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2.120 Artikel gefunden


Burke, Bernard: The Heraldic Register, 1849 - 1850 with an annotated obituary.

Burke, Bernard: The Heraldic Register, 1849 - 1850 with an annotated obituary.

67,00 €
Anonym [ J. Eliz ?]: The Arms of the Bishopricks, Citys and Deanries with a short account of Bishopricks and Deanries, & the number of Parishes in each. With an alphabetical Table of all the Cities and Market Towns in England and Wales.

Anonym [ J. Eliz ?]: The Arms of the Bishopricks, Citys and Deanries with a short account of..

487,00 €
Skidmore, Peter: The Civic Heraldry of the Black  Country.

Skidmore, Peter: The Civic Heraldry of the Black Country.

18,00 €
Groupement des Porteurs Francais des Actions de l' ORIENTAL INDUSTRIAL MONOPOLIES LIMITED (Éd.): Certificats au porteurs N° 106,715 / 106,716 / 106,717.

Groupement des Porteurs Francais des Actions de l' ORIENTAL INDUSTRIAL MONOPOLIES LIMITED (Éd.):..

52,00 €
Lane, R.F: The Outwith London  Guilds  of Great Britain.

Lane, R.F: The Outwith London Guilds of Great Britain.

18,00 €
Brooke-Little, John / Heraldic Heritage Ltd.(Ed.): The Guilds and Livery Companies of the City of London.

Brooke Little, John / Heraldic Heritage Ltd.(Ed.): The Guilds and Livery Companies of the City of..

41,00 €
Wills, Howel: Florentine heraldry. A supplement to the guide-books: English and Ialian heraldry Explained / Ecclesiastical Uses / Blazons / Glossary of Principal Terms / Armorial of Leading Families / Supplement to Armorial / Appendix.

Wills, Howel: Florentine heraldry. A supplement to the guide books: English and Ialian heraldry..

67,00 €
Reimann, Aribert. - Lewinski, W.E. von: Aribert Reimann.  Werkverzeichnis   List of Works. Opern  -  Ballett  -  Orchesterwerke  -  Streichorchester  -  Soloinstrumente mit Orchester  -  Vokalmusik  -  Chorwerke  -  Sprecher und Orchester  - Kammermusik

Reimann, Aribert. Lewinski, W.E. von: Aribert Reimann. Werkverzeichnis List of Works..

14,00 €
Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal Society of London", Vol. 17, No. 1, May 1962).

Wagner, Anthony: The Royal Society's Coat of Arms. (Reprinted from "Notes and Records of teh Royal..

13,00 €
Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms  - its  history and meaning.

Leeson, J.R: Twickenham's Coat of Arms - its history and meaning.

19,00 €
Allen, George: The Future of  Europe. (Pall Mall Pamphlet No.2 - The Pall Mall Quarterly  2 / 6).

Allen, George: The Future of Europe. (Pall Mall Pamphlet No.2 - The Pall Mall Quarterly 2 / 6).

15,00 €
Lloyds Bank Ltd.,  London , J.R. Winton (Ed.).  -   Authors:  A.G. Ford / Ely Devons / George Soloveytchik: Lloyds Bank Review, No. 77, July  1965.

Lloyds Bank Ltd., London , J.R. Winton (Ed.). Authors: A.G. Ford / Ely Devons / George..

13,00 €
Meade, J. E: Wage - fixing Revisited. A revised and expanded text of the  fourth  Robbins lecture delivered at the University of Stirling  in October 1984. (IEA-Publications - Occasional Papers 72).

Meade, J. E: Wage fixing Revisited. A revised and expanded text of the fourth Robbins lecture..

15,00 €
Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 - 1975 to celebrate the seventy fifth anniversary of ist birth.

Labour Party (Ed.): A Pictorial History of the Labour Party 1900 1975 to celebrate the seventy..

