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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Buch: A Feast for Crows, Martin, George R. R. Harper Voyager, 2011

Buch: A Feast for Crows, Martin, George R. R. Harper Voyager, 2011

8,66 €
Balzac La Grande Breteche and Other Stories 1908 Geschichte Belletristik js

Balzac La Grande Breteche and Other Stories 1908 Geschichte Belletristik js

60,00 €
Hood Miss Klimasegg and her precious Leg 1870 Belletristik Geschichten sf

Hood Miss Klimasegg and her precious Leg 1870 Belletristik Geschichten sf

29,50 €
The History and Treasures of Arundel Castle.

The History and Treasures of Arundel Castle.

7,00 €
Gater, G. H: London Housing.

Gater, G. H: London Housing.

80,00 €
Buch: Farsi (Persian) Phrasebook, Dehghani, Yavar, 2008, Lonely Planet Publ.

Buch: Farsi (Persian) Phrasebook, Dehghani, Yavar, 2008, Lonely Planet Publ.

8,66 €
British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. X, No. 3.

British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. X, No. 3.

27,00 €
British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. X, No. 2.

British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. X, No. 2.

23,00 €
British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. VIII, No. I.

British Museum Quarterly: The British Museum Quarterly. Vol. VIII, No. I.

23,00 €
Buch: Encyclopedia of Desks, Bridge, Mark. 1990, Apple Press Verlag

Buch: Encyclopedia of Desks, Bridge, Mark. 1990, Apple Press Verlag

9,63 €
Buch: Ernste Spiele, Vitali, Christoph / Clifford, Timothy u.a. 1995

Buch: Ernste Spiele, Vitali, Christoph / Clifford, Timothy u.a. 1995

28,02 €
Lichtenberg Georg Christoph und Georg Forster (Hrsg.): Göttingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften und Litteratur. Erster Jahrgang 1780, Viertes, Fünftes und Sechstes Stück.

Lichtenberg Georg Christoph und Georg Forster (Hrsg.): Göttingisches Magazin der Wissenschaften..

1.007,00 €
Terentii [Terentius, Terence], P. und Nicolaus Camus: P. Terentii Carthaginensis Afri Comoediae Sex.

Terentii [Terentius, Terence], P. und Nicolaus Camus: P. Terentii Carthaginensis Afri Comoediae..

170,00 €
Imperial Album of London Views.

Imperial Album of London Views.

35,00 €
Buch: World without end, Follett, Ken. 2008, Verlag Pan Books, gebraucht, gut

Buch: World without end, Follett, Ken. 2008, Verlag Pan Books, gebraucht, gut

8,66 €
Joseph, John E. / Love, Nigel / Taylor, Talbot J: Landmarks in linguistic thought II. - The western tradition in the Twentieth century ( = Routledge history of linguistic thought series ).

Joseph, John E. / Love, Nigel / Taylor, Talbot J: Landmarks in linguistic thought II. The western..

36,00 €
Thomas, Margaret: Universal grammar in second language acquisition: a history ( = Routledge studies in the history of linguistics ).

Thomas, Margaret: Universal grammar in second language acquisition: a history ( = Routledge studies..

46,00 €
Gurdjieff, Georges I. - Kathleen Riordan Speeth / Ira Friedlander: Gurdjieff  - Seeker of the Truth. (Journeys to Remarkable Places).  Bibliography compiled by Walter Driscoll.

Gurdjieff, Georges I. Kathleen Riordan Speeth / Ira Friedlander: Gurdjieff Seeker of the..

23,00 €
London, Jack: Geschichten aus Alaska. [= Insel-Bücherei, Nr. 645].

London, Jack: Geschichten aus Alaska. [= Insel-Bücherei, Nr. 645].

4,00 €
Ferguson, George A: Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education.

Ferguson, George A: Statistical Analysis in Psychology and Education.

8,00 €
Susato, Tielman und Nikolaus Delius (Hg./Ed.): 2 Notenbücher: Danserye. Das dritte Musikbüchlein/The Third Music Book: Tänze für Blockflötenquartett oder andere Melodieinstrumente/Dances for Recorder Quartet or..

Susato, Tielman und Nikolaus Delius (Hg./Ed.): 2 Notenbücher: Danserye. Das dritte..

27,00 €
Geminiani, Francesco and Walter Kolneder (Hg.): F. S. Geminiani: Sechs Sonaten für Violoncello und Basso continuo Opus V. Außentitel: 6 Sonaten 6 Sonatas Opus 5..

Geminiani, Francesco and Walter Kolneder (Hg.): F. S. Geminiani: Sechs Sonaten für Violoncello und..

14,00 €
Calvin, Johannes: 2 Bände in einem Buch: 1) Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae Religionis Pars Prior; 2) Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae Religionis Pars Altera. Cum brevi..

Calvin, Johannes: 2 Bände in einem Buch: 1) Ioannis Calvini Institutio Christianae Religionis Pars..

39,00 €
Napoleon III. - Herbert, Lucian: Louis Napoleon. Roman und Geschichte. Fünfte und sechste Abtheilung ( in einem Band ): Amerika und London. - Boulogne und Ham. Zehnter Band ( Schluß des Werkes ) 1840 - 1848.

Napoleon III. Herbert, Lucian: Louis Napoleon. Roman und Geschichte. Fünfte und sechste..

27,00 €
Hughes, Robert: Irving Penn: photographs in platinum metals images 1947 1975. May 20 June 20, 1981: Marlborough Fine Art, London / 28. August  28..

