blaisdell Book in Pure and Applied Mathematics]
 Waltham - Toronto - London, Blaisdell Publishing, (1967).

Dixon, John D: Problems in Group Theory. [= A Blaisdell Book in Pure and Applied Mathematics]..

34,00 €
Magnus, Wilhelm; Karrass, Abraham; Solitar, Donald: Combinatorial Group Theory: Presentations of Groups in Terms of Generators and Relations. [= Pure and Applied Mathematics Colume XIII]
 New York - London - Sydney, Interscience Publishers (John Wiley & S

Magnus, Wilhelm; Karrass, Abraham; Solitar, Donald: Combinatorial Group Theory: Presentations of..

38,00 €
Bosák, Juraj: Decompositions of Graphs. [= Mathematics and Ist Applictions (East European Series) Volume 47]
 Dordrecht - Boston - London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, (1990).

Bosák, Juraj: Decompositions of Graphs. [= Mathematics and Ist Applictions (East European Series)..

34,00 €
Atanassov, K T; Atanassova, V; Shannon, A G; Turner J C: New Visual Perspectives on Fibonacci Numbers
 New Jersey - London - Singapore - Hong Kong, (2002).

Atanassov, K T; Atanassova, V; Shannon, A G; Turner J C: New Visual Perspectives on Fibonacci..

24,00 €
Kolman, Bernard; Busby, Robert C: Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science. Second Edition. [Third printing]
 London u. a., Prentice-Hall International, (1987).

Kolman, Bernard; Busby, Robert C: Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science. Second..

40,00 €
The French Influence - Book 1 - 12 piano pieces

The French Influence - Book 1 - 12 piano pieces

7,00 €
The Essential Collection Brahms Gold

The Essential Collection Brahms Gold

10,00 €
Gorenstein, Daniel: Finite Groups. [= Harper's Series in Modern Mathematics]
 New York - Evanston - London, Harper & Row Publishers, 1967 / (1968).

Gorenstein, Daniel: Finite Groups. [= Harper's Series in Modern Mathematics] New York Evanston..

20,00 €
Lauri, Josef; Scapellato, Raffaele: Topics in Graph Automorphisms and Reconstruction. [= London Mathematical Society Student Texts 54]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 2003.

Lauri, Josef; Scapellato, Raffaele: Topics in Graph Automorphisms and Reconstruction. [= London..

20,00 €
Cvetkovic, Dragos; Rowlinson, Peter; Simic, Slobodan: Spectral Generalizations of Line Graphs. On graphs with least eigenvalue -2. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 314]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 2004.

Cvetkovic, Dragos; Rowlinson, Peter; Simic, Slobodan: Spectral Generalizations of Line Graphs. On..

24,00 €
Clerck, F. De; Beutelspacher, A.; Buekenhout, F.; Doyen, J.; Thas, J. A.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P. (Hg.): Finite Geometry and Combinatorics. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 191]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1993.

Clerck, F. De; Beutelspacher, A.; Buekenhout, F.; Doyen, J.; Thas, J. A.; Hirschfeld, J. W. P..

24,00 €
Shrikhande, Mohan S.; Sane, Sharad S: Quasi-Symmetric Designs. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 164]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1991.

Shrikhande, Mohan S.; Sane, Sharad S: Quasi Symmetric Designs. [= London Mathematical Society..

12,00 €
Johnson, D. L: Topics in the Theory of Group Presentations. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture Note Series 42]
 Cambridge u. a,, University Press, 1980.

Johnson, D. L: Topics in the Theory of Group Presentations. [= London Mathematical Society Lecture..

30,00 €
Aldous, Joan M.; Wilson, Robin J: Graphs and Applications. An Introdutory Approch. With 644 illustrations by Steve Best
 London - Berlin - Heidelberg u. a., Springer, 2000.

Aldous, Joan M.; Wilson, Robin J: Graphs and Applications. An Introdutory Approch. With 644..

15,00 €
Tutte, W. T. (Hg.): Recent Progress in Combinatorics. Proceedings of the Thired Waterloo Conference on Combinatorics, May 1968
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1969.

Tutte, W. T. (Hg.): Recent Progress in Combinatorics. Proceedings of the Thired Waterloo Conference..

12,00 €
Korfhage, Robert R: Discrete Computational Structures. Second edition
 New York - London u. a., Academic Press, 1984.

Korfhage, Robert R: Discrete Computational Structures. Second edition New York London u. a..

15,00 €
Geminiani, Francesco (1680-1762): Geminiani: Sonate I. Violin & Piano. [= Augener`s Edition, No. 7401].

Geminiani, Francesco (1680 1762): Geminiani: Sonate I. Violin & Piano. [= Augener`s Edition, No..

6,00 €
Turner, J. M. W. - edited by Ian Warrell. - with an essay by Franklin Kelly. - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York in association with Tate Publishing: J. M. W. Turner. - Catalogue of the exhibition in Washington, Dallas and New York, 2008.

Turner, J. M. W. edited by Ian Warrell. with an essay by Franklin Kelly. The Metropolitan..

37,00 €
Popular piano solos - Book 1

Popular piano solos - Book 1

8,00 €
Kölle, Brigitte; Felicity Lunn (Hrsg.): Philippe Vandenberg. Kamikaze.

Kölle, Brigitte; Felicity Lunn (Hrsg.): Philippe Vandenberg. Kamikaze.

25,00 €
Lane, Peter: Contemporary Porcelain. Materials, techniques and expressions.

Lane, Peter: Contemporary Porcelain. Materials, techniques and expressions.

22,00 €
Vehse, Eduard [Carl Eduard]: Geschichte der Höfe des Hauses Braunschweig in Deutschland und England. Die Hofhaltungen zu Hannover, London und Braunschweig THEIL 1 und 2 [von 5] in einem Band.

Vehse, Eduard [Carl Eduard]: Geschichte der Höfe des Hauses Braunschweig in Deutschland und..

40,00 €
Baedeker, Karl: Greece.

Baedeker, Karl: Greece.

62,00 €
Anonymus: The Tower of London., Ministry of Works Guide-Book.

Anonymus: The Tower of London., Ministry of Works Guide-Book.

6,00 €
(Ohne Autor): The Painting Book of Birds of the Aviary. Painting Book . (Nature Series Number 9).

(Ohne Autor): The Painting Book of Birds of the Aviary. Painting Book . (Nature Series Number 9).

10,00 €
Littlewood-Moore: Tropical Birds. Painting Book . (Nature Series Number 7).

Littlewood-Moore: Tropical Birds. Painting Book . (Nature Series Number 7).

10,00 €
Littlewood-Moore: Birds of Hill and Forest. Painting Book. (Nature Series Number 8).

Littlewood-Moore: Birds of Hill and Forest. Painting Book. (Nature Series Number 8).

10,00 €


30,00 €
Every Australian Bird illustrated.

Every Australian Bird illustrated.

19,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23,  Birds of Prey.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 23, Birds of Prey.

35,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 8, Canids and Felids in Captivity.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 8, Canids and Felids in Captivity.

29,70 €
Sacred Elephant.

Sacred Elephant.

17,00 €


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