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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Veljanovski, Cento (Herausgeber): Freedom in broadcasting. Preface.

Veljanovski, Cento (Herausgeber): Freedom in broadcasting. Preface.

12,00 €
Whittingham, Peter: Coarse fishing round britain. 1978 guide to day ticket and free waters.

Whittingham, Peter: Coarse fishing round britain. 1978 guide to day ticket and free waters.

13,00 €
The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature: Containing the full titles of book now in print and on sale with the prices [...] and an Index containing one hundred thousend references. 2 vols.

The Reference Catalogue of Current Literature: Containing the full titles of book now in print and..

47,00 €
Strelin, Georg Gottfried: Realwörterbuch für Kameralisten und Oekonomen. Fünfter Band, von Kabaliste bis Maugbund. Mit 2 Kupfertafeln.

Strelin, Georg Gottfried: Realwörterbuch für Kameralisten und Oekonomen. Fünfter Band, von..

227,00 €
Stocks, J.L: The limits of purpose and other essays.

Stocks, J.L: The limits of purpose and other essays.

11,00 €
Step, Edward: The little folk's [ folks ] Picture Natural History. First glimpses of the animal world.

Step, Edward: The little folk's [ folks ] Picture Natural History. First glimpses of the animal..

25,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 8 - 9. August - September 1938. - Contents: Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in modern times - cont. (Owston Smith); Bavarian Historica

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 8 9..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 7. July 1938. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; Bavaria Historial Thalers; Shillings of George V countermarked with Swastika; New Colonial Issues;

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 7. July..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 6. June 1938. - Contents: The First Numismatic Contacts between England and Bohemia in the Tenth Century (V. Katz); New Colonial Issues; Publications Received; Catalo

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 6. June..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 11. November 1938. - Contents: Bavarian Historical Thalers, Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins, Tales of an Old Collector; New Issues; Publications Received; Ca

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 11..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 10. October 1938. - Contents: Bavarian Historical Thalers, The Medallic Work of John R. Sinnock; Notes on New Issues of Colonial Coins; Publications Received; Catalog

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 10..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 1. January 1938. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins - Cleopatra Selente; Two Interesting Byzantine Bronze (Davies Sherborn); New Issues; Obituary (R

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 1. January..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 5. May 1937. - Contents: The Medallic Work of Mr. Theodore Spicer-Simson; Unoffical Coronation Medals of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth; Further Co

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 5. May..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 4. April 1937. - Contents: Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in Modern times (Oston Smith); New or Rare Byzantine Bronze (Davies Sherborn

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 4. April..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 2. February 1937. - Contents: Austrian Post-War Coins and Currencies 1918 to 1935-36 (F. Wieser); Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in Mo

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 2. February..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 12. December 1937. - Contents: Important Notice to Subscribers; Portraits of Royal Ladies an Greek Coins. Cleopatra VII.; Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 12..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 11, November 1937. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in modern times - cont.; The O

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 11..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 10. October 1937. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; An Unpublished Nomisma of Andronicus II (Hugh Coodacre); Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 10. October..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 1. January 1937. - Contents: The Rise and Fall of Classical Art as shown by Greek and Roman conis (P. Pennington); Notes on the Countries, Lordships and Fiefs of the H

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 1. January..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLVI. January - December 1938. - Contents: Index to Volume XLVI; Catalogue of Coins and Medals offered for sale in 1938; List of Illustrations.

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLVI..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLV. January - December 1937. - Contents: Index to Volume XLV; Catalogue of Coins and Medals offered for sale in 1937; List of Illustrations.

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLV..

21,00 €
Spencer, L.J: Specific gravities of minerals: an index of some recent determinations.

Spencer, L.J: Specific gravities of minerals: an index of some recent determinations.

10,00 €
Indien. - Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Department. Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners.

Indien. Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive..

232,00 €
Thiselton-Dyer, W.T: Address to the biological section of the British Association. Report- 1888 - Transactions of section D.

Thiselton Dyer, W.T: Address to the biological section of the British Association. Report 1888..

9,00 €
Signor Saltarino [=Hermann Waldemar Otto]: Artisten-Lexikon. Biographische Notizen über Kunstreiter, Dompteure, Gymnastiker, Clowns, Akrobaten, Specialitäten etc. aller Länder und Zeiten.

Signor Saltarino [=Hermann Waldemar Otto]: Artisten Lexikon. Biographische Notizen über..

167,00 €
Schulze, Fr. (aus Elberfeld): Währungspfuscherei und kein Ende? Mit einer Anmerkung zu Brüssel, London, Cannes und Genua. WZS 4./5. Folge.

Schulze, Fr. (aus Elberfeld): Währungspfuscherei und kein Ende? Mit einer Anmerkung zu Brüssel..

15,00 €
Rom. - Burgess, Richard: Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome; with some account of the Circensian Games.

Rom. Burgess, Richard: Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome; with some account..

127,00 €
Sotheby.   Juda, Hans: Sotheby & Co. Notice of forthcoming sales October / November 1967. Sotheby´s November 1967: Modern british and continental paintings, drawings..

Sotheby. Juda, Hans: Sotheby & Co. Notice of forthcoming sales October / November 1967..

