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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean in the Ancient World. [= Penguin History].

Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean in the Ancient World. [= Penguin History].

12,00 €
Cantarella, Eva: Pandora`s Daughters. The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity. With a foreword by Mary R. Lefkowitz.

Cantarella, Eva: Pandora`s Daughters. The Role and Status of Women in Greek and Roman Antiquity..

15,00 €
Fishman, George S: Concepts and Methods in Discrete Event Digital Simulation. [A Wiley-Interscience Publication].

Fishman, George S: Concepts and Methods in Discrete Event Digital Simulation. [A Wiley Interscience..

21,00 €
Enslow Jr., Philip H. (Ed.): Multiprocessors and Paralell Processing. [Comtre Corporation].

Enslow Jr., Philip H. (Ed.): Multiprocessors and Paralell Processing. [Comtre Corporation].

17,00 €
Couger, J. Daniel (Ed.) and Robert W. Knapp (Ed.): System Analysis Techniques.

Couger, J. Daniel (Ed.) and Robert W. Knapp (Ed.): System Analysis Techniques.

14,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: The Tinder-Box and other stories. Text Version by W. K. Holmes. Illustrations by Barbara C. Freeman
 London - Glasgow, Blackie and Son, ohne Jahr [1951].

Andersen, Hans Christian: The Tinder Box and other stories. Text Version by W. K. Holmes..

27,00 €
Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Harry Clarke. Reprinted
 London - Bombay - Sydney, George G. Harrap & Co., January 1930.

Andersen, Hans Christian: Fairy Tales by Hans Christian Andersen. Illustrated by Harry Clarke..

230,00 €
Hassan, Ihab: The right Promethean fire. Imagination, science, and cultural change.

Hassan, Ihab: The right Promethean fire. Imagination, science, and cultural change.

23,00 €
Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of linguistic thought series ).

Newmeyer, Frederick J: Generative linguistics. A historical perspective ( = Routledge history of..

23,00 €
Yaguello, Marina. - Translated by Catherine Slater: Lunatic lovers of language. Imaginary languages and their inventors.

Yaguello, Marina. Translated by Catherine Slater: Lunatic lovers of language. Imaginary languages..

42,00 €
Lemon, M. C: The discipline of history and the history of thought. - From the contents: What is history ? / The structure of narrative / The practising historian / history and theory.

Lemon, M. C: The discipline of history and the history of thought. From the contents: What is..

37,00 €
Whitehead, George E: Grow Fruit in Your Greenhouse. Grapes, peaches, nectarines, figs, and others.

Whitehead, George E: Grow Fruit in Your Greenhouse. Grapes, peaches, nectarines, figs, and others.

9,00 €
Claßen [Classen], Hans: Die Positurkanarien. Der Lizard, Der London Fancy, Die Deutsche Haube......Der Paduaner, Der Fiorino, Der Makige. Geschichtliche Entwicklung, Haltung und Zucht, Ernährung, Schauvorbereitung..

Claßen [Classen], Hans: Die Positurkanarien. Der Lizard, Der London Fancy, Die Deutsche..

17,00 €
Grolier, Eric de: Glossogenetics. The origin and evolution of language ( = Models of scientific thought, a series of monographs and tracts, volume I ). - From the contents: Part I - Neurobiology, primatology and paleoanthroplogy / Part II: Symbolism, comm

Grolier, Eric de: Glossogenetics. The origin and evolution of language ( = Models of scientific..

82,00 €
Typographie. - Spencer, Herbert (Editeur): Typographica 11, June 1965. (= Typographica New Series): Camilla Gray - Alexander Rodchenko a constructivist designer / the inscriptional work of Eric Gill, an inventory (book review) / Germano Facetti - Massin /

Typographie. Spencer, Herbert (Editeur): Typographica 11, June 1965. (= Typographica New Series):..

