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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Phiz (= Hablot Knight Browne). - (John Singer) Sargent. - Kenny Meadows. - Scott. - Leech. - J. Brown and others. - Jerrold, Douglas (editor): The illuminated magazine. Vol. 1 (of 3 vols). With contributions from the writers of ' Punch ' etc.

Phiz (= Hablot Knight Browne). (John Singer) Sargent. Kenny Meadows. Scott. Leech. J..

47,00 €
Grenfell, Francis and Riversdale. - John Buchan: Francis and Riversdale Grenfell. A memoir.

Grenfell, Francis and Riversdale. - John Buchan: Francis and Riversdale Grenfell. A memoir.

15,00 €
Burke, Bernard: The Heraldic Register, 1849 - 1850 with an annotated obituary.

Burke, Bernard: The Heraldic Register, 1849 - 1850 with an annotated obituary.

67,00 €
Stronski, Stanislaw: Bialy orzel w koronie z krzyzem.

Stronski, Stanislaw: Bialy orzel w koronie z krzyzem.

13,00 €
Hirst, Joseph H: The Armorial Bearings of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

Hirst, Joseph H: The Armorial Bearings of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

77,00 €
Sheppard, Thomas M. Sc: The Correct Arms of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

Sheppard, Thomas M. Sc: The Correct Arms of Kingston-Upon-Hull.

207,00 €
MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

MacGeorge, A: Flags: Some Account of their History and Uses.

97,00 €
Rothery, Guy Cadogan: Armorial Insignia of the Princes of Wales with a Discussion on the Symbolic Meaning of Feathers and of Birds and Dragons.

Rothery, Guy Cadogan: Armorial Insignia of the Princes of Wales with a Discussion on the Symbolic..

307,00 €
Prestwich, John: Prestwich's Respublica; or, a display of the honors, ceremonies & ensigns of the Common-Wealth, under the Protectorship of Oliver Cromwell; together with the names, armorial bearings, flags & pennons of the different commanders of the Eng

Prestwich, John: Prestwich's Respublica; or, a display of the honors, ceremonies & ensigns of the..

357,00 €
Skidmore, Peter: The Civic Heraldry of the Black  Country.

Skidmore, Peter: The Civic Heraldry of the Black Country.

18,00 €
Groupement des Porteurs Francais des Actions de l' ORIENTAL INDUSTRIAL MONOPOLIES LIMITED (Éd.): Certificats au porteurs N° 106,715 / 106,716 / 106,717.

Groupement des Porteurs Francais des Actions de l' ORIENTAL INDUSTRIAL MONOPOLIES LIMITED (Éd.):..

52,00 €
Lane, R.F: The Outwith London  Guilds  of Great Britain.

Lane, R.F: The Outwith London Guilds of Great Britain.

18,00 €
Brooke-Little, John / Heraldic Heritage Ltd.(Ed.): The Guilds and Livery Companies of the City of London.

Brooke Little, John / Heraldic Heritage Ltd.(Ed.): The Guilds and Livery Companies of the City of..

41,00 €
Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

Lloyds of London: Lloyd's Book of House Flags & Funnels.

207,00 €
Bloomer, W. H. and K. D: Scottish regimental badges 1793 - 1971 including commonwealth forces.

Bloomer, W. H. and K. D: Scottish regimental badges 1793 - 1971 including commonwealth forces.

18,00 €
Wills, Howel: Florentine heraldry. A supplement to the guide-books: English and Ialian heraldry Explained / Ecclesiastical Uses / Blazons / Glossary of Principal Terms / Armorial of Leading Families / Supplement to Armorial / Appendix.

Wills, Howel: Florentine heraldry. A supplement to the guide books: English and Ialian heraldry..

67,00 €
Reimann, Aribert. - Lewinski, W.E. von: Aribert Reimann.  Werkverzeichnis   List of Works. Opern  -  Ballett  -  Orchesterwerke  -  Streichorchester  -  Soloinstrumente mit Orchester  -  Vokalmusik  -  Chorwerke  -  Sprecher und Orchester  - Kammermusik

Reimann, Aribert. Lewinski, W.E. von: Aribert Reimann. Werkverzeichnis List of Works..

14,00 €
Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal Society of London", Vol. 17, No. 1, May 1962).

Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal..

13,00 €
Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms  - its  history and meaning.

Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms - its history and meaning.