23,00 €
Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in English Literature, 1641 - 1785. The first and second Portion.  1145 Positions.

Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in..

28,00 €
Sörensen, Peter Birch: Public finance in a changing world.

Sörensen, Peter Birch: Public finance in a changing world.

27,00 €
Richards, Ben: Throwing the house out of the window. (= Headline review.

Richards, Ben: Throwing the house out of the window. (= Headline review.

9,00 €
Philosophy - Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. Vol. XXVIII. No. 104. January 1953.

Philosophy Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of..

9,00 €
Philosophy - Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of Philosophy. Vol. XXVII. No. 102. July 1952.

Philosophy Hooper, Sydney (Edited by:): Philosophy. The Journal of the Royal Institute of..

9,00 €
Plakatkunst: Plakat zu: Kenny Ball and his Jazzment. London. Aufführung am Sonnabend, 14. März 1970, 15 und 19 Uhr, Friedrichstadt - Palast, Berlin. Plakat von der Schleusing - Gruppe 4.

Plakatkunst: Plakat zu: Kenny Ball and his Jazzment. London. Aufführung am Sonnabend, 14. März..

13,00 €
Minister of Health to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (presented by): Report of the Ministry of Health for the year ended 31st December, 1953. Part I: 1. The National Health Service (including a chapter on International Health). 2. Welfare, food and

Minister of Health to Parliament by Command of Her Majesty (presented by): Report of the Ministry..

9,00 €
Masters, Maxwell T: Paper on the Root-structure and mode of growth of Primulaceae in relation to cultivation.

Masters, Maxwell T: Paper on the Root structure and mode of growth of Primulaceae in relation to..

9,00 €
Meyer, J. - Reiss, C. ; W. H. Barden; Mayer, L. ; Seifert, A. und o. N. / teils Bibl. Inst. Hilburghausen und Carlsruhe Kunstverlag (Hrsg.): Konvolut dekorativer Landschafts- Architektur- und Stadtansichten aus Europa. Teils aus : Meyer's Universum oder A

Meyer, J. Reiss, C. ; W. H. Barden; Mayer, L. ; Seifert, A. und o. N. / teils Bibl. Inst..

57,00 €
London 999. - Kendall King / Rolf Murat / John Skipper / Larry Corner / Norman Nelson: London 999. Konvolut mit 28 Heften. Enthalten sind: 1) Bd.119: Kendall King. Der Amerikaner in London. 2) Bd.132: Kendall King. Tatort: Brighton.(Umschlag locker). 3) B

London 999. Kendall King / Rolf Murat / John Skipper / Larry Corner / Norman Nelson: London 999..

56,00 €
Löhndorff, Ernst F. (1899 1976) / Zinner, Otto [d.i. Otto Zinniker]: Maschinenschriftlicher Brief an Herrn Redaktor Otto Zinner in Liestal von Ernst F. Löhndorff aus..

Löhndorff, Ernst F. (1899 1976) / Zinner, Otto [d.i. Otto Zinniker]: Maschinenschriftlicher Brief..

157,00 €
Mytze, A.W: Exil-Katalog. 3 Teile: 1) Exil-Katalog 1997 mit 964 Nummern. 2) Exil-Katalog 2 1998 mit 1057 Nummern. 3) Exil-Katalog 3 2000 mit 727 Nummern.

Mytze, A.W: Exil Katalog. 3 Teile: 1) Exil Katalog 1997 mit 964 Nummern. 2) Exil Katalog 2 1998 mit..

47,00 €
Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules given for avoiding their centres. Published by the Authority of the Meteorological Committee.

Meldrum, C: Notes on the form of Cyclones in the Southern Indian Ocean, and on some of the rules..

27,00 €
Lloyd, George: England & Germany. Speech by Lloyd George, July 28th, 1908. Published by the National Peace Council, London.

Lloyd, George: England & Germany. Speech by Lloyd George, July 28th, 1908. Published by the..

9,00 €
Keay, John and Julia (Edit.): Collins Encyclopaedia of Scotland.

Keay, John and Julia (Edit.): Collins Encyclopaedia of Scotland.

19,00 €
Kaulbach, W[ilhelm] v.   E. Mandel: Gretchen (Dolorosa). Kupferstich von E. Mandel nach Kaulbach, hier als Probedruck "avant la lettre", d.h. vor der Beschriftung..

Kaulbach, W[ilhelm] v. E. Mandel: Gretchen (Dolorosa). Kupferstich von E. Mandel nach Kaulbach..

47,00 €
Jukic, Ilija: Tito between East and West.

Jukic, Ilija: Tito between East and West.

15,00 €
Jones, Ian and Pollitt, Michael (ed.): The Role of Business Ethics in Economic Performance.

Jones, Ian and Pollitt, Michael (ed.): The Role of Business Ethics in Economic Performance.

11,00 €
Jacob, Naomi: ME - in the kitchen.

Jacob, Naomi: ME - in the kitchen.

13,00 €
Horaz (Quintus Horatius Flaccus): Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus instar commentarii illustrata, a Ioanne Bond. Ed. nova.

Horaz (Quintus Horatius Flaccus): Poemata, scholiis sive annotationibus instar commentarii..

227,00 €


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