97,00 €
Typographie. - Spencer, Herbert (Editeur). -  Allen Hutt / W. E. May / Charles Hasler / Robert Brownjohn (Authors): Typographica 10, December 1964. (= Typographica New Series): Allen Hutt - Newspaper seals / W. E. May - The compass rose / Charles Hasler -

Typographie. Spencer, Herbert (Editeur). Allen Hutt / W. E. May / Charles Hasler / Robert..

97,00 €
London - Pimpernel/Trade Mark. A Celluware Product: London 6 Place Mats [with 6 reproductions of 19th century coloured London views]. The set presents curiously "elegant table decoration" with fine and important views: Mansion House, Parliament, Quadrant/

London Pimpernel/Trade Mark. A Celluware Product: London 6 Place Mats [with 6 reproductions of..

36,00 €
Buch: A Hedonist's guide to New York, Stone, Andrew. 2010, Filmer Ltd

Buch: A Hedonist's guide to New York, Stone, Andrew. 2010, Filmer Ltd

8,68 €
Taylor, Stanley: Fantasia on `I will give my love an apple` and `Blow away the morning dew` for Recorders. [= Curwen Edition 90407].

Taylor, Stanley: Fantasia on `I will give my love an apple` and `Blow away the morning dew` for..

7,00 €
Purcell, Henry: First Set of Pieces (The Faerie Queen) for four Recorders (DTrTB). [= ED 11798] Arr. John Beckett.

Purcell, Henry: First Set of Pieces (The Faerie Queen) for four Recorders (DTrTB). [= ED 11798]..

6,00 €
Frescobaldi, Girolamo: Canzona for Recorder Quartet. Descant, Two Trebles and Tenor (Dom Gregory Murray). [= Schott`s Archive of Recorder Consorts, No. 40; RMS. 712].

Frescobaldi, Girolamo: Canzona for Recorder Quartet. Descant, Two Trebles and Tenor (Dom Gregory..

5,00 €
Dolmetsch, Carl (Hrsg.): A First Set of Pieces From Shakespeare`s Plays, For Two Descant or Two Tenor Recorders (or One Treble and One Tenor) with or without accompaniment. Recorder Part. [= UE 12569a].

Dolmetsch, Carl (Hrsg.): A First Set of Pieces From Shakespeare`s Plays, For Two Descant or Two..

6,50 €
Davis, Alan: Fifteen Studies for Treble Recorder. [= Schott Edition 11480].

Davis, Alan: Fifteen Studies for Treble Recorder. [= Schott Edition 11480].

11,00 €
Bull, John: Three Ricercari. Two Descants, Treble and Tenor (Cameron-Grubb). [= Schott`s Archive of Recorder Consorts, No. 30; RMS. 90].

Bull, John: Three Ricercari. Two Descants, Treble and Tenor (Cameron Grubb). [= Schott`s Archive of..

7,00 €
Wheeler, David (Hrsg.): The Penguin Book of Garden Writing.

Wheeler, David (Hrsg.): The Penguin Book of Garden Writing.

8,00 €
Carey, David: Life in Paris: comprising the rambles, sprees, and amours, of Dick Wildfire ... ; incl. sketches of a variety of other eccentric characters in the French metropolis.

Carey, David: Life in Paris: comprising the rambles, sprees, and amours, of Dick Wildfire ... ;..

430,00 €
Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

Buch: Representative Art of our Time - Part IV, Holmes, Charles. 1903

289,38 €
Buch: Letters to George, Stafford-Clark, Max. 1999, Nick Hern Books

Buch: Letters to George, Stafford-Clark, Max. 1999, Nick Hern Books

8,66 €
Buch: Das Dreieck des Lebens, Karstädt, Uwe. 2009, TAS Distribution Ltd. Verlag

Buch: Das Dreieck des Lebens, Karstädt, Uwe. 2009, TAS Distribution Ltd. Verlag

8,66 €
Album de Danse - Tanz-Album.

