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5.303 Artikel gefunden


Levinson, André: Marie Taglioni (1804-1884). (Aus dem Franz. übersetzt von Cyril W. Beaumont).

Levinson, André: Marie Taglioni (1804-1884). (Aus dem Franz. übersetzt von Cyril W. Beaumont).

12,00 €
Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: The poems of Dante Gabriel  Rossetti. Edited by Willim M. Rossetti. Pocket edition.

Rossetti, Dante Gabriel: The poems of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Edited by Willim M. Rossetti. Pocket..

15,00 €
Photograms.   edited by F. J. Mortimer.   photographs by Ortiz Echague, Ward Muir, Fischerova, Frantisek Drtikol, Nickolas Muray, S. Lumiere, S. Saba..

Photograms. edited by F. J. Mortimer. photographs by Ortiz Echague, Ward Muir, Fischerova..

47,00 €
Lewis, Ted: Get Carter. [The original Novel of the Classic Cult Film].

Lewis, Ted: Get Carter. [The original Novel of the Classic Cult Film].

8,00 €
Causton, David R: A Biologist's Basic Mathematics.

Causton, David R: A Biologist's Basic Mathematics.

10,00 €
Pynchon, Thomas: Vineland.

Pynchon, Thomas: Vineland.

11,00 €
Husslein-Arco, Agnes sowie Alfred Weidinger (Herausgeber): Gustav Klimt & Emilie Flöge - Fotografien.

Husslein Arco, Agnes sowie Alfred Weidinger (Herausgeber): Gustav Klimt & Emilie Flöge..

20,00 €
Fried, Erich: Arden Must Die. An opera on the death of the wealthy Arden of Fraversham.

Fried, Erich: Arden Must Die. An opera on the death of the wealthy Arden of Fraversham.

17,00 €
Reinecke, Carl: Kinderlieder. Neue Gesammtausgabe Erster Band. [Neue Gesamtausgabe Band I]. [= Breitkopf & Härtels Musikalische Jugend-Bibliothek = V. A. 1040]
 Leipzig - Brüssel - London - New York, Breitkopf & Härtel, ohne Jahr [ca. 1910].

Reinecke, Carl: Kinderlieder. Neue Gesammtausgabe Erster Band. [Neue Gesamtausgabe Band I]. [=..

14,00 €
Serota, Nicholas (Hrsg.): Fernand Léger. Zeichnungen, Bilder, Zyklen 1930 - 1955.

Serota, Nicholas (Hrsg.): Fernand Léger. Zeichnungen, Bilder, Zyklen 1930 - 1955.

18,00 €
Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: The Madness of Cthulhu (Volume 1). [Stories inspired by H. P. Lovecraft].

Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: The Madness of Cthulhu (Volume 1). [Stories inspired by H. P. Lovecraft].

11,00 €
Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: Black Wings of Cthulhu 5. Twenty new Tales of Lovecraftian Horror.

Joshi, S. T. [Editor]: Black Wings of Cthulhu 5. Twenty new Tales of Lovecraftian Horror.

12,00 €
Islam. - Taqiyyu-d-Din an-Nabhani: Die Lebensordnung des Islam (Nizamu-L-Islam).

Islam. - Taqiyyu-d-Din an-Nabhani: Die Lebensordnung des Islam (Nizamu-L-Islam).

27,00 €
Reim, Paul: Probleme und Gestaltung der österreichischen Literatur. - Im Inhalt: Die Entwicklung der österreichischen Kultur / Franz Grillparzer / J. N. Nestroy / N. Lenau / Moritz Hartmann u. a.

Reim, Paul: Probleme und Gestaltung der österreichischen Literatur. Im Inhalt: Die Entwicklung..

21,00 €
Jaffe, Hans L: Klee. Twentieth-century masters.

Jaffe, Hans L: Klee. Twentieth-century masters.

5,00 €
Woodward, G.W.O: King Henry VIII.

Woodward, G.W.O: King Henry VIII.

6,00 €
Winternitz, J: Karl Marx. Aus seinen Schriften.

Winternitz, J: Karl Marx. Aus seinen Schriften.

16,00 €
Williams, Glanville: Learning the Law.

Williams, Glanville: Learning the Law.

4,00 €
West, Michael: Improve your English.

West, Michael: Improve your English.

9,00 €
Werth, Alexander: Leningrad.

Werth, Alexander: Leningrad.

4,00 €
Wentworth Day, J: Inns of Sport.

