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5.303 Artikel gefunden


Aggleton, Peter (Hg.): Men Who Sell Sex. International Perspectives on Male Prostitution and AIDS
 London, UCL Press, (1999).

Aggleton, Peter (Hg.): Men Who Sell Sex. International Perspectives on Male Prostitution and AIDS..

10,00 €
Scheer, Edward (Hg.): Antonin Artaud. A critical reader
 London - New York, Routledge, (2004).

Scheer, Edward (Hg.): Antonin Artaud. A critical reader London - New York, Routledge, (2004).

18,00 €
Davis, Colin: After Poststructuralism. Reading, stories and theory
 London - New York, Routledge, (2004).

Davis, Colin: After Poststructuralism. Reading, stories and theory London New York, Routledge..

24,00 €
Marcuse, Herbert: One-Dimensional Mn. Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. With an introduction by Douglas Kellner. [= Routledge Classics]
 London - New York, Routledge, (1991).

Marcuse, Herbert: One Dimensional Mn. Studies in the ideology of advanced industrial society. With..

14,00 €
Ferguson, Frances: Pornography, the Theory. What Utilitarisianism Did to Action. [1st printing]
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 2004.

Ferguson, Frances: Pornography, the Theory. What Utilitarisianism Did to Action. [1st printing]..

10,00 €
Balibar, Etienne: Identity and Difference. John Locke & the Invention of Consciousness. Edited and with an Introduction by Stell Sandford. Translated by Warren Montag
 London - New York, Verso, (1998).

Balibar, Etienne: Identity and Difference. John Locke & the Invention of Consciousness. Edited and..

12,00 €
Civardi, Giovanni: Drawing the Male Nude. Reprinted
 London, Cassell, 2002.

Civardi, Giovanni: Drawing the Male Nude. Reprinted London, Cassell, 2002.

20,00 €
Nolde. Ungemalte Bilder Aquarelle 1939 - 1945.

Nolde. Ungemalte Bilder Aquarelle 1939 - 1945.

14,00 €
Zurbrugg, Nicholas (Hg.): Jean Baudrillard, Art and Artefact
 London - Thousand Oaks - New Delhi, Sage Publications, 1997.

Zurbrugg, Nicholas (Hg.): Jean Baudrillard, Art and Artefact London Thousand Oaks New Delhi..

15,00 €
Reed, Walter L: Romantic Literature in Light of Bakhtin. First published
 New York - London - New Delhi - Sydney, Bloomsbury, 2014.

Reed, Walter L: Romantic Literature in Light of Bakhtin. First published New York London New..

18,00 €
Poe, Edgar Allan: Edgar Allan Poe Collection. Anthology of Classic Tales. Foreword by Christopher Semtner. [5th printing]
 London, Flame Tree Publishing, 2020.

Poe, Edgar Allan: Edgar Allan Poe Collection. Anthology of Classic Tales. Foreword by Christopher..

15,00 €
Perloff, Marjorie: The Futurist Moment. Avent-Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture. With a new Preface
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 1986.

Perloff, Marjorie: The Futurist Moment. Avent Garde, Avant Guerre, and the Language of Rupture..

20,00 €
Tseelon, Efrat (Hg.): Masquerade and Identities. Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Marginality
 New York - London, Routledge, 2001.

Tseelon, Efrat (Hg.): Masquerade and Identities. Essays on Gender, Sexuality and Marginality New..

18,00 €
Kirsch, Max H: Queer Theory and Social Change
 New York - London, Routledge, 2000.

Kirsch, Max H: Queer Theory and Social Change New York - London, Routledge, 2000.

18,00 €
Out in Art. Works by Christopher Brown, Chris Corr, Norman, Richard Royle, Graham Ward. Introduced by Nick Stanley
 London, GMP, (1986).

Out in Art. Works by Christopher Brown, Chris Corr, Norman, Richard Royle, Graham Ward. Introduced..

10,00 €
Bollas, Christopher: The Freudian Moment. Reprinted
 London, Karnac, 2008.

Bollas, Christopher: The Freudian Moment. Reprinted London, Karnac, 2008.

