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26 Artikel gefunden


Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean in the Ancient World. [= Penguin History].

Braudel, Fernand: The Mediterranean in the Ancient World. [= Penguin History].

12,00 €
What happend in History.

What happend in History.

10,00 €
The Ancient World.

The Ancient World.

6,00 €
Africa's Choices. After Thirty Years Of The World Bank.

Africa's Choices. After Thirty Years Of The World Bank.

60,00 €
Local Government In England And Wales.

Local Government In England And Wales.

5,00 €
Life in Shakespeare's England.

Life in Shakespeare's England.

4,00 €
The Royal Line of Succession with genealogical tables (Pride of Britain Books).

The Royal Line of Succession with genealogical tables (Pride of Britain Books).

9,00 €
Britain's Kings and Queens: 63 Reigns in 1100 Years (Pride of Britain Books).

Britain's Kings and Queens: 63 Reigns in 1100 Years (Pride of Britain Books).

10,00 €
Die Gründerzeit ist schon Geschichte - Eine exemplarische Betrachtung der Vorgeschichte und der Anfangsjahre der Fachhochschule Wiesbaden

Die Gründerzeit ist schon Geschichte Eine exemplarische Betrachtung der Vorgeschichte und der..

15,00 €
Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind.

Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind.

25,00 €
Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind.

Harari, Yuval Noah: Sapiens. A Brief History of Humankind.

22,00 €
al Asbahani,  Abu Al Faraj   - tahqiq Galil al-Atiya/ Jalil Atiyyeh (Ed.): al- Qiyan - The Concobines - Die Konkubinen.

al Asbahani, Abu Al Faraj tahqiq Galil al Atiya/ Jalil Atiyyeh (Ed.): al Qiyan The..

47,00 €
Tolzmann, Don Heinrich (Ed.): German Pioneer Life: A Social History. 2 Volumes in one Book.

Tolzmann, Don Heinrich (Ed.): German Pioneer Life: A Social History. 2 Volumes in one Book.

39,00 €
U.S. Military Government Courts for the United States Area of Control in Germany [Hrsg.]: Bände I   XX: Court of Appeals Reports Opinions /..

U.S. Military Government Courts for the United States Area of Control in Germany [Hrsg.]: Bände..

307,00 €
Vansittart, Lord: Roots of The Trouble and The Black Records of Germany.

Vansittart, Lord: Roots of The Trouble and The Black Records of Germany.

54,00 €
Kizny, Tomasz: Gulag. [Life and Death inside the Soviet Concentration Camps]. Solovki. The white Sea Canal. The Vaigach Expedition. The Theater in the Gulag. Kolyma. Vorkuta. The Road of the Death.

Kizny, Tomasz: Gulag. [Life and Death inside the Soviet Concentration Camps]. Solovki. The white..

49,00 €
Koehler, Wendelin: Von Weimar in den Westen über Stasi-Zuchthaus. Erinnerungen.

Koehler, Wendelin: Von Weimar in den Westen über Stasi-Zuchthaus. Erinnerungen.

15,00 €
Conway, William Martin: The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenths Century.

Conway, William Martin: The Woodcutters of the Netherlands in the Fifteenths Century.

60,00 €
Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

Callen, Anthea: Angel in the Studio. Women in the Arts and Crafts Movement 1870-1914.

60,00 €
Gambin, Kenneth (Hg.): Malte. Roots of a Nation. The Development of Malta from an Island People to an Island Nation. First edition
 Ohne Ort [Valletta], Midsea Books for Heritage Malta, 2004.

Gambin, Kenneth (Hg.): Malte. Roots of a Nation. The Development of Malta from an Island People to..

28,00 €
Lescott, James: 70er Jahre. Das Jahrzehnt in Bildern.

Lescott, James: 70er Jahre. Das Jahrzehnt in Bildern.

5,00 €
Nash, Ernest: Pictorial dictionary of ancient Rome. (Preface by Reinhard Herbig). (Reissued edition). 2 vols.

Nash, Ernest: Pictorial dictionary of ancient Rome. (Preface by Reinhard Herbig). (Reissued..

255,00 €
Time-Life Books: The Wild West.

Time-Life Books: The Wild West.

8,50 €
Geschichtsverein Reichsdorf Sulzbach 1979 e. V. [Hrsg.]: Sulzbacher Geschichte(n) Teil 1.

Geschichtsverein Reichsdorf Sulzbach 1979 e. V. [Hrsg.]: Sulzbacher Geschichte(n) Teil 1.

15,00 €
Council on Interracial Books for Children [Hrsg.]: Die Wunden der Freiheit. Der Kampf der Indianer gegen die weiße Eroberung und Unterdrückung. Selbstzeugnisse, Dokumente, Kommentare.

Council on Interracial Books for Children [Hrsg.]: Die Wunden der Freiheit. Der Kampf der Indianer..

6,00 €
Capps, Benjamin: The Old West. The Indians.

Capps, Benjamin: The Old West. The Indians.

12,00 €
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