Hughes, Robert: Irving Penn: photographs in platinum metals images 1947 1975. May 20 June 20, 1981:..

16,00 €
Boardman, John: The History of Greek Vases. Potters, Painters and Pictures.

Boardman, John: The History of Greek Vases. Potters, Painters and Pictures.

25,00 €
Williams, Dyfr: Masterpieces of Classical Art.

Williams, Dyfr: Masterpieces of Classical Art.

18,00 €
Polhamus, Loren G: Rubber: Botany, Production, and Utilization. [= World Crops Series].

Polhamus, Loren G: Rubber: Botany, Production, and Utilization. [= World Crops Series].

20,00 €
Avery, George S. and Elizabeth B. Johnson: Hormones and Horticulture. The Use of Special Chemicals in the Control of Plant Growth. With the collaboration of Ruth M. Addoms and Betty F. Thomson.

Avery, George S. and Elizabeth B. Johnson: Hormones and Horticulture. The Use of Special Chemicals..

15,00 €
A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to London um 1905 Routenführer Guide js

A Pictorial and Descriptive Guide to London um 1905 Routenführer Guide js

35,00 €
Turner, Francis J. and John Verhoogen: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. [= International Series in the Earth Sciences].

Turner, Francis J. and John Verhoogen: Igneous and Metamorphic Petrology. [= International Series..

12,00 €
Hatch, F. H., A. K. Wells and M. K. Wells: The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks.

Hatch, F. H., A. K. Wells and M. K. Wells: The Petrology of the Igneous Rocks.

10,00 €
Perry, Grayson: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman.

Perry, Grayson: The Tomb of the Unknown Craftsman.

25,00 €
van Dommelen, Peter (Hrsg.) and A. Bernard (Hrsg.) Knapp: Material Connections in the Ancient Mediterranean. Mobility, Materiality and Mediterranean Identities.

van Dommelen, Peter (Hrsg.) and A. Bernard (Hrsg.) Knapp: Material Connections in the Ancient..

30,00 €
Jones, Richard E. (Hrsg.) and Hector W. (Hrsg.) Catling: Science in Archaeology. Proceedings of a meeting held at the British School at Athens, January 1985. [= British School at Athens Fitch Laboratory Occasional Papers, 2].

Jones, Richard E. (Hrsg.) and Hector W. (Hrsg.) Catling: Science in Archaeology. Proceedings of a..

15,00 €
Hurst, Henry (Hrsg.) and Sara (Hrsg.) Owen: Ancient Colonizations. Analogy, Similarity and Difference.

Hurst, Henry (Hrsg.) and Sara (Hrsg.) Owen: Ancient Colonizations. Analogy, Similarity and..

25,00 €
Trevelyan Oman, Julia (photographer) / Johnson, B. S. (Text): Street children.

Trevelyan Oman, Julia (photographer) / Johnson, B. S. (Text): Street children.

125,00 €
The Big Books of Fairy Stories. [= The Big Books. Edited by Herbert Strang]
 London, Humphrey Milford - Oxford University Press, 1929.

The Big Books of Fairy Stories. [= The Big Books. Edited by Herbert Strang] London, Humphrey..

54,00 €
Frayling, Christopher: On Craftsmanship: towards a new Bauhaus.

Frayling, Christopher: On Craftsmanship: towards a new Bauhaus.

14,00 €
Chojnacki, Stanley: Women and Men in Renaissance Venice. Twelve Essays on Patrician Society.

Chojnacki, Stanley: Women and Men in Renaissance Venice. Twelve Essays on Patrician Society.

19,00 €
Dickens, David R. (Hrsg.) and Andrea (Hrsg.) Fontana: Postmodernism and Social Inquiry.

Dickens, David R. (Hrsg.) and Andrea (Hrsg.) Fontana: Postmodernism and Social Inquiry.

15,00 €
Smith, R. R. R: Hellenistic Sculpture. A Handbook. [= Thames&Hudson world of art].

Smith, R. R. R: Hellenistic Sculpture. A Handbook. [= Thames&Hudson world of art].

17,50 €
Renfrew, Colin: The Emergence of Civilisation. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium B.C.

Renfrew, Colin: The Emergence of Civilisation. The Cyclades and the Aegean in the Third Millennium..

200,00 €
Renfrew, Colin: The Archaeology of Cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. [= BSA Supplementary Volume No. 18] With contributions by P. A. Mountjoy.

Renfrew, Colin: The Archaeology of Cult. The Sanctuary at Phylakopi. [= BSA Supplementary Volume..

275,00 €
Hatch, F. H. and R. H. Rastall: The Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks. A description of the sediments and their metamorphic derivatives.

Hatch, F. H. and R. H. Rastall: The Petrology of the Sedimentary Rocks. A description of the..

14,00 €
Dobres, Marcia-Anne (Hrsg.) and John (Hrsg.) Robb: Agency in Archaeology.

Dobres, Marcia-Anne (Hrsg.) and John (Hrsg.) Robb: Agency in Archaeology.

45,00 €
Cook, R. M. and Pierre Dupont: East Greek Pottery.

Cook, R. M. and Pierre Dupont: East Greek Pottery.

35,00 €
Briard, Jacques: The Bronze Age in Barbarian Europe. From the Megaliths to the Celts. (Transl. by Mary Turton).

Briard, Jacques: The Bronze Age in Barbarian Europe. From the Megaliths to the Celts. (Transl. by..

12,00 €


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