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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Cockburn, Claud: In time of trouble - an autobiography.

Cockburn, Claud: In time of trouble - an autobiography.

7,90 €
Magona, Sindiwe: Forced to Grow.

Magona, Sindiwe: Forced to Grow.

7,90 €
Craig, David: The real foundations : literature and social change.

Craig, David: The real foundations : literature and social change.

7,90 €
Cockburn, Claud: Jericho Road.

Cockburn, Claud: Jericho Road.

7,90 €
Shirazi, Manny: Javady Alley.

Shirazi, Manny: Javady Alley.

7,90 €
Sandel, Cora: Alberta and freedom.

Sandel, Cora: Alberta and freedom.

7,90 €
Leavis, F.R: Towards standards of criticism. The calendar of Modern Letters 1925-7.

Leavis, F.R: Towards standards of criticism. The calendar of Modern Letters 1925-7.

7,90 €
Hill, May: George Sinfield - his pen a sword - Memoirs and articles collected by May Hill.

Hill, May: George Sinfield - his pen a sword - Memoirs and articles collected by May Hill.

7,90 €
Verdelle, A.J: This Rain Coming.

Verdelle, A.J: This Rain Coming.

7,90 €
Keegan, John (Hg.): Who was Who in World War II.

Keegan, John (Hg.): Who was Who in World War II.

11,90 €
Mills, Sara and Lynne Pearce, Sue Spaul, Elaine Millard: Feminist Readings / Feminists reading.

Mills, Sara and Lynne Pearce, Sue Spaul, Elaine Millard: Feminist Readings / Feminists reading.

7,90 €
Lindsay, Jack: After the thirties. The novel in Britain and its future.

Lindsay, Jack: After the thirties. The novel in Britain and its future.

7,90 €
Morley, Iris: A thousand lives. An account of the English Revolutionary Movement 1660-1685.

Morley, Iris: A thousand lives. An account of the English Revolutionary Movement 1660-1685.

7,90 €
Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. - from Walter Scott to David Storey - aus der Reihe: The world of literature.

Eagleton, Mary and David Pierce: Attitudes to class in the English novel. from Walter Scott to..

7,90 €
Hanley, James: Captain Bottell - A classic novel of a man driven by passion into madness.

Hanley, James: Captain Bottell - A classic novel of a man driven by passion into madness.

7,90 €
Brooke, Elisabeth: A February Cuckoo.

Brooke, Elisabeth: A February Cuckoo.

7,90 €
Major, Devorah: An open Weave.

Major, Devorah: An open Weave.

7,90 €
Holtby, Winifred: Anderby Wold - aus der Reihe: Virago Modern Classics.

Holtby, Winifred: Anderby Wold - aus der Reihe: Virago Modern Classics.

7,90 €
Hart, Ellen: Robber`s Wine.

Hart, Ellen: Robber`s Wine.

7,90 €
Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

Indian Women (Contemporary Writing by): Truth Tales 2: The Slate of Life.

7,90 €
Scott, Manda: Stronger Than Death.

Scott, Manda: Stronger Than Death.

7,90 €
Fairbairns, Zoe: Daddy's Girls.

Fairbairns, Zoe: Daddy's Girls.

7,90 €
Harrison, Tony: Selected Poems.

Harrison, Tony: Selected Poems.

7,90 €
Wandor, Michelene (Herausgeber): Plays By Women Volume Four - Objections to sex and Violence by Caryl Churchill, Rose's Story by Grace Dayley, Blood and Ice by Liz Lochhead, Pinball by Alison Lyssa.

Wandor, Michelene (Herausgeber): Plays By Women Volume Four Objections to sex and Violence by..

7,90 €
Morris, Max: From Cobbett to the Chartists. 19th Century Volume 1. 1815-1848 - aus der Reihe: History in the Making.

Morris, Max: From Cobbett to the Chartists. 19th Century Volume 1. 1815 1848 aus der Reihe:..

7,90 €
West, Michael and P.F. Kimber: Deskbook of correct English. - A dictionary of spelling, punctuation, grammar and usage.

West, Michael and P.F. Kimber: Deskbook of correct English. A dictionary of spelling..

7,90 €
Shan, Sharan-Jeet: In my own name. An autobiography.

Shan, Sharan-Jeet: In my own name. An autobiography.

7,90 €
Berry, James: Lucy`s Letters and Loving.

Berry, James: Lucy`s Letters and Loving.

7,90 €
Gasco, Elyse: Can You Wave Bye Bye, Baby? - stories.

Gasco, Elyse: Can You Wave Bye Bye, Baby? - stories.

7,90 €
Barfoot, Joan: Some Things About Flying.

Barfoot, Joan: Some Things About Flying.

7,90 €
Chase, Mary Ellen: The Bible and the common reader.

Chase, Mary Ellen: The Bible and the common reader.

7,90 €
Hare, David: Plenty. With a note on performance by the author.

Hare, David: Plenty. With a note on performance by the author.

7,90 €
Barfoot, Joan: Duet for three.

Barfoot, Joan: Duet for three.

7,90 €
Tilsley, Frank: Brother Nap.

Tilsley, Frank: Brother Nap.

7,90 €
Bean, David: The Day of the Bugles.

Bean, David: The Day of the Bugles.

7,90 €
Jameson, Storm: There will be a short interval.

Jameson, Storm: There will be a short interval.

7,90 €
Mulgan, Geoff and Ken Worpole: Saturday Night or Sunday Morning? - From Arts to Industry - New Forms of Cultural Policy - aus der Reihe: Comedia Series - Band: 44.

Mulgan, Geoff and Ken Worpole: Saturday Night or Sunday Morning? From Arts to Industry New..

7,90 €
Scott, Rosie: Glory Days.

Scott, Rosie: Glory Days.

7,90 €
Roy, Lucinda: Lady Moses - A Novel.

Roy, Lucinda: Lady Moses - A Novel.

7,90 €
Aman: Aman - The story of a Somali Girl - The Story of a Somali Girl by Aman.

Aman: Aman - The story of a Somali Girl - The Story of a Somali Girl by Aman.

7,90 €
O'Rourke, Rebecca: Reflecting on the Well of Loneliness.

O'Rourke, Rebecca: Reflecting on the Well of Loneliness.

7,90 €
Chipasula, Stella and Frank (Editors): The Heinemann Book of African Woman's Poetry.

Chipasula, Stella and Frank (Editors): The Heinemann Book of African Woman's Poetry.

7,90 €
Segal, Lynne: Is the Future Female - Troubled Thoughts on Contemporary Feminism.

Segal, Lynne: Is the Future Female - Troubled Thoughts on Contemporary Feminism.

7,90 €
Miller, Jill: You Cant`t Kill the Spirit - Women in a Welsh Mining Valley.

Miller, Jill: You Cant`t Kill the Spirit - Women in a Welsh Mining Valley.

7,90 €
Galford, Ellen: Queendom Come.

Galford, Ellen: Queendom Come.

7,90 €
Bartfoot, Joan: Plain Jane.

Bartfoot, Joan: Plain Jane.

7,90 €
Sheikh, Farhana: The Red Box.

Sheikh, Farhana: The Red Box.

7,90 €
Llewellyn, Richard: A Few Flowers for Shiner.

Llewellyn, Richard: A Few Flowers for Shiner.

7,90 €


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