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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Evans, M. W: Medieval Drawings.

Evans, M. W: Medieval Drawings.

15,00 €
On War. Edited with an Introduction by Anatol Rapoport.

On War. Edited with an Introduction by Anatol Rapoport.

11,00 €
Clausewitz and Modern Strategy.

Clausewitz and Modern Strategy.

36,00 €
Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock: Agatha's husband. A novel.

Craik, Dinah Maria Mulock: Agatha's husband. A novel.

18,00 €
Lisney, Arthur Adrian: A bibliography of British Lepidoptera 1608-1799.

Lisney, Arthur Adrian: A bibliography of British Lepidoptera 1608-1799.

45,00 €
Madame Tussaud & Sons, Ltd. - George-Augustus Sala: Madame Tussaud' s exhibition. Guide. - From the contents: George-Augustus Sala - Historic notes on 'Madame Tussaud' s / Catalogue wih 384 numbers, among others: Suffragette group, Napoleon rooms, chamber

Madame Tussaud & Sons, Ltd. George Augustus Sala: Madame Tussaud' s exhibition. Guide. From the..

23,00 €
Agate, James E: L. of C. (lines of communication). Being the letters of a temporary officer in the army service corps.

Agate, James E: L. of C. (lines of communication). Being the letters of a temporary officer in the..

27,00 €
Proyart Vie Du Dauphin Pere De Louis XVI 1876 Erzählungen Geschichten js

Proyart Vie Du Dauphin Pere De Louis XVI 1876 Erzählungen Geschichten js

39,50 €
Prevost Manon Lescaut illustrated by Tony Johannot 1841 Belletristik Literatur j

Prevost Manon Lescaut illustrated by Tony Johannot 1841 Belletristik Literatur j

100,00 €
Cunningham The Cabinet of Pictures by the First Masters of Foreign Schools 1836

Cunningham The Cabinet of Pictures by the First Masters of Foreign Schools 1836

75,00 €
Wilde, Oscar - Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone Critical Traditions Series - Reception of British and Irish Authors in Europe, Ed. Elinor Shaffer).

Wilde, Oscar Stefano Evangelista (Ed.): The Reception of Oscar Wilde in Europe (= The Athlone..

47,00 €
Crossman, R.H.S: The Charm of Politics and other Essays in Political Criticism.

Crossman, R.H.S: The Charm of Politics and other Essays in Political Criticism.

23,00 €
Chambers, Emma (ed.): Aftermath: Art In The Wake Of World War One.

Chambers, Emma (ed.): Aftermath: Art In The Wake Of World War One.

107,00 €
Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried  Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. Band XXV. Heft 4,  Zweites August=Heft  1827. (= 8. Jahrgang, 16. Heft). Eine..

Polytechnisches Journal. Hrsg. v. Johann Gottfried Dingler: Polytechnisches Journal. Band XXV..

23,00 €
Israelis versus Israel.

Israelis versus Israel.

27,00 €
J.Y.A. Tales of Other Days  with illustrations by George Cruikshank 1830  js

J.Y.A. Tales of Other Days with illustrations by George Cruikshank 1830 js

125,00 €
Illustrations of Thomsons Castle of Indolence 1845 11 Illustrationen js

Illustrations of Thomsons Castle of Indolence 1845 11 Illustrationen js

78,50 €
The Book of Common Prayer, Hymns Ancient and Modern um 1890 Theologie mb

The Book of Common Prayer, Hymns Ancient and Modern um 1890 Theologie mb

39,50 €
The Poetical Works of James Thomson 3Teile in 1 Bd. selten 1780 Klassiker js

The Poetical Works of James Thomson 3Teile in 1 Bd. selten 1780 Klassiker js

100,00 €
Coveney, Peter and Roger Highfield: The Arrow of Time. The Quest to Solve Science`s Greatest Mystery.

Coveney, Peter and Roger Highfield: The Arrow of Time. The Quest to Solve Science`s Greatest..

7,00 €
Meyn, S. P. and R. L. Tweedie: Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability. [= Communications and Control Engineering].

Meyn, S. P. and R. L. Tweedie: Markov Chains and Stochastic Stability. [= Communications and..

140,00 €
Romantic Elgar Seven characteristic pieces for piano

Romantic Elgar Seven characteristic pieces for piano

35,00 €
Hewlett Scipture History for Youth 1833 Belletristik englisch illustriert mb

Hewlett Scipture History for Youth 1833 Belletristik englisch illustriert mb

39,50 €
Cowper The poetical Works 1853 Meistereinband Leder Handeinband mb

Cowper The poetical Works 1853 Meistereinband Leder Handeinband mb

240,00 €
Thompson The Tombs & Moon Temple of Hureidha 1944 Hadhramaut Jemen Archäologie

Thompson The Tombs & Moon Temple of Hureidha 1944 Hadhramaut Jemen Archäologie

145,00 €
Casti, John L: Complexification. Explaining a Paradoxical World Through the Science of Surprise.

Casti, John L: Complexification. Explaining a Paradoxical World Through the Science of Surprise.

8,00 €
Schick, Karin (Hg.): Max Beckmann - die Stillleben.

Schick, Karin (Hg.): Max Beckmann - die Stillleben.

29,00 €
Lee, Anthony W: Painting on the Left. Diego Rivera, Radical Politics.

Lee, Anthony W: Painting on the Left. Diego Rivera, Radical Politics.

21,00 €
Buch: Akhenaten, Aldred, Cyril. 1994, Thames and Hudson Ltd, King of Egypt

Buch: Akhenaten, Aldred, Cyril. 1994, Thames and Hudson Ltd, King of Egypt

10,62 €
Buch: Kampfflugzeuge, Winchester, Jim., Parragon Verlag, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Kampfflugzeuge, Winchester, Jim., Parragon Verlag, gebraucht, gut

12,53 €
Guide Book (Orangs).

Guide Book (Orangs).

6,00 €
Guide Book (Conservation in Action; 2nd ed: 6 Tiere vor beigem Hintergrund).

Guide Book (Conservation in Action; 2nd ed: 6 Tiere vor beigem Hintergrund).

6,00 €
Zoo Guide (Panda) 1976.

Zoo Guide (Panda) 1976.

10,00 €
Zoo Guide (Zeichnung Tiere, Gehege).

Zoo Guide (Zeichnung Tiere, Gehege).

20,00 €
Guide Book (Panda) 1991.

Guide Book (Panda) 1991.

8,00 €
Faltblatt "So much to see at London Zoo".

Faltblatt "So much to see at London Zoo".

3,00 €
Guide Book (Panda) 1993.

Guide Book (Panda) 1993.

8,00 €
Guide Book (Ocelot).

Guide Book (Ocelot).

8,00 €
Zoo Guide (Panda) 1980.

Zoo Guide (Panda) 1980.

10,00 €
Zoo Guide (Tiger, p. 13 The Giant Panda).

Zoo Guide (Tiger, p. 13 The Giant Panda).

10,00 €
Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

12,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27,  Conservation Science and Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 27, Conservation Science and Zoos.

65,00 €
Zoo Guide (Löwe) 1971.

Zoo Guide (Löwe) 1971.

12,00 €
Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

12,00 €
Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

Zoo Guide (Zeichnung mit Elefant, Tiger etc.).

12,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 31,  Australasian Fauna.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 31, Australasian Fauna.

80,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30,  Invertebrates.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 30, Invertebrates.

66,00 €
International Zoo Yearbook, vol 29,  Horticulture in Zoos.

International Zoo Yearbook, vol 29, Horticulture in Zoos.

55,00 €


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