14,00 €
Doerr, Anthony: The Shell Collector. Stories
 New York - London - Toronto - Sydney, Scribner, (2002).

Doerr, Anthony: The Shell Collector. Stories New York London Toronto Sydney, Scribner..

10,00 €
Steward, Sam: Understanding he Male Hustler
 New York - London - Sydney, Harrington Park Press, (1991).

Steward, Sam: Understanding he Male Hustler New York London Sydney, Harrington Park Press..

27,00 €
Foucault, Michel: Death and the Labyrinth. The World of Raymond Roussel. Translated from the French by Charles Ruas. With an introduction by James Faubion and a Postscript by John Ashbery
 London - New York, continuum, (2004).

Foucault, Michel: Death and the Labyrinth. The World of Raymond Roussel. Translated from the French..

24,00 €
Schmidt, Bettina E.; Schröder, Ingo W: Anthropology of Violence and Conflict
 London - New York, Routledge, (2001).

Schmidt, Bettina E.; Schröder, Ingo W: Anthropology of Violence and Conflict London New York..

17,00 €
Zizek, Slavoj: Organs without Bodies. Deleuze and Consequences
 New York - London, Routledge, 2003 / 2004.

Zizek, Slavoj: Organs without Bodies. Deleuze and Consequences New York London, Routledge, 2003..

10,00 €
Efimova, Alla; Manovich, Lev: Tekstura - Russian Essays on Visual Culture. With a Foreword by Stephen Bann
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 1993.

Efimova, Alla; Manovich, Lev: Tekstura Russian Essays on Visual Culture. With a Foreword by..

10,00 €
Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd printing]
 New York - London, The Guilford Press, 2006.

Mahoney, Michael J: Constructive Psychotherapy. Theory and Practice. Forword by C. R. Snyder. [2nd..

28,00 €
Lucie-Smith, Edward (Hg.): The Male Nude, a modern view. An exhibition organized by Francois de Louville
 London, Sarema Press (Publishers), (1985).

Lucie Smith, Edward (Hg.): The Male Nude, a modern view. An exhibition organized by Francois de..

16,00 €
Williams, Elsa S: Creative Canvas Work
 New York - Cincinnati - Toronto - London - Melbourne, Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, [1972].

Williams, Elsa S: Creative Canvas Work New York Cincinnati Toronto London Melbourne, Van..

18,00 €
Dean, Tim: Beyond Sexuality
 Chicago - London, The Chicago University Press, 2000.

Dean, Tim: Beyond Sexuality Chicago - London, The Chicago University Press, 2000.

22,00 €
Berger, Athur Asa: Cultural Criticism. A Primer of Key Concepts. [= Foundations of Popular Culture Vol. 4]
 Thousand Oaks - London - New Dehlhi, Sage Publications, 1995.

Berger, Athur Asa: Cultural Criticism. A Primer of Key Concepts. [= Foundations of Popular Culture..

10,00 €
Horwitz, Allan V: Creating Mental Illness. [2nd printing]
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 2003.

Horwitz, Allan V: Creating Mental Illness. [2nd printing] Chicago London, The University of..

14,00 €
Barber, Stephen M.; Clarc, David L (Hg.): Regarding Sedgwick. Essays on Queer Culture and Critical Theory
 New York - London, Routledge, (2002).

Barber, Stephen M.; Clarc, David L (Hg.): Regarding Sedgwick. Essays on Queer Culture and Critical..

22,00 €
Barker, Cicely Mary: Flower fairies of the autumn. With the nuts and berries they bring.

Barker, Cicely Mary: Flower fairies of the autumn. With the nuts and berries they bring.

35,00 €
VdA - Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland: Wir Deutsche in der Welt 1935; Reihe: Wir Deutsche in der Welt; Herausgeber: Verband Deutscher Vereine im Ausland.

VdA Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland: Wir Deutsche in der Welt 1935; Reihe: Wir Deutsche..

40,00 €
Rocholl, Heinz + Gardiner, Rolf (Hrg.): Ein neuer Weg; Offene Aussprache zwischen deutscher und englischer Jugend zum gegenseitigen Verständnis in politischen Fragen; Im Auftrage der..

