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1.293 Artikel gefunden


Paz, Octavio und Marcel Duchamp: Libro-Maleta. Contiene: 1. Octavio Paz: Marcel Duchamp o el castillo de la pureza [libro]; 2. Textos de Marcel Duchamp. Traducidos por Tomas Segoviatraducidos [libro]; 3. Una reproduccion en lamina de claracil del Gran Vid

Paz, Octavio und Marcel Duchamp: Libro Maleta. Contiene: 1. Octavio Paz: Marcel Duchamp o el..

680,00 €
Vansittart, Lord: Roots of The Trouble and The Black Records of Germany.

Vansittart, Lord: Roots of The Trouble and The Black Records of Germany.

54,00 €
Wells, H[erbert] G: The Island of Doctor Moreau.

Wells, H[erbert] G: The Island of Doctor Moreau.

7,00 €
Scheibenzuber, Marcus: Ba Duan Jin - Die Acht Brokate. Das Übungsbuch.

Scheibenzuber, Marcus: Ba Duan Jin - Die Acht Brokate. Das Übungsbuch.

10,00 €
Joe Forrest - Meine Geschichte

Joe Forrest - Meine Geschichte

6,50 €
Kochspass mit Pettersson und Findus Neue Lieblingsrezepte für Fleischklößchen, Gemüsetaler, Zimtschnecken und Co

Kochspass mit Pettersson und Findus Neue Lieblingsrezepte für Fleischklößchen, Gemüsetaler..

10,00 €
Alphamännchen mit Betablocker - Protokoll eines Fehlstarts

Alphamännchen mit Betablocker - Protokoll eines Fehlstarts

16,50 €
Stavenhagen, Rodolfo (Ed): Agrarian problems and peasant movements in Latin America.

Stavenhagen, Rodolfo (Ed): Agrarian problems and peasant movements in Latin America.

4,00 €
Quigley, Martin & Taylor Caldwell, Alwin Moscow, John Moore & George Barr: Condenses Books, II., The secret project of sigurd O’leary / Dear and glorious physician / Collision course / Jungle girl  / Epitaph for an enemy.

Quigley, Martin & Taylor Caldwell, Alwin Moscow, John Moore & George Barr: Condenses Books, II..

4,00 €
Neel, Janet: Death’s bright Angel.

Neel, Janet: Death’s bright Angel.

4,00 €
Maugham, Somerset W: Of Human Bondage.

Maugham, Somerset W: Of Human Bondage.

4,00 €
Lehmann, Kirsten E. (Ed.): Die Weihnachtsbox. 4 Wintergeschichten. I. Schneemanns Fest. II. Der perfekte Weihnachtsbaum III. Am Weihnachtsabend. IV. Das kleine Rentier will spielen.

Lehmann, Kirsten E. (Ed.): Die Weihnachtsbox. 4 Wintergeschichten. I. Schneemanns Fest. II. Der..

6,00 €
Moutoux, Eugene R: Diagramming Step by Step. One Hundred and Fifty-Five Steps to Excellence in Sentence Diagramming. Enlarged Edition
 Louisville, Butler Books, (2013).

Moutoux, Eugene R: Diagramming Step by Step. One Hundred and Fifty Five Steps to Excellence in..

38,00 €
Andreas-Salome, Lou: The Freud Journal. Translated from the German by Stanley A. Leavy. With an introduction by Mary-Kay Wilmers. [= Quartet Encouters]
 London - New York, Quartet Books, 1987.

Andreas Salome, Lou: The Freud Journal. Translated from the German by Stanley A. Leavy. With an..

14,00 €
Adrienne, Carol: The Numerology Kit. [Gain deeper self-knowledge and a better understanding of others … Uncover the hidden aspects of your career, health, family, and lovers …]. [A plume book - 11th printing]
 New York, Penguin Books, (1988).

Adrienne, Carol: The Numerology Kit. [Gain deeper self knowledge and a better understanding of..

10,00 €
Desan, Wilfrid: The Marxism of Jean-Paul Sartre
 Garden City - New York, Anchor Books - Doubleday & Company, 1966.

Desan, Wilfrid: The Marxism of Jean Paul Sartre Garden City New York, Anchor Books Doubleday &..

10,00 €
Bittner, Angela: Überzeugen Sie! Hard Skills und Soft Skills für erfolgreiche Kommunikation.

Bittner, Angela: Überzeugen Sie! Hard Skills und Soft Skills für erfolgreiche Kommunikation.

11,00 €
Jackson, Graham: The Living Room Mysteries. Patterns of Male Intimacy Book 2. [= Studies in Jungian Psychology by Jungian Analysts ; 60]
 Toronto, Inner City Books, 1993.

