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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Demosthenes and William Watson Goodwin: Demosthenous peri tou stephanou. Demostenes on the Crown.

Demosthenes and William Watson Goodwin: Demosthenous peri tou stephanou. Demostenes on the Crown.

10,00 €
Betteridge, Harold T: Cassell`s German & English Dictionary. Based on the edition by Karl Breul, completely revised and re-edited by Harold T. Betteridge.

Betteridge, Harold T: Cassell`s German & English Dictionary. Based on the edition by Karl Breul..

14,00 €
Ndione, Emmanuel, Philippe De Leener Mamadou Jacolin Pierre Perier Jean-Pierre Ndiaye a. o: The Future of Community Lands : Human Resources.

Ndione, Emmanuel, Philippe De Leener Mamadou Jacolin Pierre Perier Jean Pierre Ndiaye a. o: The..

6,00 €
McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the Institute for Race Relations, London).

McNickle, D`Arcy: Native American Tribalism. Indian Survivals and Renewals. (Published for the..

10,00 €
Okey, Robin: Eastern Europe 1740-1985: Feudalism to Communism.

Okey, Robin: Eastern Europe 1740-1985: Feudalism to Communism.

6,00 €
Horatius, Q. Flaccus und T. E. (Hrsg.) Page: Q Horatii Flacci Carminum Libri IV. Epodon Liber. Edited with Introduction and Notes by.

Horatius, Q. Flaccus und T. E. (Hrsg.) Page: Q Horatii Flacci Carminum Libri IV. Epodon Liber..

7,00 €
Furness, Robert Allason: Translations from the Greek Anthology.

Furness, Robert Allason: Translations from the Greek Anthology.

40,00 €
Boardman, John: Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period.

Boardman, John: Athenian Red Figure Vases. The Archaic Period.

7,00 €
Brown, Christopher, Jan Kelch und Pieter van Thiel: Rembrandt. Der Meister und seine Werkstatt. Bd. I: Gemälde. Bd. II: Zeichnungen und Radierungen. (2 Bde.).

Brown, Christopher, Jan Kelch und Pieter van Thiel: Rembrandt. Der Meister und seine Werkstatt. Bd..

28,00 €
Borenius, Tancred: Niederländische Meister des Interieurs. Thomas Galerie. Mit einer Einführung und Erklärungen von Tancred Borenius.

Borenius, Tancred: Niederländische Meister des Interieurs. Thomas Galerie. Mit einer Einführung..

6,00 €
Zwischen London und Byzanz: Die geschichtlichen Territorien Niedersachsens in ihren Beziehungen zum Ausland. Eine Ausstellung der Niedersächsischen Archivverwaltung. [= Veröffentlichungen der niedersächsischen Archivverwaltung, Beiheft 23].

Zwischen London und Byzanz: Die geschichtlichen Territorien Niedersachsens in ihren Beziehungen zum..

5,00 €
Kraftner, Johann (Hrsg.): Vorbild Rubens. Lichtenstein Museum Wien.

Kraftner, Johann (Hrsg.): Vorbild Rubens. Lichtenstein Museum Wien.

15,00 €
Jenkins, Marilyn (Hrsg.): Islamic Art in the Kuwait National Museum. The al-Sabah Collection.

Jenkins, Marilyn (Hrsg.): Islamic Art in the Kuwait National Museum. The al-Sabah Collection.

35,00 €
A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum.

A General Introductory Guide to the Egyptian Collections in the British Museum.

6,50 €
Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an ancient Bramin. To which is prefixed an account of the..

Dodsley, Robert: The œconomy of human life (translated from an Indian manuscript, written by an..

67,00 €
Clemens A Tramp Abroad Mark Twain 1882 illustr. v Brown, Williams u.a. Klassiker

Clemens A Tramp Abroad Mark Twain 1882 illustr. v Brown, Williams u.a. Klassiker

95,00 €
Paul Storey New Paintings

Paul Storey New Paintings

20,00 €
Jack London: Mondgesicht
 Seltsame Geschichten.

Jack London: Mondgesicht Seltsame Geschichten.

55,00 €
Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral Churches 3 Bde js

Architectural and picturesque illustrations of the cathedral Churches 3 Bde js

400,00 €
Bram Bogart - The Early Years 1951-1965

Bram Bogart - The Early Years 1951-1965

85,00 €
Barbers Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle of Wight um 1834 Views Island js

Barbers Picturesque Illustrations of the Isle of Wight um 1834 Views Island js

95,00 €
Willis Canadian Scenery Illustrated by W. H. Bartlett 1840 2 Bde. in 1 EA js

Willis Canadian Scenery Illustrated by W. H. Bartlett 1840 2 Bde. in 1 EA js

450,00 €
Mayhew The Upper Rhine 1858 [The Scenery of its Banks and the Manners..]   js

Mayhew The Upper Rhine 1858 [The Scenery of its Banks and the Manners..] js

240,00 €
Buch: Where is John? Wo ist Hans?, Mosheim, Ford, 1963, Constable Young Books

Buch: Where is John? Wo ist Hans?, Mosheim, Ford, 1963, Constable Young Books

13,50 €
Rosetti, William Michael - Angela Thirlwell: The Pre-Raphaelites & their World. A personal view. From Some Reminiscences and other writings of William Michael Rossetti. Introduction and Epilogue by Angela Thirlwell.