Rocholl, Heinz + Gardiner, Rolf (Hrg.): Ein neuer Weg; Offene Aussprache zwischen deutscher und..

44,00 €
Christie's South Kensington (Hrsg.): Christie's 1999. Football Memorabilia. (Auktionskatalog).

Christie's South Kensington (Hrsg.): Christie's 1999. Football Memorabilia. (Auktionskatalog).

20,00 €
Mivart, Saint George Jackson: A monograph of the Lories, or brush tongued Parrots. Farbtaf. von J. G. Keulemans. (FAKSIMILE der Ausgabe London, Porter, 1896. Einführung T. Pagel jun.,  Vorwort und wissenschaftl. Anhang G. Mauersberger).

Mivart, Saint George Jackson: A monograph of the Lories, or brush tongued Parrots. Farbtaf. von J..

45,00 €
Mayhew, Henry: Die Armen von London. Ein Kompendium der Lebensbedingungen und Einkünfte derjenigen, die arbeiten wollen, derjenigen, die nicht arbeiten können und derjenigen, die nicht arbeiten wollen. (Einmalige, limitierte Ausgabe, 1.-7. Tsd.).

Mayhew, Henry: Die Armen von London. Ein Kompendium der Lebensbedingungen und Einkünfte..

35,00 €
Born Free

Born Free

10,00 €
Clausewitz On War. Preface by Michael Howard.

Clausewitz On War. Preface by Michael Howard.

7,00 €
Clausewitz. A Biography.

Clausewitz. A Biography.

16,00 €
Udo Nöger. rongo rongo. Südseebilder 87/88.

Udo Nöger. rongo rongo. Südseebilder 87/88.

14,00 €
Liszt Society Publications - Volume Seven - Unfamiliar Piano Pieces

Liszt Society Publications - Volume Seven - Unfamiliar Piano Pieces

15,00 €
Renoir, Auguste. - Colin B. Bailey, Christopher Riopelle u. a: Renoir - Landschaften 1865 - 1886. - Katalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung 2007 - 2008: The National Gallery in London u. a.

Renoir, Auguste. Colin B. Bailey, Christopher Riopelle u. a: Renoir Landschaften 1865 1886..

27,00 €
Strand, Mark: Art of the Real. Nine Contemporary Figurative Painters.

Strand, Mark: Art of the Real. Nine Contemporary Figurative Painters.

30,00 €
Arkoun, Mohammed ( 1928 - 2010 ): al-Fikr al-Islami: Naqd wa-ijtihad ( Islamisches Denken: Kritik und Fleiß / Islamic Thought: Criticism and Diligence ).

Arkoun, Mohammed ( 1928 2010 ): al Fikr al Islami: Naqd wa ijtihad ( Islamisches Denken: Kritik..

47,00 €
Wilde, Oscar. - Dulau & Company limited, London: Catalogue 161 - A collection of original manuscripts letters & books of Oscar Wilde including his letters written to Robert Ross from Reading Gaol and unpublished letters poems & plays formerly in the posse

Wilde, Oscar. Dulau & Company limited, London: Catalogue 161 A collection of original..

37,00 €
Crawford, F(rancis) Marion: Sant' Ilario. Complete in three ( 3 ) vols.

Crawford, F(rancis) Marion: Sant' Ilario. Complete in three ( 3 ) vols.

67,00 €
Holme, Charles (Hrsg.): The art-revival in Austria.

Holme, Charles (Hrsg.): The art-revival in Austria.

45,00 €
Lilliput. [The pocket magazine for everyone]. VOL 19, NO. 4 / Issue No. 112 / October 1946.

Lilliput. [The pocket magazine for everyone]. VOL 19, NO. 4 / Issue No. 112 / October 1946.

15,00 €
Lilliput. [The pocket magazine for everyone]. VOL 20, NO. 2 / Issue No. 116 / February 1947.

Lilliput. [The pocket magazine for everyone]. VOL 20, NO. 2 / Issue No. 116 / February 1947.

15,00 €


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