Jackson, Graham: The Living Room Mysteries. Patterns of Male Intimacy Book 2. [= Studies in Jungian..

10,00 €
Zu Fuss

Zu Fuss

5,00 €
Spass am Stil - Uwe Fenner im Gespräch mit Andreas Sparberg

Spass am Stil - Uwe Fenner im Gespräch mit Andreas Sparberg

9,00 €
Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte

Die Analphabetin, die rechnen konnte

5,00 €
Die Genies von Kiryat Motzkin - Israelische Mini-Essays

Die Genies von Kiryat Motzkin - Israelische Mini-Essays

7,00 €
Symposion musikalische Lebenshilfe

Symposion musikalische Lebenshilfe

10,00 €
Wilde, Oscar. - Dulau & Company limited, London: Catalogue 161 - A collection of original manuscripts letters & books of Oscar Wilde including his letters written to Robert Ross from Reading Gaol and unpublished letters poems & plays formerly in the posse

Wilde, Oscar. Dulau & Company limited, London: Catalogue 161 A collection of original..

37,00 €
Zoo: The modern Ark.

Zoo: The modern Ark.

14,00 €
The great Grain Drain: An analysis of factors contributing to food insecurity in the developing countries.

The great Grain Drain: An analysis of factors contributing to food insecurity in the developing..

13,00 €
Written in Bones: How Human Remains Unlock the Secrets of the Dead.

Written in Bones: How Human Remains Unlock the Secrets of the Dead.

24,00 €
A magnificent collection of botanical books. Being the finest colour-plate books from the celebrated library formed by Robert de Belder. Consigned for sale by Bernard Quaritch Ltd. Dates of aale Monday 27th April and Tuesday 28th April 1987.

A magnificent collection of botanical books. Being the finest colour plate books from the..

35,00 €
The library of H. Bradley Martin. [PART 1, Auction Sale 5870]: John James Audubon, magnificent books and manuscripts. New York, Tuesday, June 6, 1989.

The library of H. Bradley Martin. [PART 1, Auction Sale 5870]: John James Audubon, magnificent..

30,00 €
Larkin, David (Hrsg.): Fantastic Art.

Larkin, David (Hrsg.): Fantastic Art.

8,00 €
Return from Tomorrow

Return from Tomorrow

18,00 €
PIANO DREAMS Vol.1 & 2 - Notenband 1

PIANO DREAMS Vol.1 & 2 - Notenband 1

7,00 €
Kölle, Brigitte; Felicity Lunn (Hrsg.): Philippe Vandenberg. Kamikaze.

Kölle, Brigitte; Felicity Lunn (Hrsg.): Philippe Vandenberg. Kamikaze.

25,00 €
Allegra, Antonia: Napa Valley teh Ultimate Winery Guide. Revised and Updated, Third Edition. Photographs by Richard Gillette. Foreword by Robert Mondavi
 San Francisco, Chronicle Books, 2000.

Allegra, Antonia: Napa Valley teh Ultimate Winery Guide. Revised and Updated, Third Edition..

10,00 €


30,00 €
Tanagers Vol. I. Tersinidae, Thraupidae Genus 1.-16.; & Vol II. Thraupidae Genus 17.-57.

Tanagers Vol. I. Tersinidae, Thraupidae Genus 1.-16.; & Vol II. Thraupidae Genus 17.-57.

80,45 €
The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor.

The Naughtiest Girl is a Monitor.

5,20 €
The Penguin Problems Book.

The Penguin Problems Book.

8,00 €
The Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary: 25000 Vocabulary Entries.

The Merriam-Webster Pocket Dictionary: 25000 Vocabulary Entries.

7,00 €
Ghana: Traveller's Guide: The Ghanaian People, their History and Culture.

Ghana: Traveller's Guide: The Ghanaian People, their History and Culture.

15,00 €
Greman Phrase Book. Includes 5000-word mini-dictionary (bbc-books).

Greman Phrase Book. Includes 5000-word mini-dictionary (bbc-books).

5,00 €
The Natural History of the Dinosaur.

The Natural History of the Dinosaur.

14,00 €
Fun with Zoo Animals Stencils (Dover Little Activity Books).

Fun with Zoo Animals Stencils (Dover Little Activity Books).

5,00 €
Bombay-Goa. The complete traveller's guide. infoIndia.

Bombay-Goa. The complete traveller's guide. infoIndia.

4,50 €
Here's to you, Charlie Brown.

Here's to you, Charlie Brown.

4,00 €
This Is Your Life, Charlie Brown!.

This Is Your Life, Charlie Brown!.

4,00 €
Born naked.

Born naked.

10,00 €
The Drawings of John Ruskin.

The Drawings of John Ruskin.

24,90 €


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