Rosetti, William Michael Angela Thirlwell: The Pre Raphaelites & their World. A personal view..

27,00 €
Harmer, F.W. - Palaeontographical Society (Ed.): Part II: The Pliocene Mollusca of Great Britain - being supplementary to S.V. Wood´s monograph of the Crag Mollusca.

Harmer, F.W. Palaeontographical Society (Ed.): Part II: The Pliocene Mollusca of Great Britain..

47,00 €
Winkles, B. / Garland, R French Cathedrals 1837 EA Geographie Ortskunde mb

Winkles, B. / Garland, R French Cathedrals 1837 EA Geographie Ortskunde mb

350,00 €
Byron, Lord [George Gordon Noel]: [Sammelband mit 7 Einzeldrucken].

Byron, Lord [George Gordon Noel]: [Sammelband mit 7 Einzeldrucken].

650,00 €
Byron, George Gordon Noel.: The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. By Lord Byron. The fourteenth [14.] edition. [Und 4 weitere Werke in 1 Bd. = Sammelband].

Byron, George Gordon Noel.: The Giaour, a fragment of a Turkish tale. By Lord Byron. The fourteenth..

440,00 €
Historic illustrations of the Bible [Fisher's historic illustrations of the Bible]. Principally after the old masters. Illustrations historiques de la Sainte Bible, d'après les grands..

Historic illustrations of the Bible [Fisher's historic illustrations of the Bible]. Principally..

220,00 €
Browne Home Pictures Sixteen demestic scenes of childhood 1851 Belletristik mb

Browne Home Pictures Sixteen demestic scenes of childhood 1851 Belletristik mb

450,00 €
Rogers The Pleasures of Memory 1806 London Bibliophilie Memory bibliophil mb

Rogers The Pleasures of Memory 1806 London Bibliophilie Memory bibliophil mb

300,00 €
Scout Annual - F. Haydn Dimmock /  Lord Baden-Powell (Founder): The Scout Annual. Volume XLVIII for 1953. Contains No. 2,306 - 2,357, July 3, 1952 - June 25, 1953.

Scout Annual F. Haydn Dimmock / Lord Baden Powell (Founder): The Scout Annual. Volume XLVIII for..

47,00 €
Dickens, Charles. - Sketches by ' KYD ' ( Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1856 - 1937 ): The characters of Charles Dickens. Portrayed in a series of originale water colour sketches by 'KYD'.

Dickens, Charles. Sketches by ' KYD ' ( Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1856 1937 ): The characters of..

67,00 €
Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a voyage. Down the Elbe from Dresden to Hamburgh. Including a compendious historical account of the Hanseatic Leage. With views from drawings taken on the spot, by

Boisgelin, Louis de: Travels Through Denmark and Sweden. To which is prefixed, a Journal of a..

480,00 €
Cooper, Jackie: Mackintosh architecture. The complete buildings and selected project.

Cooper, Jackie: Mackintosh architecture. The complete buildings and selected project.

10,00 €
Leland, Charles Godfrey: The Breitmann-Ballads.

Leland, Charles Godfrey: The Breitmann-Ballads.

30,00 €
Travers, Ben: Mischief.

Travers, Ben: Mischief.

9,00 €
Fleetwood The Youths Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Bde. 1850-70 js

Fleetwood The Youths Life of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ 2 Bde. 1850-70 js

40,00 €
Sladen The Poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon 1912 Literatur Lyrik Belletristik js

Sladen The Poems of Adam Lindsay Gordon 1912 Literatur Lyrik Belletristik js

35,00 €
Metropolitan Improvements or london in the Nineteenth Century 1831 Ortskunde js

Metropolitan Improvements or london in the Nineteenth Century 1831 Ortskunde js

180,00 €
Roberts, Mary: Wild animals, their nature habits and instincts. With incidental notices of the regions they inhabit. 3rd edition.

Roberts, Mary: Wild animals, their nature habits and instincts. With incidental notices of the..

24,00 €
Kennedy, J. M: Imperial America.

Kennedy, J. M: Imperial America.

20,00 €
Royal Botanic Gardens  (Hrsg.): Hand-List of tender Monocotyledons, Excluding Orchidese, cultivated in the Royal Gardens, Kew, 1897.

Royal Botanic Gardens <Kew, Thames> (Hrsg.): Hand List of tender Monocotyledons, Excluding..

27,00 €
Hessen Odenwald Adel Franz Graf zu Erbach Kindheit Reisen Biografie Buch 1903

Hessen Odenwald Adel Franz Graf zu Erbach Kindheit Reisen Biografie Buch 1903

124,00 €
Pater, Walter: Gaston de Latour. An unifinished romance by Walter Pater. Late Fellow of Brasenose College. Prepared for the press by Charles L. Shadwell. Fellow of Oriel College.

Pater, Walter: Gaston de Latour. An unifinished romance by Walter Pater. Late Fellow of Brasenose..

24,00 €
Hudson, Miles: Triumph or tragedy? Rhodesia to Zimbabwe.

Hudson, Miles: Triumph or tragedy? Rhodesia to Zimbabwe.

10,00 €
Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 - 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February - 11 March 1965
 London, Grosvenor Gallery, 1965.

Fifty Years of Sculpture. Some aspects 1914 1964. [Ausstellungskatalog] 9 February 11 March..

15,00 €


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