19,00 €
Fletcher, Ifan Kyrle, London: 5 catalogues: 1) Catalogue 194 - The history of entertainment in the theatre with 581 Numbers / 2) Catalogue 200 - The history of entertainment in the theatre with 881 numbers / 2) Catalogue 203 - A Theatrical Miscellany with

Fletcher, Ifan Kyrle, London: 5 catalogues: 1) Catalogue 194 The history of entertainment in the..

42,00 €
Rossis at London (Ed.): Flags of the Nations.

Rossis at London (Ed.): Flags of the Nations.

16,00 €
Marryat, Le Capitaine: Jacob Fidèle ou les Marins d'Eau douce. Traduit de l'Anglais par A.-J.-B. Defauconpret, Tome I et II dans un vol.

Marryat, Le Capitaine: Jacob Fidèle ou les Marins d'Eau douce. Traduit de l'Anglais par A. J. B..

22,00 €
London, Jack (1876 - 1916): Siwash.

London, Jack (1876 - 1916): Siwash.

27,00 €
Rötscher, H. Th: Dramaturgische Probleme - Entwicklung und Kritiken zur Förderung und Belehrung dramatischer Dichter und darstellender Künstler.

Rötscher, H. Th: Dramaturgische Probleme Entwicklung und Kritiken zur Förderung und Belehrung..

42,00 €
Inspektor K. - Kendall King: Kendall King. Konvolut mit 2 Heften. Enthalten sind: 1) Der Teufel von London. Bd. 385.   2) Blutige Schienen. Bd. 359.

Inspektor K. Kendall King: Kendall King. Konvolut mit 2 Heften. Enthalten sind: 1) Der Teufel von..

13,00 €
London 999.  Kendall King: London 999. Konvolut mit 2 Heften. Enthalten sind: 1) Nr.186 : Ballnacht der Toten.    Nr.209. Perlen des Todes.

London 999. Kendall King: London 999. Konvolut mit 2 Heften. Enthalten sind: 1) Nr.186 : Ballnacht..

13,00 €
Shakespeare, William. -  Brecht, Bertolt.  - Berliner Ensemble,  Helene Weigel (Ltg.): Shakespeare / Brecht - Coriolan.  8 Aufführungsfotos der Premiere:  Hilmar Thate / Ekkehard Schall / Helene Weigel / Wolf Kaiser / Siegfried Weiß.

Shakespeare, William. Brecht, Bertolt. Berliner Ensemble, Helene Weigel (Ltg.): Shakespeare..

24,00 €
Sporting & dramatic news. - W. G. Wright and Will Owen / Philip Trevor / George Duncan. - O. F. Theis / Laura Lee, Rita Flynn, Dodo Watts. - Adrienne Allen. - Eleanor E. Helme about Sylvia Bailey and Audrey Holmes: The illustrated sporting & dramatic news

Sporting & dramatic news. W. G. Wright and Will Owen / Philip Trevor / George Duncan. O. F..

23,00 €
Sporting & dramatic news. - Ralph Wotherspoon and Will Owen / F. J. Sellicks / Guy Nickalls / Harris Deans and others: The illustrated sporting & dramatic news. 1930, february 15. From the contents: plays and players (theatre) / a mixed bag of sportsmen /

Sporting & dramatic news. Ralph Wotherspoon and Will Owen / F. J. Sellicks / Guy Nickalls /..

23,00 €
Allen, George: The Future of  Europe. (Pall Mall Pamphlet No.2 - The Pall Mall Quarterly  2 / 6).

Allen, George: The Future of Europe. (Pall Mall Pamphlet No.2 - The Pall Mall Quarterly 2 / 6).

15,00 €
Lloyds Bank Ltd.,  London , J.R. Winton (Ed.).  -   Authors:  A.G. Ford / Ely Devons / George Soloveytchik: Lloyds Bank Review, No. 77, July  1965.

Lloyds Bank Ltd., London , J.R. Winton (Ed.). Authors: A.G. Ford / Ely Devons / George..

13,00 €
Meade, J. E: Wage - fixing Revisited. A revised and expanded text of the  fourth  Robbins lecture delivered at the University of Stirling  in October 1984. (IEA-Publications - Occasional Papers 72).

Meade, J. E: Wage fixing Revisited. A revised and expanded text of the fourth Robbins lecture..

15,00 €
Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 - 1975 to celebrate the seventy fifth anniversary of ist birth.

Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 1975 to celebrate the seventy..

17,00 €
Berjeau, Ph. Charles: The Varieties of Dogs, As They are found in Old Sculptures, Pictures, Engravings and Books. With the names of the artists by whom they are represented, showing how long many of the numerous breeds now existing hace been known.

