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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Brown, Frank London: Chicago Blues - Roman - Originaltitel: Trumbull Park.

Brown, Frank London: Chicago Blues - Roman - Originaltitel: Trumbull Park.

7,90 €
Koelbl, Herlinde: Targets - with contributions by Gerry Adams und Arkady Babchenko.

Koelbl, Herlinde: Targets - with contributions by Gerry Adams und Arkady Babchenko.

23,00 €
Dine, Jim (Illustrator): A history of communism.

Dine, Jim (Illustrator): A history of communism.

7,90 €
Philipp, Michael: Are communists allowed to dream? - the Gallery of the Palace of the Republic - aus der Reihe: Barberini studies - Band: 1.

Philipp, Michael: Are communists allowed to dream? the Gallery of the Palace of the Republic..

16,00 €
Colyer, S. W: Unspoiled Dorset.

Colyer, S. W: Unspoiled Dorset.

11,90 €
Jameson, Storm: Company Parade.

Jameson, Storm: Company Parade.

7,90 €
Jones, Jack: Unfinished journey.

Jones, Jack: Unfinished journey.

7,90 €
Jackson, T. A: Charles Dickens - The Progress of a Radical.

Jackson, T. A: Charles Dickens - The Progress of a Radical.

7,90 €
Briffault, Robert: Europa. A novel of the days of ignorance.

Briffault, Robert: Europa. A novel of the days of ignorance.

11,90 €
Rutherford, Mark: The Revolution in Tanner`s  Lane.

Rutherford, Mark: The Revolution in Tanner`s Lane.

7,90 €
Strachey, John: The theory and practice of socialism.

Strachey, John: The theory and practice of socialism.

7,90 €
Rock & Co 24 Views of Windsor - 24 Stahlstichabbildungen von Windsor 1862 sf

Rock & Co 24 Views of Windsor - 24 Stahlstichabbildungen von Windsor 1862 sf

245,00 €
Nall, G. H: The Life of the Sea Trout. - Especially in Scottish Waters, with Chapters on the Reading and Measurements of Scales.

Nall, G. H: The Life of the Sea Trout. Especially in Scottish Waters, with Chapters on the..

40,00 €
Rilla, Walter: Seeds of Time.

Rilla, Walter: Seeds of Time.

23,00 €
The Fashionable Lover a Comedy as it is Acted at the Theater- Royal 1772 js

The Fashionable Lover a Comedy as it is Acted at the Theater- Royal 1772 js

49,00 €
Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington House, 1894.

Hope, William Henry St. John (Editor): Illustrated Catalogue Of The Heraldic Exhibition, Burlington..

107,00 €
Bury, Shirley: An Introduction to Rings. Shirley Bury - Keeper, Department of Metalwork Victoria & Albert Museum.

Bury, Shirley: An Introduction to Rings. Shirley Bury Keeper, Department of Metalwork Victoria &..

23,00 €
Humphreys THE ILLUMINATED CALENDAR for 1846 Kalender Stundenbuch sf

Humphreys THE ILLUMINATED CALENDAR for 1846 Kalender Stundenbuch sf

355,00 €
Milton, John: The poetical Works. With memoir, explanatory notes, etc. (= The Albion Edition).

Milton, John: The poetical Works. With memoir, explanatory notes, etc. (= The Albion Edition).

57,00 €
Oakley, Graham: Die Kirchenmäuse im Weltall.

Oakley, Graham: Die Kirchenmäuse im Weltall.

42,00 €
Omar Khayyam / Brangwyn, Frank (illu.): Ruba'iya't of Omar Khayya'm.

Omar Khayyam / Brangwyn, Frank (illu.): Ruba'iya't of Omar Khayya'm.

257,00 €
Howard Outward Bound or a merchant's adventures 1838 Belletristik Abendteuer js

Howard Outward Bound or a merchant's adventures 1838 Belletristik Abendteuer js

55,00 €
Sterne, Laurence: The Sermons - complete with Vol. I - VII. The sermons of Mr. Yorick ( 1 - 4 ) / Sermons by the late Rev. Mr. Sterne ( 5 - 7 ).

Sterne, Laurence: The Sermons complete with Vol. I VII. The sermons of Mr. Yorick ( 1 4 ) /..

407,00 €
Wilson, Simon: Surrealismus. Mit 48 Farbtafeln.

Wilson, Simon: Surrealismus. Mit 48 Farbtafeln.

4,80 €
Elliot The Wild Fowl of North America 1898 Vogelart Naturwissenschaft Tiere sf

Elliot The Wild Fowl of North America 1898 Vogelart Naturwissenschaft Tiere sf

35,00 €
Samuel Rogers Italy - A Poem. 4th Ed. 1824 Einbandkunst Bibliophilie sf

Samuel Rogers Italy - A Poem. 4th Ed. 1824 Einbandkunst Bibliophilie sf

195,00 €
Cockle, Maurice J.D: A bibliography of military books up to 1642. With an introduction by Sir Charles Oman.

