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313 Artikel gefunden


Illustrated Books and Original Art

Illustrated Books and Original Art

26,00 €
Knuf, Frits. - Antiquariat. -  Antiquarian Books (Anita Van Elferen) & Antiquariaat Papyrus (Rita Colognola): Joint Catalogue 1. Papyrus. 164 Nummern mit ausführlichsten privaten Annotationen. In englischer Sprache. In english language.

Knuf, Frits. Antiquariat. Antiquarian Books (Anita Van Elferen) & Antiquariaat Papyrus (Rita..

13,00 €
Nunn, G. Raymond ( Ed.): Asia - A core collection. The catalogue is a college level-selection and  lists 1000 books  about Asia general, Bangla Desh, Ceylon, India, Nepal and Bhutan, Pakistan, Southeast Asia, Burma, Cambodia, Indochina, Indonesia, Laos, M

Nunn, G. Raymond ( Ed.): Asia A core collection. The catalogue is a college level selection and..

19,00 €
Korea. - Youl Hwa Dang Catalogue (Ed.): Books on Korean Art and Culture 1971-2000.

Korea. - Youl Hwa Dang Catalogue (Ed.): Books on Korean Art and Culture 1971-2000.

27,00 €
Buch: Sagenhafte Wanderungen zu Magischen Orten in Leipzig und Umgebung 2, 2011

Buch: Sagenhafte Wanderungen zu Magischen Orten in Leipzig und Umgebung 2, 2011

38,69 €
Buch:  Sagenhafte Wanderungen zu Magischen Orten in Leipzig und Umgebung 1, 2011

Buch: Sagenhafte Wanderungen zu Magischen Orten in Leipzig und Umgebung 1, 2011

38,69 €
Buch: Schlüsselerlebnisse a la Bruni, Über 2.100 km auf Pilgerwegen... B. Hubert

Buch: Schlüsselerlebnisse a la Bruni, Über 2.100 km auf Pilgerwegen... B. Hubert

13,45 €
Rohde-Liebenau, Wolfram: ÜberLeben im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Trilogie. - Inhalt: I. Alix Grosset - Von St. Petersburg nach Berlin / II. Kurt Rohde, der Vater - Offizier und Volkswirt / III. die nächste Generation und aus Frieden wird Krieg.

Rohde Liebenau, Wolfram: ÜberLeben im 20. Jahrhundert. Eine Trilogie. Inhalt: I. Alix Grosset..

50,00 €
Buch: Tropenkoller, Bülow, Frieda von, 2018, Forgotten Books, gebraucht, gut

Buch: Tropenkoller, Bülow, Frieda von, 2018, Forgotten Books, gebraucht, gut

32,86 €
Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1910, Henry Frowde, Second Infant Reader

Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1910, Henry Frowde, Second Infant Reader

48,35 €
Buch: Weimar Theaterplatz, Rudder, Steffen de, 2012, M Books, Eine Collage

Buch: Weimar Theaterplatz, Rudder, Steffen de, 2012, M Books, Eine Collage

12,53 €
Dakkak, Omar / A.Y. El-Hassan / S.Z. Kawakibi / K. Magout / M. Imam / M.K. Fares / G.I.S.A. Shawki / S. Kataye / A. Poche / A.H. Sabra / F. Djiha / A. Finet (Editors and authors): Adiyat Halab, An Annual devoted to the study of Arabic Science and Civiliza

Dakkak, Omar / A.Y. El Hassan / S.Z. Kawakibi / K. Magout / M. Imam / M.K. Fares / G.I.S.A. Shawki..

50,00 €
Reprint: Die Reise Seiner königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen Waldemar von Preußen

Reprint: Die Reise Seiner königlichen Hoheit des Prinzen Waldemar von Preußen

13,50 €
Homer. - Pope, Alexander: The works of Homer. Translated from the greek, into english verse, by Pope. Vol. I - VII in 4 books (Iliad. Odyssey). (With:) Homer's Battle of the Frogs and Mice. Translated by Mr. Parnell. Corrected by Mr. Pope. (And:) Notes an

Homer. Pope, Alexander: The works of Homer. Translated from the greek, into english verse, by..

