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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Taylor, Timothy: Aljechin-Alarm! Ein zuverlässiges Schwarz-Repertoire gegen 1.e4
 London, Everyman Chess, 2011.

Taylor, Timothy: Aljechin Alarm! Ein zuverlässiges Schwarz Repertoire gegen 1.e4 London, Everyman..

24,00 €
Davies, Nigel: Geheimnisse der Modernen Verteidigung. [= Eröffnungsreihe Starting Out]
 London, Everyman Chess, (2008).

Davies, Nigel: Geheimnisse der Modernen Verteidigung. [= Eröffnungsreihe Starting Out] London..

16,00 €
McDonald, Neil: Englische Geheimnisse. [= Eröffnungsreihe Starting Out]
 London, Everyman Chess, (2003).

McDonald, Neil: Englische Geheimnisse. [= Eröffnungsreihe Starting Out] London, Everyman Chess..

28,00 €
North Cyprus Almanack.

North Cyprus Almanack.

10,00 €
Leonardo da Vinci. An exhibition of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from the Royal Collection. The Queen`s Gallery, Buckingham Palace, 1969-70.

Leonardo da Vinci. An exhibition of drawings by Leonardo da Vinci from the Royal Collection. The..

15,00 €
Wickman, Patricia Riles: The tree that bends. Discourse, power and the survival of the Maskoki people. - Signed / Signiert !.

Wickman, Patricia Riles: The tree that bends. Discourse, power and the survival of the Maskoki..

23,00 €
Steindorff, George and Keith C. Seele: When Egypt Ruled the Past. [= Phoenix Books] Revised by Keith C. Seele.

Steindorff, George and Keith C. Seele: When Egypt Ruled the Past. [= Phoenix Books] Revised by..

9,00 €
Aldred, Cyril and Albert (Fot.) Shoucair: Jewels of the Pharaohs. Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic Period.

Aldred, Cyril and Albert (Fot.) Shoucair: Jewels of the Pharaohs. Egyptian Jewelry of the Dynastic..

15,00 €
Hoggart, Simon: The Hands of History. Parliamentary Sketches 1997-2007.

Hoggart, Simon: The Hands of History. Parliamentary Sketches 1997-2007.

5,00 €
Hoggart, Simon: Send Up The Clowns. Parliamentary Sketches 2007-2011.

Hoggart, Simon: Send Up The Clowns. Parliamentary Sketches 2007-2011.

5,00 €
Hoggart, Simon: On the House. Illustrated by John Jensen.

Hoggart, Simon: On the House. Illustrated by John Jensen.

4,00 €
Hoggart, Simon: A Long Lunch. My stories and I`m sticking to them.

Hoggart, Simon: A Long Lunch. My stories and I`m sticking to them.

8,00 €
Weidemann, Christiane: Kunst-Malbuch Gustav Klimt. Prestel Junior.

Weidemann, Christiane: Kunst-Malbuch Gustav Klimt. Prestel Junior.

10,00 €
Collier, Madeleine: Little Mr. Pixie. [= Strang`s Penny Books].

Collier, Madeleine: Little Mr. Pixie. [= Strang`s Penny Books].

15,00 €
James, R. W: The Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-Rays. (The Crystalline State, Vol. 2).

James, R. W: The Optical Principles of the Diffraction of X-Rays. (The Crystalline State, Vol. 2).

60,00 €
Bates, R: Quantum Theory. Vol. III: Radiation and High Energy Physics.

Bates, R: Quantum Theory. Vol. III: Radiation and High Energy Physics.

40,00 €
Fitter, Alastair: An Atlas of the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. A concise guide to wild flower distribution.

Fitter, Alastair: An Atlas of the Wild Flowers of Britain and Northern Europe. A concise guide to..

16,00 €
The Great American Cook Book.

The Great American Cook Book.

5,00 €
Nidditch, P. H: Elementary Logic of Science and Mathematics.

Nidditch, P. H: Elementary Logic of Science and Mathematics.

13,00 €
Levine, Gustav and C. J. Burke: Mathematical Model Techniques for Learning Theories.

Levine, Gustav and C. J. Burke: Mathematical Model Techniques for Learning Theories.

20,00 €
Hadley, G: Linear Programming. [= Addison-Wesley Series in Industrial Management].

Hadley, G: Linear Programming. [= Addison-Wesley Series in Industrial Management].

20,00 €
Feferman, Solomon: The Numer System: Foundations of Algebra and Analysis.[= Addison-Wesley Series in Mathematics].

Feferman, Solomon: The Numer System: Foundations of Algebra and Analysis.[= Addison Wesley Series..

45,00 €
Curtiss, John H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. VI: Numerical Analysis. Proceedings of the Sixth Symposium in Applied Mathematics of the American Mathematical Society. Held at the Santa Monica City College, August 26-28, 195

Curtiss, John H. (Hrsg.): Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics, Vol. VI: Numerical..

30,00 €
Atkinson, Richard C., Gordon H. Bower and Edward J. Crothers: An Introduction to Mathematical Learning Theory.

Atkinson, Richard C., Gordon H. Bower and Edward J. Crothers: An Introduction to Mathematical..

