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5.319 Artikel gefunden


Figueira, Thomas J. (Hrsg.) and Gregory (Hrsg.) Nagy: Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis.

Figueira, Thomas J. (Hrsg.) and Gregory (Hrsg.) Nagy: Theognis of Megara: Poetry and the Polis.

120,00 €
Commager, Steele: The Odes of Horace. A Critical Study.

Commager, Steele: The Odes of Horace. A Critical Study.

15,00 €
Howard, Michael: Earth mysteries.

Howard, Michael: Earth mysteries.

21,00 €
Buch: Domestic Slavery in West Africa, Grace, John, 1975, Frederick Muller Ltd.

Buch: Domestic Slavery in West Africa, Grace, John, 1975, Frederick Muller Ltd.

12,53 €
Buch: Ace Records, Stubbs, David. 2007, Black Dog Publishing Limited

Buch: Ace Records, Stubbs, David. 2007, Black Dog Publishing Limited

12,53 €
Fuller, Thomas 1840 The Holy State And The Profane State Geschichte ... am

Fuller, Thomas 1840 The Holy State And The Profane State Geschichte ... am

220,00 €
Keith, Arthur: Ancient types of man ( = Harper' s Library of living thought ). -  dedicated Prof. (Georg) Schweinfurth from (Thomas) Lauder Brunton, 1913. --- from the contents: an ancient english type from Essex / The Tilbury man / The Dartford type / Th

Keith, Arthur: Ancient types of man ( = Harper' s Library of living thought ). dedicated Prof..

107,00 €
Johnston, Keith Alexander 1877 Handy Royal Atlas of Modern Geography  am

Johnston, Keith Alexander 1877 Handy Royal Atlas of Modern Geography am

300,00 €
Memoires Pour Servir A L`Histoire De La Vie & des Ouvrages Du Fresnoy 1761 js

Memoires Pour Servir A L`Histoire De La Vie & des Ouvrages Du Fresnoy 1761 js

145,00 €
Memoires de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour 2 Bde. in 1 Geschichte 1772  js

Memoires de Madame la Marquise de Pompadour 2 Bde. in 1 Geschichte 1772 js

180,00 €
Buch: Gardens in Suzhou / Gärten in Suzhou, Yu, Yali. 2003, Edition Axel Menges

Buch: Gardens in Suzhou / Gärten in Suzhou, Yu, Yali. 2003, Edition Axel Menges

29,03 €
Sarpi, Paolo 1738 Historie de Concile de Trente...traduite de nouveau en ... am

Sarpi, Paolo 1738 Historie de Concile de Trente...traduite de nouveau en ... am

800,00 €
Wettig, Gerhard: Community and conflict in the socialist camp: the Soviet Union, East Germany and the German problem 1965-1972. (Die deutschlandpolitischen Interessen der Sowjetunion und der DDR engl.).

Wettig, Gerhard: Community and conflict in the socialist camp: the Soviet Union, East Germany and..

8,00 €
Rosebery, Archibald - Oskar von Bieberstein (Übers.) - Napoleon Bonaparte: Napoleon I am Schluß seines Lebens.

Rosebery, Archibald Oskar von Bieberstein (Übers.) Napoleon Bonaparte: Napoleon I am Schluß..

23,00 €
Buch: Lockendes Gold, London, Jack. 1985, Verlag Neues Leben, Roman

Buch: Lockendes Gold, London, Jack. 1985, Verlag Neues Leben, Roman

8,66 €
Thomson, James: The seasons, and castle of indolence. With the life of the author by Samuel Johnson.

Thomson, James: The seasons, and castle of indolence. With the life of the author by Samuel..

18,00 €
Morris, William: A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark. Written in prose and in verse by William Morris.

Morris, William: A tale of the house of the Wolfings and all the kindreds of the mark. Written in..

250,00 €
Ewing Jackanapes ohne Jahresangabe illustriert Geschichten Erzählungen   js

Ewing Jackanapes ohne Jahresangabe illustriert Geschichten Erzählungen js

21,50 €
Nurnberg Lighting for Photography (Means and Methods) 1965 Kunst Technik sf

Nurnberg Lighting for Photography (Means and Methods) 1965 Kunst Technik sf

34,50 €
The Rain Cloudor An Account of the Nature,Properties,Dangers and Rain 1846  js

The Rain Cloudor An Account of the Nature,Properties,Dangers and Rain 1846 js

80,00 €
Bartlett Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles in Syria, Greece & Italy 1862 sf

Bartlett Footsteps of our Lord and his Apostles in Syria, Greece & Italy 1862 sf

210,00 €
Hamerton The Unknown River. 1871 Erstausgabe Reise Belletristik Klassiker sf

Hamerton The Unknown River. 1871 Erstausgabe Reise Belletristik Klassiker sf

385,00 €
Turner Landscape - Historical. Illustrations of Scotland 2 Bde o.J. England sf

Turner Landscape - Historical. Illustrations of Scotland 2 Bde o.J. England sf

225,00 €
Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1832 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1832 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