607,00 €
Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1930, Plaisted, Laura, Infant Reader 1, Milford

Buch: Oxford Reading Books, ca. 1930, Plaisted, Laura, Infant Reader 1, Milford

29,03 €
Biblia: Holy Bible - Heilige Schrift, 1999, Abana Books, englisch / deutsch

Biblia: Holy Bible - Heilige Schrift, 1999, Abana Books, englisch / deutsch

87,07 €
Mutanabbi, Abu-'?-?aiyib A?mad Ibn-al-?usain al- (915-965) / Yazigi, Na?if al- ( Yaziji ) (1800-1871): Diwan al-Mutanabbi Vol. 1+2 - Diwan Abi-?-?aiyib al-Mutanabbi. 1 e 2. (Al-'rf a?-?aiyib fi šar? Diwan Abi-?-?aiyib. Tome 1+2).

Mutanabbi, Abu '? ?aiyib A?mad Ibn al ?usain al (915 965) / Yazigi, Na?if al ( Yaziji ) (1800..

97,00 €
Hausa. - C. H. Kraft / A. H. M. Kirk-Greene: Hausa ( Teach yourself books ).

Hausa. - C. H. Kraft / A. H. M. Kirk-Greene: Hausa ( Teach yourself books ).

21,00 €
Mahmoud, Ibrahim: al-Gins fi 'l-Qur' an ( Sex in Quran ). - IN ARABISCHER SPRACHE !.

Mahmoud, Ibrahim: al-Gins fi 'l-Qur' an ( Sex in Quran ). - IN ARABISCHER SPRACHE !.

77,00 €
Khayat, Salam: al-Baga abra al-'usur ( Prostitution throughout the centuries / Prostitution über verschiedene Jahrhunderte hinweg ). - IN ARABISCHER SPRACHE !.

Khayat, Salam: al Baga abra al 'usur ( Prostitution throughout the centuries / Prostitution über..

47,00 €
Pasor, Matthias: Oratio pro linguae Arabicae professione publice ad academicos habita in schola theologica Universitatis Oxoniensis XXV. Octb. 1626 - Reproduction !.

Pasor, Matthias: Oratio pro linguae Arabicae professione publice ad academicos habita in schola..

27,00 €
Oriens.   Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren/ R. Sellheim / H. Ritter (Hrsg.)..

Oriens. Rahmeti Arat / W. Eberhard / H. Güterbock / M. Fuad Köprülü / H. Ringgren/ R..

42,00 €
Buch: Betrayal: France, the Arabs, and the Jews, Pryce-Jones, David, 2006

Buch: Betrayal: France, the Arabs, and the Jews, Pryce-Jones, David, 2006

8,66 €
The Craft Traditions of India.

The Craft Traditions of India.

12,00 €
Untouchability and the Law: The Ground Reality.

Untouchability and the Law: The Ground Reality.

18,00 €
The River and Life: People's Struggle in the Narmada Valley.

The River and Life: People's Struggle in the Narmada Valley.

13,00 €
Significant Others.

Significant Others.

23,50 €
Rituals and Festivals of India.

Rituals and Festivals of India.

10,00 €
Tierische Geschichten.

Tierische Geschichten.

10,00 €
Hertzberger & Co., N.V. International Antiquariaat Amsterdam (Hrsg.): Action-Sale - Vente publique: Collection A.A.M. Stols, Mexico Part I and important additions from the library of Dr. R.V. - Incunabula, Manuscripts, Illustrated Books, Natural Science,

Hertzberger & Co., N.V. International Antiquariaat Amsterdam (Hrsg.): Action Sale Vente publique:..

23,00 €
Buch: To be a Woman in America 1850 - 1930, Baxter, Annette K., Constance Jacobs

Buch: To be a Woman in America 1850 - 1930, Baxter, Annette K., Constance Jacobs

8,41 €
Kiefer, Eva Maria: Der rote Faden. Ein Reiseführer in die verborgene Seite der Kunst, die Homöopathie mit Bildern.

Kiefer, Eva Maria: Der rote Faden. Ein Reiseführer in die verborgene Seite der Kunst, die..

