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5.303 Artikel gefunden


Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: The works of Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti. Edition with preface and notes by William Michael Rossetti. Revised and enlarged edition.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: The works of Gabriel Charles Dante Rossetti. Edition with preface and..

35,00 €
Chagall, Marc. - Susan Tumarkin Goodman. - with an essay by Kenneth E. Silver: Chagall - Love, War and exile. - published in conjunction of the exhibition 2013 - 2014, The Jewish Museum, New York.

Chagall, Marc. Susan Tumarkin Goodman. with an essay by Kenneth E. Silver: Chagall Love, War..

23,00 €
Picasso, Pablo - Royal Academy of Arts - Tim Marlow Picasso and Paper - (Exhibition Picasso and Paper, Royal Academy of Arts AND London, Cleveland Museum of Art 2020).

Picasso, Pablo Royal Academy of Arts Tim Marlow Picasso and Paper (Exhibition Picasso..

37,00 €
Balzac, Honore de. - rendered faithfully into english by J. Lewis May, with an introduction by Andre Maurois and illustrations by Jean de Bosschere: Ten droll tales. Being the story of the fair imperia, the venial sin, the merrie diversions of his most ch

Balzac, Honore de. rendered faithfully into english by J. Lewis May, with an introduction by..

27,00 €
Friedmann, Martin: Hockney Paints the stage.

Friedmann, Martin: Hockney Paints the stage.

3,00 €
Wood, John George: Strange dwellings, being a description of the habitations of animals. Abridged from 'Homes without hands'. With designs by W. F. Keyl, J .B. Zwecker, and E. Smith. New edition.

Wood, John George: Strange dwellings, being a description of the habitations of animals. Abridged..

49,00 €
Goldscheider, Ludwig: El Greco Gemälde.

Goldscheider, Ludwig: El Greco Gemälde.

5,00 €
Goldscheider, Ludwig: El Greco.

Goldscheider, Ludwig: El Greco.

5,00 €
Hammacher, A. M: Van Gogh.

Hammacher, A. M: Van Gogh.

3,00 €
Vincent van Gogh in Farben.

Vincent van Gogh in Farben.

3,00 €
Mario Sironi 1885 - 1961. [Ausstellungskatalog] April 22 - May 17, 1993
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1993.

Mario Sironi 1885 1961. [Ausstellungskatalog] April 22 May 17, 1993 London, Grosvenor Gallery..

20,00 €
Henri Matisse - André Derain. Works on Paper. [Ausstellungskatalog] 1st - 30th June 1995
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1995.

Henri Matisse André Derain. Works on Paper. [Ausstellungskatalog] 1st 30th June 1995 London..

12,00 €
Great Sculptors c. 1900 - 1950. [Ausstellungskatalog] November 8th - December 2nd 1994
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1994.

Great Sculptors c. 1900 1950. [Ausstellungskatalog] November 8th December 2nd 1994 London..

24,00 €
Klabund (d. i. Alfred Hemschke). - introduction and translation by James Laver: The circle of chalk. A play in five acts adapted from the Chinese by Klabund.

Klabund (d. i. Alfred Hemschke). introduction and translation by James Laver: The circle of..

26,00 €
Ethiopia. - Richard pankhurst / Lila Ingrams: Ethiopia engraved. An illustrated catalogue of engravings by foreign travellers from 1681 to 1900.

Ethiopia. Richard pankhurst / Lila Ingrams: Ethiopia engraved. An illustrated catalogue of..

30,00 €
Hoesch, Leopold (von): Die Ehrenzahlung nach dem geltenden Rechte der Wechselordnung. Inaugural-Dissertation ... bei der Universität Leipzig.

Hoesch, Leopold (von): Die Ehrenzahlung nach dem geltenden Rechte der Wechselordnung. Inaugural..

18,00 €
An Exhibition of Recent Paintings by Franjo Dolenec. 16 October - 5 November 1963
 London, Arthur Jeffress Gallery, 1963.

An Exhibition of Recent Paintings by Franjo Dolenec. 16 October 5 November 1963 London, Arthur..

12,00 €
Makonde Sculpture. November 25 1969 - February 1970
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

Makonde Sculpture. November 25 1969 - February 1970 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1969.

18,00 €
Spenser, Edmund: The Shepheard`s Calender. Twelve Aeglogues Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes Entitled to the Noble and Vertuous Gent: Leman Most Worthy of all Titles Both of Learning & Chivalry Maister Philip Sidney. Newly Adorned With Twelve Picture

Spenser, Edmund: The Shepheard`s Calender. Twelve Aeglogues Proportionable to the Twelve Monethes..

400,00 €
Sowerby, George B. (Edit.): Thesaurus Conchyliorum, or Monographs of Genera of Shells Natica. With a analytical checklist of Sowerby's species. By Michael Dixon. REPRINT der Ausgabe London, Sowerby, 1883.

Sowerby, George B. (Edit.): Thesaurus Conchyliorum, or Monographs of Genera of Shells Natica. With..

15,00 €
Modern Czechoslovak Art. [Ausstellungskatalog] 16 - 28 July 1962
 London, Czechoslovak Industrial Exhibition Olympia, 1962.

Modern Czechoslovak Art. [Ausstellungskatalog] 16 28 July 1962 London, Czechoslovak Industrial..

12,00 €
Wolfgang Mattheuer - Paintings 1971 - 1988. [Ausstellungskatalog] 22 February - 23 March 1990
 London, Fischer Fine Art, 1990.

