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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Lever Charles Roland Cashel 1850 EA 38 Stahlstichtafeln von Phiz dekorativ  js

Lever Charles Roland Cashel 1850 EA 38 Stahlstichtafeln von Phiz dekorativ js

180,00 €
Lever Charles Barrington von Phiz illustriert EA 1863 Klassiker Kunst Lyrik  js

Lever Charles Barrington von Phiz illustriert EA 1863 Klassiker Kunst Lyrik js

120,00 €
Souvenir of Scotland 1891 Landeskunde Geografie Schottland Kunst Kultur sf

Souvenir of Scotland 1891 Landeskunde Geografie Schottland Kunst Kultur sf

95,00 €
Cook "This Motoring" Automobilclub-Historie 1931 limitierte und signierte Ausgabe (8909)

Cook "This Motoring" Automobilclub-Historie 1931 limitierte und signierte Ausgabe (8909)

225,00 €
Georgano "A history of the London Taxicab" Taxi-Historie 1973 (8557)

Georgano "A history of the London Taxicab" Taxi-Historie 1973 (8557)

25,00 €
Orsenna "Airbus A 380" Flugzeug-Historie 2007 (3420)

Orsenna "Airbus A 380" Flugzeug-Historie 2007 (3420)

20,00 €
Foster Pictures Of English Landscape 1863 Pictures in Words by Tom Tailor  js

Foster Pictures Of English Landscape 1863 Pictures in Words by Tom Tailor js

95,00 €
Moore Lalla Rookh an Oriental Romance 1842 illustriert Erotica Erotik  js

Moore Lalla Rookh an Oriental Romance 1842 illustriert Erotica Erotik js

90,00 €
Green, Roger Lancelyn (Ed.): A century of humorous verse, 1850-1950. (Everyman's library / 813).

Green, Roger Lancelyn (Ed.): A century of humorous verse, 1850-1950. (Everyman's library / 813).

8,00 €
Kunst Malerei Expressionismus Ludwig Meidner Ausstellung Katalog 1964

Kunst Malerei Expressionismus Ludwig Meidner Ausstellung Katalog 1964

14,00 €
() Jack London "In den Waeldern des Nordens". Abenteuer. Signum-Verlag, Guetersloh

() Jack London "In den Waeldern des Nordens". Abenteuer. Signum-Verlag, Guetersloh

3,50 €
Gore Paris in 1841 with twenty- One Highly- Finished Engravings Allom 1842 js

Gore Paris in 1841 with twenty- One Highly- Finished Engravings Allom 1842 js

90,50 €
William Beattie Scotland 2 Bände 160 Stahlstiche o.J. um 1840 Reiseführer js

William Beattie Scotland 2 Bände 160 Stahlstiche o.J. um 1840 Reiseführer js

250,00 €
Keren, David F: High-Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation. [1st printing]
 Boston - London - Durban - Singapore - Sydney - Toronto - Wellington, Butterworths, 1987.

Keren, David F: High Resolution Electrophoresis and Immunofixation. Techniques and Interpretation..

37,00 €
Feldman, Jamie L: Plague Doctors. Repsonding to the AIDS Epidemic in France and America
 Westport - London, Bergin & Garvey, 1995.

Feldman, Jamie L: Plague Doctors. Repsonding to the AIDS Epidemic in France and America Westport..

37,00 €
Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1985, June 16..

Raup, D. M.; Jablonski, D. (Hg.): Patterns and Processes in the History of Life. Report of the..

17,00 €
() Jack London "Abenteuer des Schienenstranges". 1952, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin

() Jack London "Abenteuer des Schienenstranges". 1952, Aufbau-Verlag, Berlin

2,95 €
Chisman, D. G. (Hg.): University Chemical Education. Proceedings of the International Symposium on University Chemical Education held in Frascati (Rome), Italy 16 - 19 October 1969
 London, Butterworths, (1970).

Chisman, D. G. (Hg.): University Chemical Education. Proceedings of the International Symposium on..

17,00 €
Riddell, Frank G: The Conformational Analysis of Heterocyclic Compounds
 London - New York - Toronto - Sydney - San Francisco, Academic Press, 1980.