Cockle, Maurice J.D: A bibliography of military books up to 1642. With an introduction by Sir..

13,00 €
Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of  valuable printed books, fine  illuminated manuscripts. Autograph letters and historical documents.   Days of Sale June 14th  - June 16th.  Illustrated  copy.

Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of valuable printed books, fine illuminated manuscripts..

18,00 €
Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of  valuable printed books illuminated and other manuscripts, autograph letters, Persian and Indian Miniatures, etc.  Days of Sale July 20th - July 22nd 1936. Illustrated  catalogue.

Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of valuable printed books illuminated and other..

13,00 €
Yürükoglu, R: Der Kampf um die Zukunft. Rede auf einer Veranstaltung am 10. September 1981 anlässlich des 61. Jahrestags der Gründung der Kommunistischen Partei der Türkei. - Deutsche Serie 3.

Yürükoglu, R: Der Kampf um die Zukunft. Rede auf einer Veranstaltung am 10. September 1981..

37,00 €
Milton, J: Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio Contra Claudii Anonymi, alias Salmasii, Defensionem Regiam. Beigebunden: Ioannis Philippi Angli Responsio ad Apologiam Anonymi cujusdam tenebrionis pro Rege & Populo Anglicano instantissimam.

Milton, J: Joannis Miltoni Angli pro populo Anglicano defensio Contra Claudii Anonymi, alias..

507,00 €
Harford, Frederick Kill: Epigrammatica. Seroius, semi - seroius, and divertive.

Harford, Frederick Kill: Epigrammatica. Seroius, semi - seroius, and divertive.

23,00 €
Neale, Rev. W. H: The Mohammedan System of Theology; or, a compendious survey of the history and doctrines of Islamism contrasted with Christianity, together with remarks on the Prophecies relative to its dissolution.

Neale, Rev. W. H: The Mohammedan System of Theology; or, a compendious survey of the history and..

107,00 €
Andres, Stefan: Wir sind Utopia. Novelle.

Andres, Stefan: Wir sind Utopia. Novelle.

21,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. IX, 1973. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. IX, 1973..

47,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VIII, 1972. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava / Slovenská Akadémia vied Kabinet Orientalistiky.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VIII, 1972..

47,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VII, 1971. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava / Slovenská Akadémia vied Kabinet Orientalistiky.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VII, 1971..

47,00 €
Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2).  Colours, Standards and Guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia & Russia. (Men-at-Arms-Series 78).

Wise, Terence / Guido Rosignoli: Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Colours, Standards and Guidons..

17,00 €
Luzac & Co., Oriental and Foreign Booksellers (Ed.): Luzac ' s Oriental List and Book Review Quarterly. Jubilee Number. Vol. I, No.1, Jan. - March 1939.

Luzac & Co., Oriental and Foreign Booksellers (Ed.): Luzac ' s Oriental List and Book Review..

21,00 €
Lucas, Louis: On Natives of Suakin and Bishareen  Vocabulary. (Separate printing from "The Journal of the Anthroplogical Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol  VI. 2,  London 1876).

Lucas, Louis: On Natives of Suakin and Bishareen Vocabulary. (Separate printing from "The Journal..

23,00 €
Kent, Samuel: The Banner Display'd : or, an Abridgement of Guillim : Being a Compleat System of Heraldry, In all its Parts. With Proper Cuts and Tables. Vol. II only.

Kent, Samuel: The Banner Display'd : or, an Abridgement of Guillim : Being a Compleat System of..

87,00 €
Loeff, F: Zentrale London. Kriminalroman.

Loeff, F: Zentrale London. Kriminalroman.

25,00 €
Max O ´Rell (d.i.  Léon Paul Blouet): John Bull and his Island.

Max O ´Rell (d.i. Léon Paul Blouet): John Bull and his Island.

20,00 €
Braun, Frank F: Einfall in London - Abenteuerroman.

Braun, Frank F: Einfall in London - Abenteuerroman.

37,00 €
Stanley, C. J: Mineral deposits: Processes to processing. Volume 2 (= Proceedings of the fifth biennial SGA meeting and the tenth quadrennial IAGOD Symposium / London / United Kingdom / 22 - 25 August 1999).

Stanley, C. J: Mineral deposits: Processes to processing. Volume 2 (= Proceedings of the fifth..

52,00 €
Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin.   Kollm (Hauptmann a.D.), Georg (Hrsg.): Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Band XXII, 1895..

Verhandlungen der Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Kollm (Hauptmann a.D.), Georg (Hrsg.):..

33,00 €
Stanford, H: The ghost or shadow as a charge in heraldry. From: Archaeologia, Vol. XCIII.

Stanford, H: The ghost or shadow as a charge in heraldry. From: Archaeologia, Vol. XCIII.

14,00 €
Lubran, Alfred: An Abecedeum of State Coats of Arms.

Lubran, Alfred: An Abecedeum of State Coats of Arms.

47,00 €


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