Wolfgang Mattheuer Paintings 1971 1988. [Ausstellungskatalog] 22 February 23 March 1990..

15,00 €
Critchlow, Keith: Order in space. A design source book.

Critchlow, Keith: Order in space. A design source book.

92,00 €
Wenn die Natur ruft. Die Geschichte eines Hundes

Wenn die Natur ruft. Die Geschichte eines Hundes

5,00 €
Goldsmith, Oliver: Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen an seine Freunde im fernen Osten - mit 36 zeitgenössischen Kupferstichen.

Goldsmith, Oliver: Der Weltbürger oder Briefe eines in London weilenden chinesischen Philosophen..

12,00 €
Walter, Fritz (Herausgeber): Mut - Gedichte junger Österreicher.

Walter, Fritz (Herausgeber): Mut - Gedichte junger Österreicher.

207,00 €
Clayton, Ewan (editor): Writing - making your mark.

Clayton, Ewan (editor): Writing - making your mark.

42,00 €
Fearnside, W. G. (Ed.): Tombleson´s Views of the Rhine/Vues du Rhin/Rhein Ansichten.

Fearnside, W. G. (Ed.): Tombleson´s Views of the Rhine/Vues du Rhin/Rhein Ansichten.

74,00 €
Canite Jesu nostro (Jauchzet hell, preiset lauf). Kantate für zwei Soprane und Baß (Chor oder Soli), zwei Violinen, Violone und Basso continuo (= Bärenreiter Ausgabe Nr. 3349).

Canite Jesu nostro (Jauchzet hell, preiset lauf). Kantate für zwei Soprane und Baß (Chor oder..

6,40 €
Neu-Wien. Walzer für Männerchor op. 342. Klavierauszug.

Neu-Wien. Walzer für Männerchor op. 342. Klavierauszug.

26,40 €
Moore, Alex. - Philip J.S. Richardson (Forew.): Ballroom Dancing. With 66 Diagrams and photographs of the Quickstep, Waltz, Foxtrot, Tango etc.

Moore, Alex. Philip J.S. Richardson (Forew.): Ballroom Dancing. With 66 Diagrams and photographs..

87,00 €
Helps, Arthur: Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands from 1848 to 1861. To which are prefixed and added extracts from the same journal giving an account of earlier visits to Scotland, and tours in England and Ireland, and Yachting excursion

Helps, Arthur: Leaves from the journal of our life in the Highlands from 1848 to 1861. To which are..

57,00 €
Pope Benedict XIV (Joseph Ratzinger): Jesus of Nazareth. From the Baptism in the Jordan to the Transfiguration.

Pope Benedict XIV (Joseph Ratzinger): Jesus of Nazareth. From the Baptism in the Jordan to the..

11,00 €
ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark (Hrsg.): ARoS Triennial / The Garden. End of Times, Beginning of Times.

ARoS Aarhus Kunstmuseum, Denmark (Hrsg.): ARoS Triennial / The Garden. End of Times, Beginning of..

47,00 €
Pool, Phoebe: Degas.

Pool, Phoebe: Degas.

3,00 €
Roberts, Keith: Corot.

Roberts, Keith: Corot.

3,00 €
Haftmann, Werner: Marc Chagall.

Haftmann, Werner: Marc Chagall.

4,00 €
Giovan Battista Caputo.

Giovan Battista Caputo.

10,00 €
Novotny, Fritz: Cezanne.

Novotny, Fritz: Cezanne.

5,00 €
Novotny, Fritz: Cezanne.

Novotny, Fritz: Cezanne.

8,00 €
Gruppé, Emile A.; Movalli, Charles (Hrsg.): Brushwork: A Guide To Expressive Brushwork For Oil Painting.

Gruppé, Emile A.; Movalli, Charles (Hrsg.): Brushwork: A Guide To Expressive Brushwork For Oil..

12,50 €
Williams, Emmett: Schemes & Variations
 Stuttgart - London, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1981.

Williams, Emmett: Schemes & Variations Stuttgart - London, Edition Hansjörg Mayer, 1981.

14,00 €
Stresemann, Gustav: Vermächtnis. Der Nachlass in drei Bänden. Herausgegeben von Henry Bernhard unter Mitarbeit von Wolfgang Goetz und Paul Wiegler. [1] Erster Band. Vom Ruhrkrieg..

Stresemann, Gustav: Vermächtnis. Der Nachlass in drei Bänden. Herausgegeben von Henry Bernhard..

54,00 €
Sonatinas. Sonatinen for Piano / für Klavier opp.36, 37, 38 ( Edition Peters, Nr. 145).

Sonatinas. Sonatinen for Piano / für Klavier opp.36, 37, 38 ( Edition Peters, Nr. 145).

16,40 €
Christmas Carols. Twenty-Two Traditional Carols and Songs for all the Family.

Christmas Carols. Twenty-Two Traditional Carols and Songs for all the Family.

12,00 €
Breakspear, Nicholas ( Hadrian IV. ). - by Alfred H. Tarleton: Nicholas Breakspear (Adrian IV.) - emglishman and pope.

Breakspear, Nicholas ( Hadrian IV. ). by Alfred H. Tarleton: Nicholas Breakspear (Adrian IV.)..

67,00 €
Freund, Lucian: The Self-Portraits.

Freund, Lucian: The Self-Portraits.

25,00 €
Young, Edward: The poetical works of Edward Young with the life of the author. Cooke's Edition. Embellished with superb engravings. 2 in 1 vol.

Young, Edward: The poetical works of Edward Young with the life of the author. Cooke's Edition..

75,00 €


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