Prout, Samuel: Interiors drawn on stone // Exteriors drawn on stone [both works bound together].

Impressions de la page: 4
numéro d'oldthing: 46661061
| le numéro de stockage: 840444

London, Ackermann & Co, 1832, 33 (out of 48) plates.

33 (out of 48) plates 4°, Hardcover
Published in 1832 (Interiors) and 1833 (Exteriors) respectively. The title pages have been mounted on the front and back board, gilt edges. Copy previously owned by british journalist and art criticist James Dafforne (1804 - 1880) according to a label on the inner front board. With some signs of shelf wear and use overall an appealing copy on the outside. Paper somewhat stained and on the last pages with ink residues on one edge, engravings are clean though. Unfortunately not complete. Both "Interiors" and "Exteriors" had 24 engravings each, 8 and 7 respectively are missing. The following are still included: Interiors: 3 - Arque, 4 - Arundel, 5 - Kirkstall, 6 - Rouen, 7 - Louviers, 9 - Genoa, 10 - Nuremberg, 11 -Edinboro, 12 - Ewenny, 13 - Utrecht, 15 - Glastonbury, 16 - Venice, 17 - At Blois, 21 - St Omer, 23 - Turin, 24 - Rosslyn. Exteriors: 1 - Near Plymouth, 4 - At Crowland, 5 - At Caen, 8 - At Evreux, 9 - At Yarmouth, 10 - At Rouen, 11 - At Tours, 12 - At St Lo, 14 - At Lille, 15 - At Rouen, 16 - At Rouen, 17 - Venice, 18 - At Rouen, 21 - At Venice, 22 - At Rouen, 23 - At Rouen, 24 - At Ashborn.


gebraucht; gut

Détails sur l'article

Autor: Prout, Samuel

Titel: Interiors drawn on stone // Exteriors drawn on stone [both works bound together]

Verlagsort: London, Ackermann & Co

Jahr: 1832

Seitenanzahl: 33 (out of 48) plates

Freie Beschreibung: 33 (out of 48) plates 4°, Hardcover
Published in 1832 (Interiors) and 1833 (Exteriors) respectively. The title pages have been mounted on the front and back board, gilt edges. Copy previously owned by british journalist and art criticist James Dafforne (1804 - 1880) according to a label on the inner front board. With some signs of shelf wear and use overall an appealing copy on the outside. Paper somewhat stained and on the last pages with ink residues on one edge, engravings are clean though. Unfortunately not complete. Both "Interiors" and "Exteriors" had 24 engravings each, 8 and 7 respectively are missing. The following are still included: Interiors: 3 - Arque, 4 - Arundel, 5 - Kirkstall, 6 - Rouen, 7 - Louviers, 9 - Genoa, 10 - Nuremberg, 11 -Edinboro, 12 - Ewenny, 13 - Utrecht, 15 - Glastonbury, 16 - Venice, 17 - At Blois, 21 - St Omer, 23 - Turin, 24 - Rosslyn. Exteriors: 1 - Near Plymouth, 4 - At Crowland, 5 - At Caen, 8 - At Evreux, 9 - At Yarmouth, 10 - At Rouen, 11 - At Tours, 12 - At St Lo, 14 - At Lille, 15 - At Rouen, 16 - At Rouen, 17 - Venice, 18 - At Rouen, 21 - At Venice, 22 - At Rouen, 23 - At Rouen, 24 - At Ashborn

Sprache: Deutsch

Händler-Kategorie: Bücher / Lithografien

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