Album de Danse - Tanz-Album.

17,00 €
The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art. 1906.

The Studio Year-Book of Decorative Art. 1906.

45,00 €
Ransome, Arthur - Christina Hardyment: The world of Arthur Ransome.

Ransome, Arthur - Christina Hardyment: The world of Arthur Ransome.

57,00 €
MacLaren, Ian /  Frederick Watson (Preface) /  James Cameron Lees, Ronald MacDonald From a Northern Window - Papers, Critical, Historical and Imaginative.

MacLaren, Ian / Frederick Watson (Preface) / James Cameron Lees, Ronald MacDonald From a..

47,00 €
Broderick, Mick: Hibakusha Cinema : Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film. (=Japanes Studies, ed. Yoshio Sugimoto).

Broderick, Mick: Hibakusha Cinema : Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Nuclear Image in Japanese Film..

67,00 €
Buch: Hermann Albert. 1988, Raab Galerie, Bilder von 1986-1988, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Hermann Albert. 1988, Raab Galerie, Bilder von 1986-1988, gebraucht, gut

9,67 €
Buch: The Foundations of History, Wilson, Richard, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd

Buch: The Foundations of History, Wilson, Richard, Thomas Nelson and Sons Ltd

8,41 €
Buch: Elizabethan portraits. 1947, Dugdale Printing, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Elizabethan portraits. 1947, Dugdale Printing, gebraucht, gut

8,41 €
O`Toole, Fintan: Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain.

O`Toole, Fintan: Heroic Failure: Brexit and the Politics of Pain.

8,00 €
de Paor, Máire and Liam de Paor: Early Christian Ireland. [= Ancient Peoples and Places, Bd. 8].

de Paor, Máire and Liam de Paor: Early Christian Ireland. [= Ancient Peoples and Places, Bd. 8].

8,00 €
Talbot Rice, Tamara: Ikonen - Icons.

Talbot Rice, Tamara: Ikonen - Icons.

13,00 €
Buch: Asian Psychology, Murphy, Garnder and Lois B. 1968, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Asian Psychology, Murphy, Garnder and Lois B. 1968, gebraucht, gut

8,66 €
Buch: Ahmet Ertegun - Tribute 1923-2006, Goldsmith. 2007, [Atlantic Records]

Buch: Ahmet Ertegun - Tribute 1923-2006, Goldsmith. 2007, [Atlantic Records]

47,38 €
Buch: Recent Works by Setsuko. 1992, The Lefevre Gallery, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Recent Works by Setsuko. 1992, The Lefevre Gallery, gebraucht, gut

8,66 €
Lancashire & Yorkshire AND London & North Western Railways Briefkopf um 1910

Lancashire & Yorkshire AND London & North Western Railways Briefkopf um 1910

9,00 €
Rasmussen, Ingrid and Chloe Grimshaw: The New Country Style England. Inspiration for Modern Living.

Rasmussen, Ingrid and Chloe Grimshaw: The New Country Style England. Inspiration for Modern Living.

12,00 €
Taylor, Timothy: Gewinnen gegen Königsindisch und Grünfeld
 London, Everyman Chess, (2006).

Taylor, Timothy: Gewinnen gegen Königsindisch und Grünfeld London, Everyman Chess, (2006).

12,00 €
Sohl, Igor: Garri Kasparows beste Schachpartien. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Hans-Peter Hansen. [1] Band 1. [2] Band 2
 London, Gambit, (2006/2007).

Sohl, Igor: Garri Kasparows beste Schachpartien. Aus dem Englischen übertragen von Hans Peter..

24,00 €
Watson, John: Verblüffen Sie Ihre Gegner! [= Gefährliche Waffen]
 London, Everyman Chess, 2008.

Watson, John: Verblüffen Sie Ihre Gegner! [= Gefährliche Waffen] London, Everyman Chess, 2008.

15,00 €


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