17,00 €
Siegel / Verschlussmarken.   Amtsiegel und Gemeindevorstandssiegel: Konvolut mit 24 Siegelmarken verschiedener Feuerversicherungen und Versicherungsgesellschaften. Enthalten sind Commercial Union Versicherungs Gesellschaft in London (zweimal..

Siegel / Verschlussmarken. Amtsiegel und Gemeindevorstandssiegel: Konvolut mit 24 Siegelmarken..

25,00 €
Kalter, Johannes ; Pavaloi, Margareta (Hrsg.): Usbekistan : Erben der Seidenstraße. Buch zur Ausstellung 1995 in Stuttgart.

Kalter, Johannes ; Pavaloi, Margareta (Hrsg.): Usbekistan : Erben der Seidenstraße. Buch zur..

50,00 €
Zulu-Kafir. - Roberts, Charles Rev: The Zulu - Kafir Language simplified for Beginners.

Zulu-Kafir. - Roberts, Charles Rev: The Zulu - Kafir Language simplified for Beginners.

25,00 €
Caesar, C. Julius. - Martin Bladen (Trans.) / Aulus Hirtius / Oppius: C. Julius Caesar's Commentaries of His Wars in Gaul, and Civil War with Pompey. To which is added, a Supplement to his Commentary of his Wars in Gaul; As also, Commentaries of the Alexa

Caesar, C. Julius. Martin Bladen (Trans.) / Aulus Hirtius / Oppius: C. Julius Caesar's..

357,00 €
Whittington, W.J: Root Growth : Proceedings of the Fiftheenth Easter School in Agricultural Science, University of Nottingham, 1968.

Whittington, W.J: Root Growth : Proceedings of the Fiftheenth Easter School in Agricultural..

13,00 €
Alvim, Paulo de T. ; Kozlowski, T.T: Ecophysiology of Tropical Crops.

Alvim, Paulo de T. ; Kozlowski, T.T: Ecophysiology of Tropical Crops.

24,00 €
Harding, J. / Singh, F. / MOL, J.N.M. (Ed.): Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species. (=Current Plant Science and Biotechnology in Agriculture; Volume 11).

Harding, J. / Singh, F. / MOL, J.N.M. (Ed.): Genetics and Breeding of Ornamental Species. (=Current..

47,00 €
Foley, R.A. (Ed.): The Origins of Human Behaviour. (One World Archeology 19).

Foley, R.A. (Ed.): The Origins of Human Behaviour. (One World Archeology 19).

15,00 €
Mason, Shaindy: Zionist year book. 19th year of issue 5730 - 1969 / 1970.

Mason, Shaindy: Zionist year book. 19th year of issue 5730 - 1969 / 1970.

37,00 €
Easton, H. T: Money, exchange, and banking in their practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. A complete manual for bank officials, business men, and students of commerce.

Easton, H. T: Money, exchange, and banking in their practical, theoretical, and legal aspects. A..

25,00 €
Goldschmidt, Siegfried (Hrsg.): Ravanavaha oder Setubandha. Prakrt  und Deutsch herausgegeben von Siegfried Goldschmidt. Mit einem Wortindex von Paul Goldschmidt und dem Herausgeber. 1. Lieferung: Text und Index.  2. Lieferung: Übersetzung.

Goldschmidt, Siegfried (Hrsg.): Ravanavaha oder Setubandha. Prakrt und Deutsch herausgegeben von..

37,00 €
Veljanovski, Cento (Herausgeber): Freedom in broadcasting. Preface.

Veljanovski, Cento (Herausgeber): Freedom in broadcasting. Preface.

