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5.319 Artikel gefunden


London 1900.

London 1900.

14,00 €
Encyclopaedia of Aviculture. Volumes I-III.

Encyclopaedia of Aviculture. Volumes I-III.

60,00 €
A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia.

A Field Guide to the Birds of South-East Asia.

86,50 €
Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Life in the English Countryside in Mid-Victorian Times.

Kilvert's Diary 1870-1879. Life in the English Countryside in Mid-Victorian Times.

4,00 €
The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. Reprint.

The Birds of Seychelles and the Outlying Islands. Reprint.

5,00 €
In Search of Remarkable Trees - On Safari in Southern Africa.

In Search of Remarkable Trees - On Safari in Southern Africa.

14,90 €
The Singing Gorilla. Understanding animal intelligence.

The Singing Gorilla. Understanding animal intelligence.

15,00 €
Creative Conservation: Interactive management of wild and captive animals.

Creative Conservation: Interactive management of wild and captive animals.

150,00 €
Zoo Culture.

Zoo Culture.

20,00 €
Rare Birds of the World. A Collins/ICBP Handbook.

Rare Birds of the World. A Collins/ICBP Handbook.

14,00 €
The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Volume V: Conclusion, and Survey of Every Species.

The Birds of the Malay Peninsula. Volume V: Conclusion, and Survey of Every Species.

33,00 €
Biographies for Birdwatchers: The Lives of Those Commemorated in Western Palearctic Bird Names.

Biographies for Birdwatchers: The Lives of Those Commemorated in Western Palearctic Bird Names.

62,00 €
Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa.

Roberts' Birds of Southern Africa.

13,00 €
Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa, Vol. I + II.

Birds of Eastern and North Eastern Africa, Vol. I + II.

20,00 €
Birds of West Central and Western Africa, Series III, Vol. I.

Birds of West Central and Western Africa, Series III, Vol. I.

10,00 €


23,50 €
Feeding Cage Birds. A Manual of Diets for Aviculture.

Feeding Cage Birds. A Manual of Diets for Aviculture.

7,00 €
A Dictionary of Zoology.

A Dictionary of Zoology.

10,00 €
The Book of Romance.

The Book of Romance.

350,00 €
A Guide to the Birds of Nepal, 2nd Edition.

A Guide to the Birds of Nepal, 2nd Edition.

10,00 €
The National Parks and other Wild Places of The Philippines.

The National Parks and other Wild Places of The Philippines.

80,00 €
The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago.

The Birds of Trinidad and Tobago.

18,50 €
The Encyclopedia of Visual Art. In 10 Bänden   Complete 10 Vol set. Paleolithic Art   Etruscan Art; Roman Art   Early..

The Encyclopedia of Visual Art. In 10 Bänden Complete 10 Vol set. Paleolithic Art Etruscan..

30,00 €
Paintings in the Louvre.

Paintings in the Louvre.

30,00 €
Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson.

Drawings by Charles Dana Gibson.

93,00 €
Michelangelo's Three Pietas. A Photographic Study by David Finn.

Michelangelo's Three Pietas. A Photographic Study by David Finn.

50,00 €
World Animal Science, C7: Horse Breeding and Management.

World Animal Science, C7: Horse Breeding and Management.

110,00 €
The Natural History of Whales and Dolphins.

The Natural History of Whales and Dolphins.

8,00 €
London's Lost Riverscape. A Photographic Panorama.

London's Lost Riverscape. A Photographic Panorama.

13,00 €
Primate social systems.

Primate social systems.

30,00 €
An Artist's Journey Down the Thames.

An Artist's Journey Down the Thames.

18,00 €
A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa.

A Field Guide to the Larger Mammals of Africa.

6,00 €
The South American Handbook 1946: A Year Book and guide to the Countries and Resources of South and Central America.

The South American Handbook 1946: A Year Book and guide to the Countries and Resources of South and..

25,00 €
Letts Guide to Carnivorous Plants of the World.

Letts Guide to Carnivorous Plants of the World.

21,50 €


10,00 €
The Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo Rediscovered.

The Sistine Chapel. Michelangelo Rediscovered.

23,50 €
Birds of Prey of the World.

Birds of Prey of the World.

20,00 €
World of the Polar Bear.

World of the Polar Bear.

10,00 €
The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands.

The Birds of New Providence and the Bahama Islands.

4,00 €
Rembrandt: Self-Portrait.

Rembrandt: Self-Portrait.

70,00 €
The Manual of Fish Health.

The Manual of Fish Health.

10,00 €
A Petkeeper´s guide to Rabbits & Guinea Pigs. A practical introduction to keeping and breeding a wide range of these popular pets.

A Petkeeper´s guide to Rabbits & Guinea Pigs. A practical introduction to keeping and breeding a..

12,00 €
A Silvery-Jex Bad taste Book: Geriatrics.

A Silvery-Jex Bad taste Book: Geriatrics.

18,00 €
Guide to London Museums and Galleries.

Guide to London Museums and Galleries.

24,00 €
The Encyclopaedia of Mammals.

The Encyclopaedia of Mammals.

10,00 €
Guide to the Birds of Madagascar.

Guide to the Birds of Madagascar.

9,00 €
Whose Bird? Men and Women Commemorated in the Common Names of Birds. Foreword by Ben Schott.

Whose Bird? Men and Women Commemorated in the Common Names of Birds. Foreword by Ben Schott.

19,50 €
The english primrose , 1644 , 2x altes Foto vom Originalbuch auf Pappe , ca. 1890 , James Hyatts Studio , London !!!

The english primrose , 1644 , 2x altes Foto vom Originalbuch auf Pappe , ca. 1890 , James Hyatts..

29,99 €


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