25,00 €
Barnett, R. D: Illustrations of Old Testament History.

Barnett, R. D: Illustrations of Old Testament History.

5,00 €
Hillmann, Martin: Quer durch die Neue Welt. Enzyklopädie: Mit berühmten Entdeckern auf Abenteuer. Lekturama.

Hillmann, Martin: Quer durch die Neue Welt. Enzyklopädie: Mit berühmten Entdeckern auf Abenteuer..

7,00 €
Lyons, Deborah (Hrsg.) und Adam D. (Hrsg.) Weinberg: Edward Hopper: Bilder der amerikanischen Seele. Ein Lesebuch mit Texten und Gedichten v. Paul Auster.

Lyons, Deborah (Hrsg.) und Adam D. (Hrsg.) Weinberg: Edward Hopper: Bilder der amerikanischen..

15,00 €


4,00 €
Knapp, Gottfried: Engel. Eine himmlische Komödie.

Knapp, Gottfried: Engel. Eine himmlische Komödie.

4,00 €
Hollmann, Eckhard and Jürgen Tesch: A trick of the eye. Tromp l`oeil masterpieces. (Transl. from the German by Julian Wheatley).

Hollmann, Eckhard and Jürgen Tesch: A trick of the eye. Tromp l`oeil masterpieces. (Transl. from..

25,00 €
Elgar, Frank: Picasso. Cubist Period. [= The Little Library of Art, 11].

Elgar, Frank: Picasso. Cubist Period. [= The Little Library of Art, 11].

6,00 €
Copplestone, Trewin: Rembrandt. Eingel. u. erläutert v. Trewin Copplestone. (Dt. Übers. v. Ingrid Strasser).

Copplestone, Trewin: Rembrandt. Eingel. u. erläutert v. Trewin Copplestone. (Dt. Übers. v. Ingrid..

8,00 €
Middleton, John (Hrsg.): Gods & Rituals. Readings in Religious Beliefs and Practices. [= Texas Press Sorcebooks in Anthropology].

Middleton, John (Hrsg.): Gods & Rituals. Readings in Religious Beliefs and Practices. [= Texas..

8,00 €
Steinbeck, John: The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights. From the Winchester Mss. of Thomas Malory and Other Sources. Ed. by Chase Horton.

Steinbeck, John: The Acts of King Arthur and His Noble Knights. From the Winchester Mss. of Thomas..

8,00 €
Robson, Garry and Roy Robson: London Large: Blood on the Streets.

Robson, Garry and Roy Robson: London Large: Blood on the Streets.

8,00 €
Pamuk, Orhan: Snow.

Pamuk, Orhan: Snow.

5,00 €
London, David: Sun Dancer. A Novel.

London, David: Sun Dancer. A Novel.

9,50 €
Chirol, Valentine: India, Old and New.

Chirol, Valentine: India, Old and New.

30,00 €
English, Horace B. and Ava C. English: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and Psychoanalytical Terms.

English, Horace B. and Ava C. English: A Comprehensive Dictionary of Psychological and..

14,00 €
Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Prucha, Francis Paul: United States Indian Policy. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library..

17,00 €
Hoppe, Edmund: Geschichte der Physik.

Hoppe, Edmund: Geschichte der Physik.

20,00 €
Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center for the History of the America Indian, Bibliographical Series].

Helm, June: The Indians of the Subarctic. A Critical Bibliography. [= The Newberry Library Center..

8,00 €
Wolman, Baron: Like a Rolling Stone ... Frühe Rockphotographien aus San Francisco. Mit einem Vorw. von Jann Wenner. (Aus dem Amerikan. übertr. von Carla Blesgen).

Wolman, Baron: Like a Rolling Stone ... Frühe Rockphotographien aus San Francisco. Mit einem Vorw..

12,00 €
Jahn, C. F: Illustrirtes Reisebuch: Ein Führer durch Deutschland, d. Schweiz, Tyrol, Italien u. nach Paris, London, Brüssel, Amsterdam, Kopenhagen, Stockholm, Warschau. Mit e. Reisekt. von Deutschland u. über 300 Ansichten.

Jahn, C. F: Illustrirtes Reisebuch: Ein Führer durch Deutschland, d. Schweiz, Tyrol, Italien u..

8,00 €
Kaplinsky, Raphael: The Economies of Small: Appropriate Technology in a Changing World.

Kaplinsky, Raphael: The Economies of Small: Appropriate Technology in a Changing World.

8,00 €
Larres, Klaus: Politik der Illusionen: Churchill, Eisenhower und die deutsche Frage, 1945-1955. [= Veröffentlichungen des Deutschen Historischen Instituts London, Bd. 35].

Larres, Klaus: Politik der Illusionen: Churchill, Eisenhower und die deutsche Frage, 1945 1955. [=..

20,00 €
Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl Indian.

Spradley, James P. (Hrsg.): Guests Never Leave Hungry. The Autobiography of James Sewid, a Kwakiutl..

18,00 €
Kirby, Angela: Gardening in Small Spaces.

Kirby, Angela: Gardening in Small Spaces.

9,50 €


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