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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Holdheim, W. Wolfgang: The Hermeneutic Mode - Essays on Time in Literature and Literary Theory.

Holdheim, W. Wolfgang: The Hermeneutic Mode - Essays on Time in Literature and Literary Theory.

15,00 €


9,00 €
Molotow, W. M: Was ging in London vor? Interview des Außenministers der Sowjetunion W. M. Molotow über die Ergebnisse der Londoner Außenminister   Konferenz..

Molotow, W. M: Was ging in London vor? Interview des Außenministers der Sowjetunion W. M. Molotow..

11,00 €
Guizot, Francois-Pierre-Guillaume. - [Capefigue, Bapt.-Hon.-Raymond]: La presidence du conseil de M. Guizot et la majorite de 1847, par un homme d etat.

Guizot, Francois Pierre Guillaume. [Capefigue, Bapt. Hon. Raymond]: La presidence du conseil de..

27,00 €
Financial Times: International Business Year Book 1977 / 1978.

Financial Times: International Business Year Book 1977 / 1978.

15,00 €
Bad Ems.- J. Willis. - W. Tombleson: Stahlstich: Baths Ems. - Bader zu Ems - Bains a Ems. ( Bad Ems ).

Bad Ems. J. Willis. W. Tombleson: Stahlstich: Baths Ems. Bader zu Ems Bains a Ems. ( Bad Ems..

14,00 €
Economakis, Richard (ed.): Building Classical : A vision of Europe and America. With an Introduction by Demetri Porphyrios.

Economakis, Richard (ed.): Building Classical : A vision of Europe and America. With an..

18,00 €
Glaisher, James: Hygrometrical tables adapted to the use of the Dry- and Wet-Bulb Thermometer. Preface.

Glaisher, James: Hygrometrical tables adapted to the use of the Dry and Wet Bulb Thermometer..

9,00 €
Fenelon, K. G: Transport Co - Ordination. A study of present-day Transport Problems.

Fenelon, K. G: Transport Co - Ordination. A study of present-day Transport Problems.

10,00 €
Fernow, Hans: The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London. By R(obert) W(ilson). London, 1590. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des Englischen Dramas. In:  Bericht des Realgymnasiums des Johanneum zu Hamburg, Ostern 1885. Mit Schulnachrichten. Programm Nr. 661.

Fernow, Hans: The Three Lords and Three Ladies of London. By R(obert) W(ilson). London, 1590. Ein..

11,00 €
Epelboin, Y. (General Editor): World directory of crystallographers and of other scientists employing chrystallographic methods. Publ. for the International Union of Chrystallography.

Epelboin, Y. (General Editor): World directory of crystallographers and of other scientists..

42,00 €
List of the Specimens of Fish Bd 1 1851 Ichthyologie Fische Fischkunde Zoologie

List of the Specimens of Fish Bd 1 1851 Ichthyologie Fische Fischkunde Zoologie

39,00 €
Gaebert In Sachen Indien gegen London  Geschichte Militär Gesellschaft  xy

Gaebert In Sachen Indien gegen London Geschichte Militär Gesellschaft xy

22,00 €
Boccius Fish in Rivers and Streams 1848 Ichthyologie Fische Fischkunde Zoologie

Boccius Fish in Rivers and Streams 1848 Ichthyologie Fische Fischkunde Zoologie

75,00 €
London-Tagebuch September 1774 - April 1775. Herausgegeben. von Hans Ludwig Gumbert Mit einer Einleitung "Das politische Denken des jungen Lichtenberg". Lichtenberg, Georg Christoph

London Tagebuch September 1774 April 1775. Herausgegeben. von Hans Ludwig Gumbert Mit einer..

12,00 €
Merchant Sailing Ships. 1775 - 1815. Sovereignity of sail. MacGregor, David R

Merchant Sailing Ships. 1775 - 1815. Sovereignity of sail. MacGregor, David R

28,00 €
Red Empire. The forbidden history of the USSR. Hughes, Gwyneth und Simon Welfare

Red Empire. The forbidden history of the USSR. Hughes, Gwyneth und Simon Welfare

12,00 €
Halliwell's Film Guide. Halliwell, Leslie

Halliwell's Film Guide. Halliwell, Leslie

10,00 €
Jane Fonda. All American Anti-Heroine. Herman, Gary und David Downing

Jane Fonda. All American Anti-Heroine. Herman, Gary und David Downing

10,00 €
The Book of Hollywood Quotes. The insuits, the insights, the famous lines. Herman, Gary

The Book of Hollywood Quotes. The insuits, the insights, the famous lines. Herman, Gary

10,00 €
McQueen. Satchell, Tim

McQueen. Satchell, Tim

10,00 €
The best of Karpov. Markland, P.R

The best of Karpov. Markland, P.R

12,00 €
The Legend of Brigitte Bardot Haining, Peter

The Legend of Brigitte Bardot Haining, Peter

24,00 €
The Man With No Name. Biography of Clint Eastwood Johnston, Iain

The Man With No Name. Biography of Clint Eastwood Johnston, Iain

10,00 €
Royal Style. Von Marie Antoinette bis Herzogin Kate. Die Fashiontrends des Adels. Wackerl, Luise

Royal Style. Von Marie Antoinette bis Herzogin Kate. Die Fashiontrends des Adels. Wackerl, Luise

18,00 €
Samuel Johnson and Three Infidels: Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot. Temmer, Mark J

Samuel Johnson and Three Infidels: Rousseau, Voltaire, Diderot. Temmer, Mark J

16,00 €
The Angel-Makers: A study in the psychological origins of historical change 1750-1850. Taylor, Gordon Rattray

The Angel Makers: A study in the psychological origins of historical change 1750 1850. Taylor..