Riddell, Frank G: The Conformational Analysis of Heterocyclic Compounds London New York..

12,00 €
Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware, W: Photochemistry. An Introduction. [= Academic Press Rapid Manuscript Reproduction]
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1974.

Arnold, D. R.; Baird; N. C.; Bolton, J. R.; Brand, J. C. D.; Jacobs, P. W. M.; Mayo, P. de; Ware..

17,00 €
Murrell, J. N.; Harget; A. J: Semi-empirical self-consisten-field molecular orbital theory of molecules
 London - New York - Sydney - Toronto, Wiley-Interscience, (1972).

Murrell, J. N.; Harget; A. J: Semi empirical self consisten field molecular orbital theory of..

17,00 €
() "Terror ueber London". Kriminalroman. WV-Taschenbuch. Wiesemann-Verlag, Wuppertal

() "Terror ueber London". Kriminalroman. WV-Taschenbuch. Wiesemann-Verlag, Wuppertal

2,50 €
() Jack London "Das Wunder der Liebe". Vita Nova Verlag, 1946 Stuttgart-Degerloch

() Jack London "Das Wunder der Liebe". Vita Nova Verlag, 1946 Stuttgart-Degerloch

3,50 €
Cluysenaar, Anne: Introduction to Literary Stylistcs. A discussion of dominant structures in verse and prose.

Cluysenaar, Anne: Introduction to Literary Stylistcs. A discussion of dominant structures in verse..

10,50 €
Monson, Richard S: Advanced Organic Synthesis. Methods and techniques. Second printing
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1972.

Monson, Richard S: Advanced Organic Synthesis. Methods and techniques. Second printing New York..

10,00 €
Hamlyn, Nicky: Film Art Phenomena.

Hamlyn, Nicky: Film Art Phenomena.

23,00 €
Alphonse Mucha. 21 May - 29 June 1963
 London, Grosvener Gallery - The Arthur Jeffress Gallery, 1963.

Alphonse Mucha. 21 May 29 June 1963 London, Grosvener Gallery The Arthur Jeffress Gallery..

12,00 €
Unverricht, Hubert: Die Eigenschriften und die Originalausgaben von Werken Beethovens in ihrer Bedeutung für die moderne Textkritik - aus der Reihe: Musikwissenschaftliche Arbeiten - Band: 17.

Unverricht, Hubert: Die Eigenschriften und die Originalausgaben von Werken Beethovens in ihrer..

11,00 €
Brühl, Christine Gräfin von: Out of Adel - Roman.

Brühl, Christine Gräfin von: Out of Adel - Roman.

48,00 €
Taylor, Roger and Crispin Branfoot: Captain Linnaeus Tripe - Photographer of India and Burma, 1852-1860.

Taylor, Roger and Crispin Branfoot: Captain Linnaeus Tripe Photographer of India and Burma, 1852..

42,00 €
Durastanti, Claudia: Die Fremde: Roman - Originaltitel: La straniera.

Durastanti, Claudia: Die Fremde: Roman - Originaltitel: La straniera.

17,00 €
Matschullat, Jörg und German Müller (Herausgeber): Geowissenschaften und Umwelt - mit 164 Abbildungen und 44 Tabellen.

Matschullat, Jörg und German Müller (Herausgeber): Geowissenschaften und Umwelt mit 164..

12,00 €
Mosekilde, Erich and Lis: Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution. [= NATO ASI Series B: Physics Vol. 270]
 New York - London, Plenum Press, 1991.

Mosekilde, Erich and Lis: Complexity, Chaos, and Biological Evolution. [= NATO ASI Series B:..

48,00 €
Gruber, Bruno; Yopp, John H. (Hg.): Symmetries in Science IV. Biological and Biophysical Systems
 New York - London, Plenum Press, 1990.

Gruber, Bruno; Yopp, John H. (Hg.): Symmetries in Science IV. Biological and Biophysical Systems..

