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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Ungerer, Tomi: Snail, Where Are You? - Originaltitel: Schnecke, wo bist du?.

Ungerer, Tomi: Snail, Where Are You? - Originaltitel: Schnecke, wo bist du?.

11,00 €
Wegman, William; Kismaric, Carole; Keiferman, Marvin: Rotkäppchen. Aus dem Amerikanischen von Manfred Ohl und Hans Sartorius. [= Fay's Märchen]
 München - Paris - London, Schirmer/Mosel, (1994).

Wegman, William; Kismaric, Carole; Keiferman, Marvin: Rotkäppchen. Aus dem Amerikanischen von..

13,00 €
Lardner, Dionysius: The Microscope. From "The Museum of Science and Art." With one hundred and forty seven engravings
 London, Walton and Maberly, 1856.

Lardner, Dionysius: The Microscope. From "The Museum of Science and Art." With one hundred and..

34,00 €
Sam, Robert; Burgoyne, Robert; Flitterman-Lewis, Sandy: New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics. Structuralism, post-structuralism and beyond. First published
 London - New York, 1992.

Sam, Robert; Burgoyne, Robert; Flitterman Lewis, Sandy: New Vocabularies in Film Semiotics..

14,00 €
Harnoncourt, Nikolaus: Der musikalische Dialog. Gedanken zu Monteverdi, Bach und Mozart. 2. Auflage: 12. bis 19. Tausend
 München - Kassel - Basel - London, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag (dtv) - Bärenreiter Verlag, Juli 1988.

Harnoncourt, Nikolaus: Der musikalische Dialog. Gedanken zu Monteverdi, Bach und Mozart. 2..

12,00 €
Craft, Robert: Stravinsky. Chronicle of a friendship 1948 - 1971
 London, Victor Gollancz, 1972.

Craft, Robert: Stravinsky. Chronicle of a friendship 1948 - 1971 London, Victor Gollancz, 1972.

11,00 €
Laurence, Dan H. (Hg.): The Bodley Head Bernard Shaw. Shaw's Music. The complete musical criticism in three volumes. Second Revised Edition. [1] Volume One. 1876 - 1890. [2] Volume Two. 1890 - 1893. [3] Volume Three. 1893 - 1950
 London, The Boldey Head,

Laurence, Dan H. (Hg.): The Bodley Head Bernard Shaw. Shaw's Music. The complete musical criticism..

64,00 €
Teraoka, Arlene A: East, West, and Others: The Third World in Postwar German Literature
 Lincoln - London, University of Nebraska Press, (1996).

Teraoka, Arlene A: East, West, and Others: The Third World in Postwar German Literature Lincoln..

15,00 €
LaCapra, Dominick: History, Politics and the Novel
 Ithaca - London, Cornell University Press, (1987).

LaCapra, Dominick: History, Politics and the Novel Ithaca London, Cornell University Press..

10,00 €
Mitchell, W. J. T. (Hg.): The Politics of Interpretation
 Chicago - London, The University of Chicago Press, 1983.

Mitchell, W. J. T. (Hg.): The Politics of Interpretation Chicago London, The University of..

9,00 €
Krieger, Murray: The Tragic Vision. The Confrontation of Extremity
 Baltimore - London, The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1973.

Krieger, Murray: The Tragic Vision. The Confrontation of Extremity Baltimore London, The Johns..

10,00 €
Brenkman, John: Culture and Domination
 Ithaca - London, Cornell University Press, (1987).

Brenkman, John: Culture and Domination Ithaca - London, Cornell University Press, (1987).

11,00 €
Dobai, Johannes: Gustav Klimt. Landscapes. With an essay by Johannes Dobai and a biography of Gustav Klimt. Translated from the German by Ewald Osers
 London, Weidenfeld and Nicolson, (1988).

Dobai, Johannes: Gustav Klimt. Landscapes. With an essay by Johannes Dobai and a biography of..

15,00 €
The Wall Chart of World History. From Earliest times to the Present. A Facsimile Edition
 London, Studio Editions, 1992.

The Wall Chart of World History. From Earliest times to the Present. A Facsimile Edition London..

20,00 €
Fish, Stanley: Doing What Comes Naturally. Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary and Legal Studies. [= Post-Contemporary Interventions]
 Durham - London, Duke University Press, 1989.

Fish, Stanley: Doing What Comes Naturally. Change, Rhetoric, and the Practice of Theory in Literary..

18,00 €
Karp, David A.; Stone, Gregory P.; Yoels, William C: Being Urban. A Sociology of City Life. Second edtion
 New York - Westport - London, Praeger, (1991).

Karp, David A.; Stone, Gregory P.; Yoels, William C: Being Urban. A Sociology of City Life. Second..

18,00 €
Priestley, J. B: An Inspector Calls and Other Plays
 London, Penguin Books, 2000.

Priestley, J. B: An Inspector Calls and Other Plays London, Penguin Books, 2000.