12,00 €
Close-ups. From the golden age of the silent cinema. Finch, John R. und Paul A. Elby

Close-ups. From the golden age of the silent cinema. Finch, John R. und Paul A. Elby

35,00 €
Fontane in London. Krüger, Petra E

Fontane in London. Krüger, Petra E

18,00 €
The Big Book of B Movies: Or, How Low Was My Budget. Cross, Robin

The Big Book of B Movies: Or, How Low Was My Budget. Cross, Robin

10,00 €
Wagner, Albert: Über den Mönch von Heilsbronn. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach- und Culturgeschichte der Germanischen Völker. Hrsg. von Bernhard Ten Brink, Wilhelm Scherer, Elias Steinmeyer. Band XV.].

Wagner, Albert: Über den Mönch von Heilsbronn. [Quellen und Forschungen zur Sprach und..

11,00 €
Leo Baeck Institut (Hg.): Year Book V.

Leo Baeck Institut (Hg.): Year Book V.

11,00 €
Wintringham, Tom: English Captain.

Wintringham, Tom: English Captain.

125,00 €
Sitwell A live under a black Sun 1937 Belletristik Roman Englisch EA sf

Sitwell A live under a black Sun 1937 Belletristik Roman Englisch EA sf

29,50 €
Wodopjanow, Michail: Die Eroberung des Nordpols. Erster Teil. Der Traum des Piloten. Roman. Vorwort von Peter Freuchen.

Wodopjanow, Michail: Die Eroberung des Nordpols. Erster Teil. Der Traum des Piloten. Roman. Vorwort..

48,00 €
Otten , Karl: A Combine of Aggression. Masses, Elite, and Dictatorship in Germany. Translated by Eden Paul & F.M. Field. [Prometheus Library].

Otten , Karl: A Combine of Aggression. Masses, Elite, and Dictatorship in Germany. Translated by..

54,00 €
Klotz, Helmut: Germany´s Secret Armaments. Translated by H.J. Stenning.

Klotz, Helmut: Germany´s Secret Armaments. Translated by H.J. Stenning.

54,00 €
McKee, Grant and Ros Franey: Time Bomb: Irish Bombers, English Justice and the Guildford Four.

McKee, Grant and Ros Franey: Time Bomb: Irish Bombers, English Justice and the Guildford Four.

7,00 €
C.Y.M. na Tschuschini - Fotoalbum. - Spilka Ukrayinskoyi Molodi - S.U.M.

C.Y.M. na Tschuschini - Fotoalbum. - Spilka Ukrayinskoyi Molodi - S.U.M.

280,00 €
Neumann, Robert: Shooting star. Two short novels.

Neumann, Robert: Shooting star. Two short novels.

7,00 €
Wood, Lawson: Lawson Wood's Fun Fair. (With text by the artist.).

Wood, Lawson: Lawson Wood's Fun Fair. (With text by the artist.).

55,00 €
Webb, Peter / Short, Robert: Hans Bellmer.

Webb, Peter / Short, Robert: Hans Bellmer.

90,00 €
Thain, Alastair.: Skin deep. The portraits of Alastair Thain. (Text by Jane Withers. Design by Neville Brody and Giles Dunn).

Thain, Alastair.: Skin deep. The portraits of Alastair Thain. (Text by Jane Withers. Design by..

55,00 €
Stapely, Gordon / Sharpe, Leonard: Photography in the modern advertisement.

Stapely, Gordon / Sharpe, Leonard: Photography in the modern advertisement.

55,00 €
Shakespeare, William: Shakespeare’s comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor presented in eight pen designs by Walter Crane. Engraved & printed by Duncan C. Dallas. 1894.

Shakespeare, William: Shakespeare’s comedy of the Merry Wives of Windsor presented in eight pen..

550,00 €
Boy Scouts. (3. impression (revised)).

Boy Scouts. (3. impression (revised)).

20,00 €
Ramsey, L.G.G. (Hrsg.): The Connoisseur Year Book 1961.

Ramsey, L.G.G. (Hrsg.): The Connoisseur Year Book 1961.

30,00 €
Motherwell, Robert.: Robert Motherwell. Etchings, Lithographs, Livres Illustrés 1986-1989. (Exhibition 4th - 28th October 1989).

Motherwell, Robert.: Robert Motherwell. Etchings, Lithographs, Livres Illustrés 1986 1989..

25,00 €


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