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IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 3.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 3.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 2.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 2.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 1.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 131 No. 1.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 4 + Index.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 4 + Index.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 3.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 3.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 2.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 2.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 1.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 130 No. 1.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 119 No. 4.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 119 No. 4.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 116 No. 3.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 116 No. 3.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 116 No. 2.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 116 No. 2.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 100 No. 3.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 100 No. 3.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 99 No. 4 + Index.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 99 No. 4 + Index.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 99 No. 1.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 99 No. 1.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 4 + Index.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 4 + Index.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 3.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 3.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 2.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 2.

5,00 €
IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 1.

IBIS: The International Journal of the British Ornithologists Vol. 98 No. 1.

5,00 €
Psitta Scene Vol 16, No 1 - 2004.

Psitta Scene Vol 16, No 1 - 2004.

3,00 €
Psitta Scene Vol 9, No 4 -1997.

Psitta Scene Vol 9, No 4 -1997.

3,00 €
Psitta Scene Vol 8, No 3 -1996.

Psitta Scene Vol 8, No 3 -1996.

3,00 €
Gorilla - Journal of the Gorilla Foundation; Vol. 23, No. 1.

Gorilla - Journal of the Gorilla Foundation; Vol. 23, No. 1.

3,00 €
Penguin Conservation August 1994, vol. 7, no. 2 (Inhalt u.a.: European Penguin TAG meeting, All about Eudyptula minor).

Penguin Conservation August 1994, vol. 7, no. 2 (Inhalt u.a.: European Penguin TAG meeting, All..

7,00 €
Natural History. Vol 93, No. 12, December 1984. Topics: How Polar Bears Break the Ice u.a.

Natural History. Vol 93, No. 12, December 1984. Topics: How Polar Bears Break the Ice u.a.

8,00 €
Pandas in the wild. Vol. 160, No. 6, December 1981.

Pandas in the wild. Vol. 160, No. 6, December 1981.

4,00 €
The Systematics of the Genus Didelphis (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in North ans Middle America (Special Publications of the Museum of the Texas Tech University, July 1973 No.4).

The Systematics of the Genus Didelphis (Marsupialia: Didelphidae) in North ans Middle America..

20,00 €
Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin.   Herausgeber: Georg Kollm.   Beiträge: Paul Matschie / Sophus Ruge / Karl Sapper u. a: 1902, No..

Gesellschaft für Erdkunde zu Berlin. Herausgeber: Georg Kollm. Beiträge: Paul Matschie /..

27,00 €
Mikroskope und Hilfsapparate. [Katalog] No. 30
 Berlin, Otto Himmler Optische Werke, ohne Jahr [1924].

Mikroskope und Hilfsapparate. [Katalog] No. 30 Berlin, Otto Himmler Optische Werke, ohne Jahr..

164,00 €
Sprenger, Karl: Biologische Studien an den Brustflossen junger Bachforellen (Salmo fario).

Sprenger, Karl: Biologische Studien an den Brustflossen junger Bachforellen (Salmo fario).

9,00 €
Rudin, Eduard: Die Ichthyotaenien der Reptilien.

Rudin, Eduard: Die Ichthyotaenien der Reptilien.

9,00 €
Morgan, Charles F: The normal development of the ovary of the Opossum from birth to maturity and its reaction to sex hormones.

Morgan, Charles F: The normal development of the ovary of the Opossum from birth to maturity and..

9,00 €
Quimby, Don Clarence: The Life History and Ecology of the Jumping Mouse, Zapus hudsonius.

Quimby, Don Clarence: The Life History and Ecology of the Jumping Mouse, Zapus hudsonius.

9,00 €
Humbel, Emil: Analyse männchenähnlicher Intersexe von Solenobia triquetrella F.R.

Humbel, Emil: Analyse männchenähnlicher Intersexe von Solenobia triquetrella F.R.

9,00 €
Emerson, Alfred Edward: The termites of Kartabo British Guiana : A Thesis. / Development of a soldier of Nasutitermes (Constrictotermes) cavifrons (Holmgren) and ist phylogenetic significance.  2 Arbeiten in 1.

Emerson, Alfred Edward: The termites of Kartabo British Guiana : A Thesis. / Development of a..

10,00 €
Florin, Rudolf: Über die Calamitaceen - Gattung Dicalamophyllum Sterzel aus dem sächsischen Rotliegenden. (Kungl. svenska vetenskapsakademiens Handlingar, tredje series, Band 18, No 4).

Florin, Rudolf: Über die Calamitaceen Gattung Dicalamophyllum Sterzel aus dem sächsischen..

15,00 €
Dolbeault-Lemoine, Simone: Sur la déformabilité des variétés plongées dans un espace de Riemann. [Dissertation].

Dolbeault Lemoine, Simone: Sur la déformabilité des variétés plongées dans un espace de..

40,00 €
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