9,00 €
Poulter, John D: An early history of electricity supply. The Story of the Electric Light in Victorian Leeds. [= IEE History of Technology Series 5]
 London, Peter Peregrinus, (1986).

Poulter, John D: An early history of electricity supply. The Story of the Electric Light in..

15,00 €
Ammons, Elizabeth; White-Parks, Annette (Hg.): Tricksterism in Turn-of-the-Century American Literature. A multicultural perspective. [1st printing]
 Hanover - London, Tufts University Press of New England, (1994).

Ammons, Elizabeth; White Parks, Annette (Hg.): Tricksterism in Turn of the Century American..

18,00 €
A Few Examples of Bedroom Furniture. On view in the Showrooms of Maple & Co. [with] Price List
 London - Paris - Buenos Aires - Monte Video, Maple & Co. Decorators & Furnishers, ohne Jahr [wohl 1920-erjahre].

A Few Examples of Bedroom Furniture. On view in the Showrooms of Maple & Co. [with] Price List..

28,00 €
Carpenter, William B: The Microscope and its Revelations. Fourth edition. Illustrated by Twenty-five Plates, and Four Haundres Wood Engravings
 London, John Churchill and Sons, MDCCCLXVIII (1868).

Carpenter, William B: The Microscope and its Revelations. Fourth edition. Illustrated by Twenty..

94,00 €
Geddes, Keith: Broadcasting in Britain 1922 - 1972. A brief account of its engineering aspects. [= A Science Museum Booklet]
 London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1972.

Geddes, Keith: Broadcasting in Britain 1922 1972. A brief account of its engineering aspects. [=..

18,00 €
Povey, P. J.; Earl, R. A. J: Vintage Telephones of the World. [= IEE History of Technology Series 8]
 London - Peter Peregrinus - Science Museum, (1988).

Povey, P. J.; Earl, R. A. J: Vintage Telephones of the World. [= IEE History of Technology Series..

18,00 €
Beale, Lionel S: How to Work with the Microscope. A Course of Lectures on Microscopical Manipulation, and the practical application of the Microscope to different branches of investigation. Delivered, during the winter session, 1856 - 57
 London, John Chu

Beale, Lionel S: How to Work with the Microscope. A Course of Lectures on Microscopical..

175,00 €
Strauss, Richard: Arabella. Lyrische Komödie in drei Aufzügen von Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Musik. Opus 79. Klavierauszug mit Text. [= A. 8253 F.]
 Mainz - London, B. Schott's Söhne - Boosey & Hawkes, ohne Jahr [vermutlich 80er Jahre].

Strauss, Richard: Arabella. Lyrische Komödie in drei Aufzügen von Hugo von Hofmannsthal. Musik..

54,00 €
Händel, Georg Friedrich: Judas Maccabäus, an Oratorio, libretto by the Rev. Thomas Morell. First performed 1st April 1747 in London. Edited, and with foreword by..

Händel, Georg Friedrich: Judas Maccabäus, an Oratorio, libretto by the Rev. Thomas Morell. First..

20,00 €
Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society Symposium Held at Phoenix, Arizona, January 18, 1966. [= Journal of Polymer Science, Part C, Polymer Symposia No. 18]
 New York - London - Sydney, Interscience Pub

Price, Fraser P. (Hg.): The Meaning of Crystallinity in Polymers. American Chemical Society..

15,00 €
Furniture and Docoration. No.1 - Vol. I. to No. 12 - No. - Vol. I
 Ohne Ort [London], [William H.] Timms & [George] Webb, 1890.

Furniture and Docoration. No.1 Vol. I. to No. 12 No. Vol. I Ohne Ort [London], [William H.]..

280,00 €
Al-Bayati, Basil: Community and Unity. First published in Great Britain
 London - New York, Academy Editions - St. Martin's Press, 1983.

Al Bayati, Basil: Community and Unity. First published in Great Britain London New York, Academy..

15,00 €
Webster, Frederick Annesley Michael: British Olympic Association. Patron: H. M. [His Majesty] The King. The official report of the Xth Olympiad Los Angeles 1932
 London, The British Olympic Association, 1932.

Webster, Frederick Annesley Michael: British Olympic Association. Patron: H. M. [His Majesty] The..

224,00 €
Haydn Smith, Ian (Hg.): International Film Guide 2010, the definitive annual review of world cinema. 46th edition
 London - New York, Wallflower Press, (2010).

Haydn Smith, Ian (Hg.): International Film Guide 2010, the definitive annual review of world..

24,00 €
Ewing, Elizabeth: Dress and Undress. A history of women's underwear
 London, Bibliophile, 1981.

Ewing, Elizabeth: Dress and Undress. A history of women's underwear London, Bibliophile, 1981.

24,00 €
Hodgson Burnett, Frances: Little Saint Elizabeth. And other Stories. Illustrated by R. B. Birch, Alfred Brennan, and o. a
 London, Frederick Warne and Co., ohne Jahr [1889].