120,00 €
Ritchie Travelling Sketches  of France 1834 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise sf

Ritchie Travelling Sketches of France 1834 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise sf

150,00 €
Roscoe The Tourist in Spain and Morocco 1838 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise sf

Roscoe The Tourist in Spain and Morocco 1838 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise sf

140,00 €
Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1833 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1833 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

130,00 €
Roscoe The Tourist in France um 1838 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Frankreich sf

Roscoe The Tourist in France um 1838 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Frankreich sf

120,00 €
Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1831 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

Roscoe The Tourist in Italy 1831 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Italien sf

120,00 €
Ritchie Scott and Scotland 1835 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Schottland sf

Ritchie Scott and Scotland 1835 Landeskunde Ortskunde Reise Schottland sf

120,00 €
Deland The Old Garden and Other Verses 1893 Decorated by Walter Crane js

Deland The Old Garden and Other Verses 1893 Decorated by Walter Crane js

150,00 €
Hake Ye Historical Sketch of ye olde London Streete Wherein Gravynges o.J. js

Hake Ye Historical Sketch of ye olde London Streete Wherein Gravynges o.J. js

35,00 €
Stanfield Stanfield´s Coast Scenery 1844 England Ansichtenwerk Frankreich mb

Stanfield Stanfield´s Coast Scenery 1844 England Ansichtenwerk Frankreich mb

250,00 €
Annandale The modern Cyclopedia of universal Information 8 Bde. ca. 1890 js

Annandale The modern Cyclopedia of universal Information 8 Bde. ca. 1890 js

130,00 €
Power The Keepsake 1852 Andenken,  Erzählungen Belletristik js

Power The Keepsake 1852 Andenken, Erzählungen Belletristik js

50,00 €
Sarpi, Paolo 1704 Historie de Concile de Trente..., de Fra Paolo Sarpi, Teologie

Sarpi, Paolo 1704 Historie de Concile de Trente..., de Fra Paolo Sarpi, Teologie

190,00 €
Tate Gallery. - Henry Moore and others. - Foreowrd: Norman Reid / Suzanne Bertouille: Henry Moore to Gilbert & George. Modern British art from the Tate Gallery. - Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels 1973.

Tate Gallery. Henry Moore and others. Foreowrd: Norman Reid / Suzanne Bertouille: Henry Moore..

23,00 €
Lytton, Edward Bulwer: Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. [Und:] Leila; or, The siege of Granada. / Calderon, the courtier. (= 2 Bände in 1 Bd.).

Lytton, Edward Bulwer: Rienzi, the last of the Roman tribunes. [Und:] Leila; or, The siege of..

35,00 €
Buch: Subjects portrayed in Japanese Colour-Prints, Stewart, Basil. 1922

Buch: Subjects portrayed in Japanese Colour-Prints, Stewart, Basil. 1922

48,35 €
Buch: An Illustrated Dictionary of Silverware, Newman, Harold. 1987

Buch: An Illustrated Dictionary of Silverware, Newman, Harold. 1987

9,63 €
Ausstellungskatalog: Accumulation of the Incomplete. Haslinger, Mascher, Mayorga

Ausstellungskatalog: Accumulation of the Incomplete. Haslinger, Mascher, Mayorga

9,63 €
Billinger, Karl (d.i. Paul W. Massing): Schutzhäftling Nr. 880. Aus einem deutschen Konzentrationslager.

Billinger, Karl (d.i. Paul W. Massing): Schutzhäftling Nr. 880. Aus einem deutschen..

117,00 €
A. P. Architectural design. - executive editor: A C Papadakis. - James Stirling: A. P. Architectural design. 7/8 - 1980. - From the contents: Derek Walter - Welcome to L- A. / Öouis Grodecki: The gothic revival, AD profile 29: James Stirling.

A. P. Architectural design. executive editor: A C Papadakis. James Stirling: A. P..

27,00 €
Hickes, George: An apologetical vindication of the Church of England. In answer to her adversaries who reproach her with the English heresies and schisms. With an appendix of papers relating to the schisms of the Church of Rome. The second edition, revise

Hickes, George: An apologetical vindication of the Church of England. In answer to her adversaries..

290,00 €
Briscoe, John Potter (Hrsg.): Dr. Johnson's table talk.

Briscoe, John Potter (Hrsg.): Dr. Johnson's table talk.

25,00 €
Lacroix, Paul: Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance.

Lacroix, Paul: Military and religious life in the Middle Ages and at the period of the Renaissance.

18,00 €
De Sanctis Mme. (Übers.) / Kaulbach, Wilhelm (Illustrator): Reynard the fox. An old story retold.

De Sanctis Mme. (Übers.) / Kaulbach, Wilhelm (Illustrator): Reynard the fox. An old story retold.

160,00 €
Buch: Der gegenwärtige Staat... Konvolut von 13 Titeln, meist anonym, 1755 ff.

Buch: Der gegenwärtige Staat... Konvolut von 13 Titeln, meist anonym, 1755 ff.

600,15 €


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