15,00 €
Buch: Miami Beach: Blueprint of an Eden, Doner. 2005, Feierabend Unique Books

Buch: Miami Beach: Blueprint of an Eden, Doner. 2005, Feierabend Unique Books

32,89 €
Rea, Chris (Hg.): Chris Rea presents: The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes. [ear Books].

Rea, Chris (Hg.): Chris Rea presents: The Return of the Fabulous Hofner Bluenotes. [ear Books].

29,00 €
Giant Books Insekten und Spinnen 2004 Folioausgabe Natur Wissen Biologie js

Giant Books Insekten und Spinnen 2004 Folioausgabe Natur Wissen Biologie js

49,00 €
McLuhan, Marshall and Quentin Fiore: The Medium is the Massage. An Inventory of Effects.

McLuhan, Marshall and Quentin Fiore: The Medium is the Massage. An Inventory of Effects.

60,00 €
Dieren en Dieren. Tekst van Nono. Teekeningen van André Vlaanderen. Uitgave Gazelle. Rijwielfabriek. Dieren.

Dieren en Dieren. Tekst van Nono. Teekeningen van André Vlaanderen. Uitgave Gazelle..

75,00 €
Brill: E. J. Brill - Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet-oosterse uitgaven. Books and periodicals (excluding those on the orient) published by E.J. Brill, Leiden. Katalog: Religion, Philosophy and Psychologie, Law,  Economics, Sociology, Politics, Hi

Brill: E. J. Brill Leiden, Netherlands. Fondscatalogus niet oosterse uitgaven. Books and..

21,00 €
Numismatische Bibliotheken. Handfried Bendig, Bremen. Bernard Poindessault, Paris. [Katalog zur] Auktion 169. 21. Juni 2010 in Osnabrück zusammen mit Douglas Saville   Numismatic Books..

Numismatische Bibliotheken. Handfried Bendig, Bremen. Bernard Poindessault, Paris. [Katalog zur]..

10,00 €
Krause-Fuchs, Monika: Cuba - Meine Hölle, mein Paradies 30 Jahre Fidel Castro und ein Ende.

Krause-Fuchs, Monika: Cuba - Meine Hölle, mein Paradies 30 Jahre Fidel Castro und ein Ende.

9,00 €
Cockle, Maurice J.D: A bibliography of military books up to 1642. With an introduction by Sir Charles Oman.

Cockle, Maurice J.D: A bibliography of military books up to 1642. With an introduction by Sir..

13,00 €
Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of  valuable printed books, fine  illuminated manuscripts. Autograph letters and historical documents.   Days of Sale June 14th  - June 16th.  Illustrated  copy.

Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of valuable printed books, fine illuminated manuscripts..

18,00 €
Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of  valuable printed books illuminated and other manuscripts, autograph letters, Persian and Indian Miniatures, etc.  Days of Sale July 20th - July 22nd 1936. Illustrated  catalogue.

Sotheby & Co., London (Ed.): Catalogue of valuable printed books illuminated and other..

13,00 €
Journal of of the American Oriental Society. - Brown, Norman W. / John K. Shryock / E.A. Speiser (Eds.): Journal of of the American Oriental Society. Volume 54 - Number 3 - September 1934.

Journal of of the American Oriental Society. Brown, Norman W. / John K. Shryock / E.A. Speiser..

35,00 €
Journal of Near Eastern Studies. - Biggs, Robert D. (Ed.): Journal of Near Eastern Studies Vol. 33 - No. 2  - April 1974.  Continuing the "American Journal of Semitic Languages and Literatures Hebraica", Vols. I-XI, 1884-1895 and  "American Journal of Sem

Journal of Near Eastern Studies. Biggs, Robert D. (Ed.): Journal of Near Eastern Studies Vol..

25,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. IX, 1973. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. IX, 1973..

47,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VIII, 1972. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava / Slovenská Akadémia vied Kabinet Orientalistiky.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VIII, 1972..

47,00 €
Asian and African Studies. - Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VII, 1971. Department of Oriental Studies of the  Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava / Slovenská Akadémia vied Kabinet Orientalistiky.

Asian and African Studies. Dolezal, Ivan (Chief Editor): Asian and African Studies. VII, 1971..

47,00 €
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