Hodgson Burnett, Frances: Little Saint Elizabeth. And other Stories. Illustrated by R. B. Birch..

18,00 €
Rea, Hope: Donatello. "Il Maestro di Chi Sanno". [= The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture - Edited by G. C. Williamson]
 London, George Bell & Sons, 1900.

Rea, Hope: Donatello. "Il Maestro di Chi Sanno". [= The Great Masters in Painting and Sculpture..

18,00 €
Robinson, B. W: Arms & Armour of old Japan. Victoria & Albert Museum. Reprinted
 London, Her Majesty's Stationery Office, 1963.

Robinson, B. W: Arms & Armour of old Japan. Victoria & Albert Museum. Reprinted London, Her..

9,00 €
Papadakis, Andreas C. (Hg.): A. D. Art & Design. The Post-Modern Object. [Michael Collins; Peter Fuller; Volker Fischer; Charles Jencks; Hans Hollein Performance Art]
 London, Art & Design, 1987.

Papadakis, Andreas C. (Hg.): A. D. Art & Design. The Post Modern Object. [Michael Collins; Peter..

18,00 €
Dörfler, Wilhelm (Hg.): Der Pfad. Zeitschrift für das Geistesstreben der Jugend. V. Jahrgang [Heft] 2
 Stuttgart - Den Haag - London, Orient-Occident-Verlag, November 1927.

Dörfler, Wilhelm (Hg.): Der Pfad. Zeitschrift für das Geistesstreben der Jugend. V. Jahrgang..

10,00 €
Benthall, Jonathan: disasters, relief and the media
 London - New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 1993.

Benthall, Jonathan: disasters, relief and the media London - New York, I. B. Tauris & Co, 1993.

10,00 €
Fordyce, John: Historia Febris Miliaris, et De Hemicrania dessertatio auctore Joanne Fordyce. Accedit de Morbo Miliari epistola Caroli Balguy
 Londini [London], Apud D. Wilson & T. Durham, MDCCLVIII [1758].

Fordyce, John: Historia Febris Miliaris, et De Hemicrania dessertatio auctore Joanne Fordyce..

94,00 €
Th. Mindt [d. i. Apfel, Artur]: Und morgen wieder Krise? Einblick ins Triebwerk moderner Wirtschaft. Mit 41 Illustrationen. 1.-3. Tausend
 London, Malik-Verlag, 1938.

Th. Mindt [d. i. Apfel, Artur]: Und morgen wieder Krise? Einblick ins Triebwerk moderner..

54,00 €
The Dickens House Museum. Guide and illustrated Souvenir
 London, The Trustees The Dickens House, ohne Ort [1971 oder wenig später].

The Dickens House Museum. Guide and illustrated Souvenir London, The Trustees The Dickens House..

9,00 €
Plievier, Theodor: Berlin, a novel, translated by Louis Hagen and Vivian Milroy. First published in Great Britain
 London, Hammond Hammond & Company, 1956.

Plievier, Theodor: Berlin, a novel, translated by Louis Hagen and Vivian Milroy. First published in..

9,00 €
Williams, Ken: London Figure Models Photographed by Ken Williams. England's Top Model - Candid London Camera - Beauties in the Sun - British Nudes - Indoor Glamor - Close-up Portraits. [= A Whitestone Photo Book No. 76]
 Greenwich, Whitestone Publications

Williams, Ken: London Figure Models Photographed by Ken Williams. England's Top Model Candid..

15,00 €
Tandon, Prakash: Punjabi Century 1857-1947. With a Foreword by Maurice Zinkin. Second Impression
 London, Chatto & Windus, 1963.

Tandon, Prakash: Punjabi Century 1857 1947. With a Foreword by Maurice Zinkin. Second Impression..

14,00 €
Mayne, Peter: The Narrow Smile. A Journey back to the North-west Frontier. Reprinted
 London, John Murray, Oktober 1955.

Mayne, Peter: The Narrow Smile. A Journey back to the North west Frontier. Reprinted London, John..

18,00 €
Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media
 Chichester - New York - London - Sydney - Toronto, Ellis Horwood - Halsted Press, 1976.

Hunter, S. C: Mechanics of Continuous Media Chichester New York London Sydney Toronto..

25,00 €
Sieveking, G. De G: Prehistoric and Roman Studies. Commemorating the opening of the department of prehistoric and romano-british antiquities
 London, Trustees of the British Museum, 1971.

Sieveking, G. De G: Prehistoric and Roman Studies. Commemorating the opening of the department of..

12,00 €
Longworth, Ian (Hg.): World Archaeology. Volume 19 No. 3. This issue: New directions in Palaelithic archaeology
 London, Routledge & Kegan Paul, Februar 1988.

Longworth, Ian (Hg.): World Archaeology. Volume 19 No. 3. This issue: New directions in Palaelithic..

15,00 €


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