Berjeau, Ph. Charles: The Varieties of Dogs, As They are found in Old Sculptures, Pictures..

127,00 €
Schinkel, Karl Friedrich. - Bindman, David and Riemann, Gottfried (ed.): The English Journey. Journal of a Visit to France and Britain in 1826.

Schinkel, Karl Friedrich. Bindman, David and Riemann, Gottfried (ed.): The English Journey..

29,00 €
Rand, W. J: The Houses of Parliament. An abbreviated volume comprising reproductions of original photographs, old prints and short descriptive matter. Compiled and published by W. J. Rand.

Rand, W. J: The Houses of Parliament. An abbreviated volume comprising reproductions of original..

18,00 €
Jugend. Illustrierte Monatsschrift. Telegraf. - Jack London. - Kurt Mattick. - Joachim Ringelnatz. - Walter Unruh u. a: Jugend. Illustrierte Monatsschrift. Telegraf. 1949 / Nr. 1. Aus dem Inhalt: Jack London - Vagabund und Schriftsteller / Kurt Mattick: J

Jugend. Illustrierte Monatsschrift. Telegraf. Jack London. Kurt Mattick. Joachim..

21,00 €
Siegel / Verschlussmarken.   Amtsiegel und Gemeindevorstandssiegel: Konvolut mit 24 Siegelmarken verschiedener Feuerversicherungen und Versicherungsgesellschaften. Enthalten sind Commercial Union Versicherungs Gesellschaft in London (zweimal..

Siegel / Verschlussmarken. Amtsiegel und Gemeindevorstandssiegel: Konvolut mit 24 Siegelmarken..

25,00 €
Gater, G. H: The London education service. Being the Eighth Edition, Revised, Enlarged and Illustrated, of the Organisation of Education in London. Printed for the London Country Council by Odhams Press Ltd., and may ba purchases through any Bookseller or

Gater, G. H: The London education service. Being the Eighth Edition, Revised, Enlarged and..

23,00 €
Dodge, Mary Mapes: St. Nicholas. Volume XV. Part II, May, 1888, to Oktober, 1888. No. 7-12. An illustrated magazine for young folks. From the contents: Thomas Nelson Page - Two little confederates / Harriet Prescott Spofford: Little Rosalie / Sophie Swett

Dodge, Mary Mapes: St. Nicholas. Volume XV. Part II, May, 1888, to Oktober, 1888. No. 7 12. An..

13,00 €
Ridsdel, W. (Vorwort): 10 ars Fälttag. En skildring af Frälsningsarmens arbeite i sverge. Intill slutet af ar 1892. [ 10 Jahre Kampagne. Eine Skizze der Heilsarmee Arbeit in Schweden. Bis zum Ende des Jahres 1892 ].

Ridsdel, W. (Vorwort): 10 ars Fälttag. En skildring af Frälsningsarmens arbeite i sverge. Intill..

28,00 €
Kalter, Johannes ; Pavaloi, Margareta (Hrsg.): Usbekistan : Erben der Seidenstraße. Buch zur Ausstellung 1995 in Stuttgart.

Kalter, Johannes ; Pavaloi, Margareta (Hrsg.): Usbekistan : Erben der Seidenstraße. Buch zur..

50,00 €
Villari, Luigi: On the Roads from Rome.

Villari, Luigi: On the Roads from Rome.

17,00 €
Zulu-Kafir. - Roberts, Charles Rev: The Zulu - Kafir Language simplified for Beginners.

Zulu-Kafir. - Roberts, Charles Rev: The Zulu - Kafir Language simplified for Beginners.

25,00 €
Reports. - Black book of the war: Black book of the war. German atrocities in France and Belgium. Full Text of the official reports.

Reports. Black book of the war: Black book of the war. German atrocities in France and Belgium..

28,00 €
Jancourt, L: Jancourt´s railway and steamship. Tourist map of Europe.

Jancourt, L: Jancourt´s railway and steamship. Tourist map of Europe.

18,00 €
Caesar, C. Julius. - Martin Bladen (Trans.) / Aulus Hirtius / Oppius: C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries of His Wars in Gaul, and Civil War with Pompey. To which is added, a Supplement to his Commentary of his Wars in Gaul; As also, Commentaries of the Alexa

Caesar, C. Julius. Martin Bladen (Trans.) / Aulus Hirtius / Oppius: C. Julius Caesar's..

357,00 €
Maps: Maps of the Napoleonic wars.

Maps: Maps of the Napoleonic wars.

18,00 €


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