18,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 8 - 9. August - September 1938. - Contents: Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in modern times - cont. (Owston Smith); Bavarian Historica

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 8 9..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 7. July 1938. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; Bavaria Historial Thalers; Shillings of George V countermarked with Swastika; New Colonial Issues;

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 7. July..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 6. June 1938. - Contents: The First Numismatic Contacts between England and Bohemia in the Tenth Century (V. Katz); New Colonial Issues; Publications Received; Catalo

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 6. June..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 11. November 1938. - Contents: Bavarian Historical Thalers, Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins, Tales of an Old Collector; New Issues; Publications Received; Ca

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 11..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 10. October 1938. - Contents: Bavarian Historical Thalers, The Medallic Work of John R. Sinnock; Notes on New Issues of Colonial Coins; Publications Received; Catalog

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 10..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 1. January 1938. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins - Cleopatra Selente; Two Interesting Byzantine Bronze (Davies Sherborn); New Issues; Obituary (R

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLVI. Part 1. January..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 5. May 1937. - Contents: The Medallic Work of Mr. Theodore Spicer-Simson; Unoffical Coronation Medals of Their Majesties King George VI and Queen Elizabeth; Further Co

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 5. May..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 4. April 1937. - Contents: Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in Modern times (Oston Smith); New or Rare Byzantine Bronze (Davies Sherborn

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 4. April..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 2. February 1937. - Contents: Austrian Post-War Coins and Currencies 1918 to 1935-36 (F. Wieser); Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in Mo

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 2. February..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 12. December 1937. - Contents: Important Notice to Subscribers; Portraits of Royal Ladies an Greek Coins. Cleopatra VII.; Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 12..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 11, November 1937. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships of the Holy Roman Empire in modern times - cont.; The O

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 11..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 10. October 1937. - Contents: Portraits of Royal Ladies on Greek Coins; An Unpublished Nomisma of Andronicus II (Hugh Coodacre); Notes on Towns, Counties and Lordships

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 10. October..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 1. January 1937. - Contents: The Rise and Fall of Classical Art as shown by Greek and Roman conis (P. Pennington); Notes on the Countries, Lordships and Fiefs of the H

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Vol. XLV. Part 1. January..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLVI. January - December 1938. - Contents: Index to Volume XLVI; Catalogue of Coins and Medals offered for sale in 1938; List of Illustrations.

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLVI..

21,00 €
Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLV. January - December 1937. - Contents: Index to Volume XLV; Catalogue of Coins and Medals offered for sale in 1937; List of Illustrations.

Spink & son // Numismatic Circular: Spink & Son ' s Numismatic Circular. Index to Volume XLV..

21,00 €
Spencer, L.J: Specific gravities of minerals: an index of some recent determinations.

Spencer, L.J: Specific gravities of minerals: an index of some recent determinations.

10,00 €
Indien. - Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive Catalogue of the Indian Department. Printed for Her Majesty's Commissioners.

Indien. Watson, J. Forbes: The International Exhibition of 1862. A Classified Descriptive..

232,00 €
Signor Saltarino [=Hermann Waldemar Otto]: Artisten-Lexikon. Biographische Notizen über Kunstreiter, Dompteure, Gymnastiker, Clowns, Akrobaten, Specialitäten etc. aller Länder und Zeiten.

Signor Saltarino [=Hermann Waldemar Otto]: Artisten Lexikon. Biographische Notizen über..

167,00 €
Schulze, Fr. (aus Elberfeld): Währungspfuscherei und kein Ende? Mit einer Anmerkung zu Brüssel, London, Cannes und Genua. WZS 4./5. Folge.

Schulze, Fr. (aus Elberfeld): Währungspfuscherei und kein Ende? Mit einer Anmerkung zu Brüssel..

15,00 €
Rom. - Burgess, Richard: Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome; with some account of the Circensian Games.

Rom. Burgess, Richard: Description of the Circus on the Via Appia, near Rome; with some account..

127,00 €
Sotheby.   Juda, Hans: Sotheby & Co. Notice of forthcoming sales October / November 1967. Sotheby´s November 1967: Modern british and continental paintings, drawings..

Sotheby. Juda, Hans: Sotheby & Co. Notice of forthcoming sales October / November 1967..

23,00 €
Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in English Literature, 1641 - 1785. The first and second Portion.  1145 Positions.

Sotheby & Co: The Harmsworth Trust Library: Catalogue of the Collection of Rare & Valuable Books in..

28,00 €
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