Wentworth Day, J: Inns of Sport.

6,00 €
Wells, H.G: The wars of the worlds.

Wells, H.G: The wars of the worlds.

4,00 €
Weir, Shelagh: Nomad & City. Museum of Mankind.

Weir, Shelagh: Nomad & City. Museum of Mankind.

4,00 €
Vizinczey, Stephen: In praise of older women., The amorous recollections of Andras Vajda.

Vizinczey, Stephen: In praise of older women., The amorous recollections of Andras Vajda.

4,00 €
Verkade, P.E: International union of pure and applied chemistry. Nomenclature of organic chemistry., Definitive rules for section C. Chracteristic groups. Containing Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen, Halogen, Sulfur, Selenium, andor Tellurium.

Verkade, P.E: International union of pure and applied chemistry. Nomenclature of organic..

36,00 €
Uttley, Alison: Squirrel goes skating., Pictures by Mararet Tempest.

Uttley, Alison: Squirrel goes skating., Pictures by Mararet Tempest.

16,00 €
Trebitsch, Siegfried: Chronicle of a life.

Trebitsch, Siegfried: Chronicle of a life.

9,00 €
Thomas, Leslie: Bare Nell.

Thomas, Leslie: Bare Nell.

4,00 €
Swift, Jonathan: Gullivers Travels into several remote Nations of the World., Illustrated by Arthur Rackham.

Swift, Jonathan: Gullivers Travels into several remote Nations of the World., Illustrated by Arthur..

16,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick.  A new edition. IV,. Sermons 8-14.

Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick. A new edition. IV,. Sermons 8-14.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick.  A new edition. III,. Sermons 1-7.

Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick. A new edition. III,. Sermons 1-7.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick.  A new edition. I.,. Sermons 1- 7.

Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick. A new edition. I.,. Sermons 1- 7.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick . a new edition.,  I – VI., Sermons  1- 30.

Sterne, Laurence: The sermons of Mr. Yorick . a new edition., I – VI., Sermons 1- 30.

182,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman., A new edition.,   I- VI.

Sterne, Laurence: The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman., A new edition., I- VI.

382,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick.

Sterne, Laurence: Sentimental Journey through France and Italy by Mr. Yorick.

142,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: Beauties of Sterne with some account of his Life.

Sterne, Laurence: Beauties of Sterne with some account of his Life.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Illustrations by T, H.Robinson.

Sterne, Laurence: A sentimental journey through France and Italy. Illustrations by T, H.Robinson.

39,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes. Contaning , I. the life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gent. ,II.  A sentimental journey throgh France and Italy,  III. sermons –IV.  letters. With a life of the autor written by himself.

Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in ten volumes. Contaning , I. the life and opinions..

442,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in four volumes. Contaning the life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gent., A sentimental journey through France and Italy, sermons – letters. With a life of the autor written by himself.

Sterne, Laurence: The works of Laurence Sterne in four volumes. Contaning the life and opinions of..

322,00 €
Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet.

Shakespeare, William: Romeo and Juliet.

4,00 €
Seymour, Janette: Purity’s Passion.

Seymour, Janette: Purity’s Passion.

6,00 €
Sayers, Dorothy L: The nine Tailors. Changes rung on an old theme.

Sayers, Dorothy L: The nine Tailors. Changes rung on an old theme.

9,00 €
Ruckpaul, Klaus & Horst Rein: Frontiers in biotransformation. III. Molecular mechanisms of adrenal steroidogenesis and aspects of regulation and application.

Ruckpaul, Klaus & Horst Rein: Frontiers in biotransformation. III. Molecular mechanisms of adrenal..

22,00 €
Roe, Frederick C: Tales of action from modern french autors.

Roe, Frederick C: Tales of action from modern french autors.

9,00 €
Pratt, Anne: Wild Flowers. Second  Series.  (Vol. II.).

Pratt, Anne: Wild Flowers. Second Series. (Vol. II.).

62,00 €
Pratt, Anne: Wild Flowers. First Series. (Vol. I.).

Pratt, Anne: Wild Flowers. First Series. (Vol. I.).

82,00 €
Pollitt, Harry: Serving my time., An apprenticeship to politics.

Pollitt, Harry: Serving my time., An apprenticeship to politics.

19,00 €
Plaidy, Jean: Louis the Well-Beloved., The French Revolution Series.

Plaidy, Jean: Louis the Well-Beloved., The French Revolution Series.

4,00 €


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