10,00 €
Turner Florentine Drawings of the sixteenth century 1986 Malerei Florenz Italien

Turner Florentine Drawings of the sixteenth century 1986 Malerei Florenz Italien

25,00 €
Lasky, Melvin J. / Anthony Thwaite (Eds.): Encounter. June 1975, Vol. XLIV, No. 6. - From the contents: Melvin J. Lasky - Ulrike Meinhof & the Baader-Meinhof Gang (with a portrait sketch of Meinhof) / Jan Morris - Views from Lookout Mountain / Robert Conq

Lasky, Melvin J. / Anthony Thwaite (Eds.): Encounter. June 1975, Vol. XLIV, No. 6. From the..

23,00 €
Nozoe, Tetsuo; Breslow, Ronald; Hafner, Klaus; Itô, Shô; Murata, Ichiro (Hg.): Topics in Nonbenzenoid Aromatic Chemistry. Volume I
 New York - London - Sydney - Toronto, John Wiley & Sons, 1973.

Nozoe, Tetsuo; Breslow, Ronald; Hafner, Klaus; Itô, Shô; Murata, Ichiro (Hg.): Topics in..

17,00 €
Heck, Richard F: Organotransition Metal Chemistry. A Mechanistic Approach
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1974.

Heck, Richard F: Organotransition Metal Chemistry. A Mechanistic Approach New York London..

19,00 €
McManus, Samuel P. (Hg.): Organic Reactive Intermediates. [= Organic Chemistry - A series of monographs - Volume 26]
 New York - London, Academic Press, 1973.

McManus, Samuel P. (Hg.): Organic Reactive Intermediates. [= Organic Chemistry A series of..

22,00 €
Stone, F. G. A.; West, Robert: Advances in Organometallic Chemistry. [Molecular Rearrangements Volume 16]
 New York - San francisco - London, Academic Press, 1977.

Stone, F. G. A.; West, Robert: Advances in Organometallic Chemistry. [Molecular Rearrangements..

15,00 €
Yates, Keith: Hückel Molecular Orital Theory
 New York - San Francisco - London, Academic Press, 1978.

Yates, Keith: Hückel Molecular Orital Theory New York San Francisco London, Academic Press..

34,00 €
Zupan, Jure: Algorithms for Chemists
 Chichester - New York - London - Sydney - Toronto - Singapore, John Wiley & Sons, 1989.

Zupan, Jure: Algorithms for Chemists Chichester New York London Sydney Toronto..

24,00 €
Azzi, Angelo; Masotti, Lanfranco; Vecli, Arnaldo (Hg.): Membrane Proteins. Isolation and Characterization
 Berlin - Heidelberg - New York - London - Paris - Tokyo, Springer-Verlag, (1986).

Azzi, Angelo; Masotti, Lanfranco; Vecli, Arnaldo (Hg.): Membrane Proteins. Isolation and..

24,00 €
Perman, G. I. (Hg.): Limiting Greenhouse Effects. Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Report of the Dahlem Workshop … Berlin 1990, December 9   14. [=..

Perman, G. I. (Hg.): Limiting Greenhouse Effects. Controlling Carbon Dioxide Emissions. Report of..

20,00 €
Gielen, Marcel: General Chemistry
 London, Freund Publishing House, (1995).

Gielen, Marcel: General Chemistry London, Freund Publishing House, (1995).

12,00 €
Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and Biochemistry. Second edition. Volume 1B
 New York - London - Toronto - Sydney - San Francisco, Academic Press, 1980.

Pigman, Ward; Horton, Derek; Wander, Joseph D. (Hg.): The Carbohydrates. Chemistry and..

12,00 €
Microbial toxins and diarrhoeal disease. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 112]
 London, Pitman, 1985.

Microbial toxins and diarrhoeal disease. [= Ciba Foundation Symposium 112] London, Pitman, 1985.

10,00 €
Dwurnik, Edward (Künstler): Edward Dwurnik : the way to the East; paintings 1989 - 90. (Rhodes Gallery, London, 16 October - 16 November 1991 and at the Arnolfini, Bristol, 29 February - 5 April 1992).

Dwurnik, Edward (Künstler): Edward Dwurnik : the way to the East; paintings 1989 90. (Rhodes..

10,00 €


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